Training Americans To Follow Orders

Maybe it is backwards here. Bit I swear it is white conservative types hanging up the no fishing signs to keep the black folms out.

And yes pc, there are whole highschool gymnasiums of of them white folks talking about the good ol days here lol.

So anyways. What is a regulation you wanna get rid of? That pesky safty rail if you have a drop off thing? Try hard to pick a cause w/o name calling and you might :gasp: BUILD SUPPORT!

Let's stick to the point.....did you notice the title of the thread?

Focus on the theme of Leftism....that human nature need be, and can be altered by the right set of regulations, and government, and the result will be.....

(cue Holst).....


Ok...another strange name calling divisive thread that an ISIS plant wouod be proud of.

So um, this Department of Homeland Security and these regulations thanks the the war on terror seem pretty ridiculous.

You are starting to worry me girl. Pick an issue and end the name calling.

"Pick an issue and end the name calling."

I don't call names, you mouth-breathing, bottom-feeding insipid moron!
I provide insight....and you close your eyes!
Why? Because you've accepted the training that big government imposes.

The issue was stated in the title of the thread.

How about another example Liberals being Liberals.....

And in the Liberal California school system....
....more proof that rules and obedience take precedence over reason and reality

10. "Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend

An eighth grader in Northern California allegedly received detention after recentlyoffering a fellow student some of his lunch.

... gave a friend some of his chicken burrito on Tuesday because the student didn’t like the cheese sandwich being served by cafeteria officials that day.

.... I just wanted to give mine to him because I really wasn’t that hungry. It was just going to go in the garbage if I didn’t eat it,” Bradford told CNN.

Although Bradford’s mother said he should not have been punished for being compassionate, he received detention.

“By all means the school can teach them math and the arithmetic and physical education, but when it comes to morals and manners and compassion, I believe it needs to start at home with the parent,” Sandy Bradford toldKRCR-TV.
[There's a parent who knows that she is the parent...not the Liberal establishment!!]

The punishment was doled out because of a policy that prohibits students from exchanging meals in an effort to avoid issues with allergies, according to officials with Trinity Alps Unified School District, which includes Weaverville Elementary School

... because of safety and liability we cannot allow students to actually exchange meals,” district Superintendent Tom Barnett told CNN.
Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend KTLA was dangerous to give his pal part of the lunch that the school prepared?????

"But again, we are talking about two school-prepared lunches given to two students by the school. (So for the Superintendent to suddenly claim safety or allergy threat as an afterthought does not explain the use of punishment in this instance.)"
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"Lunchroom workers are not even equipped to deal with this type of emergency if it were to happen or to look for lesser known signs. I didn't need this study to know that emergency plans for this situation are shoddy at best in the school system. Therefore, it is extra irksome that a school would use such a misguided form of vigilance to punish a student with no ill intent - and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"...and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."

The point is that the policy is based not on the above...but on training American students that government knows best....don't do your own thinking!

And they have been eminently successful at doing so.
Train people to follow orders?

Wait...the military trains people to follow orders. Why do conservatives hate the military?

a soldier is under no obligation to follow an illegal order. See, wytch, he is allowed to actually think----something you libs want to ban.

What does that have to do with what I said. The OP is offering us another of her "liberals are/liberals do..." malarky threads about training to follow orders...something the military actually does.

Liberals want to ban thinking? Do you even care how silly the things you type sound?

Redfish told me the other day that 300 million Muslims had committed acts of terror. I guess that's what he considers thoughtful insight.

liar, show me where I said that.
Train people to follow orders?

Wait...the military trains people to follow orders. Why do conservatives hate the military?

a soldier is under no obligation to follow an illegal order. See, wytch, he is allowed to actually think----something you libs want to ban.

What does that have to do with what I said. The OP is offering us another of her "liberals are/liberals do..." malarky threads about training to follow orders...something the military actually does.

Liberals want to ban thinking? Do you even care how silly the things you type sound?

tell me, is hate crime legislation not an attempt to ban certain lines of thought? Why should it matter if someone kills you to steal your money or because he hates gays? Why should one crime get a harsher punishment than the other? Is that not punishment of thought?

No. It's not thinking about it that gets you an additional punishment, it's doing it. Do cop killers or child killers get harsher crimes? Why?

thats the entire point, those harsher sentences are punishment for thoughts---------or if not that, they are discriminatory. Why is one murder worse than another one?
Again, why is it worse if you are murdered to steal your money than because you are gay? either way you are dead and the perp has committed murder. The only reason is that we want to punish thinking as well as the act.

And since you are pro abortion, why is a person who murders a pregnant woman charged with two counts of murder?
liberals not only want to ban thinking, they want to punish thoughts that are not sanctioned by the government.

Rand and Orwell saw it coming and wrote about it. Have you read anything by either of them?

