Truckers vote to ignore Trudeau ultimatum to clear Ambassador Bridge

"COVID will kill me,
This I know.
For my TV
Tells me so.

Little shots
Will set me free.
Let's get boosters
One, two, three.

Yes, COVID will kill me.
Yes, COVID will kill me.
Yes, COVID will kill me.
My TV tells me so"

Sung to the tune of "Yes, Jesus Loves Me"
The increase in weekly deaths are more than double those labeled as covid deaths. This proves the canard that most deaths caused by other conditions are bring labeled as covid for profit is a LIE! The reality is deaths caused by covid is more than double those being labeled as covid deaths.
WeeklyExcessDeaths (2).png
You unvaccinated covid infected brain fogged zombie assholes already crashed a vehicle into my family & I, plus clogged the hospitals preventing us from getting the care we paid insurance all our working lives for. So when you get infected, stay away from hospitals since you assholes refuse to follow medical advice!
What makes you think all unvaccinated have COVID?
Hopefully Trudeau does as he had said, bringing in the military to get that damn trucks off the bridges. I'm damn tired of shortages and paying higher prices. The truckers are violating the law and the govern should act. Actually, I don't really hold truckers to blame. They are being mislead by the crap of social media, the worst thing that has very happen to America.
God you are stupid.
Hopefully Trudeau does as he had said, bringing in the military to get that damn trucks off the bridges. I'm damn tired of shortages and paying higher prices. The truckers are violating the law and the govern should act. Actually, I don't really hold truckers to blame. They are being mislead by the crap of social media, the worst thing that has very happen to America.

Do you really think you're paying higher prices because of trucker's protest in Canada that's ongoing for the last two weeks?

Were there any trucker protest in the last year? No? Then why do we have running inflation for the past year?


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