True history of the birther movement: Telegraph UK 2011

*sigh* the bottom line of it all is that the D's should have put the birth certificate out there front and center to quell all rumors.

They did. The COLB that Obama released through in 2008 was a birth certificate, prima facie evidence in any court of law, and can be used to get a passport or establish place of birth in any State in the Union.

Birthers simply ignored it. At no point is Obama or anyone else responsible for a Birther's desperate, willful ignorance.

You're preaching to the choir here on this Skylar. Hell's bells I just ran into a 9/11 er at the DM still screaming about WTC 7 and are you ready "jet fuel doesn't melt steel".

Uh......metal doesn't have to melt to fail. It loses about 90% of its structural integrity about 1000 degree below its melting point.

Cripes they are out there. Left and right. One bipartisan deal we should agree on is we have whackos on both sides.

If Hillary was a vocal and famous Truther, I'd fully accept you calling the DNC the 'Truther Party'. As that's who democrats would have chosen to represent them.

The Democrats didn't. But the GOP definitely chose a famous and vocal birther to represent them.
*sigh* the bottom line of it all is that the D's should have put the birth certificate out there front and center to quell all rumors.

Why? No other President has ever had to, why him?

Do you believe Trump should have to provide his tax returns? I think he needs to provide the girth certificate for his cheeto penis since he's claiming he's go "no problem in that area". What do you think?

If W had said he was born in another country like Obama did, you people would be screaming to high heaven to prove he was born here and you'd be attacking him endlessly for having said it either way

Except Obama never did, birther hack.

A birther is someone who believes Obama was born in Kenya and is therefore not a legitimate President. Not only do I not believe either of those, I believe even if he had been born in Kenya he's a legitimate President because his mother was American.

At some point, are you not going to say wow, maybe your kids should get a better education than the crappy one government provided you?
Yo, the Jury is still out on this "Muslim Named, Half & Half," in Washington? He does have the Name? And stands for the Muslim Extremist?

""Barack Hussein Obama II""
View attachment 73886

And here's the full quote:

Barack Obama said:
In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

So would I. So would any citizen that believed in the constitution.

Would you stand with Muslim and Pakistani Americans if the political winds shifted in an ugly direction? Or would you help round up your fellow citizens for internment without charges or conviction?

Yo, the only problem? Obama stands with all Muslims in the World, Good and Bad!!! If you have been paying attention!!!

View attachment 74251

And here again is the actual quote:

In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

The 'they' he's referring to are Arab and Pakistani Americans.

Would you stand with Muslim and Pakistani Americans if the political winds shifted in an ugly direction? Or would you help round up your fellow citizens for internment without charges or conviction?

Well I think we all know the answer to that.....after all- isn't he a Trump supporter?
*sigh* the bottom line of it all is that the D's should have put the birth certificate out there front and center to quell all rumors.

They did. The COLB that Obama released through in 2008 was a birth certificate, prima facie evidence in any court of law, and can be used to get a passport or establish place of birth in any State in the Union.

Birthers simply ignored it. At no point is Obama or anyone else responsible for a Birther's desperate, willful ignorance.

You're preaching to the choir here on this Skylar. Hell's bells I just ran into a 9/11 er at the DM still screaming about WTC 7 and are you ready "jet fuel doesn't melt steel".

Cripes they are out there. Left and right. One bipartisan deal we should agree on is we have whackos on both sides.

And one of those whackos is the GOP candidate for President.

And yes- I put the 9/11 whacko's with the Birthers.

And Trump appears to be a 9/11 truther also.....
Yo, the only problem? Obama stands with all Muslims in the World, Good and Bad!!! If you have been paying attention!!!

You gotta just love the worthless lying scum Right-wingers, even after their lies have been exposed as lies, they just keep on lying like the worthless scum they are!

Yo, "FACTS" is the Devil to the "Socialist Democrat Party," LOVE IT!!!

Obama is President.
Cruz is out of the race.
So why are Democrats so obsessed with 'Birthers' / 'Birtherism'?

Much like with 'Boooosh', they are obsessed with it. At least it's nice to know they can be obsessed with something more than JUST Bush...

