Transgender child rapist denied hormones in prison

More molestors are straight. Way more. According to your statement there, all straight people should be locked up preventatively. Not sure who'll run the country though. :)

No, actually..per capita, gay people are way way way more likely to molest than straights. You like to talk about incomplete statistics.. But here's the Mayo Clinic's report on the actual statistical PROPENSITY to molest depending on what orientation you do:

Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia), or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia)....The percentage of homosexual pedophiles ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20 times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other adult men.

At just around 2% of the adult male population, homosexuals commit up to 40% of ALL child molestation. That's what you call a "propensity to molest" if you are a gay male.
In many areas, child molesters never made it to court. The local folks had a way of dealing with them and it worked.

My dad grew up in a small coal mining town in the north. When a husband abused his wife or his kids, the police weren't called. A group of men from the mine paid him a visit and "explained" to him that it wasn't the thing to do. If the explanation didn't get through, the next time it happened the "explanation" was more in-depth. If that didn't work, there likely wasn't an explanation if you catch my drift.
Unfortunately, public intervention in a child molestation case is rare. A stranger who buggered a kid could juice up the vigilante spirit, but far more often it was a father, grandfather, uncle, etc. And there was a code in society that meddling in family affairs is wrong, so people looked the other way and the abuse would happen for years. Generations even.

I don't pine for the good old days. It's better today.

Not where my dad grew up.

It would be better today if people who needed to be dealt with the way those in his town dealt with them would do it.
Where your dad grew up, where my dad grew up, it's all the same. Incestuous child abuse goes on for years in families because people don't meddle in the affairs of their neighbors. Nobody investigates, nobody pries, nobody intervenes on behalf of the child. Abuse is protected by the family, each member serving a different role in the dysfunction that allows the abuse to persist, and they all defend their secret from outsiders.

So yes we need somebody with a badge to step in or these things don't stop. You and Kosher are living in the same fantasy world where pedophiles get lynched by their angry neighbors. In truth, this was rarely the case.

Apparently not since where my dad grew up, they made a distinction when things that affected the community as a whole, and abuse does, because the communities place to deal with. Seems the difference is when we believe it becomes a community problem and not just a family issue.

According to my dad, those with a badge didn't get involved. Those in the community handled it and those with a bad didn't have a problem with them doing it. From what my dad says, after a couple of times of abuse, the person no longer had the ability to abuse.

The only rarity was that it didn't occur a lot because most were smart enough to know not to be stupid. I'm also not talking about lynching in the sense you portray it. From the stories I've heard, while a small group in the community dealt with, that it happened wasn't widely known. The people of the neighborhood didn't go down the streets with pitchforks and burning sticks.
All the stories of people in their 50's that detail horrific abuse that was not stopped by police or by community have one common thread, that you're simply wrong about communities policing themselves. Ideally, sure, but in reality it rarely occurred. Children being sexually abused need someone with a badge to step in and protect them, not the hope that someone might notice and do something about it themselves. Pedophiles thrive in your system, but in my system, when a cop is involved they are stopped.
we have more pedophiles flourishing now than we have EVER had.
Unfortunately, public intervention in a child molestation case is rare. A stranger who buggered a kid could juice up the vigilante spirit, but far more often it was a father, grandfather, uncle, etc. And there was a code in society that meddling in family affairs is wrong, so people looked the other way and the abuse would happen for years. Generations even.

I don't pine for the good old days. It's better today.

Not where my dad grew up.

It would be better today if people who needed to be dealt with the way those in his town dealt with them would do it.
Where your dad grew up, where my dad grew up, it's all the same. Incestuous child abuse goes on for years in families because people don't meddle in the affairs of their neighbors. Nobody investigates, nobody pries, nobody intervenes on behalf of the child. Abuse is protected by the family, each member serving a different role in the dysfunction that allows the abuse to persist, and they all defend their secret from outsiders.

So yes we need somebody with a badge to step in or these things don't stop. You and Kosher are living in the same fantasy world where pedophiles get lynched by their angry neighbors. In truth, this was rarely the case.

