Truckers are refusing to Deliver to NYC after Engoron's Ruling

NYC will pay through the nose for every loaf of bread, carton of milk, eggs or autoparts they want. Any food shortage in NYC would be a big huge gigantic catastrophe, what with the ‘illegal aliens’ and all.

They will all understand who did this to them.

Be great if it really happens.
Some truckers.
Some businesses are leaving because the price they will pay for their opinions is too high.

Some here. A few there. A couple now and then. For every one that leaves, none are moving in. Persecution for political opinions on one hand. Violent crime on the other. Back breaking taxes and regulations up in the air.

New York is a city on the edge of collapse. Only a few light pushes to put it over the edge.
Its not just NYC... There is a whole other state attached to it that suffers immensly due to the policies catering to that shit hole. Everything west of syracuse outside of rochester went red before the wave of fraud hit the next day. The New York Post even reported on it, it was historic. We are talking land slide victories, and then that magically changed by the tens of thousands inside of 1 hour at 10 am! And everyone dropped that story like a hot potato in fact it became illegal to speak about. I watched as dozens of friends get banned for life on facebook for even asking about it! It was wild. You cut off the rot in NYC from NY and NY instantly becomes a red state with in 1 election.

The trump signs are EVERYWHERE. For every 1,000 trump signs, there is 1 biden bumper sticker. From Niagara Falls to Jamestown to Rochester to Syracuse to Watertown to Albany.

We suffer under oppressive taxes that follow many of us out of state. For many, leaving NYS they get auditted after they hyave left! With NY demanding tens of thousands those from those who have left. Louis Rossman on YouTube got nailed. Hes one out of tens of thousands getting the same shit from NYS. Its insane! Like how dare you Leave! If your a business owner, and leave NYS, they will actually try to bankrupt you for the crime of leaving.

NY bankrupted 65% of the hospitality businesses with their covid shit. When you go bankrupt in NY they treat you like a criminal. The fact that you were forced to pay the highest taxes, under the restrictive relugations and couldnt make it is beyond their comprehension.

No one is voting for this shit. Its straight up fraud. Those of us trapped here watch in complete amazement of the total fuckery going on in MI and AZ, as they fuck up the perfect fraud. NY mastered it and the rest of the country cant seem to get their shit together. The anger brewing just under the surface over how AZ has completely screwed the pooch here is pretty substantial. After all eastern states have it solidified into the masses that its everyones fault for voting this way with out realizing no one is voting for any of this. at all.
Great. Head in another direction. Noticed all of the Hispanic truckers out there now?

They're not part of the klan. All of these distributors are going to start abandoning you hillbillies here real soon.

People want their goods. They dont care about your issues. You don't have the clout you think you do.
How soon we forget about the Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020.

The US operates on truckers. If they stopped rolling, with in 18hours youd feel the effects.

With in 3 days every store would be with out inventory or very little rationing would become a thing with in 1 week.

Violence would soon follow. Our country runs on trucks. Period. They stop, the country stops. And replacing them, isnt really a thing.
"They would die for the guy". Yea, right.

Seriously? After THREE solid, unbroken years of "insurrection" and "assault on democracy" with hundreds of people locked in solitary with not even bail nor trial dates for YEARS while locked away in and treated medievally and criminally despite their doing far less at the capitol than most BLM and antifa in 2020 and having no prior criminal history, and your calling all Trump supporters "Cultists," now you are going to do a 180° and contradict yourself and 10,000 other leftists by now laughing at the idea that people would die for the guy???!!!

WOW. Major league mental illness.
Good for them.

Dump their loads and let others who respect the law move forward.

There's nothing illegal about refusing a load. You obviously have no clue how much this country depends on independent truckers.

How does NY meet these demands?
As long as the city gets poorer and poorer. Let the mediocrity that runs it, destroy it. A billion here a billion there and soon enough you are talking real money. That old money has deep pockets. The Stock Exchanges should consider moving. A nice Red city. One that is guaranteed to stay red or at least be closer to common sense.
^^^ The sadists that Trumpsters have become.

The cruelty satisifies their blind rage. Temporarily.

The Party of God. Right.
God has wrath. God has no issue with containing evil. And yes, it crosses political lines.
There's nothing illegal about refusing a load. You obviously have no clue how much this country depends on independent truckers.

I doubt this becomes a thing. If they just decide they don't want to do business in New York, then others will simply fill the void. In the case of independent truckers/operators, they'd be wise to carefully consider their long-term financial viability. Lots of overhead.
NYC will pay through the nose for every loaf of bread, carton of milk, eggs or autoparts they want. Any food shortage in NYC would be a big huge gigantic catastrophe, what with the ‘illegal aliens’ and all.

They will all understand who did this to them.

Just put on a few extra cars onto the trains. Simple fix. If the Truckers wish to give their business to the Railroads then they can stupidly do that. It's take about 2 weeks to bring the RRs up to snuff.
Sorry bout that,

1. No dont stop trucking in goods.
2. Send them all the, BUD LIGHT, by the 100's of truck loads, nothing else.
3. Send them this shit beer, we don't want it. lol!!!!!
4. Thats goods.

Found out this morning there is an entire truckline using automated trucks. Its expanding to Houston and North Texas.
I doubt this becomes a thing. If they just decide they don't want to do business in New York, then others will simply fill the void. In the case of independent truckers/operators, they'd be wise to carefully consider their long-term financial viability. Lots of overhead.

Let's mix the two ideas. The local transport companies would jump at the chance to handle more goods. Now, how do we get it to the cities? Easy answer. Each Railroad Car holds the weight and bulk of the trailer at 3.5 times the amount. Take a 100 car train and you have the equivalent of 350 trailers. What the train systems can do is to spread that 100 car over 10 trains at 10 cars each. The Rails are under used today and more trains could be added. They would deliver to the railyards where intercity transportation would take them to their destination.

This is another "Scared Shitless" campaigns that needs to stop. Industry will find a way no matter how stupid one of the legs gets.
Trucker legal analysis. lol. Trucking is important in this country but truckers are not known for their legal analysis. They have zero idea if Trump is guilty or innocent of the crimes his company was convicted for. Not one of the 10 truckers this idiot spoke to read the 91 page ruling.
^^^ The sadists that Trumpsters have become.

The cruelty satisifies their blind rage. Temporarily.

The Party of God. Right.
We see assholes clearly. And like it when assholes get what they deserve.

Given the respect shown by New York to are getting what you earned in return.

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