Trial for Man Who Slapped Toddler


Senior Member
Nov 14, 2012
Man accused of slapping toddler on Delta flight pleads not guilty |

Hundley was on his way to Atlanta to take his only child off life support after his son had overdosed on insulin, Hundley’s attorney, Marcia Shein, said following Wednesday’s hearing. Shein said Hundley had been awake 24 hours straight prior to the altercation on the plane and that his son died days later.

“He was grieving and very upset,” she said. “That’s why we’re going to trial.”

Hundley has admitted to making the racial slur, she said. Shein said Hundley is hopeful that Bennett and others can forgive his statements made aboard the plane.

Hundley, former president of Unitech Composites and Structures, was fired by his company’s parent company following news of the allegations.

If convicted of hitting the toddler, Hundley could face up to one year in prison and be ordered to pay a $100,000 fine.

His next court appearance is scheduled for April 9 and a tentative trial date was set for May 13.
I don't know what would be a correct judgment.

His son is dead, he lost his job and has been arrested, etc.

He pled not guilty but admits to using a racial slur.
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I can't believe he's pleading not guilty. There were several witnesses and the child had a scratch on his face from the blow.According to the mother he was drunk, and she spent the majority of the flight near the flight attendant to keep away from him.

Does he deserve a year in jail? I think that's a bit harsh. Though I do find enjoyment that he's lost his job. He's a bigot. Grief is no excuse to assault a baby.
I can understand he was grieving, and that he hadn't had any sleep and was exhausted, but does it excuse what he did? I don't know.
I don't think jail time would be appropriate, I think he needs counseling, more than anything.
I can understand he was grieving, and that he hadn't had any sleep and was exhausted, but does it excuse what he did? I don't know.
I don't think jail time would be appropriate, I think he needs counseling, more than anything.

I don't know what the court should do.

On an individual level, as the parent of the child, I would discount his crude remark. He says he didn't slap the child.

I suppose there are several witnesses.

As for the alcohol--I assume he was tested.

I don't know--I assume the flight attendants followed procedures or maybe they didn't.

I have always thought that a 'not guilty plea' was standard.
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I can understand he was grieving, and that he hadn't had any sleep and was exhausted, but does it excuse what he did? I don't know.
I don't think jail time would be appropriate, I think he needs counseling, more than anything.

That's exactly what you said about the woman who stuck her kid to the wall and then kicked the shit out of her.
I can understand he was grieving, and that he hadn't had any sleep and was exhausted, but does it excuse what he did? I don't know.
I don't think jail time would be appropriate, I think he needs counseling, more than anything.

That's exactly what you said about the woman who stuck her kid to the wall and then kicked the shit out of her.

He sounds like a 'John Wayne'.
They might be when it involves air travel. I believe it's illegal to be drunk while flying. Thought I don't think whether he was drunk or not has any bearing on him slapping someone else's baby.
I have never heard of breathalyzers to determine public drunkeness. What is the "public intoxication" blood level that it is illegal to exceed?
Fining him the $100,000 might be enough to keep him from opening his big fat mouth again. He terrorized the woman and her child, there is no justification for that.

Why would he have been tested for alcohol?

Was he driving?

He was arrested when the plane landed. ??Public intoxication.??

I don't think breathalyzers are a given with arrest unless the person being arrested was driving...

Then I suppose the testimony of the witnesses will address that issue.

If he hadn't slept for 24 hrs prior to flight --possibly even a small amount of alcohol affected him. I would assume that there had been heavy stress for days --if that is an issue.
I have never heard of breathalyzers to determine public drunkeness. What is the "public intoxication" blood level that it is illegal to exceed?

I have no legal expertise --so I created this thread in the hopes that others who have this type of knowledge would provide insight.

You are charged with a crime and entitled to a defense--what the desired outcome should/could be I have no idea.

Reduced fine and prison averted?
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I can understand he was grieving, and that he hadn't had any sleep and was exhausted, but does it excuse what he did? I don't know.
I don't think jail time would be appropriate, I think he needs counseling, more than anything.

That's exactly what you said about the woman who stuck her kid to the wall and then kicked the shit out of her.

I recall that case but I don't recall what I said about it. You obviously have a good memory...
It made quite an impression. You obviously didn't think much of a crime had been committed.

The by-product of abortion is callousness and lack of concern for children of all ages, and life in general. And you exhibit that every time you chime in.
It made quite an impression. You obviously didn't think much of a crime had been committed.

The by-product of abortion is callousness and lack of concern for children of all ages, and life in general. And you exhibit that every time you chime in.

It's quite a talent you have, tying all of the world's ills to abortion. :tongue:

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