Training Americans To Follow Orders

And no repub , rwer or conservative has ever passed a law penalizing humans for their actions or what they say??
give me a few examples

You don't have any?
The Safe Act
That was passed by a rw consortium?
left wing. they seem to be the ones violating our rights, not the right wingers
Sure buddy.I loved Reagan violation of due process on private property without of his best, seat belt law, changing drinking can die for your nation, but can't have a beer damn it! Sorry son...
1. In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food. Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour.“I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,”Lenin explained. Pavlov was astounded. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs.“Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?”he asked.“Exactly” replied Lenin.Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.
Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733

2. In the above we can see he central disagreement between the Left and the right.....their understanding of human beings....

The Left, communists, socialists, fascists, Liberals, Progressives see their mission as the changing of human nature, while we on the right see human nature as immutable.

There are, of course, significant differences between the more aggressive versions and Liberalism or Progressivism, but these are mainly attributable to the cultural differences between Europe and America- and between national cultures in general.

Some of those groups try to do so by re-education camps, gulags, and murder. In this country, the Leftists inducing conformity by from the earliest age to follow the dictates, the rules set down by government....whether they conform to reason and experience, or not.

3. It starts slowly, and in a most innocuous manner....

"I’m beginning to think that there’s a nation-wide government conspiracy against either lemonade or children, because these lemonade stand shutdowns seem to be getting more and more common. If you set up a stand for your kids, just be prepared for a visit from the cops.... policeshut down 4-year-old Abigail Krstinger’s lemonade stand .... Police informed her that a permit would cost $400.... Police said the girls needed a business license, a peddler’s permit, and a food permit to operate the stand, which cost $50 per day or $180 per year each, .... an ordinance preventing vendors from selling products within two blocks of local events – including kids who want to sell lemonade or cookies." The Inexplicable War on Lemonade Stands - Forbes

4. The subject is autonomy, and the exercise of personal responsibility, the values and institutions found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, i.e., the principles of an earlier time in America: are they relevant today?

a. Freedom will eventually fail due to imposition of Leftist power. It is, in fact, that feature of human nature, that is the impulse to exercise and to concentrate power, that the Founders tried to check, and balance.
This understanding was covered, in the Constitution, by the ideas of balance of power, and that of federalism. Federalism meant the restrictions on governmental power...."The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

But an avalanche of regulations leaves very little power for the people.

b. "Anthropocentricity and individualism...Humanism and Italian art were similar in giving paramount attention to human experience, both in its everyday immediacy and in its positive or negative extremes...The human-centredness of Renaissance art, moreover, was not just a generalized endorsement of earthly experience. Like the humanists, Italian artists stressed the autonomy and dignity of the individual."
"Humanism" on Encyclopædia Britannica

Now...we can't have that in Liberal America today, now, can we?

Wasn't that mass child murderer in Norway a few years ago a rightist?

"On 22 July 2011, he bombed government buildings in Oslo, killing eight people. He then killed 69 more people, mostly teenagers, in a mass shooting at a Workers' Youth League (AUF) camp on the island of Utøya.[7][8] In August 2012 he was convicted of mass murder, causing a fatal explosion, and terrorism.[9][10]

On the day of the attacks, Breivik electronically distributed a compendium of texts entitled 2083: A European Declaration of Independence, describing his far-right militant ideology."
Anders Behring Breivik - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
give me a few examples

You don't have any?
The Safe Act
That was passed by a rw consortium?
left wing. they seem to be the ones violating our rights, not the right wingers
Sure buddy.I loved Reagan violation of due process on private property without of his best, seat belt law, changing drinking can die for your nation, but can't have a beer damn it! Sorry son...
uhm, seat belt laws are statewide, regan did not pass them. uhm the drinking age was a liberal bill, blame frank lautenberg. ok, you can blame reagan for not being an obstructionist president and passing only republican laws. sue him for working with both sides, unlike the partisan fuck in office now
1. In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food. Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour.“I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,”Lenin explained. Pavlov was astounded. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs.“Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?”he asked.“Exactly” replied Lenin.Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.
Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733

2. In the above we can see he central disagreement between the Left and the right.....their understanding of human beings....

The Left, communists, socialists, fascists, Liberals, Progressives see their mission as the changing of human nature, while we on the right see human nature as immutable.

There are, of course, significant differences between the more aggressive versions and Liberalism or Progressivism, but these are mainly attributable to the cultural differences between Europe and America- and between national cultures in general.

Some of those groups try to do so by re-education camps, gulags, and murder. In this country, the Leftists inducing conformity by from the earliest age to follow the dictates, the rules set down by government....whether they conform to reason and experience, or not.

3. It starts slowly, and in a most innocuous manner....

"I’m beginning to think that there’s a nation-wide government conspiracy against either lemonade or children, because these lemonade stand shutdowns seem to be getting more and more common. If you set up a stand for your kids, just be prepared for a visit from the cops.... policeshut down 4-year-old Abigail Krstinger’s lemonade stand .... Police informed her that a permit would cost $400.... Police said the girls needed a business license, a peddler’s permit, and a food permit to operate the stand, which cost $50 per day or $180 per year each, .... an ordinance preventing vendors from selling products within two blocks of local events – including kids who want to sell lemonade or cookies." The Inexplicable War on Lemonade Stands - Forbes

4. The subject is autonomy, and the exercise of personal responsibility, the values and institutions found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, i.e., the principles of an earlier time in America: are they relevant today?

a. Freedom will eventually fail due to imposition of Leftist power. It is, in fact, that feature of human nature, that is the impulse to exercise and to concentrate power, that the Founders tried to check, and balance.
This understanding was covered, in the Constitution, by the ideas of balance of power, and that of federalism. Federalism meant the restrictions on governmental power...."The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

But an avalanche of regulations leaves very little power for the people.

b. "Anthropocentricity and individualism...Humanism and Italian art were similar in giving paramount attention to human experience, both in its everyday immediacy and in its positive or negative extremes...The human-centredness of Renaissance art, moreover, was not just a generalized endorsement of earthly experience. Like the humanists, Italian artists stressed the autonomy and dignity of the individual."
"Humanism" on Encyclopædia Britannica

Now...we can't have that in Liberal America today, now, can we?

Wasn't that mass child murderer in Norway a few years ago a rightist?

"On 22 July 2011, he bombed government buildings in Oslo, killing eight people. He then killed 69 more people, mostly teenagers, in a mass shooting at a Workers' Youth League (AUF) camp on the island of Utøya.[7][8] In August 2012 he was convicted of mass murder, causing a fatal explosion, and terrorism.[9][10]

On the day of the attacks, Breivik electronically distributed a compendium of texts entitled 2083: A European Declaration of Independence, describing his far-right militant ideology."
Anders Behring Breivik - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You know....I once made a pot of coffee that wasn't just right.

All the others were fine.

Thanks for asking.

Now....any comment on the actual essence of the thread?
Maybe it is backwards here. Bit I swear it is white conservative types hanging up the no fishing signs to keep the black folms out.

And yes pc, there are whole highschool gymnasiums of of them white folks talking about the good ol days here lol.

So anyways. What is a regulation you wanna get rid of? That pesky safty rail if you have a drop off thing? Try hard to pick a cause w/o name calling and you might :gasp: BUILD SUPPORT!

Let's stick to the point.....did you notice the title of the thread?

Focus on the theme of Leftism....that human nature need be, and can be altered by the right set of regulations, and government, and the result will be.....

(cue Holst).....


Ok...another strange name calling divisive thread that an ISIS plant wouod be proud of.

So um, this Department of Homeland Security and these regulations thanks the the war on terror seem pretty ridiculous.

You are starting to worry me girl. Pick an issue and end the name calling.

"Pick an issue and end the name calling."

I don't call names, you mouth-breathing, bottom-feeding insipid moron!
I provide insight....and you close your eyes!
Why? Because you've accepted the training that big government imposes.

The issue was stated in the title of the thread.

How about another example Liberals being Liberals.....

And in the Liberal California school system....
....more proof that rules and obedience take precedence over reason and reality

10. "Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend

An eighth grader in Northern California allegedly received detention after recentlyoffering a fellow student some of his lunch.

... gave a friend some of his chicken burrito on Tuesday because the student didn’t like the cheese sandwich being served by cafeteria officials that day.

.... I just wanted to give mine to him because I really wasn’t that hungry. It was just going to go in the garbage if I didn’t eat it,” Bradford told CNN.

Although Bradford’s mother said he should not have been punished for being compassionate, he received detention.

