Transgender child rapist denied hormones in prison

He/she/it should just be glad they didn't get what they really deserve. A bullet in the head. We're way to soft on criminals. That's why we have such a problem with this type of crime. Think about it. If pedophiles KNEW that there was a mandatory death penalty for what they do, how many would even attempt it. And even if it didn't work as a deterrent, it has the benefit of getting rid of someone who will never harm another child.

We, and I mean the system, is way too soft on criminals then wonder why there is such a high recidivism rate.
The vast majority of violent crimes are committed by repeat offenders. Most of them are black. If we could just get rid of them, Things would be a lot better. Forget the three strikes law, which isn't even enforced, to the best of my knowledge. If someone commits a violent crime, it should be a very stiff mandatory sentence. No plea bargains. If they do it again, life without parole. If a fatality is involved, it should be the death penalty. Does that sound too harsh? Well. Compare it to the high crime rate, loss of life and human suffering we have now. I'd make that trade in a heart beat.

There are lots of countries that have harsh penalties for such crimes. The interesting thing is that the crime rate in those countries is very low. When the consequences of committing a crime aren't as bad as the benefits, anyone that thinks people will stop is just a simple minded dumbass.
Child rape in some states in this country USED to be a capital offense. If you raped a kid and got convicted, you got the juice or the noose.
The good ol' days.
He/she/it should just be glad they didn't get what they really deserve. A bullet in the head. We're way to soft on criminals. That's why we have such a problem with this type of crime. Think about it. If pedophiles KNEW that there was a mandatory death penalty for what they do, how many would even attempt it. And even if it didn't work as a deterrent, it has the benefit of getting rid of someone who will never harm another child.

We, and I mean the system, is way too soft on criminals then wonder why there is such a high recidivism rate.
The vast majority of violent crimes are committed by repeat offenders. Most of them are black. If we could just get rid of them, Things would be a lot better. Forget the three strikes law, which isn't even enforced, to the best of my knowledge. If someone commits a violent crime, it should be a very stiff mandatory sentence. No plea bargains. If they do it again, life without parole. If a fatality is involved, it should be the death penalty. Does that sound too harsh? Well. Compare it to the high crime rate, loss of life and human suffering we have now. I'd make that trade in a heart beat.

There are lots of countries that have harsh penalties for such crimes. The interesting thing is that the crime rate in those countries is very low. When the consequences of committing a crime aren't as bad as the benefits, anyone that thinks people will stop is just a simple minded dumbass.
Child rape in some states in this country USED to be a capital offense. If you raped a kid and got convicted, you got the juice or the noose.
The good ol' days.

The interesting part is you didn't hear about it happening. I wonder if that's because it didn't as those who would do it knew what would happen.
We, and I mean the system, is way too soft on criminals then wonder why there is such a high recidivism rate.
The vast majority of violent crimes are committed by repeat offenders. Most of them are black. If we could just get rid of them, Things would be a lot better. Forget the three strikes law, which isn't even enforced, to the best of my knowledge. If someone commits a violent crime, it should be a very stiff mandatory sentence. No plea bargains. If they do it again, life without parole. If a fatality is involved, it should be the death penalty. Does that sound too harsh? Well. Compare it to the high crime rate, loss of life and human suffering we have now. I'd make that trade in a heart beat.

There are lots of countries that have harsh penalties for such crimes. The interesting thing is that the crime rate in those countries is very low. When the consequences of committing a crime aren't as bad as the benefits, anyone that thinks people will stop is just a simple minded dumbass.
Child rape in some states in this country USED to be a capital offense. If you raped a kid and got convicted, you got the juice or the noose.
The good ol' days.

The interesting part is you didn't hear about it happening. I wonder if that's because it didn't as those who would do it knew what would happen.
You never heard about Jewish children being stoned to death for hitting their parents either. Probably for the same reason.
The vast majority of violent crimes are committed by repeat offenders. Most of them are black. If we could just get rid of them, Things would be a lot better. Forget the three strikes law, which isn't even enforced, to the best of my knowledge. If someone commits a violent crime, it should be a very stiff mandatory sentence. No plea bargains. If they do it again, life without parole. If a fatality is involved, it should be the death penalty. Does that sound too harsh? Well. Compare it to the high crime rate, loss of life and human suffering we have now. I'd make that trade in a heart beat.