Apparently not since where my dad grew up, they made a distinction when things that affected the community as a whole, and abuse does, because the communities place to deal with. Seems the difference is when we believe it becomes a community problem and not just a family issue.

According to my dad, those with a badge didn't get involved. Those in the community handled it and those with a bad didn't have a problem with them doing it. From what my dad says, after a couple of times of abuse, the person no longer had the ability to abuse.

The only rarity was that it didn't occur a lot because most were smart enough to know not to be stupid. I'm also not talking about lynching in the sense you portray it. From the stories I've heard, while a small group in the community dealt with, that it happened wasn't widely known. The people of the neighborhood didn't go down the streets with pitchforks and burning sticks.
All the stories of people in their 50's that detail horrific abuse that was not stopped by police or by community have one common thread, that you're simply wrong about communities policing themselves. Ideally, sure, but in reality it rarely occurred. Children being sexually abused need someone with a badge to step in and protect them, not the hope that someone might notice and do something about it themselves. Pedophiles thrive in your system, but in my system, when a cop is involved they are stopped.

As for where my dad grew up, were you there? My dad is almost 80. Since he was there, I'll take his word over someone that wasn't that thinks he knows.

If cops being involved stop pedophiles, why do so many still exist and haven't learned that the cops will stop them if they do such things? While where my dad grew up it wasn't a daily occurrence and you seem to have the impression it was, it was rare than people did such things. Far more rare than today when the police you say stop it are doing the job.
Cops don't stop pesos. Pesos are stopped if and only if prosecutors pick up a case. And that is extremely rare because cops aren't that interested in busting pesos.
Unfortunately, public intervention in a child molestation case is rare. A stranger who buggered a kid could juice up the vigilante spirit, but far more often it was a father, grandfather, uncle, etc. And there was a code in society that meddling in family affairs is wrong, so people looked the other way and the abuse would happen for years. Generations even.

I don't pine for the good old days. It's better today.

Not where my dad grew up.

It would be better today if people who needed to be dealt with the way those in his town dealt with them would do it.
Where your dad grew up, where my dad grew up, it's all the same. Incestuous child abuse goes on for years in families because people don't meddle in the affairs of their neighbors. Nobody investigates, nobody pries, nobody intervenes on behalf of the child. Abuse is protected by the family, each member serving a different role in the dysfunction that allows the abuse to persist, and they all defend their secret from outsiders.

So yes we need somebody with a badge to step in or these things don't stop. You and Kosher are living in the same fantasy world where pedophiles get lynched by their angry neighbors. In truth, this was rarely the case.

Apparently not since where my dad grew up, they made a distinction when things that affected the community as a whole, and abuse does, because the communities place to deal with. Seems the difference is when we believe it becomes a community problem and not just a family issue.

According to my dad, those with a badge didn't get involved. Those in the community handled it and those with a bad didn't have a problem with them doing it. From what my dad says, after a couple of times of abuse, the person no longer had the ability to abuse.

The only rarity was that it didn't occur a lot because most were smart enough to know not to be stupid. I'm also not talking about lynching in the sense you portray it. From the stories I've heard, while a small group in the community dealt with, that it happened wasn't widely known. The people of the neighborhood didn't go down the streets with pitchforks and burning sticks.
All the stories of people in their 50's that detail horrific abuse that was not stopped by police or by community have one common thread, that you're simply wrong about communities policing themselves. Ideally, sure, but in reality it rarely occurred. Children being sexually abused need someone with a badge to step in and protect them, not the hope that someone might notice and do something about it themselves. Pedophiles thrive in your system, but in my system, when a cop is involved they are stopped.
we have more pedophiles flourishing now than we have EVER had.
No, not really. They're stopped much sooner because of new laws and because of cops. Pedophiles thrive in the dark, like a fungus, protected by the very family they victimize, but today they are discovered and prosecuted much quicker. It amazes me how you want to return to the days when they were able to subject their victims to systemic and decades long abuse because everyone pretended there wasn't a problem.
Not where my dad grew up.