“By all means the school can teach them math and the arithmetic and physical education, but when it comes to morals and manners and compassion, I believe it needs to start at home with the parent,” Sandy Bradford toldKRCR-TV.
[There's a parent who knows that she is the parent...not the Liberal establishment!!]

The punishment was doled out because of a policy that prohibits students from exchanging meals in an effort to avoid issues with allergies, according to officials with Trinity Alps Unified School District, which includes Weaverville Elementary School

... because of safety and liability we cannot allow students to actually exchange meals,” district Superintendent Tom Barnett told CNN.
Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend KTLA was dangerous to give his pal part of the lunch that the school prepared?????

"But again, we are talking about two school-prepared lunches given to two students by the school. (So for the Superintendent to suddenly claim safety or allergy threat as an afterthought does not explain the use of punishment in this instance.)"
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"Lunchroom workers are not even equipped to deal with this type of emergency if it were to happen or to look for lesser known signs. I didn't need this study to know that emergency plans for this situation are shoddy at best in the school system. Therefore, it is extra irksome that a school would use such a misguided form of vigilance to punish a student with no ill intent - and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"...and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."

The point is that the policy is based not on the above...but on training American students that government knows best....don't do your own thinking!

And they have been eminently successful at doing so.

(Are we calling eachother names as a joke, its hard to pick up on these things in typing...)

I agree with the lunch ridiculousness you you....cosplay superhero costume wearing girl! ;)

I guess someplace in the last seventy years one of them 6 Republican or 4 Democrat govenors out west went crazy on sharing food. They should stick to catalytic converter regulations lol. Unless there is some ridiculous bullying or lunch mooching problem going on I agree.

Gimme another.
Maybe it is backwards here. Bit I swear it is white conservative types hanging up the no fishing signs to keep the black folms out.

And yes pc, there are whole highschool gymnasiums of of them white folks talking about the good ol days here lol.

So anyways. What is a regulation you wanna get rid of? That pesky safty rail if you have a drop off thing? Try hard to pick a cause w/o name calling and you might :gasp: BUILD SUPPORT!

Let's stick to the point.....did you notice the title of the thread?

Focus on the theme of Leftism....that human nature need be, and can be altered by the right set of regulations, and government, and the result will be.....

(cue Holst).....


Ok...another strange name calling divisive thread that an ISIS plant wouod be proud of.

So um, this Department of Homeland Security and these regulations thanks the the war on terror seem pretty ridiculous.

You are starting to worry me girl. Pick an issue and end the name calling.

"Pick an issue and end the name calling."

I don't call names, you mouth-breathing, bottom-feeding insipid moron!
I provide insight....and you close your eyes!
Why? Because you've accepted the training that big government imposes.

The issue was stated in the title of the thread.

How about another example Liberals being Liberals.....

And in the Liberal California school system....
....more proof that rules and obedience take precedence over reason and reality

10. "Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend

An eighth grader in Northern California allegedly received detention after recentlyoffering a fellow student some of his lunch.

... gave a friend some of his chicken burrito on Tuesday because the student didn’t like the cheese sandwich being served by cafeteria officials that day.

.... I just wanted to give mine to him because I really wasn’t that hungry. It was just going to go in the garbage if I didn’t eat it,” Bradford told CNN.

Although Bradford’s mother said he should not have been punished for being compassionate, he received detention.

“By all means the school can teach them math and the arithmetic and physical education, but when it comes to morals and manners and compassion, I believe it needs to start at home with the parent,” Sandy Bradford toldKRCR-TV.
[There's a parent who knows that she is the parent...not the Liberal establishment!!]

The punishment was doled out because of a policy that prohibits students from exchanging meals in an effort to avoid issues with allergies, according to officials with Trinity Alps Unified School District, which includes Weaverville Elementary School

... because of safety and liability we cannot allow students to actually exchange meals,” district Superintendent Tom Barnett told CNN.
Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend KTLA was dangerous to give his pal part of the lunch that the school prepared?????

"But again, we are talking about two school-prepared lunches given to two students by the school. (So for the Superintendent to suddenly claim safety or allergy threat as an afterthought does not explain the use of punishment in this instance.)"
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"Lunchroom workers are not even equipped to deal with this type of emergency if it were to happen or to look for lesser known signs. I didn't need this study to know that emergency plans for this situation are shoddy at best in the school system. Therefore, it is extra irksome that a school would use such a misguided form of vigilance to punish a student with no ill intent - and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"...and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."

The point is that the policy is based not on the above...but on training American students that government knows best....don't do your own thinking!

And they have been eminently successful at doing so.

(Are we calling eachother names as a joke, its hard to pick up on these things in typing...)

I agree with the lunch ridiculousness you you....cosplay superhero costume wearing girl! ;)

I guess someplace in the last seventy years one of them 6 Republican or 4 Democrat govenors out west went crazy on sharing food. They should stick to catalytic converter regulations lol. Unless there is some ridiculous bullying or lunch mooching problem going on I agree.

Gimme another.

No, let's go right to the source for context.

It is the quintessential nature of Progressives to beat the individuality out of the citizenry.

It goes back to their heyday, early 20th century. From their earliest efforts, Progressives were all about mandating, ordering, banning, regulating.....
Why? Well...obviously because they know better than you do...after all, you're nothing but an individual.
They hate autonomy in folks.

Croly, Progressive icon, had no problem advancing this view.
" Herbert David Croly(January 23, 1869 – May 17, 1930) was an intellectual leader of the progressive movement as an editor, and political philosopher and a co-founder of the magazineThe New Republicin early twentieth-century America. His political philosophy influenced many leading progressives including Theodore Roosevelt, as well as his close friends Judge Learned Hand and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter."
Herbert Croly - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

12. “…almost every single item on a checklist of fascist characteristics can be found in ‘The Promise of American Life,’ by Herbert David Croly. The need to mobilize society like an army…spiritual rebirth…the need for ‘great’ revolutionary leaders…Reliance on manufactured, unifying, national ‘myths’…contempt for parliamentary democracy…non-Marxist socialism…Nationalism…A spiritual calling for military expansion…the need to make politics into a religion…hostility to individualism…”
Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism,” p. 98.

a. From Croly: The remedy for ‘chaotic individualism of our political and economic organization’ was a ‘regeneration’ led by a heroic-saint who could overthrow the tired doctrines of liberal democracy in favor of a restored and heroic nation.
Herbert Croly, “The Promise of American Life,”p.14
So, where is the line between fascism and Progressivism?

b. Here is the money quote: After the Civil War, so said Croly, traditional American confidence in “individual freedom has resulted in a morally and socially undesirable distribution of wealth. "
Wealth had to be ‘equal’ in order for democracy to work.

Income inequality, too???? Who knew.

As stated previously....the reason is to train Americans take orders without question.
Maybe it is backwards here. Bit I swear it is white conservative types hanging up the no fishing signs to keep the black folms out.

And yes pc, there are whole highschool gymnasiums of of them white folks talking about the good ol days here lol.

So anyways. What is a regulation you wanna get rid of? That pesky safty rail if you have a drop off thing? Try hard to pick a cause w/o name calling and you might :gasp: BUILD SUPPORT!

Let's stick to the point.....did you notice the title of the thread?

Focus on the theme of Leftism....that human nature need be, and can be altered by the right set of regulations, and government, and the result will be.....

(cue Holst).....


Ok...another strange name calling divisive thread that an ISIS plant wouod be proud of.

So um, this Department of Homeland Security and these regulations thanks the the war on terror seem pretty ridiculous.

You are starting to worry me girl. Pick an issue and end the name calling.

"Pick an issue and end the name calling."

I don't call names, you mouth-breathing, bottom-feeding insipid moron!
I provide insight....and you close your eyes!
Why? Because you've accepted the training that big government imposes.

The issue was stated in the title of the thread.

How about another example Liberals being Liberals.....

And in the Liberal California school system....
....more proof that rules and obedience take precedence over reason and reality

10. "Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend

An eighth grader in Northern California allegedly received detention after recentlyoffering a fellow student some of his lunch.

... gave a friend some of his chicken burrito on Tuesday because the student didn’t like the cheese sandwich being served by cafeteria officials that day.

.... I just wanted to give mine to him because I really wasn’t that hungry. It was just going to go in the garbage if I didn’t eat it,” Bradford told CNN.

Although Bradford’s mother said he should not have been punished for being compassionate, he received detention.

“By all means the school can teach them math and the arithmetic and physical education, but when it comes to morals and manners and compassion, I believe it needs to start at home with the parent,” Sandy Bradford toldKRCR-TV.
[There's a parent who knows that she is the parent...not the Liberal establishment!!]