There are lots of countries that have harsh penalties for such crimes. The interesting thing is that the crime rate in those countries is very low. When the consequences of committing a crime aren't as bad as the benefits, anyone that thinks people will stop is just a simple minded dumbass.
Child rape in some states in this country USED to be a capital offense. If you raped a kid and got convicted, you got the juice or the noose.
The good ol' days.

The interesting part is you didn't hear about it happening. I wonder if that's because it didn't as those who would do it knew what would happen.
You never heard about Jewish children being stoned to death for hitting their parents either. Probably for the same reason.

A friend of mine used to work for an international floor covering company and traveled all over the world as part of his job. He said one of the first times he was in a particular country, and I don't remember which one, he said he noticed a crowd gathered in what was a public place. He asked the cab driver what was happening. He said the cab driver told him that it was a public hanging because the person was caught with illegal drugs. I doubt there was very much use of illegal drugs there. The smart ones figured it out and the stupid ones didn't have to be dealt with any more.
There are lots of countries that have harsh penalties for such crimes. The interesting thing is that the crime rate in those countries is very low. When the consequences of committing a crime aren't as bad as the benefits, anyone that thinks people will stop is just a simple minded dumbass.
Child rape in some states in this country USED to be a capital offense. If you raped a kid and got convicted, you got the juice or the noose.
The good ol' days.

The interesting part is you didn't hear about it happening. I wonder if that's because it didn't as those who would do it knew what would happen.
You never heard about Jewish children being stoned to death for hitting their parents either. Probably for the same reason.

A friend of mine used to work for an international floor covering company and traveled all over the world as part of his job. He said one of the first times he was in a particular country, and I don't remember which one, he said he noticed a crowd gathered in what was a public place. He asked the cab driver what was happening. He said the cab driver told him that it was a public hanging because the person was caught with illegal drugs. I doubt there was very much use of illegal drugs there. The smart ones figured it out and the stupid ones didn't have to be dealt with any more.
Speaking of which, there are very few things I like about Iran. But I do like how they deal with drunk drivers. They shoot them. No trial. If they smell alcohol on your breath, they just shoot you. I think we could learn something from that.

EDIT: OK. Guess I was wrong about that. I just looked it up. They don't shoot them. But it's still a great idea.
Child rape in some states in this country USED to be a capital offense. If you raped a kid and got convicted, you got the juice or the noose.
The good ol' days.

The interesting part is you didn't hear about it happening. I wonder if that's because it didn't as those who would do it knew what would happen.
You never heard about Jewish children being stoned to death for hitting their parents either. Probably for the same reason.

A friend of mine used to work for an international floor covering company and traveled all over the world as part of his job. He said one of the first times he was in a particular country, and I don't remember which one, he said he noticed a crowd gathered in what was a public place. He asked the cab driver what was happening. He said the cab driver told him that it was a public hanging because the person was caught with illegal drugs. I doubt there was very much use of illegal drugs there. The smart ones figured it out and the stupid ones didn't have to be dealt with any more.
Speaking of which, there are very few things I like about Iran. But I do like how they deal with drunk drivers. They shoot them. No trial. If they smell alcohol on your breath, they just shoot you. I think we could learn something from that.

EDIT: OK. Guess I was wrong about that. I just looked it up. They don't shoot them. But it's still a great idea.

They do far more than the U.S does. When someone can have multiple DUI's on their record and still be free, it's a problem.
He/she/it should just be glad they didn't get what they really deserve. A bullet in the head. We're way to soft on criminals. That's why we have such a problem with this type of crime. Think about it. If pedophiles KNEW that there was a mandatory death penalty for what they do, how many would even attempt it. And even if it didn't work as a deterrent, it has the benefit of getting rid of someone who will never harm another child.