It would be better today if people who needed to be dealt with the way those in his town dealt with them would do it.
Where your dad grew up, where my dad grew up, it's all the same. Incestuous child abuse goes on for years in families because people don't meddle in the affairs of their neighbors. Nobody investigates, nobody pries, nobody intervenes on behalf of the child. Abuse is protected by the family, each member serving a different role in the dysfunction that allows the abuse to persist, and they all defend their secret from outsiders.

So yes we need somebody with a badge to step in or these things don't stop. You and Kosher are living in the same fantasy world where pedophiles get lynched by their angry neighbors. In truth, this was rarely the case.

Apparently not since where my dad grew up, they made a distinction when things that affected the community as a whole, and abuse does, because the communities place to deal with. Seems the difference is when we believe it becomes a community problem and not just a family issue.

According to my dad, those with a badge didn't get involved. Those in the community handled it and those with a bad didn't have a problem with them doing it. From what my dad says, after a couple of times of abuse, the person no longer had the ability to abuse.

The only rarity was that it didn't occur a lot because most were smart enough to know not to be stupid. I'm also not talking about lynching in the sense you portray it. From the stories I've heard, while a small group in the community dealt with, that it happened wasn't widely known. The people of the neighborhood didn't go down the streets with pitchforks and burning sticks.
All the stories of people in their 50's that detail horrific abuse that was not stopped by police or by community have one common thread, that you're simply wrong about communities policing themselves. Ideally, sure, but in reality it rarely occurred. Children being sexually abused need someone with a badge to step in and protect them, not the hope that someone might notice and do something about it themselves. Pedophiles thrive in your system, but in my system, when a cop is involved they are stopped.
we have more pedophiles flourishing now than we have EVER had.
No, not really. They're stopped much sooner because of new laws and because of cops. Pedophiles thrive in the dark, like a fungus, protected by the very family they victimize, but today they are discovered and prosecuted much quicker. It amazes me how you want to return to the days when they were able to subject their victims to systemic and decades long abuse because everyone pretended there wasn't a problem.
No, you don't know what you're talking about.
Not where my dad grew up.

It would be better today if people who needed to be dealt with the way those in his town dealt with them would do it.
Where your dad grew up, where my dad grew up, it's all the same. Incestuous child abuse goes on for years in families because people don't meddle in the affairs of their neighbors. Nobody investigates, nobody pries, nobody intervenes on behalf of the child. Abuse is protected by the family, each member serving a different role in the dysfunction that allows the abuse to persist, and they all defend their secret from outsiders.

So yes we need somebody with a badge to step in or these things don't stop. You and Kosher are living in the same fantasy world where pedophiles get lynched by their angry neighbors. In truth, this was rarely the case.

Apparently not since where my dad grew up, they made a distinction when things that affected the community as a whole, and abuse does, because the communities place to deal with. Seems the difference is when we believe it becomes a community problem and not just a family issue.

According to my dad, those with a badge didn't get involved. Those in the community handled it and those with a bad didn't have a problem with them doing it. From what my dad says, after a couple of times of abuse, the person no longer had the ability to abuse.

The only rarity was that it didn't occur a lot because most were smart enough to know not to be stupid. I'm also not talking about lynching in the sense you portray it. From the stories I've heard, while a small group in the community dealt with, that it happened wasn't widely known. The people of the neighborhood didn't go down the streets with pitchforks and burning sticks.
All the stories of people in their 50's that detail horrific abuse that was not stopped by police or by community have one common thread, that you're simply wrong about communities policing themselves. Ideally, sure, but in reality it rarely occurred. Children being sexually abused need someone with a badge to step in and protect them, not the hope that someone might notice and do something about it themselves. Pedophiles thrive in your system, but in my system, when a cop is involved they are stopped.
we have more pedophiles flourishing now than we have EVER had.
No, not really. They're stopped much sooner because of new laws and because of cops. Pedophiles thrive in the dark, like a fungus, protected by the very family they victimize, but today they are discovered and prosecuted much quicker. It amazes me how you want to return to the days when they were able to subject their victims to systemic and decades long abuse because everyone pretended there wasn't a problem.
Reported child sexual abuse has risen 60% in last four years, figures show