The punishment was doled out because of a policy that prohibits students from exchanging meals in an effort to avoid issues with allergies, according to officials with Trinity Alps Unified School District, which includes Weaverville Elementary School

... because of safety and liability we cannot allow students to actually exchange meals,” district Superintendent Tom Barnett told CNN.
Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend KTLA was dangerous to give his pal part of the lunch that the school prepared?????

"But again, we are talking about two school-prepared lunches given to two students by the school. (So for the Superintendent to suddenly claim safety or allergy threat as an afterthought does not explain the use of punishment in this instance.)"
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"Lunchroom workers are not even equipped to deal with this type of emergency if it were to happen or to look for lesser known signs. I didn't need this study to know that emergency plans for this situation are shoddy at best in the school system. Therefore, it is extra irksome that a school would use such a misguided form of vigilance to punish a student with no ill intent - and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"...and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."

The point is that the policy is based not on the above...but on training American students that government knows best....don't do your own thinking!

And they have been eminently successful at doing so.

(Are we calling eachother names as a joke, its hard to pick up on these things in typing...)

I agree with the lunch ridiculousness you you....cosplay superhero costume wearing girl! ;)

I guess someplace in the last seventy years one of them 6 Republican or 4 Democrat govenors out west went crazy on sharing food. They should stick to catalytic converter regulations lol. Unless there is some ridiculous bullying or lunch mooching problem going on I agree.

Gimme another.

No, let's go right to the source for context.

It is the quintessential nature of Progressives to beat the individuality out of the citizenry.

It goes back to their heyday, early 20th century. From their earliest efforts, Progressives were all about mandating, ordering, banning, regulating.....
Why? Well...obviously because they know better than you do...after all, you're nothing but an individual.
They hate autonomy in folks.

Croly, Progressive icon, had no problem advancing this view.
" Herbert David Croly(January 23, 1869 – May 17, 1930) was an intellectual leader of the progressive movement as an editor, and political philosopher and a co-founder of the magazineThe New Republicin early twentieth-century America. His political philosophy influenced many leading progressives including Theodore Roosevelt, as well as his close friends Judge Learned Hand and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter."
Herbert Croly - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

12. “…almost every single item on a checklist of fascist characteristics can be found in ‘The Promise of American Life,’ by Herbert David Croly. The need to mobilize society like an army…spiritual rebirth…the need for ‘great’ revolutionary leaders…Reliance on manufactured, unifying, national ‘myths’…contempt for parliamentary democracy…non-Marxist socialism…Nationalism…A spiritual calling for military expansion…the need to make politics into a religion…hostility to individualism…”
Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism,” p. 98.

a. From Croly: The remedy for ‘chaotic individualism of our political and economic organization’ was a ‘regeneration’ led by a heroic-saint who could overthrow the tired doctrines of liberal democracy in favor of a restored and heroic nation.
Herbert Croly, “The Promise of American Life,”p.14
So, where is the line between fascism and Progressivism?

b. Here is the money quote: After the Civil War, so said Croly, traditional American confidence in “individual freedom has resulted in a morally and socially undesirable distribution of wealth. "
Wealth had to be ‘equal’ in order for democracy to work.

Income inequality, too???? Who knew.

As stated previously....the reason is to train Americans take orders without question.

I knew the whole thing was wrong, my parents from day one, and their "don't play in the potty," then the schools, with their "no hands on the railing, the military "you gotta salute superior officers," the police with their assanine, "drop the gun" and finally my wife and "put your dirty clothes in the hamper." Little did I know this was all part of a Democratic training program.
Let's stick to the point.....did you notice the title of the thread?

Focus on the theme of Leftism....that human nature need be, and can be altered by the right set of regulations, and government, and the result will be.....

(cue Holst).....


Ok...another strange name calling divisive thread that an ISIS plant wouod be proud of.

So um, this Department of Homeland Security and these regulations thanks the the war on terror seem pretty ridiculous.

You are starting to worry me girl. Pick an issue and end the name calling.

"Pick an issue and end the name calling."

I don't call names, you mouth-breathing, bottom-feeding insipid moron!
I provide insight....and you close your eyes!
Why? Because you've accepted the training that big government imposes.

The issue was stated in the title of the thread.

How about another example Liberals being Liberals.....

And in the Liberal California school system....
....more proof that rules and obedience take precedence over reason and reality

10. "Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend

An eighth grader in Northern California allegedly received detention after recentlyoffering a fellow student some of his lunch.

... gave a friend some of his chicken burrito on Tuesday because the student didn’t like the cheese sandwich being served by cafeteria officials that day.

.... I just wanted to give mine to him because I really wasn’t that hungry. It was just going to go in the garbage if I didn’t eat it,” Bradford told CNN.

Although Bradford’s mother said he should not have been punished for being compassionate, he received detention.

“By all means the school can teach them math and the arithmetic and physical education, but when it comes to morals and manners and compassion, I believe it needs to start at home with the parent,” Sandy Bradford toldKRCR-TV.
[There's a parent who knows that she is the parent...not the Liberal establishment!!]

The punishment was doled out because of a policy that prohibits students from exchanging meals in an effort to avoid issues with allergies, according to officials with Trinity Alps Unified School District, which includes Weaverville Elementary School

... because of safety and liability we cannot allow students to actually exchange meals,” district Superintendent Tom Barnett told CNN.
Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend KTLA was dangerous to give his pal part of the lunch that the school prepared?????

"But again, we are talking about two school-prepared lunches given to two students by the school. (So for the Superintendent to suddenly claim safety or allergy threat as an afterthought does not explain the use of punishment in this instance.)"
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"Lunchroom workers are not even equipped to deal with this type of emergency if it were to happen or to look for lesser known signs. I didn't need this study to know that emergency plans for this situation are shoddy at best in the school system. Therefore, it is extra irksome that a school would use such a misguided form of vigilance to punish a student with no ill intent - and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"...and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."

The point is that the policy is based not on the above...but on training American students that government knows best....don't do your own thinking!

And they have been eminently successful at doing so.

(Are we calling eachother names as a joke, its hard to pick up on these things in typing...)

I agree with the lunch ridiculousness you you....cosplay superhero costume wearing girl! ;)

I guess someplace in the last seventy years one of them 6 Republican or 4 Democrat govenors out west went crazy on sharing food. They should stick to catalytic converter regulations lol. Unless there is some ridiculous bullying or lunch mooching problem going on I agree.

Gimme another.

No, let's go right to the source for context.

It is the quintessential nature of Progressives to beat the individuality out of the citizenry.

It goes back to their heyday, early 20th century. From their earliest efforts, Progressives were all about mandating, ordering, banning, regulating.....
Why? Well...obviously because they know better than you do...after all, you're nothing but an individual.
They hate autonomy in folks.

Croly, Progressive icon, had no problem advancing this view.
" Herbert David Croly(January 23, 1869 – May 17, 1930) was an intellectual leader of the progressive movement as an editor, and political philosopher and a co-founder of the magazineThe New Republicin early twentieth-century America. His political philosophy influenced many leading progressives including Theodore Roosevelt, as well as his close friends Judge Learned Hand and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter."
Herbert Croly - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

12. “…almost every single item on a checklist of fascist characteristics can be found in ‘The Promise of American Life,’ by Herbert David Croly. The need to mobilize society like an army…spiritual rebirth…the need for ‘great’ revolutionary leaders…Reliance on manufactured, unifying, national ‘myths’…contempt for parliamentary democracy…non-Marxist socialism…Nationalism…A spiritual calling for military expansion…the need to make politics into a religion…hostility to individualism…”
Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism,” p. 98.

a. From Croly: The remedy for ‘chaotic individualism of our political and economic organization’ was a ‘regeneration’ led by a heroic-saint who could overthrow the tired doctrines of liberal democracy in favor of a restored and heroic nation.
Herbert Croly, “The Promise of American Life,”p.14
So, where is the line between fascism and Progressivism?

b. Here is the money quote: After the Civil War, so said Croly, traditional American confidence in “individual freedom has resulted in a morally and socially undesirable distribution of wealth. "
Wealth had to be ‘equal’ in order for democracy to work.

Income inequality, too???? Who knew.

As stated previously....the reason is to train Americans take orders without question.

I knew the whole thing was wrong, my parents from day one, and their "don't play in the potty," then the schools, with their "no hands on the railing, the military "you gotta salute superior officers," the police with their assanine, "drop the gun" and finally my wife and "put your dirty clothes in the hamper." Little did I know this was all part of a Democratic training program.

Another non-post ostensibly disguised as 'humor.'

