Trump accepts QAnon support

Not one Prog would believe what Adrenochrome is, and how sought after it is.

Why then is it so popular with the far-left? Aside from that, you can buy it for research. No big deal.

There was a novel in the 50s that mentioned adrenochrome and it's supposed mystical powers. In the 60s, it was mentioned addressed in the best selling novel, "A Clockwork Orange". That became a critically acclaimed and popular film in the early 70s. I just thought it was weird.

That probably explains the genesis of the weirdness of the drug although it is harmless. One person taking the drug say it didn't do anything but give him a headache for a week.

No, it's popular with the "rich folk". So you're saying that drinking the blood of young people is ok?


No, it's popular with the "rich folk". So you're saying that drinking the blood of young people is ok? Thats where Adrenochrome comes from, you knew that right?

I have no interest in a conversation with someone devoid of reality.

You no interest in any "truth" that may upset your little world view.
It would sound hella far fetched if it wasn't for humans having this BS going on throughout all of history

It is a world view destroyer :( That's wy they can't accept it.
Not one Prog would believe what Adrenochrome is, and how sought after it is.

Why then is it so popular with the far-left? Aside from that, you can buy it for research. No big deal.

There was a novel in the 50s that mentioned adrenochrome and it's supposed mystical powers. In the 60s, it was mentioned addressed in the best selling novel, "A Clockwork Orange". That became a critically acclaimed and popular film in the early 70s. I just thought it was weird.

That probably explains the genesis of the weirdness of the drug although it is harmless. One person taking the drug say it didn't do anything but give him a headache for a week.

No, it's popular with the "rich folk". So you're saying that drinking the blood of young people is ok?


No, it's popular with the "rich folk". So you're saying that drinking the blood of young people is ok? Thats where Adrenochrome comes from, you knew that right?


So you didn't know. Do some resarch kid, it's quite sick and they do it regularly.
Yes, they drink the blood of young people. They also SELL young Blood Transfusions, they also inject it. That last video will make ou sick.

Questionable “Young Blood” Transfusions Offered in U.S. as Anti-Aging Remedy

People Are Injecting Themselves With Blood From Teens and We're So Scared

Why the wealthy believe the fountain of youth flows with blood, and are spending thousands to satiate their lust


I don't blame you for not wanting to know.
QAnon is just a fantasy?..meaning really doesn't exist?
QAnon is real. Hopefully American will elect more candidates associated with QAnon like Marjorie Greene of Georgia.

Some of what QAnon says is proven fact, some of it seems sketchy. But the FACTS is that democrats are DEEPLY involved in child molestation and rape on massive scale. Murder of children for some weird drug? No evidence to support that. But the fact that the Q are flat out right on the deep state on the massive sexual abuse, I can't just write them off.

I don't blame you for not wanting to know.

This thread started with a discussion about a drug, known for decades called Adrenochrome which came with wild fictitious stories about how it is made. The stories came from weird old books and even wilder movies. The source of the drug is supposed to be from harvesting the adrenalin from little children while they are scared senseless. Does that make sense to you?

You took it and switched it to people DRINKING the blood of young people. Where did you get that idea?

To support your goofy allegations, you post THREE articles about people getting blood TRANSFUSIONS of blood from young people. After all those machinations, maybe you should just keep quiet?

I don't blame you for not wanting to know.

This thread started with a discussion about a drug, known for decades called Adrenochrome which came with wild fictitious stories about how it is made. The stories came from weird old books and even wilder movies. The source of the drug is supposed to be from harvesting the adrenalin from little children while they are scared senseless. Does that make sense to you?

You took it and switched it to people DRINKING the blood of young people. Where did you get that idea?

To support your goofy allegations, you post THREE articles about people getting blood TRANSFUSIONS of blood from young people. After all those machinations, maybe you should just keep quiet?

I can keep bitch slapping you as long as you like kid. You're been given real info and your only response is "nuh-uh"".
Like I said , I don''t blame you for not wanting to know, the truth is I wish I didn't know. It's real, its true. I was going to spare you the worst of it but since you're an ignorant fool here you go.

Adrenochrome - The most disgusting, secret "blood-drinking" cult drug of the elites


A “new trend” is sweeping Hollywood’s elite by storm which involves using a serum derived from the foreskin of babies as a means of looking younger.