Ban thoughts, that would be a little difficult, but cry on....

see post #18

Try and ban what I am thinking right now, go on, I dare ya...

I don't want to. I want you free to think and believe whatever you choose. punishment for unsanctioned beliefs is a liberal concept.
no it's not, it's an oppressive action which can be done by any party, any political system. Your trying to confuse the issue...

Nope, thought control is necessary for liberalism to work. A thinking population would never support a liberal regime--------------unless they are forced as they are in north korea.
It appears that liberals want to control people's lives by the restrictive laws they propose and force through Congress.

Communists/Progressives and others, see Government as a mere tool for forcing their agendas on the People. Communists invented the term 'Political Correctness.' Those who were not deemed 'Politically Correct', were forced into 'Re-Education' camps', or executed.

And many American Communists/Progressives have that same mentality. If you don't go along, they'll use Government to intimidate and force. That's why we desperately need less Government. It's time to stem the tide of Big Government domination.
It appears that liberals want to control people's lives by the restrictive laws they propose and force through Congress.

Communists/Progressives and others, see Government as a mere tool for forcing their agendas on the People. Communists invented the term 'Political Correctness.' Those who were not deemed 'Politically Correct', were forced into 'Re-Education' camps', or executed.

And many American Communists/Progressives have that same mentality. If you don't go along, they'll use Government to intimidate and force. That's why we desperately need less Government. It's time to stem the tide of Big Government domination.
So the drug war is also a communist move? Also??
It appears that liberals want to control people's lives by the restrictive laws they propose and force through Congress.

Communists/Progressives and others, see Government as a mere tool for forcing their agendas on the People. Communists invented the term 'Political Correctness.' Those who were not deemed 'Politically Correct', were forced into 'Re-Education' camps', or executed.

And many American Communists/Progressives have that same mentality. If you don't go along, they'll use Government to intimidate and force. That's why we desperately need less Government. It's time to stem the tide of Big Government domination.
So the drug war is also a communist move? Also??

Yes, somewhat. The 'War on Drugs' has been dutifully waged by both Communists/Progressives and Neocons.
It appears that liberals want to control people's lives by the restrictive laws they propose and force through Congress.

Communists/Progressives and others, see Government as a mere tool for forcing their agendas on the People. Communists invented the term 'Political Correctness.' Those who were not deemed 'Politically Correct', were forced into 'Re-Education' camps', or executed.

And many American Communists/Progressives have that same mentality. If you don't go along, they'll use Government to intimidate and force. That's why we desperately need less Government. It's time to stem the tide of Big Government domination.
So the drug war is also a communist move? Also??

Yes, somewhat. The 'War on Drugs' has been dutifully waged by both Communists/Progressives and Neocons.
You can also call it good old fashioned peer pressure..
Train people to follow orders?

Wait...the military trains people to follow orders. Why do conservatives hate the military?

a soldier is under no obligation to follow an illegal order. See, wytch, he is allowed to actually think----something you libs want to ban.

What does that have to do with what I said. The OP is offering us another of her "liberals are/liberals do..." malarky threads about training to follow orders...something the military actually does.

Liberals want to ban thinking? Do you even care how silly the things you type sound?

Redfish told me the other day that 300 million Muslims had committed acts of terror. I guess that's what he considers thoughtful insight.

liar, show me where I said that.

I asked you what percent of all Muslims had committed terrorist acts and you said 15%.

15% of 2 billion is 300 million.
Wait...the military trains people to follow orders. Why do conservatives hate the military?

a soldier is under no obligation to follow an illegal order. See, wytch, he is allowed to actually think----something you libs want to ban.

What does that have to do with what I said. The OP is offering us another of her "liberals are/liberals do..." malarky threads about training to follow orders...something the military actually does.

Liberals want to ban thinking? Do you even care how silly the things you type sound?

Redfish told me the other day that 300 million Muslims had committed acts of terror. I guess that's what he considers thoughtful insight.

liar, show me where I said that.

I asked you what percent of all Muslims had committed terrorist acts and you said 15%.

15% of 2 billion is 300 million.
They have a large Army...:coffee:
Train people to follow orders?

How about

1. call them commandments
2. keep it simple, at least at first, by limiting the number of commandments to, say, ten...
3. make the enforcer of the commandments a terrifying supernatural being with superhuman powers.
mmmm, no one is forcing you to follow those commandments, its your choice whether you do or not. unlike liberals who place restrictive laws with penalties attached.
Train people to follow orders?

How about

1. call them commandments
2. keep it simple, at least at first, by limiting the number of commandments to, say, ten...
3. make the enforcer of the commandments a terrifying supernatural being with superhuman powers.
mmmm, no one is forcing you to follow those commandments, its your choice whether you do or not. unlike liberals who place restrictive laws with penalties attached.
And no repub , rwer or conservative has ever passed a law penalizing humans for their actions or what they say??
Train people to follow orders?