Well, you're trying........very trying.

On the other hand, are proof that God has a sense of humor.
You don't have any?
The Safe Act
That was passed by a rw consortium?
left wing. they seem to be the ones violating our rights, not the right wingers
Sure buddy.I loved Reagan violation of due process on private property without of his best, seat belt law, changing drinking can die for your nation, but can't have a beer damn it! Sorry son...
uhm, seat belt laws are statewide, regan did not pass them. uhm the drinking age was a liberal bill, blame frank lautenberg. ok, you can blame reagan for not being an obstructionist president and passing only republican laws. sue him for working with both sides, unlike the partisan fuck in office now

He certainly represents one side of the political divide......

But not the first.

13. Both Herbert Croly and Teddy Roosevelt abhorred Jefferson’s legacy of limited government and uncontrolled individualism.
Rather, they championed Hamilton’s legacy of strong government and elite leadership.

Croly wrote that Jefferson “understood his fellow-countrymen better and trusted them more than his rival,” but was suspicious of any efficient political authority. The problem of the Hamiltonians (or Federalists) was that they came “to identify both anti-Federalism and democracy with political disorder and social instability.” But they did believe in “a fruitful liberty” so long as there was an efficient central government to promote the national welfare.

Well....if 'uncontrolled individualism' is the problem, how do these elitists plan to get rid of said irritation???

War. That would end American's attachment to individualism....

a. “Once the war is on, the conviction spreads that individual thought is helpless, that the only way one can count is as a cog in the great wheel. There is no good holding back. We are told to dry our unnoticed and ineffective tears and plunge into the great work.”
From a Randolph Bourne essay published in June 1917, “The War and the Intellectuals.”

b. John Dewey, who changed the name of the Socialist Party to Liberal, reveled in the thought that the war might force Americans to “give up much of our economic freedom…we shall have to lay by our good natured individualism and march in step.

And to this day, Liberals aim for Americans is to “give up much of our economic freedom…we shall have to lay by our good natured individualism and march in step.
Not by war, as they have become pacifists.....but by regulation, laws and mandates.

14. I lean more toward a real American, such as Henry David Thoreau.

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Not the collective of communism, socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism.....but the individual is worthy of the protection of good government.

And that protection for the individual is found in the United States Constitution.
I knew the whole thing was wrong, my parents from day one, and their "don't play in the potty," then the schools, with their "no hands on the railing, the military "you gotta salute superior officers," the police with their assanine, "drop the gun" and finally my wife and "put your dirty clothes in the hamper." Little did I know this was all part of a Democratic training program.

You've been had.

Don't worry, Politicalcliche can deprogram you. :laugh:
I knew the whole thing was wrong, my parents from day one, and their "don't play in the potty," then the schools, with their "no hands on the railing, the military "you gotta salute superior officers," the police with their assanine, "drop the gun" and finally my wife and "put your dirty clothes in the hamper." Little did I know this was all part of a Democratic training program.

You've been had.

Don't worry, Politicalcliche can deprogram you. :laugh:'s too late for pal, reggie.
It appears that liberals want to control people's lives by the restrictive laws they propose and force through Congress.

Not just at the national level, look at liberal state and local controlled areas the laws and regulations they pass are insane. One local liberal freak show passed a law protecting trees from evil homeowners slamming homeowners with multi-thousand dollar fines, 10's of thousands in some cases if they dare cut down a tree on their own property. Then slapped a tax on them for leaf clean up, what a classic.

Yeah, those nasty liberals who gave us the DHS, TSA, Patriot Act... Oh wait, that was conservatives.
It appears that liberals want to control people's lives by the restrictive laws they propose and force through Congress.

Not just at the national level, look at liberal state and local controlled areas the laws and regulations they pass are insane. One local liberal freak show passed a law protecting trees from evil homeowners slamming homeowners with multi-thousand dollar fines, 10's of thousands in some cases if they dare cut down a tree on their own property. Then slapped a tax on them for leaf clean up, what a classic.

Yeah, those nasty liberals who gave us the DHS, TSA, Patriot Act... Oh wait, that was conservatives.

You deny Democratic party leaders were not strong supporters and did not vote for those things? I'm sorry what alternate reality of yours are we talking about again?
It appears that liberals want to control people's lives by the restrictive laws they propose and force through Congress.

Not just at the national level, look at liberal state and local controlled areas the laws and regulations they pass are insane. One local liberal freak show passed a law protecting trees from evil homeowners slamming homeowners with multi-thousand dollar fines, 10's of thousands in some cases if they dare cut down a tree on their own property. Then slapped a tax on them for leaf clean up, what a classic.

Yeah, those nasty liberals who gave us the DHS, TSA, Patriot Act... Oh wait, that was conservatives.

You deny Democratic party leaders were not strong supporters and did not vote for those things? I'm sorry what alternate reality of yours are we talking about again?
Kind of hard to go against the grain when you're being told that "you're either with us or you're with the terrorists".
Maybe it is backwards here. Bit I swear it is white conservative types hanging up the no fishing signs to keep the black folms out.

And yes pc, there are whole highschool gymnasiums of of them white folks talking about the good ol days here lol.

So anyways. What is a regulation you wanna get rid of? That pesky safty rail if you have a drop off thing? Try hard to pick a cause w/o name calling and you might :gasp: BUILD SUPPORT!

Let's stick to the point.....did you notice the title of the thread?

Focus on the theme of Leftism....that human nature need be, and can be altered by the right set of regulations, and government, and the result will be.....

(cue Holst).....


Ok...another strange name calling divisive thread that an ISIS plant wouod be proud of.

So um, this Department of Homeland Security and these regulations thanks the the war on terror seem pretty ridiculous.

You are starting to worry me girl. Pick an issue and end the name calling.

"Pick an issue and end the name calling."

I don't call names, you mouth-breathing, bottom-feeding insipid moron!
I provide insight....and you close your eyes!
Why? Because you've accepted the training that big government imposes.

The issue was stated in the title of the thread.

How about another example Liberals being Liberals.....

And in the Liberal California school system....
....more proof that rules and obedience take precedence over reason and reality

10. "Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend

An eighth grader in Northern California allegedly received detention after recentlyoffering a fellow student some of his lunch.

... gave a friend some of his chicken burrito on Tuesday because the student didn’t like the cheese sandwich being served by cafeteria officials that day.

.... I just wanted to give mine to him because I really wasn’t that hungry. It was just going to go in the garbage if I didn’t eat it,” Bradford told CNN.

Although Bradford’s mother said he should not have been punished for being compassionate, he received detention.

“By all means the school can teach them math and the arithmetic and physical education, but when it comes to morals and manners and compassion, I believe it needs to start at home with the parent,” Sandy Bradford toldKRCR-TV.
[There's a parent who knows that she is the parent...not the Liberal establishment!!]

The punishment was doled out because of a policy that prohibits students from exchanging meals in an effort to avoid issues with allergies, according to officials with Trinity Alps Unified School District, which includes Weaverville Elementary School

... because of safety and liability we cannot allow students to actually exchange meals,” district Superintendent Tom Barnett told CNN.
Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend KTLA was dangerous to give his pal part of the lunch that the school prepared?????

"But again, we are talking about two school-prepared lunches given to two students by the school. (So for the Superintendent to suddenly claim safety or allergy threat as an afterthought does not explain the use of punishment in this instance.)"
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"Lunchroom workers are not even equipped to deal with this type of emergency if it were to happen or to look for lesser known signs. I didn't need this study to know that emergency plans for this situation are shoddy at best in the school system. Therefore, it is extra irksome that a school would use such a misguided form of vigilance to punish a student with no ill intent - and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"...and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."

The point is that the policy is based not on the above...but on training American students that government knows best....don't do your own thinking!

And they have been eminently successful at doing so.

(Are we calling eachother names as a joke, its hard to pick up on these things in typing...)

I agree with the lunch ridiculousness you you....cosplay superhero costume wearing girl! ;)

I guess someplace in the last seventy years one of them 6 Republican or 4 Democrat govenors out west went crazy on sharing food. They should stick to catalytic converter regulations lol. Unless there is some ridiculous bullying or lunch mooching problem going on I agree.

Gimme another.

No, let's go right to the source for context.

It is the quintessential nature of Progressives to beat the individuality out of the citizenry.

It goes back to their heyday, early 20th century. From their earliest efforts, Progressives were all about mandating, ordering, banning, regulating.....
Why? Well...obviously because they know better than you do...after all, you're nothing but an individual.
They hate autonomy in folks.