Is Trump in the race? Did Trump insist that there is no birth certificate for Obama?

The GOP is now the Birther Party. Its a little too late to try and distance yourself from the pseudo-legal horseshit that Trump advocates.

LOL, no one is talking about that in the party, get over it, Master Po

Laughing.....too busy trying to insinuate Rafael Cruz's role in the Kennedy Assassination to talk about the Birther Conspiracy in the Birther Party?

No one's talking about it, what does that have to do with what you said? BTW, Hillary is going to be the Democrat nominee, not Obama. Haven't been following the news, have you?

The GOP- the official Birther party with the selection of Donald Trump as its nominee.
*sigh* the bottom line of it all is that the D's should have put the birth certificate out there front and center to quell all rumors.

They did. The COLB that Obama released through in 2008 was a birth certificate, prima facie evidence in any court of law, and can be used to get a passport or establish place of birth in any State in the Union.

Birthers simply ignored it. At no point is Obama or anyone else responsible for a Birther's desperate, willful ignorance.

You're preaching to the choir here on this Skylar. Hell's bells I just ran into a 9/11 er at the DM still screaming about WTC 7 and are you ready "jet fuel doesn't melt steel".

Cripes they are out there. Left and right. One bipartisan deal we should agree on is we have whackos on both sides.

And one of those whackos is the GOP candidate for President.

And yes- I put the 9/11 whacko's with the Birthers.

And Trump appears to be a 9/11 truther also.....

Kinda. He claims that the US government had advanced notice of the attack and did nothing. That's border line. As there was a vague, essentially worthless memo in August of 2001 that spoke of Bin Ladin's intent to attack 'the US or her interests at home or abroad'.

Which narrows the field to planet earth. But it did come before 911. So Trump's argument is brain dead. But it doesn't quite reach the level of Truther.

He's on record saying that there is no birth certificate. So he's definitely a birther.
Last edited:
Obama is President.
Cruz is out of the race.
So why are Democrats so obsessed with 'Birthers' / 'Birtherism'?

Much like with 'Boooosh', they are obsessed with it. At least it's nice to know they can be obsessed with something more than JUST Bush...

Is Trump in the race? Did Trump insist that there is no birth certificate for Obama?

The GOP is now the Birther Party. Its a little too late to try and distance yourself from the pseudo-legal horseshit that Trump advocates.

LOL, no one is talking about that in the party, get over it, Master Po

Laughing.....too busy trying to insinuate Rafael Cruz's role in the Kennedy Assassination to talk about the Birther Conspiracy in the Birther Party?

No one's talking about it, what does that have to do with what you said? BTW, Hillary is going to be the Democrat nominee, not Obama. Haven't been following the news, have you?

The GOP- the official Birther party with the selection of Donald Trump as its nominee.

And the circle jerking starts again, why you got ignored last year. I'm not close to doing that yet, but I'm pointing it out so we don't get there. Make your own points, don't parrot someone elses
*sigh* the bottom line of it all is that the D's should have put the birth certificate out there front and center to quell all rumors.

They did. The COLB that Obama released through in 2008 was a birth certificate, prima facie evidence in any court of law, and can be used to get a passport or establish place of birth in any State in the Union.

Birthers simply ignored it. At no point is Obama or anyone else responsible for a Birther's desperate, willful ignorance.

You're preaching to the choir here on this Skylar. Hell's bells I just ran into a 9/11 er at the DM still screaming about WTC 7 and are you ready "jet fuel doesn't melt steel".

Cripes they are out there. Left and right. One bipartisan deal we should agree on is we have whackos on both sides.

And one of those whackos is the GOP candidate for President.

And yes- I put the 9/11 whacko's with the Birthers.

And Trump appears to be a 9/11 truther also.....

Kinda. He claims that the US government had advanced notice of the attack and did nothing. That's border line. As there was a vague, essentially worthless memo in August of 2001 that spoke of Bin Ladin's intent to attack 'the US or her interests at home or abroad'.