Note that they state that while there are more reports than ever, they are fewer arrests.
Where your dad grew up, where my dad grew up, it's all the same. Incestuous child abuse goes on for years in families because people don't meddle in the affairs of their neighbors. Nobody investigates, nobody pries, nobody intervenes on behalf of the child. Abuse is protected by the family, each member serving a different role in the dysfunction that allows the abuse to persist, and they all defend their secret from outsiders.

So yes we need somebody with a badge to step in or these things don't stop. You and Kosher are living in the same fantasy world where pedophiles get lynched by their angry neighbors. In truth, this was rarely the case.

Apparently not since where my dad grew up, they made a distinction when things that affected the community as a whole, and abuse does, because the communities place to deal with. Seems the difference is when we believe it becomes a community problem and not just a family issue.

According to my dad, those with a badge didn't get involved. Those in the community handled it and those with a bad didn't have a problem with them doing it. From what my dad says, after a couple of times of abuse, the person no longer had the ability to abuse.

The only rarity was that it didn't occur a lot because most were smart enough to know not to be stupid. I'm also not talking about lynching in the sense you portray it. From the stories I've heard, while a small group in the community dealt with, that it happened wasn't widely known. The people of the neighborhood didn't go down the streets with pitchforks and burning sticks.
All the stories of people in their 50's that detail horrific abuse that was not stopped by police or by community have one common thread, that you're simply wrong about communities policing themselves. Ideally, sure, but in reality it rarely occurred. Children being sexually abused need someone with a badge to step in and protect them, not the hope that someone might notice and do something about it themselves. Pedophiles thrive in your system, but in my system, when a cop is involved they are stopped.
we have more pedophiles flourishing now than we have EVER had.
No, not really. They're stopped much sooner because of new laws and because of cops. Pedophiles thrive in the dark, like a fungus, protected by the very family they victimize, but today they are discovered and prosecuted much quicker. It amazes me how you want to return to the days when they were able to subject their victims to systemic and decades long abuse because everyone pretended there wasn't a problem.
Reported child sexual abuse has risen 60% in last four years, figures show

Note that they state that while there are more reports than ever, they are fewer arrests.
Didn't know you lived in England (and Wales)...
Not where my dad grew up.

It would be better today if people who needed to be dealt with the way those in his town dealt with them would do it.
Where your dad grew up, where my dad grew up, it's all the same. Incestuous child abuse goes on for years in families because people don't meddle in the affairs of their neighbors. Nobody investigates, nobody pries, nobody intervenes on behalf of the child. Abuse is protected by the family, each member serving a different role in the dysfunction that allows the abuse to persist, and they all defend their secret from outsiders.

So yes we need somebody with a badge to step in or these things don't stop. You and Kosher are living in the same fantasy world where pedophiles get lynched by their angry neighbors. In truth, this was rarely the case.

Apparently not since where my dad grew up, they made a distinction when things that affected the community as a whole, and abuse does, because the communities place to deal with. Seems the difference is when we believe it becomes a community problem and not just a family issue.

According to my dad, those with a badge didn't get involved. Those in the community handled it and those with a bad didn't have a problem with them doing it. From what my dad says, after a couple of times of abuse, the person no longer had the ability to abuse.

The only rarity was that it didn't occur a lot because most were smart enough to know not to be stupid. I'm also not talking about lynching in the sense you portray it. From the stories I've heard, while a small group in the community dealt with, that it happened wasn't widely known. The people of the neighborhood didn't go down the streets with pitchforks and burning sticks.
All the stories of people in their 50's that detail horrific abuse that was not stopped by police or by community have one common thread, that you're simply wrong about communities policing themselves. Ideally, sure, but in reality it rarely occurred. Children being sexually abused need someone with a badge to step in and protect them, not the hope that someone might notice and do something about it themselves. Pedophiles thrive in your system, but in my system, when a cop is involved they are stopped.