Croly, Progressive icon, had no problem advancing this view.
" Herbert David Croly(January 23, 1869 – May 17, 1930) was an intellectual leader of the progressive movement as an editor, and political philosopher and a co-founder of the magazineThe New Republicin early twentieth-century America. His political philosophy influenced many leading progressives including Theodore Roosevelt, as well as his close friends Judge Learned Hand and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter."
Herbert Croly - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

12. “…almost every single item on a checklist of fascist characteristics can be found in ‘The Promise of American Life,’ by Herbert David Croly. The need to mobilize society like an army…spiritual rebirth…the need for ‘great’ revolutionary leaders…Reliance on manufactured, unifying, national ‘myths’…contempt for parliamentary democracy…non-Marxist socialism…Nationalism…A spiritual calling for military expansion…the need to make politics into a religion…hostility to individualism…”
Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism,” p. 98.

a. From Croly: The remedy for ‘chaotic individualism of our political and economic organization’ was a ‘regeneration’ led by a heroic-saint who could overthrow the tired doctrines of liberal democracy in favor of a restored and heroic nation.
Herbert Croly, “The Promise of American Life,”p.14
So, where is the line between fascism and Progressivism?

b. Here is the money quote: After the Civil War, so said Croly, traditional American confidence in “individual freedom has resulted in a morally and socially undesirable distribution of wealth. "
Wealth had to be ‘equal’ in order for democracy to work.

Income inequality, too???? Who knew.

As stated previously....the reason is to train Americans take orders without question.


"There is an "absolute necessity of waging all-out war against the debauching of the environment… The bulldozer mentality of the past is a luxury we can no longer afford. Our roads and other public projects must be planned to prevent the destruction of scenic resources and to avoid needlessly upsetting the ecological balance."

THIS quote and the signing of the law signaled the beginning of the end for the classic hot rod era. In 7 years the last of the Hemi's and SD455's would be out of production and it would be more than a decade until any semblance of factory performance was restored.

Oddly for my love of hotrods I support The California Air Resources Board and its classic regulations.

What do you have PC? I said something nice and made another point here btw.
Let's stick to the point.....did you notice the title of the thread?

Focus on the theme of Leftism....that human nature need be, and can be altered by the right set of regulations, and government, and the result will be.....

(cue Holst).....


Ok...another strange name calling divisive thread that an ISIS plant wouod be proud of.

So um, this Department of Homeland Security and these regulations thanks the the war on terror seem pretty ridiculous.

You are starting to worry me girl. Pick an issue and end the name calling.

"Pick an issue and end the name calling."

I don't call names, you mouth-breathing, bottom-feeding insipid moron!
I provide insight....and you close your eyes!
Why? Because you've accepted the training that big government imposes.

The issue was stated in the title of the thread.

How about another example Liberals being Liberals.....

And in the Liberal California school system....
....more proof that rules and obedience take precedence over reason and reality

10. "Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend

An eighth grader in Northern California allegedly received detention after recentlyoffering a fellow student some of his lunch.

... gave a friend some of his chicken burrito on Tuesday because the student didn’t like the cheese sandwich being served by cafeteria officials that day.

.... I just wanted to give mine to him because I really wasn’t that hungry. It was just going to go in the garbage if I didn’t eat it,” Bradford told CNN.

Although Bradford’s mother said he should not have been punished for being compassionate, he received detention.

“By all means the school can teach them math and the arithmetic and physical education, but when it comes to morals and manners and compassion, I believe it needs to start at home with the parent,” Sandy Bradford toldKRCR-TV.
[There's a parent who knows that she is the parent...not the Liberal establishment!!]

The punishment was doled out because of a policy that prohibits students from exchanging meals in an effort to avoid issues with allergies, according to officials with Trinity Alps Unified School District, which includes Weaverville Elementary School

... because of safety and liability we cannot allow students to actually exchange meals,” district Superintendent Tom Barnett told CNN.
Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend KTLA was dangerous to give his pal part of the lunch that the school prepared?????

"But again, we are talking about two school-prepared lunches given to two students by the school. (So for the Superintendent to suddenly claim safety or allergy threat as an afterthought does not explain the use of punishment in this instance.)"
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"Lunchroom workers are not even equipped to deal with this type of emergency if it were to happen or to look for lesser known signs. I didn't need this study to know that emergency plans for this situation are shoddy at best in the school system. Therefore, it is extra irksome that a school would use such a misguided form of vigilance to punish a student with no ill intent - and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"...and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."

The point is that the policy is based not on the above...but on training American students that government knows best....don't do your own thinking!

And they have been eminently successful at doing so.

(Are we calling eachother names as a joke, its hard to pick up on these things in typing...)

I agree with the lunch ridiculousness you you....cosplay superhero costume wearing girl! ;)

I guess someplace in the last seventy years one of them 6 Republican or 4 Democrat govenors out west went crazy on sharing food. They should stick to catalytic converter regulations lol. Unless there is some ridiculous bullying or lunch mooching problem going on I agree.

Gimme another.

No, let's go right to the source for context.

It is the quintessential nature of Progressives to beat the individuality out of the citizenry.

It goes back to their heyday, early 20th century. From their earliest efforts, Progressives were all about mandating, ordering, banning, regulating.....
Why? Well...obviously because they know better than you do...after all, you're nothing but an individual.
They hate autonomy in folks.

Croly, Progressive icon, had no problem advancing this view.
" Herbert David Croly(January 23, 1869 – May 17, 1930) was an intellectual leader of the progressive movement as an editor, and political philosopher and a co-founder of the magazineThe New Republicin early twentieth-century America. His political philosophy influenced many leading progressives including Theodore Roosevelt, as well as his close friends Judge Learned Hand and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter."
Herbert Croly - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

12. “…almost every single item on a checklist of fascist characteristics can be found in ‘The Promise of American Life,’ by Herbert David Croly. The need to mobilize society like an army…spiritual rebirth…the need for ‘great’ revolutionary leaders…Reliance on manufactured, unifying, national ‘myths’…contempt for parliamentary democracy…non-Marxist socialism…Nationalism…A spiritual calling for military expansion…the need to make politics into a religion…hostility to individualism…”
Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism,” p. 98.

a. From Croly: The remedy for ‘chaotic individualism of our political and economic organization’ was a ‘regeneration’ led by a heroic-saint who could overthrow the tired doctrines of liberal democracy in favor of a restored and heroic nation.
Herbert Croly, “The Promise of American Life,”p.14
So, where is the line between fascism and Progressivism?

b. Here is the money quote: After the Civil War, so said Croly, traditional American confidence in “individual freedom has resulted in a morally and socially undesirable distribution of wealth. "
Wealth had to be ‘equal’ in order for democracy to work.

Income inequality, too???? Who knew.

As stated previously....the reason is to train Americans take orders without question.


"There is an "absolute necessity of waging all-out war against the debauching of the environment… The bulldozer mentality of the past is a luxury we can no longer afford. Our roads and other public projects must be planned to prevent the destruction of scenic resources and to avoid needlessly upsetting the ecological balance."

THIS quote and the signing of the law signaled the beginning of the end for the classic hot rod era. In 7 years the last of the Hemi's and SD455's would be out of production and it would be more than a decade until any semblance of factory performance was restored.

Oddly for my love of hotrods I support The California Air Resources Board and its classic regulations.

What do you have PC? I said something nice and made another point here btw.

Conservatism is based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
I've explained why individualism is the first of the items.

Liberalism is big government dictating what people must be, and in America this training is done via rules and regulations, laws and statutes, mandates and bans of all sorts.
The aim is to end individuality.
e.g., 'Lock-Step Liberals.'

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

One more tale of Liberals war on individuality:

1. "The Insane Reason This Girl Was Forced Out of D.C. Public Schools

2. ....13-year-old musical genius, who was chosen to join 11 other musicians from around the world to play in Munich last year, playing this masterpiece…

3 .....won the Grand Prix award for her performance of a Chopin Waltz and when she returned to school, a truancy officer was called. D.C. bureaucrats label any student, including Avery, with 10 “unexcused absences” as a truant.

4. So, for Avery, the straight-A student at Alice Deal Middle School, the Jack Kent Cook Honors Scholarship recipient at the Levine School of Music, the trained pianist since the age of five — rules are rules.

5. ....Avery’s parents tried to persuade the school system to excuse her travels. The truancy law gives school officials the option to decide what an unexcused absence is. They wouldn't budge.

6. ...all the awards in the world clearly won’t convince D.C. public schools to recognize or reward Avery’s talent."
The Insane Reason This Girl Was Forced Out of D.C. Public Schools

I'd love to hear your excuse for Liberalism in this connection.