My guess is that this “new trend” isn’t that new and that these evil pedophiles we see as celebrities have been doing these kinds of sick practicices for a long time.

But now they don’t even hide it anymore, remember these are the same people that perform satanic rituals and who sold their souls to the devil for fame and money. They also drink the blood of tortured young children to get high of adrenochrome and it’s rejuvenative properties.

Cate Blanchett and Sandra Bullock have made headlines recently by revealing their ‘secret’ to maintaining young and healthy looking skin. The duo have nicknamed the procedure the ‘Penis Facial’ due to the fact that the serum used in the process is derived from the foreskin of Korean babies….

What’s more is that not only are they publicly admitting to the use of mutilated baby penis parts to look younger, but they are celebrating it. On Thursday, Bullock went on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to explain why she’s so happy about this treatment and to explain the reason it has been called the ‘Penis Facial.’

You can hear people laughing in the audience as if what she is saying is actually funny, when she is blatantly admitting the fact that she uses the skin of babies penises… from babies that sadly are probably killed for their organs and blood by the “elite”.

The people who drink human blood

In most major cities around the world, communities of ordinary people – nurses, bar staff, secretaries – are drinking human blood on a regular basis. The question is, why?
In the French quarter of New Orleans, John Edgar Browning is about to take part in a "feeding". It begins as clinically as a medical procedure. His acquaintance first swabs a small patch on Browning’s upper back with alcohol. He then punctures it with a disposable hobby scalpel, and squeezes until the blood starts flowing. Lowering his lips to the wound, Browning's associate now starts lapping up the wine-dark liquid. “He drank it a few times, then cleaned and bandaged me,” Browning says today.
To Browning’s bemusement, he was not quite to his host’s taste. “He said my blood was not as metallic as it should have been – so he was a little disappointed,” he recalls; apparently, diet, hydration and blood group can all make a subtle difference to the flavour. After they had cleaned up, the pair went to a charity dinner in aid of the homeless.

There are hundreds more kid. I know it hurts, the truth in these things is never really nice. It is real and true however. Time to wake up.

I don't blame you for not wanting to know.

This thread started with a discussion about a drug, known for decades called Adrenochrome which came with wild fictitious stories about how it is made. The stories came from weird old books and even wilder movies. The source of the drug is supposed to be from harvesting the adrenalin from little children while they are scared senseless. Does that make sense to you?

You took it and switched it to people DRINKING the blood of young people. Where did you get that idea?

To support your goofy allegations, you post THREE articles about people getting blood TRANSFUSIONS of blood from young people. After all those machinations, maybe you should just keep quiet?

I can keep bitch slapping you as long as you like kid. You're been given real info and your only response is "nuh-uh"".
Like I said , I don''t blame you for not wanting to know, the truth is I wish I didn't know. It's real, its true. I was going to spare you the worst of it but since you're an ignorant fool here you go.

Adrenochrome - The most disgusting, secret "blood-drinking" cult drug of the elites


A “new trend” is sweeping Hollywood’s elite by storm which involves using a serum derived from the foreskin of babies as a means of looking younger.

My guess is that this “new trend” isn’t that new and that these evil pedophiles we see as celebrities have been doing these kinds of sick practicices for a long time.

But now they don’t even hide it anymore, remember these are the same people that perform satanic rituals and who sold their souls to the devil for fame and money. They also drink the blood of tortured young children to get high of adrenochrome and it’s rejuvenative properties.

Cate Blanchett and Sandra Bullock have made headlines recently by revealing their ‘secret’ to maintaining young and healthy looking skin. The duo have nicknamed the procedure the ‘Penis Facial’ due to the fact that the serum used in the process is derived from the foreskin of Korean babies….

What’s more is that not only are they publicly admitting to the use of mutilated baby penis parts to look younger, but they are celebrating it. On Thursday, Bullock went on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to explain why she’s so happy about this treatment and to explain the reason it has been called the ‘Penis Facial.’

You can hear people laughing in the audience as if what she is saying is actually funny, when she is blatantly admitting the fact that she uses the skin of babies penises… from babies that sadly are probably killed for their organs and blood by the “elite”.

