Transgender 1st Grader Wins Civil Rights Case...

Right. but my question is why are people getting up in arms about something that apparently can't even harm the children?

Holy shit... Telling an 18 month old it's a girl when it's a boy and then insisting everyone around the child play along is so fucked up on so many levels that I still can't understand why they have the child.


Right. but my question is why are people getting up in arms about something that apparently can't even harm the children?

Holy shit... Telling an 18 month old it's a girl when it's a boy and then insisting everyone around the child play along is so fucked up on so many levels that I still can't understand why they have the child.



Sickness like that needs to be eradicated imo.
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Right. but my question is why are people getting up in arms about something that apparently can't even harm the children?

Holy shit... Telling an 18 month old it's a girl when it's a boy and then insisting everyone around the child play along is so fucked up on so many levels that I still can't understand why they have the child.



Sickness like that needs to be eradicated imo.

I am Shocked at who Beleives this is Perfectly OK... Not just online, but here in D-Town.

We are Fucked as a Society. :thup:


Kind of overreacting methinks, Society isn't anymore over then when little black babies and little white babies we're allowed to do things together. The moral fiber of society is not being torn asunder right before your eyes- it is evolving with the changing of the people. That is what it does, chill out before you give yourself an aneurism.
They're just doing what they think is in the best interest of their child, It's hard to judge them when their in a relatively unique situation like this. I honestly hope it works out, otherwise a child, or perhaps children end up hurt- and that's never good.

What is working out? Cutting up this boy and making him girl-like? Becoming a real girl is not possible. He will never menstruate or be able to have children.
Holy shit... Telling an 18 month old it's a girl when it's a boy and then insisting everyone around the child play along is so fucked up on so many levels that I still can't understand why they have the child.



Sickness like that needs to be eradicated imo.

I am Shocked at who Beleives this is Perfectly OK... Not just online, but here in D-Town.

We are Fucked as a Society. :thup:



You are 100% right.
Toddlers who think they are kitties should be given a litter box to pee in and schools required to make all children use the litter box too.

Here's a two year old that thinks she's a dog.
Help my 2-year-old thinks she is a dog!

Liberals would demand she put put in a collar and taken on walks with a leash.
How is it anyone's business other than to mother hen pro wrasslin watchin, Honey Boo Boo loving busy bodies?
This issue is one example why I am not a liberal. It is this mentality... this strange perverseness that I don't accept. Liberals are not always sane, conservatives are not always compassionate. This is just another one of those bizarre notions that may have stoked the late, great Christopher Hitchens to hitchslap the less sane members of liberalism.
What is working out? Cutting up this boy and making him girl-like? Becoming a real girl is not possible. He will never menstruate or be able to have children.

If his genitals have been mutilated and such beyond use; he'll never be able to ejaculate or impregnate a women to have children anyway. So what's your point exactly, there's going to be something this child has to work through regardless of which decision anyone makes.

It's a shit situation to be put in, it's far to easy to sit outside of the weight of having this be your child and judge. Anyone who's ever judged something then been put in that same situation should be silent. Because they know it's never the same, and never as easy as it seems.

And Katz, there are actually people who try their hardest to be various animals they feel they identify but I don't quite get how a cat is the same as a person.
This is not a liberal versus conservative issue.


Is it not true that it is mostly liberals who pine for these kinds of social travesties, unlike conservative who cling to traditions of old?

It very well is a matter of liberal versus conservative in terms of ideology. Has it not been for some time a part of liberalism to always try to break past and move forward on issues of social morality using radical thinking?
7NEWS - Colorado transgender first-grader Coy Mathis wins civil rights case, group says - Local Story

Absolute Absurdity... Entertaining an 18-month-old with this until it becomes a Civil Rights Issue in the 1st Grade should be Conisdered Child Abuse.

And you Thought they'd stop at Kindergarten?...



And it’s because of your fear and hatred of those different, those who dissent, those who wish to engage in self-expression free form oppression by the state that we have a Constitution and its case law designed to safeguard citizens’ civil liberties.

In its decision, the Civil Rights Division said maintaining the ban "creates an environment that is objectively and subjectively hostile, intimidating or offensive…"

Transgender Colorado girl can use the girls' room at school, civil rights agency rules |
This is not a liberal versus conservative issue.


Is it not true that it is mostly liberals who pine for these kinds of social travesties, unlike conservative who cling to traditions of old?

It very well is a matter of liberal versus conservative in terms of ideology. Has it not been for some time a part of liberalism to always try to break past and move forward on issues of social morality using radical thinking?

Wannabe conservatives do want to force others to cling to old religious traditions.
Conservatives do not.
Conservatives seek to protect the rights of THE INDIVIDUAL, not the majority, not the most popular thing to do, not the traditional thing to do but the CONSERVATIVE thing to do.
Something to do about the CONSTITUTION, a document dedicated to protecting the rights of THE INDIVIDUAL and limiting the rights of the government.
The Constitution, an interesting document. I suggest you take a look at it.
We are a nation OF LAWS, not of men and their various and changing like the wind religious and "traditional values" opinions.
I remember when you good folks called me a liberal in 1968 when I supported a good friend of mine marrying a black woman.
It was not the "traditional" thing to do they proclaimed.
No one could be a conservative supporting non traditional interracial marriage.

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