BTW...after it was exposed, the school system had second thoughts.
Ok...another strange name calling divisive thread that an ISIS plant wouod be proud of.

So um, this Department of Homeland Security and these regulations thanks the the war on terror seem pretty ridiculous.

You are starting to worry me girl. Pick an issue and end the name calling.

"Pick an issue and end the name calling."

I don't call names, you mouth-breathing, bottom-feeding insipid moron!
I provide insight....and you close your eyes!
Why? Because you've accepted the training that big government imposes.

The issue was stated in the title of the thread.

How about another example Liberals being Liberals.....

And in the Liberal California school system....
....more proof that rules and obedience take precedence over reason and reality

10. "Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend

An eighth grader in Northern California allegedly received detention after recentlyoffering a fellow student some of his lunch.

... gave a friend some of his chicken burrito on Tuesday because the student didn’t like the cheese sandwich being served by cafeteria officials that day.

.... I just wanted to give mine to him because I really wasn’t that hungry. It was just going to go in the garbage if I didn’t eat it,” Bradford told CNN.

Although Bradford’s mother said he should not have been punished for being compassionate, he received detention.

“By all means the school can teach them math and the arithmetic and physical education, but when it comes to morals and manners and compassion, I believe it needs to start at home with the parent,” Sandy Bradford toldKRCR-TV.
[There's a parent who knows that she is the parent...not the Liberal establishment!!]

The punishment was doled out because of a policy that prohibits students from exchanging meals in an effort to avoid issues with allergies, according to officials with Trinity Alps Unified School District, which includes Weaverville Elementary School

... because of safety and liability we cannot allow students to actually exchange meals,” district Superintendent Tom Barnett told CNN.
Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend KTLA was dangerous to give his pal part of the lunch that the school prepared?????

"But again, we are talking about two school-prepared lunches given to two students by the school. (So for the Superintendent to suddenly claim safety or allergy threat as an afterthought does not explain the use of punishment in this instance.)"
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"Lunchroom workers are not even equipped to deal with this type of emergency if it were to happen or to look for lesser known signs. I didn't need this study to know that emergency plans for this situation are shoddy at best in the school system. Therefore, it is extra irksome that a school would use such a misguided form of vigilance to punish a student with no ill intent - and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"...and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."

The point is that the policy is based not on the above...but on training American students that government knows best....don't do your own thinking!

And they have been eminently successful at doing so.

(Are we calling eachother names as a joke, its hard to pick up on these things in typing...)

I agree with the lunch ridiculousness you you....cosplay superhero costume wearing girl! ;)

I guess someplace in the last seventy years one of them 6 Republican or 4 Democrat govenors out west went crazy on sharing food. They should stick to catalytic converter regulations lol. Unless there is some ridiculous bullying or lunch mooching problem going on I agree.

Gimme another.

No, let's go right to the source for context.

It is the quintessential nature of Progressives to beat the individuality out of the citizenry.

It goes back to their heyday, early 20th century. From their earliest efforts, Progressives were all about mandating, ordering, banning, regulating.....
Why? Well...obviously because they know better than you do...after all, you're nothing but an individual.
They hate autonomy in folks.

Croly, Progressive icon, had no problem advancing this view.
" Herbert David Croly(January 23, 1869 – May 17, 1930) was an intellectual leader of the progressive movement as an editor, and political philosopher and a co-founder of the magazineThe New Republicin early twentieth-century America. His political philosophy influenced many leading progressives including Theodore Roosevelt, as well as his close friends Judge Learned Hand and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter."
Herbert Croly - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

12. “…almost every single item on a checklist of fascist characteristics can be found in ‘The Promise of American Life,’ by Herbert David Croly. The need to mobilize society like an army…spiritual rebirth…the need for ‘great’ revolutionary leaders…Reliance on manufactured, unifying, national ‘myths’…contempt for parliamentary democracy…non-Marxist socialism…Nationalism…A spiritual calling for military expansion…the need to make politics into a religion…hostility to individualism…”
Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism,” p. 98.

a. From Croly: The remedy for ‘chaotic individualism of our political and economic organization’ was a ‘regeneration’ led by a heroic-saint who could overthrow the tired doctrines of liberal democracy in favor of a restored and heroic nation.
Herbert Croly, “The Promise of American Life,”p.14
So, where is the line between fascism and Progressivism?

b. Here is the money quote: After the Civil War, so said Croly, traditional American confidence in “individual freedom has resulted in a morally and socially undesirable distribution of wealth. "
Wealth had to be ‘equal’ in order for democracy to work.

Income inequality, too???? Who knew.

As stated previously....the reason is to train Americans take orders without question.


"There is an "absolute necessity of waging all-out war against the debauching of the environment… The bulldozer mentality of the past is a luxury we can no longer afford. Our roads and other public projects must be planned to prevent the destruction of scenic resources and to avoid needlessly upsetting the ecological balance."

THIS quote and the signing of the law signaled the beginning of the end for the classic hot rod era. In 7 years the last of the Hemi's and SD455's would be out of production and it would be more than a decade until any semblance of factory performance was restored.

Oddly for my love of hotrods I support The California Air Resources Board and its classic regulations.

What do you have PC? I said something nice and made another point here btw.

Conservatism is based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
I've explained why individualism is the first of the items.

Liberalism is big government dictating what people must be, and in America this training is done via rules and regulations, laws and statutes, mandates and bans of all sorts.
The aim is to end individuality.
e.g., 'Lock-Step Liberals.'

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

One more tale of Liberals war on individuality:

1. "The Insane Reason This Girl Was Forced Out of D.C. Public Schools

2. ....13-year-old musical genius, who was chosen to join 11 other musicians from around the world to play in Munich last year, playing this masterpiece…

3 .....won the Grand Prix award for her performance of a Chopin Waltz and when she returned to school, a truancy officer was called. D.C. bureaucrats label any student, including Avery, with 10 “unexcused absences” as a truant.

4. So, for Avery, the straight-A student at Alice Deal Middle School, the Jack Kent Cook Honors Scholarship recipient at the Levine School of Music, the trained pianist since the age of five — rules are rules.

5. ....Avery’s parents tried to persuade the school system to excuse her travels. The truancy law gives school officials the option to decide what an unexcused absence is. They wouldn't budge.

6. ...all the awards in the world clearly won’t convince D.C. public schools to recognize or reward Avery’s talent."
The Insane Reason This Girl Was Forced Out of D.C. Public Schools

I'd love to hear your excuse for Liberalism in this connection.

BTW...after it was exposed, the school system had second thoughts.

What's liberal about a school having a set of rules?
Ok...another strange name calling divisive thread that an ISIS plant wouod be proud of.

So um, this Department of Homeland Security and these regulations thanks the the war on terror seem pretty ridiculous.

You are starting to worry me girl. Pick an issue and end the name calling.

"Pick an issue and end the name calling."

I don't call names, you mouth-breathing, bottom-feeding insipid moron!
I provide insight....and you close your eyes!
Why? Because you've accepted the training that big government imposes.

The issue was stated in the title of the thread.

How about another example Liberals being Liberals.....

And in the Liberal California school system....
....more proof that rules and obedience take precedence over reason and reality

10. "Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend

An eighth grader in Northern California allegedly received detention after recentlyoffering a fellow student some of his lunch.

... gave a friend some of his chicken burrito on Tuesday because the student didn’t like the cheese sandwich being served by cafeteria officials that day.

.... I just wanted to give mine to him because I really wasn’t that hungry. It was just going to go in the garbage if I didn’t eat it,” Bradford told CNN.

Although Bradford’s mother said he should not have been punished for being compassionate, he received detention.

“By all means the school can teach them math and the arithmetic and physical education, but when it comes to morals and manners and compassion, I believe it needs to start at home with the parent,” Sandy Bradford toldKRCR-TV.
[There's a parent who knows that she is the parent...not the Liberal establishment!!]

The punishment was doled out because of a policy that prohibits students from exchanging meals in an effort to avoid issues with allergies, according to officials with Trinity Alps Unified School District, which includes Weaverville Elementary School

... because of safety and liability we cannot allow students to actually exchange meals,” district Superintendent Tom Barnett told CNN.
Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend KTLA was dangerous to give his pal part of the lunch that the school prepared?????

"But again, we are talking about two school-prepared lunches given to two students by the school. (So for the Superintendent to suddenly claim safety or allergy threat as an afterthought does not explain the use of punishment in this instance.)"
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"Lunchroom workers are not even equipped to deal with this type of emergency if it were to happen or to look for lesser known signs. I didn't need this study to know that emergency plans for this situation are shoddy at best in the school system. Therefore, it is extra irksome that a school would use such a misguided form of vigilance to punish a student with no ill intent - and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"...and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."