The people who drink human blood

In most major cities around the world, communities of ordinary people – nurses, bar staff, secretaries – are drinking human blood on a regular basis. The question is, why?
In the French quarter of New Orleans, John Edgar Browning is about to take part in a "feeding". It begins as clinically as a medical procedure. His acquaintance first swabs a small patch on Browning’s upper back with alcohol. He then punctures it with a disposable hobby scalpel, and squeezes until the blood starts flowing. Lowering his lips to the wound, Browning's associate now starts lapping up the wine-dark liquid. “He drank it a few times, then cleaned and bandaged me,” Browning says today.
To Browning’s bemusement, he was not quite to his host’s taste. “He said my blood was not as metallic as it should have been – so he was a little disappointed,” he recalls; apparently, diet, hydration and blood group can all make a subtle difference to the flavour. After they had cleaned up, the pair went to a charity dinner in aid of the homeless.

There are hundreds more kid. I know it hurts, the truth in these things is never really nice. It is real and true however. Time to wake up.


I repeat....

This thread started with a discussion about a drug, known for decades called Adrenochrome which came with wild fictitious stories about how it is made. The stories came from weird old books and even wilder movies. The source of the drug is supposed to be from harvesting the adrenalin from little children while they are scared senseless. Does that make sense to you?

You took it and switched it to people DRINKING the blood of young people. Where did you get that idea?

To support your goofy allegations, you post THREE articles about people getting blood TRANSFUSIONS of blood from young people. After all those machinations, maybe you should just keep quiet?

I don't blame you for not wanting to know.

This thread started with a discussion about a drug, known for decades called Adrenochrome which came with wild fictitious stories about how it is made. The stories came from weird old books and even wilder movies. The source of the drug is supposed to be from harvesting the adrenalin from little children while they are scared senseless. Does that make sense to you?

You took it and switched it to people DRINKING the blood of young people. Where did you get that idea?

To support your goofy allegations, you post THREE articles about people getting blood TRANSFUSIONS of blood from young people. After all those machinations, maybe you should just keep quiet?

I can keep bitch slapping you as long as you like kid. You're been given real info and your only response is "nuh-uh"".
Like I said , I don''t blame you for not wanting to know, the truth is I wish I didn't know. It's real, its true. I was going to spare you the worst of it but since you're an ignorant fool here you go.

Adrenochrome - The most disgusting, secret "blood-drinking" cult drug of the elites


A “new trend” is sweeping Hollywood’s elite by storm which involves using a serum derived from the foreskin of babies as a means of looking younger.

My guess is that this “new trend” isn’t that new and that these evil pedophiles we see as celebrities have been doing these kinds of sick practicices for a long time.

But now they don’t even hide it anymore, remember these are the same people that perform satanic rituals and who sold their souls to the devil for fame and money. They also drink the blood of tortured young children to get high of adrenochrome and it’s rejuvenative properties.

Cate Blanchett and Sandra Bullock have made headlines recently by revealing their ‘secret’ to maintaining young and healthy looking skin. The duo have nicknamed the procedure the ‘Penis Facial’ due to the fact that the serum used in the process is derived from the foreskin of Korean babies….

What’s more is that not only are they publicly admitting to the use of mutilated baby penis parts to look younger, but they are celebrating it. On Thursday, Bullock went on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to explain why she’s so happy about this treatment and to explain the reason it has been called the ‘Penis Facial.’

You can hear people laughing in the audience as if what she is saying is actually funny, when she is blatantly admitting the fact that she uses the skin of babies penises… from babies that sadly are probably killed for their organs and blood by the “elite”.

The people who drink human blood

In most major cities around the world, communities of ordinary people – nurses, bar staff, secretaries – are drinking human blood on a regular basis. The question is, why?
In the French quarter of New Orleans, John Edgar Browning is about to take part in a "feeding". It begins as clinically as a medical procedure. His acquaintance first swabs a small patch on Browning’s upper back with alcohol. He then punctures it with a disposable hobby scalpel, and squeezes until the blood starts flowing. Lowering his lips to the wound, Browning's associate now starts lapping up the wine-dark liquid. “He drank it a few times, then cleaned and bandaged me,” Browning says today.
To Browning’s bemusement, he was not quite to his host’s taste. “He said my blood was not as metallic as it should have been – so he was a little disappointed,” he recalls; apparently, diet, hydration and blood group can all make a subtle difference to the flavour. After they had cleaned up, the pair went to a charity dinner in aid of the homeless.

There are hundreds more kid. I know it hurts, the truth in these things is never really nice. It is real and true however. Time to wake up.


I repeat....