Which narrows the field to planet earth. But it did come before 911. So Trump's argument is brain dead. But it doesn't quite reach the level of Truther.

He's on record saying that there is no birth certificate. So he's definitely a birther.

Okay- I am just making an informed guess here- that most 9/11 Truthers who post here at USMB- if they support any candidate- are Trump supporters.

With that I go to look in the rubber room....
Is Trump in the race? Did Trump insist that there is no birth certificate for Obama?

The GOP is now the Birther Party. Its a little too late to try and distance yourself from the pseudo-legal horseshit that Trump advocates.

LOL, no one is talking about that in the party, get over it, Master Po

Laughing.....too busy trying to insinuate Rafael Cruz's role in the Kennedy Assassination to talk about the Birther Conspiracy in the Birther Party?

No one's talking about it, what does that have to do with what you said? BTW, Hillary is going to be the Democrat nominee, not Obama. Haven't been following the news, have you?

The GOP- the official Birther party with the selection of Donald Trump as its nominee.

And the circle jerking starts again, why you got ignored last year. I'm not close to doing that yet, but I'm pointing it out so we don't get there. Make your own points, don't parrot someone elses

LOL, no one is talking about that in the party, get over it, Master Po

Laughing.....too busy trying to insinuate Rafael Cruz's role in the Kennedy Assassination to talk about the Birther Conspiracy in the Birther Party?

No one's talking about it, what does that have to do with what you said? BTW, Hillary is going to be the Democrat nominee, not Obama. Haven't been following the news, have you?

The GOP- the official Birther party with the selection of Donald Trump as its nominee.

And the circle jerking starts again, why you got ignored last year. I'm not close to doing that yet, but I'm pointing it out so we don't get there. Make your own points, don't parrot someone elses

View attachment 74270

That was a classic line. What's it got to do with what I said? You're parroting skylar, last year it was faun
*sigh* the bottom line of it all is that the D's should have put the birth certificate out there front and center to quell all rumors.

They did. The COLB that Obama released through in 2008 was a birth certificate, prima facie evidence in any court of law, and can be used to get a passport or establish place of birth in any State in the Union.

Birthers simply ignored it. At no point is Obama or anyone else responsible for a Birther's desperate, willful ignorance.

You're preaching to the choir here on this Skylar. Hell's bells I just ran into a 9/11 er at the DM still screaming about WTC 7 and are you ready "jet fuel doesn't melt steel".

Cripes they are out there. Left and right. One bipartisan deal we should agree on is we have whackos on both sides.

And one of those whackos is the GOP candidate for President.

And yes- I put the 9/11 whacko's with the Birthers.

And Trump appears to be a 9/11 truther also.....

Kinda. He claims that the US government had advanced notice of the attack and did nothing. That's border line. As there was a vague, essentially worthless memo in August of 2001 that spoke of Bin Ladin's intent to attack 'the US or her interests at home or abroad'.

Which narrows the field to planet earth. But it did come before 911. So Trump's argument is brain dead. But it doesn't quite reach the level of Truther.

He's on record saying that there is no birth certificate. So he's definitely a birther.

Okay- I am just making an informed guess here- that most 9/11 Truthers who post here at USMB- if they support any candidate- are Trump supporters.

With that I go to look in the rubber room....

Most of your conspiracy theorists are fringe right wingers. 'The Government is Out to Get You!' narrative plays very well in those circles. Plus, the GOP has been actively conditioning their constituency to gobble down conspiracy theories.

Well, it worked.
Laughing.....too busy trying to insinuate Rafael Cruz's role in the Kennedy Assassination to talk about the Birther Conspiracy in the Birther Party?

No one's talking about it, what does that have to do with what you said? BTW, Hillary is going to be the Democrat nominee, not Obama. Haven't been following the news, have you?

The GOP- the official Birther party with the selection of Donald Trump as its nominee.