As for where my dad grew up, were you there? My dad is almost 80. Since he was there, I'll take his word over someone that wasn't that thinks he knows.

If cops being involved stop pedophiles, why do so many still exist and haven't learned that the cops will stop them if they do such things? While where my dad grew up it wasn't a daily occurrence and you seem to have the impression it was, it was rare than people did such things. Far more rare than today when the police you say stop it are doing the job.
You're romanticizing the past. Sexual child abuse wasn't rare, it was hidden; it wasn't spoken of, it was the family secret. I'll match your dad with hundreds of testimonies I've heard from people who were children in that era and were abused all their growing years and NOBODY protected them. Hundreds! I've been a Dr. Laura listener for 17 years.

What you don't seem to consider is just because someone lived in an era doesn't mean they fully understood it. If your dad thought people took care of these things themselves, then he wasn't aware of his own surroundings as you think he was. Many people aren't.

Like I said, since he lived there and you didn't, I'll take the word of a witness rather than the word of a loud-mouthed thinks he knows it all. You're the kind they would have handled, too simply because of you attitude.
Where your dad grew up, where my dad grew up, it's all the same. Incestuous child abuse goes on for years in families because people don't meddle in the affairs of their neighbors. Nobody investigates, nobody pries, nobody intervenes on behalf of the child. Abuse is protected by the family, each member serving a different role in the dysfunction that allows the abuse to persist, and they all defend their secret from outsiders.

So yes we need somebody with a badge to step in or these things don't stop. You and Kosher are living in the same fantasy world where pedophiles get lynched by their angry neighbors. In truth, this was rarely the case.

Apparently not since where my dad grew up, they made a distinction when things that affected the community as a whole, and abuse does, because the communities place to deal with. Seems the difference is when we believe it becomes a community problem and not just a family issue.

According to my dad, those with a badge didn't get involved. Those in the community handled it and those with a bad didn't have a problem with them doing it. From what my dad says, after a couple of times of abuse, the person no longer had the ability to abuse.

The only rarity was that it didn't occur a lot because most were smart enough to know not to be stupid. I'm also not talking about lynching in the sense you portray it. From the stories I've heard, while a small group in the community dealt with, that it happened wasn't widely known. The people of the neighborhood didn't go down the streets with pitchforks and burning sticks.
All the stories of people in their 50's that detail horrific abuse that was not stopped by police or by community have one common thread, that you're simply wrong about communities policing themselves. Ideally, sure, but in reality it rarely occurred. Children being sexually abused need someone with a badge to step in and protect them, not the hope that someone might notice and do something about it themselves. Pedophiles thrive in your system, but in my system, when a cop is involved they are stopped.

As for where my dad grew up, were you there? My dad is almost 80. Since he was there, I'll take his word over someone that wasn't that thinks he knows.

If cops being involved stop pedophiles, why do so many still exist and haven't learned that the cops will stop them if they do such things? While where my dad grew up it wasn't a daily occurrence and you seem to have the impression it was, it was rare than people did such things. Far more rare than today when the police you say stop it are doing the job.
You're romanticizing the past. Sexual child abuse wasn't rare, it was hidden; it wasn't spoken of, it was the family secret. I'll match your dad with hundreds of testimonies I've heard from people who were children in that era and were abused all their growing years and NOBODY protected them. Hundreds! I've been a Dr. Laura listener for 17 years.

What you don't seem to consider is just because someone lived in an era doesn't mean they fully understood it. If your dad thought people took care of these things themselves, then he wasn't aware of his own surroundings as you think he was. Many people aren't.

Like I said, since he lived there and you didn't, I'll take the word of a witness rather than the word of a loud-mouthed thinks he knows it all. You're the kind they would have handled, too simply because of you attitude.
So I would have been the target of vigilante justice because of an opinion? Now I know you and your dad are dumbasses.
Where your dad grew up, where my dad grew up, it's all the same. Incestuous child abuse goes on for years in families because people don't meddle in the affairs of their neighbors. Nobody investigates, nobody pries, nobody intervenes on behalf of the child. Abuse is protected by the family, each member serving a different role in the dysfunction that allows the abuse to persist, and they all defend their secret from outsiders.