The point is that the policy is based not on the above...but on training American students that government knows best....don't do your own thinking!

And they have been eminently successful at doing so.

(Are we calling eachother names as a joke, its hard to pick up on these things in typing...)

I agree with the lunch ridiculousness you you....cosplay superhero costume wearing girl! ;)

I guess someplace in the last seventy years one of them 6 Republican or 4 Democrat govenors out west went crazy on sharing food. They should stick to catalytic converter regulations lol. Unless there is some ridiculous bullying or lunch mooching problem going on I agree.

Gimme another.

No, let's go right to the source for context.

It is the quintessential nature of Progressives to beat the individuality out of the citizenry.

It goes back to their heyday, early 20th century. From their earliest efforts, Progressives were all about mandating, ordering, banning, regulating.....
Why? Well...obviously because they know better than you do...after all, you're nothing but an individual.
They hate autonomy in folks.

Croly, Progressive icon, had no problem advancing this view.
" Herbert David Croly(January 23, 1869 – May 17, 1930) was an intellectual leader of the progressive movement as an editor, and political philosopher and a co-founder of the magazineThe New Republicin early twentieth-century America. His political philosophy influenced many leading progressives including Theodore Roosevelt, as well as his close friends Judge Learned Hand and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter."
Herbert Croly - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

12. “…almost every single item on a checklist of fascist characteristics can be found in ‘The Promise of American Life,’ by Herbert David Croly. The need to mobilize society like an army…spiritual rebirth…the need for ‘great’ revolutionary leaders…Reliance on manufactured, unifying, national ‘myths’…contempt for parliamentary democracy…non-Marxist socialism…Nationalism…A spiritual calling for military expansion…the need to make politics into a religion…hostility to individualism…”
Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism,” p. 98.

a. From Croly: The remedy for ‘chaotic individualism of our political and economic organization’ was a ‘regeneration’ led by a heroic-saint who could overthrow the tired doctrines of liberal democracy in favor of a restored and heroic nation.
Herbert Croly, “The Promise of American Life,”p.14
So, where is the line between fascism and Progressivism?

b. Here is the money quote: After the Civil War, so said Croly, traditional American confidence in “individual freedom has resulted in a morally and socially undesirable distribution of wealth. "
Wealth had to be ‘equal’ in order for democracy to work.

Income inequality, too???? Who knew.

As stated previously....the reason is to train Americans take orders without question.


"There is an "absolute necessity of waging all-out war against the debauching of the environment… The bulldozer mentality of the past is a luxury we can no longer afford. Our roads and other public projects must be planned to prevent the destruction of scenic resources and to avoid needlessly upsetting the ecological balance."

THIS quote and the signing of the law signaled the beginning of the end for the classic hot rod era. In 7 years the last of the Hemi's and SD455's would be out of production and it would be more than a decade until any semblance of factory performance was restored.

Oddly for my love of hotrods I support The California Air Resources Board and its classic regulations.

What do you have PC? I said something nice and made another point here btw.

Conservatism is based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
I've explained why individualism is the first of the items.

Liberalism is big government dictating what people must be, and in America this training is done via rules and regulations, laws and statutes, mandates and bans of all sorts.
The aim is to end individuality.
e.g., 'Lock-Step Liberals.'

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

One more tale of Liberals war on individuality:

1. "The Insane Reason This Girl Was Forced Out of D.C. Public Schools

2. ....13-year-old musical genius, who was chosen to join 11 other musicians from around the world to play in Munich last year, playing this masterpiece…

3 .....won the Grand Prix award for her performance of a Chopin Waltz and when she returned to school, a truancy officer was called. D.C. bureaucrats label any student, including Avery, with 10 “unexcused absences” as a truant.

4. So, for Avery, the straight-A student at Alice Deal Middle School, the Jack Kent Cook Honors Scholarship recipient at the Levine School of Music, the trained pianist since the age of five — rules are rules.

5. ....Avery’s parents tried to persuade the school system to excuse her travels. The truancy law gives school officials the option to decide what an unexcused absence is. They wouldn't budge.

6. ...all the awards in the world clearly won’t convince D.C. public schools to recognize or reward Avery’s talent."
The Insane Reason This Girl Was Forced Out of D.C. Public Schools

I'd love to hear your excuse for Liberalism in this connection.

BTW...after it was exposed, the school system had second thoughts.

Ok... I tried give my support of some huge Reagan inspired regulations which have made the world better.....

Perhaps I will find some regulation we can rally against together?

You are against David Sater's new regulations on women's rights here in Missoiri then right? Let's loosen these burdensom regulations together PC!

Missouri Republicans override Gov. Jay Nixon s veto of 72-hour abortion waiting period The Kansas City Star

Or is this regulation good?
"Pick an issue and end the name calling."

I don't call names, you mouth-breathing, bottom-feeding insipid moron!
I provide insight....and you close your eyes!
Why? Because you've accepted the training that big government imposes.

The issue was stated in the title of the thread.

How about another example Liberals being Liberals.....

And in the Liberal California school system....
....more proof that rules and obedience take precedence over reason and reality

10. "Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend

An eighth grader in Northern California allegedly received detention after recentlyoffering a fellow student some of his lunch.

... gave a friend some of his chicken burrito on Tuesday because the student didn’t like the cheese sandwich being served by cafeteria officials that day.

.... I just wanted to give mine to him because I really wasn’t that hungry. It was just going to go in the garbage if I didn’t eat it,” Bradford told CNN.

Although Bradford’s mother said he should not have been punished for being compassionate, he received detention.

“By all means the school can teach them math and the arithmetic and physical education, but when it comes to morals and manners and compassion, I believe it needs to start at home with the parent,” Sandy Bradford toldKRCR-TV.
[There's a parent who knows that she is the parent...not the Liberal establishment!!]

The punishment was doled out because of a policy that prohibits students from exchanging meals in an effort to avoid issues with allergies, according to officials with Trinity Alps Unified School District, which includes Weaverville Elementary School

... because of safety and liability we cannot allow students to actually exchange meals,” district Superintendent Tom Barnett told CNN.
Eighth Grade Student Receives Detention After Sharing Lunch With Friend KTLA was dangerous to give his pal part of the lunch that the school prepared?????

"But again, we are talking about two school-prepared lunches given to two students by the school. (So for the Superintendent to suddenly claim safety or allergy threat as an afterthought does not explain the use of punishment in this instance.)"
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"Lunchroom workers are not even equipped to deal with this type of emergency if it were to happen or to look for lesser known signs. I didn't need this study to know that emergency plans for this situation are shoddy at best in the school system. Therefore, it is extra irksome that a school would use such a misguided form of vigilance to punish a student with no ill intent - and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."
Activist Post Breaking Bread Student Punished for Sharing Lunch

"...and do so using no sense of humanity; no common sense."

The point is that the policy is based not on the above...but on training American students that government knows best....don't do your own thinking!

And they have been eminently successful at doing so.

(Are we calling eachother names as a joke, its hard to pick up on these things in typing...)

I agree with the lunch ridiculousness you you....cosplay superhero costume wearing girl! ;)

I guess someplace in the last seventy years one of them 6 Republican or 4 Democrat govenors out west went crazy on sharing food. They should stick to catalytic converter regulations lol. Unless there is some ridiculous bullying or lunch mooching problem going on I agree.

Gimme another.

No, let's go right to the source for context.

It is the quintessential nature of Progressives to beat the individuality out of the citizenry.

It goes back to their heyday, early 20th century. From their earliest efforts, Progressives were all about mandating, ordering, banning, regulating.....
Why? Well...obviously because they know better than you do...after all, you're nothing but an individual.
They hate autonomy in folks.