And the circle jerking starts again, why you got ignored last year. I'm not close to doing that yet, but I'm pointing it out so we don't get there. Make your own points, don't parrot someone elses

View attachment 74270

That was a classic line. What's it got to do with what I said? You're parroting skylar, last year it was faun
Bart: [in a gruff voice, hauling himself by the collar and pressing the muzzle of his gun against his own neck] Hold it! The next man that makes a move, the n*gger gets it.
Dr. Johnson: Hold it men, he's not bluffing! [all but Howard Johnson drop their guns]
Dr. Samuel Johnson: Listen to him, men; he's just crazy enough to do it!
Bart: [still gruffly, to Howard] Drop it, or I swear I'll blow this n*gger's head ALL OVER THIS TOWN! [minstrel voice] Oh, Lawdy-Lawd, he's desp'at! Do what he say, do what he saaaayyyy... [Howard slowly drops the gun]
[Bart slowly moving towards the sheriff's office, still holding himself hostage]

Harriet Johnson: Isn't anyone going to help that poor man?
Dr. Samuel Johnson: Hush, Harriet! That's a sure way to get him killed!
No one's talking about it, what does that have to do with what you said? BTW, Hillary is going to be the Democrat nominee, not Obama. Haven't been following the news, have you?

The GOP- the official Birther party with the selection of Donald Trump as its nominee.

And the circle jerking starts again, why you got ignored last year. I'm not close to doing that yet, but I'm pointing it out so we don't get there. Make your own points, don't parrot someone elses

View attachment 74270

That was a classic line. What's it got to do with what I said? You're parroting skylar, last year it was faun
Bart: [in a gruff voice, hauling himself by the collar and pressing the muzzle of his gun against his own neck] Hold it! The next man that makes a move, the n*gger gets it.
Dr. Johnson: Hold it men, he's not bluffing! [all but Howard Johnson drop their guns]
Dr. Samuel Johnson: Listen to him, men; he's just crazy enough to do it!
Bart: [still gruffly, to Howard] Drop it, or I swear I'll blow this n*gger's head ALL OVER THIS TOWN! [minstrel voice] Oh, Lawdy-Lawd, he's desp'at! Do what he say, do what he saaaayyyy... [Howard slowly drops the gun]
[Bart slowly moving towards the sheriff's office, still holding himself hostage]

Harriet Johnson: Isn't anyone going to help that poor man?
Dr. Samuel Johnson: Hush, Harriet! That's a sure way to get him killed!

Faun, you're kazzing,
Syriusly: you're kazzing, you're kazzing, you're kazzing, you're kazzing, you're kazzing, you're kazzing, you're kazzing,
kaz: Bye bye, I do review my ignore list every April, I may let you off then

2016 after syriusly being unignored in April
Skylar: The birther party
Syriusly: The birther party
kaz: See 2015, the next move is yours ...
*sigh* the bottom line of it all is that the D's should have put the birth certificate out there front and center to quell all rumors.

They did. The COLB that Obama released through in 2008 was a birth certificate, prima facie evidence in any court of law, and can be used to get a passport or establish place of birth in any State in the Union.

Birthers simply ignored it. At no point is Obama or anyone else responsible for a Birther's desperate, willful ignorance.

You're preaching to the choir here on this Skylar. Hell's bells I just ran into a 9/11 er at the DM still screaming about WTC 7 and are you ready "jet fuel doesn't melt steel".

Uh......metal doesn't have to melt to fail. It loses about 90% of its structural integrity about 1000 degree below its melting point.

Cripes they are out there. Left and right. One bipartisan deal we should agree on is we have whackos on both sides.

If Hillary was a vocal and famous Truther, I'd fully accept you calling the DNC the 'Truther Party'. As that's who democrats would have chosen to represent them.

The Democrats didn't. But the GOP definitely chose a famous and vocal birther to represent them.


I said we have whackos on both sides of the aisle. I'm not calling the DNC a truther party either. I happen to be a mega fan of a D just south of the border for me. And man oh man she has taken a big rock and roller step to take on Washington and I am so proud of her. I got my dad in law in Florida to donate money to her campaigns by convincing him what a wonderful soul she is.

Heidi Heidkamp. She's awesome. She is fierce. I adore her.

Telling you right now this bullshit crap about birthers or any of the other lines you are running against the Donald won't work at all.