So yes we need somebody with a badge to step in or these things don't stop. You and Kosher are living in the same fantasy world where pedophiles get lynched by their angry neighbors. In truth, this was rarely the case.

Apparently not since where my dad grew up, they made a distinction when things that affected the community as a whole, and abuse does, because the communities place to deal with. Seems the difference is when we believe it becomes a community problem and not just a family issue.

According to my dad, those with a badge didn't get involved. Those in the community handled it and those with a bad didn't have a problem with them doing it. From what my dad says, after a couple of times of abuse, the person no longer had the ability to abuse.

The only rarity was that it didn't occur a lot because most were smart enough to know not to be stupid. I'm also not talking about lynching in the sense you portray it. From the stories I've heard, while a small group in the community dealt with, that it happened wasn't widely known. The people of the neighborhood didn't go down the streets with pitchforks and burning sticks.
All the stories of people in their 50's that detail horrific abuse that was not stopped by police or by community have one common thread, that you're simply wrong about communities policing themselves. Ideally, sure, but in reality it rarely occurred. Children being sexually abused need someone with a badge to step in and protect them, not the hope that someone might notice and do something about it themselves. Pedophiles thrive in your system, but in my system, when a cop is involved they are stopped.
we have more pedophiles flourishing now than we have EVER had.
No, not really. They're stopped much sooner because of new laws and because of cops. Pedophiles thrive in the dark, like a fungus, protected by the very family they victimize, but today they are discovered and prosecuted much quicker. It amazes me how you want to return to the days when they were able to subject their victims to systemic and decades long abuse because everyone pretended there wasn't a problem.
Reported child sexual abuse has risen 60% in last four years, figures show

Note that they state that while there are more reports than ever, they are fewer arrests.
Is that like the alarming rise of reports of rape and sexual assault in the military? Do you actually believe suddenly rapes are suddenly on the rise in the military or that it's more likely rapes are just reported more? You need to be just a little smarter than a Leftist.
A rise of reported sexual child abuse of 60% means they were getting away with it much more in the know, in the good ol' days you two are pining away for.
Apparently not since where my dad grew up, they made a distinction when things that affected the community as a whole, and abuse does, because the communities place to deal with. Seems the difference is when we believe it becomes a community problem and not just a family issue.

According to my dad, those with a badge didn't get involved. Those in the community handled it and those with a bad didn't have a problem with them doing it. From what my dad says, after a couple of times of abuse, the person no longer had the ability to abuse.

The only rarity was that it didn't occur a lot because most were smart enough to know not to be stupid. I'm also not talking about lynching in the sense you portray it. From the stories I've heard, while a small group in the community dealt with, that it happened wasn't widely known. The people of the neighborhood didn't go down the streets with pitchforks and burning sticks.
All the stories of people in their 50's that detail horrific abuse that was not stopped by police or by community have one common thread, that you're simply wrong about communities policing themselves. Ideally, sure, but in reality it rarely occurred. Children being sexually abused need someone with a badge to step in and protect them, not the hope that someone might notice and do something about it themselves. Pedophiles thrive in your system, but in my system, when a cop is involved they are stopped.
we have more pedophiles flourishing now than we have EVER had.
No, not really. They're stopped much sooner because of new laws and because of cops. Pedophiles thrive in the dark, like a fungus, protected by the very family they victimize, but today they are discovered and prosecuted much quicker. It amazes me how you want to return to the days when they were able to subject their victims to systemic and decades long abuse because everyone pretended there wasn't a problem.
Reported child sexual abuse has risen 60% in last four years, figures show

Note that they state that while there are more reports than ever, they are fewer arrests.
Is that like the alarming rise of reports of rape and sexual assault in the military? Do you actually believe suddenly rapes are suddenly on the rise in the military or that it's more likely rapes are just reported more? You need to be just a little smarter than a Leftist.
I think there are actually more, as the stats indicate. There are more because idiots like you insist on excusing and denying it, which is why there are more reported...but fewer convicted. We are still using theories and statistics compiled by the acknowledged criminal deviant fraud, Kinsey. Kinsey sole objective was to create a world where all sex....With infants, children, sadistic, animals, was considered healthy. The CDc continues to follow his directives and our school sex ed programs are still created by the Kinsey Institute.