How about

1. call them commandments
2. keep it simple, at least at first, by limiting the number of commandments to, say, ten...
3. make the enforcer of the commandments a terrifying supernatural being with superhuman powers.
mmmm, no one is forcing you to follow those commandments, its your choice whether you do or not. unlike liberals who place restrictive laws with penalties attached.
And no repub , rwer or conservative has ever passed a law penalizing humans for their actions or what they say??
give me a few examples
Train people to follow orders?

How about

1. call them commandments
2. keep it simple, at least at first, by limiting the number of commandments to, say, ten...
3. make the enforcer of the commandments a terrifying supernatural being with superhuman powers.
mmmm, no one is forcing you to follow those commandments, its your choice whether you do or not. unlike liberals who place restrictive laws with penalties attached.
And no repub , rwer or conservative has ever passed a law penalizing humans for their actions or what they say??
give me a few examples

You don't have any?
Train people to follow orders?

How about

1. call them commandments
2. keep it simple, at least at first, by limiting the number of commandments to, say, ten...
3. make the enforcer of the commandments a terrifying supernatural being with superhuman powers.
mmmm, no one is forcing you to follow those commandments, its your choice whether you do or not. unlike liberals who place restrictive laws with penalties attached.
And no repub , rwer or conservative has ever passed a law penalizing humans for their actions or what they say??
give me a few examples

You don't have any?
The Safe Act
What, really is the basis for punishing Kyle Bradford, the boy who shared his lunch with his pal?

The answer can be found in the title of the thread.....

It's all about training Americans to be docile and subservient.

You'd think the totalitarians would have recognized the flaw...the American culture is about self-reliance and deciding for oneself what is right or short: individualism.

“Culture is a stubborn opponent. The Soviet Union attempted to create the New Soviet Man with gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads for seventy years and succeeded only in producing a more corrupt culture.”
Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 198

A wise wonk once wrote "Not logic, nor experience, nor truth will persuade a Liberal."

The following backs that up:

11. So....what are we being trained away from?

Being independent, thinking self-reliant Americans!

"Just think about what people over 30 did in school and as children...we shared food with friends, played cowboys and indians and didn't get suspended for using our imaginary personal "five shooters", we had bake sales, we drank soda at school, brought our own lunch to school (I could even leave school to go home for lunch), we kept score in sports games, knew what p.e. was...and had it everyday, we said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning, we played the night, we didn't wear bike helmets, etc"......
.HOW am I still alive!!
Student Had To Throw Out School Lunch Or Share It He Ended Up Getting Detention
Train people to follow orders?

How about

1. call them commandments
2. keep it simple, at least at first, by limiting the number of commandments to, say, ten...
3. make the enforcer of the commandments a terrifying supernatural being with superhuman powers.
mmmm, no one is forcing you to follow those commandments, its your choice whether you do or not. unlike liberals who place restrictive laws with penalties attached.
And no repub , rwer or conservative has ever passed a law penalizing humans for their actions or what they say??
give me a few examples

You don't have any?
The Safe Act
That was passed by a rw consortium?
mmmm, no one is forcing you to follow those commandments, its your choice whether you do or not. unlike liberals who place restrictive laws with penalties attached.
And no repub , rwer or conservative has ever passed a law penalizing humans for their actions or what they say??
give me a few examples

You don't have any?
The Safe Act
That was passed by a rw consortium?
left wing. they seem to be the ones violating our rights, not the right wingers
What, really

is the basis for punishing Kyle Bradford, the boy who shared his lunch with his pal?

The answer can be found in the title of the thread.....

It's all about training Americans to be docile and subservient.

You'd think the totalitarians would have recognized the flaw...the American culture is about self-reliance and deciding for oneself what is right or short: individualism.

“Culture is a stubborn opponent. The Soviet Union attempted to create the New Soviet Man with gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads for seventy years and succeeded only in producing a more corrupt culture.”
Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 198

A wise wonk once wrote "Not logic, nor experience, nor truth will persuade a Liberal."

The following backs that up:

11. So....what are we being trained away from?

Being independent, thinking self-reliant Americans!

"Just think about what people over 30 did in school and as children...we shared food with friends, played cowboys and indians and didn't get suspended for using our imaginary personal "five shooters", we had bake sales, we drank soda at school, brought our own lunch to school (I could even leave school to go home for lunch), we kept score in sports games, knew what p.e. was...and had it everyday, we said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning, we played the night, we didn't wear bike helmets, etc"......
.HOW am I still alive!!
Student Had To Throw Out School Lunch Or Share It He Ended Up Getting Detention
Another mountain out of a mole hill on the schools part and the author..and Polivinylchic

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