Trump accepts QAnon support

Q Anon is a fantasy...pretty much like CNN, except Q Anon hasn't paid to be on in every TV in every airport in America.
QAnon is just a fantasy?..meaning really doesn't exist?

I mean the idea of large, organized groups of pedophiles is just crazy, right?

Ax the Royal Family.....they are still very noivious bout getting caught up in the scandal.
This was what Trump said. He didn't know much about the online community and its followers other than "they like me very much. OMG you guys better start another impeachment.
ah yes..the old 'I hardly knew the guy. might have got me coffee once' BS again. He has a knack for feigning ignorance when it necessary doesn't he
This was what Trump said. He didn't know much about the online community and its followers other than "they like me very much. OMG you guys better start another impeachment.
ah yes..the old 'I hardly knew the guy. might have got me coffee once' BS again. He has a knack for feigning ignorance when it necessary doesn't he
Yeah just like when someone claims they had no idea of the beliefs of the man who was his pastor for 20 years and performed his weddimg cermoney. The idea someone doesn't know much about some online group is more reasonable than someone didn't know about the hateful rhetoric of their 20 year pastor.
“Americans“ are simply losing their minds. There are today powerful Evangelical “Christian Zionists” who believe in “End Times” and “Rapture” in our military and State Department. These types have existed in society for ages, as have religious sects, and other nutcases. but in this nuclear age when the U.S. empire is in difficulties, it is worrisome that our President is willing to encourage this madness to serve his own political interest.

We have seen this sort of conduct from Trump a hundred times before. He is not so dumb as he pretends, not so “ignorant” of Q-Anon. His responses are sly, and well thought out. Millions of today’s Republicans and “independent” rightwing populists enjoy accusIng Democrats and Liberals of being “demons,” “baby killing Communists” and of course pedophiles. Such people “like Trump” as he says, and he will not disabuse them of anything else they believe, no matter how lunatic.

Democrats may be nuts too, but their nuttiness rarely has the same truly bizarre quality. Yes there was Jonestown, but that was decades ago — a unique paranoid messiah cult which withdrew from society. Q-Anon is part of today’s internet conspiracy-mongering zeitgeist. I know plenty of slightly mad Democrats — mainstream liberal media can drive anybody a little crazy with its lies, exaggerations and obsessions. Especially if you believe all of it.

In my opinion there is more madness in the Q-Anon phenomenon than meets the eye. Not that Q-Anon supporters are important in themselves. They are just a symptom of much deeper problems in society, and now too of our President’s utterly devious and unprincipled opportunism.
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What exactly has Q Anon done to be labeled as domestic terrorist?
Q Anon seems like a spin-off of Anonymous. It's amusing for the MSM to asks questions about Q Anon while ignoring the nightly rioting, violence and killings being committed by ANTIFA and BLM supported and funded by democrats.
“Americans“ are simply losing their minds. There are today powerful Evangelical “Christian Zionists” who believe in “End Times” and “Rapture” in our military and State Department. These types have existed in society for ages, as have religious sects, and other nutcases. but in this nuclear age when the U.S. empire is in difficulties, it is worrisome that our President is willing to encourage this madness to serve his own political interest.

We have seen this sort of conduct from Trump a hundred times before. He is not so dumb as he pretends, not so “ignorant” of Q-Anon. His responses are sly, and well thought out. Millions of today’s Republicans and “independent” rightwing populists enjoy accusIng Democrats and Liberals of being “demons,” “baby killing Communists” and of course pedophiles. Such people “like Trump” as he says, and he will not disabuse them of anything else they believe, no matter how lunatic.

Democrats may be nuts too, but their nuttiness rarely has the same truly bizarre quality. Yes there was Jonestown, but that was decades ago — a unique paranoid messiah cult which withdrew from society. Q-Anon is part of today’s internet conspiracy-mongering zeitgeist. I know plenty of slightly mad Democrats — mainstream liberal media can drive anybody a little crazy with its lies, exaggerations and obsessions. Especially if you believe all of it.

In my opinion there is more madness in the Q-Anon phenomenon than meets the eye. Not that Q-Anon supporters are important in themselves. They are just a symptom of much deeper problems in society, and now too of our President’s utterly devious and unprincipled opportunism.

Until this week I had never heard of QAnon - but it sure does look like they are spot on with their claims and that the democrats are attempting to cover up a culture of rape, abuse, and child molesting,

What exactly has Q Anon done to be labeled as domestic terrorist?
Q Anon seems like a spin-off of Anonymous. It's amusing for the MSM to asks questions about Q Anon while ignoring the nightly rioting, violence and killings being committed by ANTIFA and BLM supported and funded by democrats.

Apparently the crazy bastards exposed Jeffery Epstein, Robert Di Nero, Bill Clinton, and a host of other perverts.

They are a real danger...
I have been neutral on the whole QANON saga even though I am well aware of it. This video is true as in it pertains to what has been done to not only Americans but people worldwide. Whether the patriots are truly in charge against this cabal of luciferian, globalist pedophiles or not hasn't been proven to my satisfaction? I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt that true patriots have kept the wolf at the door as there are inter-agency wars going on between all the three letter alphabet agencies that have been able to stave off and sabotage the New World Order that was suppose to be in place by the year 2000 along with the implementation of U.N Agenda 21. There is a great awakening taking place as in people are waking up and questioning how the ruling elites are able to usurp the wants and desires of the global masses that suffer under the weight of this debt based monetary system where our labor moves their fiat currency. Take the red pill.......


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