And fools like you gobble it up.
A rise of reported sexual child abuse of 60% means they were getting away with it much more in the know, in the good ol' days you two are pining away for.
So in this case, the stats mean the exact opposite of what they show. I bet you believe higher obesity rates among children is an indication they need more food, too. And lower test scores is an indication of educational system success...
All the stories of people in their 50's that detail horrific abuse that was not stopped by police or by community have one common thread, that you're simply wrong about communities policing themselves. Ideally, sure, but in reality it rarely occurred. Children being sexually abused need someone with a badge to step in and protect them, not the hope that someone might notice and do something about it themselves. Pedophiles thrive in your system, but in my system, when a cop is involved they are stopped.
we have more pedophiles flourishing now than we have EVER had.
No, not really. They're stopped much sooner because of new laws and because of cops. Pedophiles thrive in the dark, like a fungus, protected by the very family they victimize, but today they are discovered and prosecuted much quicker. It amazes me how you want to return to the days when they were able to subject their victims to systemic and decades long abuse because everyone pretended there wasn't a problem.
Reported child sexual abuse has risen 60% in last four years, figures show

Note that they state that while there are more reports than ever, they are fewer arrests.
Is that like the alarming rise of reports of rape and sexual assault in the military? Do you actually believe suddenly rapes are suddenly on the rise in the military or that it's more likely rapes are just reported more? You need to be just a little smarter than a Leftist.
I think there are actually more, as the stats indicate. There are more because idiots like you insist on excusing and denying it, which is why there are more reported...but fewer convicted. We are still using theories and statistics compiled by the acknowledged criminal deviant fraud, Kinsey. Kinsey sole objective was to create a world where all sex....With infants, children, sadistic, animals, was considered healthy. The CDc continues to follow his directives and our school sex ed programs are still created by the Kinsey Institute.

And fools like you gobble it up.
Perverts like Kinsey are exactly why we need cops prosecuting pedophiles. Where was your vigilante mob when he was testing his strange theories on living child victims? But by all means, keep proving me right like you did in reporting a 60% jump in police interventions in child molesting incidents. You're making my argument better than I am.
we have more pedophiles flourishing now than we have EVER had.
No, not really. They're stopped much sooner because of new laws and because of cops. Pedophiles thrive in the dark, like a fungus, protected by the very family they victimize, but today they are discovered and prosecuted much quicker. It amazes me how you want to return to the days when they were able to subject their victims to systemic and decades long abuse because everyone pretended there wasn't a problem.
Reported child sexual abuse has risen 60% in last four years, figures show

Note that they state that while there are more reports than ever, they are fewer arrests.
Is that like the alarming rise of reports of rape and sexual assault in the military? Do you actually believe suddenly rapes are suddenly on the rise in the military or that it's more likely rapes are just reported more? You need to be just a little smarter than a Leftist.
I think there are actually more, as the stats indicate. There are more because idiots like you insist on excusing and denying it, which is why there are more reported...but fewer convicted. We are still using theories and statistics compiled by the acknowledged criminal deviant fraud, Kinsey. Kinsey sole objective was to create a world where all sex....With infants, children, sadistic, animals, was considered healthy. The CDc continues to follow his directives and our school sex ed programs are still created by the Kinsey Institute.