We, and I mean the system, is way too soft on criminals then wonder why there is such a high recidivism rate.
The vast majority of violent crimes are committed by repeat offenders. Most of them are black. If we could just get rid of them, Things would be a lot better. Forget the three strikes law, which isn't even enforced, to the best of my knowledge. If someone commits a violent crime, it should be a very stiff mandatory sentence. No plea bargains. If they do it again, life without parole. If a fatality is involved, it should be the death penalty. Does that sound too harsh? Well. Compare it to the high crime rate, loss of life and human suffering we have now. I'd make that trade in a heart beat.

There are lots of countries that have harsh penalties for such crimes. The interesting thing is that the crime rate in those countries is very low. When the consequences of committing a crime aren't as bad as the benefits, anyone that thinks people will stop is just a simple minded dumbass.
Child rape in some states in this country USED to be a capital offense. If you raped a kid and got convicted, you got the juice or the noose.

In many areas, child molesters never made it to court. The local folks had a way of dealing with them and it worked.

My dad grew up in a small coal mining town in the north. When a husband abused his wife or his kids, the police weren't called. A group of men from the mine paid him a visit and "explained" to him that it wasn't the thing to do. If the explanation didn't get through, the next time it happened the "explanation" was more in-depth. If that didn't work, there likely wasn't an explanation if you catch my drift.
Unfortunately, public intervention in a child molestation case is rare. A stranger who buggered a kid could juice up the vigilante spirit, but far more often it was a father, grandfather, uncle, etc. And there was a code in society that meddling in family affairs is wrong, so people looked the other way and the abuse would happen for years. Generations even.

I don't pine for the good old days. It's better today.
He/she/it should just be glad they didn't get what they really deserve. A bullet in the head. We're way to soft on criminals. That's why we have such a problem with this type of crime. Think about it. If pedophiles KNEW that there was a mandatory death penalty for what they do, how many would even attempt it. And even if it didn't work as a deterrent, it has the benefit of getting rid of someone who will never harm another child.

We, and I mean the system, is way too soft on criminals then wonder why there is such a high recidivism rate.
The vast majority of violent crimes are committed by repeat offenders. Most of them are black. If we could just get rid of them, Things would be a lot better. Forget the three strikes law, which isn't even enforced, to the best of my knowledge. If someone commits a violent crime, it should be a very stiff mandatory sentence. No plea bargains. If they do it again, life without parole. If a fatality is involved, it should be the death penalty. Does that sound too harsh? Well. Compare it to the high crime rate, loss of life and human suffering we have now. I'd make that trade in a heart beat.

There are lots of countries that have harsh penalties for such crimes. The interesting thing is that the crime rate in those countries is very low. When the consequences of committing a crime aren't as bad as the benefits, anyone that thinks people will stop is just a simple minded dumbass.
Child rape in some states in this country USED to be a capital offense. If you raped a kid and got convicted, you got the juice or the noose.

I've never heard of that. In fact, in the olden days, age of consent was set MUCH lower. I believe it was as low as 7 years old in Delaware. Good ole days? I think not. Those were the days when we looked at children as "miniature adults." Did you know that we came up with an animal rights organization before we came up with one for children? Yeah, nice people back in "the day." Things being so great back then is just a myth. Things were much worse for children and women.
He/she/it should just be glad they didn't get what they really deserve. A bullet in the head. We're way to soft on criminals. That's why we have such a problem with this type of crime. Think about it. If pedophiles KNEW that there was a mandatory death penalty for what they do, how many would even attempt it. And even if it didn't work as a deterrent, it has the benefit of getting rid of someone who will never harm another child.

We, and I mean the system, is way too soft on criminals then wonder why there is such a high recidivism rate.
The vast majority of violent crimes are committed by repeat offenders. Most of them are black. If we could just get rid of them, Things would be a lot better. Forget the three strikes law, which isn't even enforced, to the best of my knowledge. If someone commits a violent crime, it should be a very stiff mandatory sentence. No plea bargains. If they do it again, life without parole. If a fatality is involved, it should be the death penalty. Does that sound too harsh? Well. Compare it to the high crime rate, loss of life and human suffering we have now. I'd make that trade in a heart beat.

There are lots of countries that have harsh penalties for such crimes. The interesting thing is that the crime rate in those countries is very low. When the consequences of committing a crime aren't as bad as the benefits, anyone that thinks people will stop is just a simple minded dumbass.
Child rape in some states in this country USED to be a capital offense. If you raped a kid and got convicted, you got the juice or the noose.