PS look up all posts on Bobby Kennedy.
Is Trump in the race? Did Trump insist that there is no birth certificate for Obama?

The GOP is now the Birther Party. Its a little too late to try and distance yourself from the pseudo-legal horseshit that Trump advocates.

LOL, no one is talking about that in the party, get over it, Master Po

Laughing.....too busy trying to insinuate Rafael Cruz's role in the Kennedy Assassination to talk about the Birther Conspiracy in the Birther Party?

No one's talking about it, what does that have to do with what you said? BTW, Hillary is going to be the Democrat nominee, not Obama. Haven't been following the news, have you?

The GOP- the official Birther party with the selection of Donald Trump as its nominee.

And the circle jerking starts again, why you got ignored last year. I'm not close to doing that yet, but I'm pointing it out so we don't get there. Make your own points, don't parrot someone elses

Thank you.
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*sigh* the bottom line of it all is that the D's should have put the birth certificate out there front and center to quell all rumors.

They did. The COLB that Obama released through in 2008 was a birth certificate, prima facie evidence in any court of law, and can be used to get a passport or establish place of birth in any State in the Union.

Birthers simply ignored it. At no point is Obama or anyone else responsible for a Birther's desperate, willful ignorance.

You're preaching to the choir here on this Skylar. Hell's bells I just ran into a 9/11 er at the DM still screaming about WTC 7 and are you ready "jet fuel doesn't melt steel".

Cripes they are out there. Left and right. One bipartisan deal we should agree on is we have whackos on both sides.

And one of those whackos is the GOP candidate for President.

And yes- I put the 9/11 whacko's with the Birthers.

And Trump appears to be a 9/11 truther also.....

Kinda. He claims that the US government had advanced notice of the attack and did nothing. That's border line. As there was a vague, essentially worthless memo in August of 2001 that spoke of Bin Ladin's intent to attack 'the US or her interests at home or abroad'.

Which narrows the field to planet earth. But it did come before 911. So Trump's argument is brain dead. But it doesn't quite reach the level of Truther.

He's on record saying that there is no birth certificate. So he's definitely a birther.

Ok you are the President of the United States of America.

Okey dokey guys. What's this that Jones and Ventura are claiming fucking crazy muslims are going to drive airplanes into the World Trade Center WHOA and the Pentagon and the White House?

*sigh* the bottom line of it all is that the D's should have put the birth certificate out there front and center to quell all rumors.

They did. The COLB that Obama released through in 2008 was a birth certificate, prima facie evidence in any court of law, and can be used to get a passport or establish place of birth in any State in the Union.

Birthers simply ignored it. At no point is Obama or anyone else responsible for a Birther's desperate, willful ignorance.

You're preaching to the choir here on this Skylar. Hell's bells I just ran into a 9/11 er at the DM still screaming about WTC 7 and are you ready "jet fuel doesn't melt steel".

Cripes they are out there. Left and right. One bipartisan deal we should agree on is we have whackos on both sides.

And one of those whackos is the GOP candidate for President.

And yes- I put the 9/11 whacko's with the Birthers.

And Trump appears to be a 9/11 truther also.....

Kinda. He claims that the US government had advanced notice of the attack and did nothing. That's border line. As there was a vague, essentially worthless memo in August of 2001 that spoke of Bin Ladin's intent to attack 'the US or her interests at home or abroad'.

Which narrows the field to planet earth. But it did come before 911. So Trump's argument is brain dead. But it doesn't quite reach the level of Truther.

He's on record saying that there is no birth certificate. So he's definitely a birther.

Ok you are the President of the United States of America.

Okey dokey guys. What's this that Jones and Ventura are claiming fucking crazy muslims are going to drive airplanes into the World Trade Center WHOA and the Pentagon and the White House?


See, here's the problem with the 'they knew' narrative. The memo and Jones had *dozens* of possible scenarios involving hundreds of different places. And none of them were crashing a jet into a building. There's nothing actionable in that.
By the way Neither had a rule. Not at all. You are talking to a person who only has radio. Who only knows the truth.

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