And fools like you gobble it up.
Perverts like Kinsey are exactly why we need cops prosecuting pedophiles. Where was your vigilante mob when he was testing his strange theories on living child victims? But by all means, keep proving me right like you did in reporting a 60% jump in police interventions in child molesting incidents. You're making my argument better than I am.
So the fact that there are now more pedophiles than ever means really there are fewer. Got it.
No, not really. They're stopped much sooner because of new laws and because of cops. Pedophiles thrive in the dark, like a fungus, protected by the very family they victimize, but today they are discovered and prosecuted much quicker. It amazes me how you want to return to the days when they were able to subject their victims to systemic and decades long abuse because everyone pretended there wasn't a problem.
Reported child sexual abuse has risen 60% in last four years, figures show

Note that they state that while there are more reports than ever, they are fewer arrests.
Is that like the alarming rise of reports of rape and sexual assault in the military? Do you actually believe suddenly rapes are suddenly on the rise in the military or that it's more likely rapes are just reported more? You need to be just a little smarter than a Leftist.
I think there are actually more, as the stats indicate. There are more because idiots like you insist on excusing and denying it, which is why there are more reported...but fewer convicted. We are still using theories and statistics compiled by the acknowledged criminal deviant fraud, Kinsey. Kinsey sole objective was to create a world where all sex....With infants, children, sadistic, animals, was considered healthy. The CDc continues to follow his directives and our school sex ed programs are still created by the Kinsey Institute.

And fools like you gobble it up.
Perverts like Kinsey are exactly why we need cops prosecuting pedophiles. Where was your vigilante mob when he was testing his strange theories on living child victims? But by all means, keep proving me right like you did in reporting a 60% jump in police interventions in child molesting incidents. You're making my argument better than I am.
So the fact that there are now more pedophiles than ever means really there are fewer. Got it.
More reports, fewer pedophiles. It's a lot harder to get away with it now, especially since we teach the kids who they are supposed to be playing doctor with eh, and it's not their soccer coach or church youth-group leader.
we have more pedophiles flourishing now than we have EVER had.
No, not really. They're stopped much sooner because of new laws and because of cops. Pedophiles thrive in the dark, like a fungus, protected by the very family they victimize, but today they are discovered and prosecuted much quicker. It amazes me how you want to return to the days when they were able to subject their victims to systemic and decades long abuse because everyone pretended there wasn't a problem.
Reported child sexual abuse has risen 60% in last four years, figures show

Note that they state that while there are more reports than ever, they are fewer arrests.
Is that like the alarming rise of reports of rape and sexual assault in the military? Do you actually believe suddenly rapes are suddenly on the rise in the military or that it's more likely rapes are just reported more? You need to be just a little smarter than a Leftist.
I think there are actually more, as the stats indicate. There are more because idiots like you insist on excusing and denying it, which is why there are more reported...but fewer convicted. We are still using theories and statistics compiled by the acknowledged criminal deviant fraud, Kinsey. Kinsey sole objective was to create a world where all sex....With infants, children, sadistic, animals, was considered healthy. The CDc continues to follow his directives and our school sex ed programs are still created by the Kinsey Institute.

And fools like you gobble it up.
Perverts like Kinsey are exactly why we need cops prosecuting pedophiles. Where was your vigilante mob when he was testing his strange theories on living child victims? But by all means, keep proving me right like you did in reporting a 60% jump in police interventions in child molesting incidents. You're making my argument better than I am.

Kinsey was one sick fucker. At a forum I used to belong to, there was this guy who WAS a pedophile, for real. Creepy fucker was always starting threads about doing away with AOC and other such things, so I became familiar with that sicko Kinsey from this guy who was always using his "studies." I still remember that poster's screen name.
LGBT does not support NAMBLA at all. They have been outspoken against them for around 40 yr.

The point that NAMBLA is trying to make is that young teens that explore their sexuality can have sex with another teen but not choose to have sex with a man they are attracted. They think the age of consent should be lowered.
LGBT does not support NAMBLA at all. They have been outspoken against them for around 40 yr.

The point that NAMBLA is trying to make is that young teens that explore their sexuality can have sex with another teen but not choose to have sex with a man they are attracted. They think the age of consent should be lowered.

That is a pedophile organization. Nothing that organization says should mean a thing to anyone. Hopefully they are watched closely.

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