I've never heard of that. In fact, in the olden days, age of consent was set MUCH lower. I believe it was as low as 7 years old in Delaware. Good ole days? I think not. Those were the days when we looked at children as "miniature adults." Did you know that we came up with an animal rights organization before we came up with one for children? Yeah, nice people back in "the day." Things being so great back then is just a myth. Things were much worse for children and women.
Being treated as property didn't make for a good time, unless you were white and male.
We, and I mean the system, is way too soft on criminals then wonder why there is such a high recidivism rate.
The vast majority of violent crimes are committed by repeat offenders. Most of them are black. If we could just get rid of them, Things would be a lot better. Forget the three strikes law, which isn't even enforced, to the best of my knowledge. If someone commits a violent crime, it should be a very stiff mandatory sentence. No plea bargains. If they do it again, life without parole. If a fatality is involved, it should be the death penalty. Does that sound too harsh? Well. Compare it to the high crime rate, loss of life and human suffering we have now. I'd make that trade in a heart beat.

There are lots of countries that have harsh penalties for such crimes. The interesting thing is that the crime rate in those countries is very low. When the consequences of committing a crime aren't as bad as the benefits, anyone that thinks people will stop is just a simple minded dumbass.
Child rape in some states in this country USED to be a capital offense. If you raped a kid and got convicted, you got the juice or the noose.

I've never heard of that. In fact, in the olden days, age of consent was set MUCH lower. I believe it was as low as 7 years old in Delaware. Good ole days? I think not. Those were the days when we looked at children as "miniature adults." Did you know that we came up with an animal rights organization before we came up with one for children? Yeah, nice people back in "the day." Things being so great back then is just a myth. Things were much worse for children and women.
Being treated as property didn't make for a good time, unless you were white and male.

I'm sure it wasn't very nice if you were a white male either.
I'm sure it wasn't very nice if you were a white male either.
It sucked, but they were the top dogs at least.

That probably would have depended on their situation. Plenty of little white boys were abused too. Of course, you have to bring race into it. :rolleyes-41: It's got nothing to do with race. Many white children were abandoned and lived in orphanages and were not treated well at all.
We, and I mean the system, is way too soft on criminals then wonder why there is such a high recidivism rate.
The vast majority of violent crimes are committed by repeat offenders. Most of them are black. If we could just get rid of them, Things would be a lot better. Forget the three strikes law, which isn't even enforced, to the best of my knowledge. If someone commits a violent crime, it should be a very stiff mandatory sentence. No plea bargains. If they do it again, life without parole. If a fatality is involved, it should be the death penalty. Does that sound too harsh? Well. Compare it to the high crime rate, loss of life and human suffering we have now. I'd make that trade in a heart beat.

There are lots of countries that have harsh penalties for such crimes. The interesting thing is that the crime rate in those countries is very low. When the consequences of committing a crime aren't as bad as the benefits, anyone that thinks people will stop is just a simple minded dumbass.
Child rape in some states in this country USED to be a capital offense. If you raped a kid and got convicted, you got the juice or the noose.

In many areas, child molesters never made it to court. The local folks had a way of dealing with them and it worked.

My dad grew up in a small coal mining town in the north. When a husband abused his wife or his kids, the police weren't called. A group of men from the mine paid him a visit and "explained" to him that it wasn't the thing to do. If the explanation didn't get through, the next time it happened the "explanation" was more in-depth. If that didn't work, there likely wasn't an explanation if you catch my drift.
Unfortunately, public intervention in a child molestation case is rare. A stranger who buggered a kid could juice up the vigilante spirit, but far more often it was a father, grandfather, uncle, etc. And there was a code in society that meddling in family affairs is wrong, so people looked the other way and the abuse would happen for years. Generations even.

I don't pine for the good old days. It's better today.

Not where my dad grew up.