Croly, Progressive icon, had no problem advancing this view.
" Herbert David Croly(January 23, 1869 – May 17, 1930) was an intellectual leader of the progressive movement as an editor, and political philosopher and a co-founder of the magazineThe New Republicin early twentieth-century America. His political philosophy influenced many leading progressives including Theodore Roosevelt, as well as his close friends Judge Learned Hand and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter."
Herbert Croly - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

12. “…almost every single item on a checklist of fascist characteristics can be found in ‘The Promise of American Life,’ by Herbert David Croly. The need to mobilize society like an army…spiritual rebirth…the need for ‘great’ revolutionary leaders…Reliance on manufactured, unifying, national ‘myths’…contempt for parliamentary democracy…non-Marxist socialism…Nationalism…A spiritual calling for military expansion…the need to make politics into a religion…hostility to individualism…”
Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism,” p. 98.

a. From Croly: The remedy for ‘chaotic individualism of our political and economic organization’ was a ‘regeneration’ led by a heroic-saint who could overthrow the tired doctrines of liberal democracy in favor of a restored and heroic nation.
Herbert Croly, “The Promise of American Life,”p.14
So, where is the line between fascism and Progressivism?

b. Here is the money quote: After the Civil War, so said Croly, traditional American confidence in “individual freedom has resulted in a morally and socially undesirable distribution of wealth. "
Wealth had to be ‘equal’ in order for democracy to work.

Income inequality, too???? Who knew.

As stated previously....the reason is to train Americans take orders without question.


"There is an "absolute necessity of waging all-out war against the debauching of the environment… The bulldozer mentality of the past is a luxury we can no longer afford. Our roads and other public projects must be planned to prevent the destruction of scenic resources and to avoid needlessly upsetting the ecological balance."

THIS quote and the signing of the law signaled the beginning of the end for the classic hot rod era. In 7 years the last of the Hemi's and SD455's would be out of production and it would be more than a decade until any semblance of factory performance was restored.

Oddly for my love of hotrods I support The California Air Resources Board and its classic regulations.

What do you have PC? I said something nice and made another point here btw.

Conservatism is based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
I've explained why individualism is the first of the items.

Liberalism is big government dictating what people must be, and in America this training is done via rules and regulations, laws and statutes, mandates and bans of all sorts.
The aim is to end individuality.
e.g., 'Lock-Step Liberals.'

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

One more tale of Liberals war on individuality:

1. "The Insane Reason This Girl Was Forced Out of D.C. Public Schools

2. ....13-year-old musical genius, who was chosen to join 11 other musicians from around the world to play in Munich last year, playing this masterpiece…

3 .....won the Grand Prix award for her performance of a Chopin Waltz and when she returned to school, a truancy officer was called. D.C. bureaucrats label any student, including Avery, with 10 “unexcused absences” as a truant.

4. So, for Avery, the straight-A student at Alice Deal Middle School, the Jack Kent Cook Honors Scholarship recipient at the Levine School of Music, the trained pianist since the age of five — rules are rules.

5. ....Avery’s parents tried to persuade the school system to excuse her travels. The truancy law gives school officials the option to decide what an unexcused absence is. They wouldn't budge.

6. ...all the awards in the world clearly won’t convince D.C. public schools to recognize or reward Avery’s talent."
The Insane Reason This Girl Was Forced Out of D.C. Public Schools

I'd love to hear your excuse for Liberalism in this connection.

BTW...after it was exposed, the school system had second thoughts.

Ok... I tried give my support of some huge Reagan inspired regulations which have made the world better.....

Perhaps I will find some regulation we can rally against together?

You are against David Sater's new regulations on women's rights here in Missoiri then right? Let's loosen these burdensom regulations together PC!

Missouri Republicans override Gov. Jay Nixon s veto of 72-hour abortion waiting period The Kansas City Star

Or is this regulation good?

"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

Let's part.

If your attempt is to pretend that this thread is about ending all regulations....either your are lying, or not very bright.

At least three times I've explained and documented the thesis with examples.

What more is there to say.
(Are we calling eachother names as a joke, its hard to pick up on these things in typing...)

I agree with the lunch ridiculousness you you....cosplay superhero costume wearing girl! ;)

I guess someplace in the last seventy years one of them 6 Republican or 4 Democrat govenors out west went crazy on sharing food. They should stick to catalytic converter regulations lol. Unless there is some ridiculous bullying or lunch mooching problem going on I agree.

Gimme another.

No, let's go right to the source for context.

It is the quintessential nature of Progressives to beat the individuality out of the citizenry.

It goes back to their heyday, early 20th century. From their earliest efforts, Progressives were all about mandating, ordering, banning, regulating.....
Why? Well...obviously because they know better than you do...after all, you're nothing but an individual.
They hate autonomy in folks.

Croly, Progressive icon, had no problem advancing this view.
" Herbert David Croly(January 23, 1869 – May 17, 1930) was an intellectual leader of the progressive movement as an editor, and political philosopher and a co-founder of the magazineThe New Republicin early twentieth-century America. His political philosophy influenced many leading progressives including Theodore Roosevelt, as well as his close friends Judge Learned Hand and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter."
Herbert Croly - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

12. “…almost every single item on a checklist of fascist characteristics can be found in ‘The Promise of American Life,’ by Herbert David Croly. The need to mobilize society like an army…spiritual rebirth…the need for ‘great’ revolutionary leaders…Reliance on manufactured, unifying, national ‘myths’…contempt for parliamentary democracy…non-Marxist socialism…Nationalism…A spiritual calling for military expansion…the need to make politics into a religion…hostility to individualism…”
Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism,” p. 98.

a. From Croly: The remedy for ‘chaotic individualism of our political and economic organization’ was a ‘regeneration’ led by a heroic-saint who could overthrow the tired doctrines of liberal democracy in favor of a restored and heroic nation.
Herbert Croly, “The Promise of American Life,”p.14
So, where is the line between fascism and Progressivism?

b. Here is the money quote: After the Civil War, so said Croly, traditional American confidence in “individual freedom has resulted in a morally and socially undesirable distribution of wealth. "
Wealth had to be ‘equal’ in order for democracy to work.

Income inequality, too???? Who knew.

As stated previously....the reason is to train Americans take orders without question.


"There is an "absolute necessity of waging all-out war against the debauching of the environment… The bulldozer mentality of the past is a luxury we can no longer afford. Our roads and other public projects must be planned to prevent the destruction of scenic resources and to avoid needlessly upsetting the ecological balance."

THIS quote and the signing of the law signaled the beginning of the end for the classic hot rod era. In 7 years the last of the Hemi's and SD455's would be out of production and it would be more than a decade until any semblance of factory performance was restored.

Oddly for my love of hotrods I support The California Air Resources Board and its classic regulations.

What do you have PC? I said something nice and made another point here btw.

Conservatism is based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
I've explained why individualism is the first of the items.

Liberalism is big government dictating what people must be, and in America this training is done via rules and regulations, laws and statutes, mandates and bans of all sorts.
The aim is to end individuality.
e.g., 'Lock-Step Liberals.'

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

One more tale of Liberals war on individuality:

1. "The Insane Reason This Girl Was Forced Out of D.C. Public Schools

2. ....13-year-old musical genius, who was chosen to join 11 other musicians from around the world to play in Munich last year, playing this masterpiece…

3 .....won the Grand Prix award for her performance of a Chopin Waltz and when she returned to school, a truancy officer was called. D.C. bureaucrats label any student, including Avery, with 10 “unexcused absences” as a truant.

4. So, for Avery, the straight-A student at Alice Deal Middle School, the Jack Kent Cook Honors Scholarship recipient at the Levine School of Music, the trained pianist since the age of five — rules are rules.

5. ....Avery’s parents tried to persuade the school system to excuse her travels. The truancy law gives school officials the option to decide what an unexcused absence is. They wouldn't budge.

6. ...all the awards in the world clearly won’t convince D.C. public schools to recognize or reward Avery’s talent."
The Insane Reason This Girl Was Forced Out of D.C. Public Schools

I'd love to hear your excuse for Liberalism in this connection.

BTW...after it was exposed, the school system had second thoughts.

Ok... I tried give my support of some huge Reagan inspired regulations which have made the world better.....

Perhaps I will find some regulation we can rally against together?

You are against David Sater's new regulations on women's rights here in Missoiri then right? Let's loosen these burdensom regulations together PC!

Missouri Republicans override Gov. Jay Nixon s veto of 72-hour abortion waiting period The Kansas City Star

Or is this regulation good?

"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

Let's part.

If your attempt is to pretend that this thread is about ending all regulations....either your are lying, or not very bright.

At least three times I've explained and documented the thesis with examples.

What more is there to say.

Go it. The thread is a random liberal hate thread. The hippies tell me the Conservatives are listening to their phone calls and violating their rights at the airports. The poor gals want their abortions and complain about the Conservatives. My better off friends comolain about the Liberal government and its laws against selling used mattresses or them (correct) instances you brought up.

Who do I think is right? Sorta everyone but like you say, on a case by case basis. No time for random hate here. No time for acting like an ISIS plant trying to divide the house of America. Take away the silly talk and you would have folks agreeing with you across the board on that the government or school boards had gone too far.

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