It would be better today if people who needed to be dealt with the way those in his town dealt with them would do it.
We, and I mean the system, is way too soft on criminals then wonder why there is such a high recidivism rate.
The vast majority of violent crimes are committed by repeat offenders. Most of them are black. If we could just get rid of them, Things would be a lot better. Forget the three strikes law, which isn't even enforced, to the best of my knowledge. If someone commits a violent crime, it should be a very stiff mandatory sentence. No plea bargains. If they do it again, life without parole. If a fatality is involved, it should be the death penalty. Does that sound too harsh? Well. Compare it to the high crime rate, loss of life and human suffering we have now. I'd make that trade in a heart beat.

There are lots of countries that have harsh penalties for such crimes. The interesting thing is that the crime rate in those countries is very low. When the consequences of committing a crime aren't as bad as the benefits, anyone that thinks people will stop is just a simple minded dumbass.
Child rape in some states in this country USED to be a capital offense. If you raped a kid and got convicted, you got the juice or the noose.

I've never heard of that. In fact, in the olden days, age of consent was set MUCH lower. I believe it was as low as 7 years old in Delaware. Good ole days? I think not. Those were the days when we looked at children as "miniature adults." Did you know that we came up with an animal rights organization before we came up with one for children? Yeah, nice people back in "the day." Things being so great back then is just a myth. Things were much worse for children and women.
Being treated as property didn't make for a good time, unless you were white and male.

Survival of the fittest.
Alright, this has nothing to do with race. It's about children, no matter what color they are. ALL children are precious commodities and need to be protected from predator elements in our society. I would have no problem at all with having child molesters serve LWOP or spend the rest of their natural lives in a mental institution. I think they violated children's rights and ruined their lives, and that this is a crime that is right up there alongside murder because of the heinous and despicable nature of one who would prey on the defenseless and easily manipulated. I don't feel any pity for them whatsoever and would have no problem with them never getting out of incarceration.
I don't care if they are "transgendered" or not. Fuck them. They don't deserve to be coddled and treated with kid gloves. This pervert is in jail for harming a CHILD. He can go without his wish to be a dude who looks like a lady, as far as I'm concerned.
We, and I mean the system, is way too soft on criminals then wonder why there is such a high recidivism rate.
The vast majority of violent crimes are committed by repeat offenders. Most of them are black. If we could just get rid of them, Things would be a lot better. Forget the three strikes law, which isn't even enforced, to the best of my knowledge. If someone commits a violent crime, it should be a very stiff mandatory sentence. No plea bargains. If they do it again, life without parole. If a fatality is involved, it should be the death penalty. Does that sound too harsh? Well. Compare it to the high crime rate, loss of life and human suffering we have now. I'd make that trade in a heart beat.

There are lots of countries that have harsh penalties for such crimes. The interesting thing is that the crime rate in those countries is very low. When the consequences of committing a crime aren't as bad as the benefits, anyone that thinks people will stop is just a simple minded dumbass.
Child rape in some states in this country USED to be a capital offense. If you raped a kid and got convicted, you got the juice or the noose.

In many areas, child molesters never made it to court. The local folks had a way of dealing with them and it worked.

My dad grew up in a small coal mining town in the north. When a husband abused his wife or his kids, the police weren't called. A group of men from the mine paid him a visit and "explained" to him that it wasn't the thing to do. If the explanation didn't get through, the next time it happened the "explanation" was more in-depth. If that didn't work, there likely wasn't an explanation if you catch my drift.
Unfortunately, public intervention in a child molestation case is rare. A stranger who buggered a kid could juice up the vigilante spirit, but far more often it was a father, grandfather, uncle, etc. And there was a code in society that meddling in family affairs is wrong, so people looked the other way and the abuse would happen for years. Generations even.

I don't pine for the good old days. It's better today.
There are a few things that are better today.

Medical care is (potentially) better.

Ok well that's about it.

I'd rather have the occasionally incestuous family (and they do still exist) than have the state sticking their nose into everybody's family every time a kid says something objectionable. Because at the end of the day, the state is going to do a lot more damage than the occasional incestuous family is going to do. For one thing, the state redistributes the damaged kids into other homes, where they happily abuse the other kids. Or they mistakenly place kids who have never been abused in foster homes where they are abused.

Let the communities take care of it the best they can...generally that means catching the perpetrators and putting them in jail, or occasionally feeding them to the gators. Either way is fine by me.

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