This thread started with a discussion about a drug, known for decades called Adrenochrome which came with wild fictitious stories about how it is made. The stories came from weird old books and even wilder movies. The source of the drug is supposed to be from harvesting the adrenalin from little children while they are scared senseless. Does that make sense to you?

You took it and switched it to people DRINKING the blood of young people. Where did you get that idea?

To support your goofy allegations, you post THREE articles about people getting blood TRANSFUSIONS of blood from young people. After all those machinations, maybe you should just keep quiet?

I have no problem with you having your head up your ass. I've given you at least 7 or 8 sources and like all illiterates all you can do is say "nuh-uh". It's real, it's happening and perhaps coming to a place near you soon. You need to learn that what YOU believe matters not to them, what matters is that THEY believe it. You'd do well to remember that.

I don't blame you for not wanting to know.

This thread started with a discussion about a drug, known for decades called Adrenochrome which came with wild fictitious stories about how it is made. The stories came from weird old books and even wilder movies. The source of the drug is supposed to be from harvesting the adrenalin from little children while they are scared senseless. Does that make sense to you?

You took it and switched it to people DRINKING the blood of young people. Where did you get that idea?

To support your goofy allegations, you post THREE articles about people getting blood TRANSFUSIONS of blood from young people. After all those machinations, maybe you should just keep quiet?

I can keep bitch slapping you as long as you like kid. You're been given real info and your only response is "nuh-uh"".
Like I said , I don''t blame you for not wanting to know, the truth is I wish I didn't know. It's real, its true. I was going to spare you the worst of it but since you're an ignorant fool here you go.

Adrenochrome - The most disgusting, secret "blood-drinking" cult drug of the elites


A “new trend” is sweeping Hollywood’s elite by storm which involves using a serum derived from the foreskin of babies as a means of looking younger.

My guess is that this “new trend” isn’t that new and that these evil pedophiles we see as celebrities have been doing these kinds of sick practicices for a long time.

But now they don’t even hide it anymore, remember these are the same people that perform satanic rituals and who sold their souls to the devil for fame and money. They also drink the blood of tortured young children to get high of adrenochrome and it’s rejuvenative properties.

Cate Blanchett and Sandra Bullock have made headlines recently by revealing their ‘secret’ to maintaining young and healthy looking skin. The duo have nicknamed the procedure the ‘Penis Facial’ due to the fact that the serum used in the process is derived from the foreskin of Korean babies….

What’s more is that not only are they publicly admitting to the use of mutilated baby penis parts to look younger, but they are celebrating it. On Thursday, Bullock went on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to explain why she’s so happy about this treatment and to explain the reason it has been called the ‘Penis Facial.’

You can hear people laughing in the audience as if what she is saying is actually funny, when she is blatantly admitting the fact that she uses the skin of babies penises… from babies that sadly are probably killed for their organs and blood by the “elite”.

The people who drink human blood

In most major cities around the world, communities of ordinary people – nurses, bar staff, secretaries – are drinking human blood on a regular basis. The question is, why?
In the French quarter of New Orleans, John Edgar Browning is about to take part in a "feeding". It begins as clinically as a medical procedure. His acquaintance first swabs a small patch on Browning’s upper back with alcohol. He then punctures it with a disposable hobby scalpel, and squeezes until the blood starts flowing. Lowering his lips to the wound, Browning's associate now starts lapping up the wine-dark liquid. “He drank it a few times, then cleaned and bandaged me,” Browning says today.
To Browning’s bemusement, he was not quite to his host’s taste. “He said my blood was not as metallic as it should have been – so he was a little disappointed,” he recalls; apparently, diet, hydration and blood group can all make a subtle difference to the flavour. After they had cleaned up, the pair went to a charity dinner in aid of the homeless.

There are hundreds more kid. I know it hurts, the truth in these things is never really nice. It is real and true however. Time to wake up.


I repeat....

This thread started with a discussion about a drug, known for decades called Adrenochrome which came with wild fictitious stories about how it is made. The stories came from weird old books and even wilder movies. The source of the drug is supposed to be from harvesting the adrenalin from little children while they are scared senseless. Does that make sense to you?

You took it and switched it to people DRINKING the blood of young people. Where did you get that idea?

To support your goofy allegations, you post THREE articles about people getting blood TRANSFUSIONS of blood from young people. After all those machinations, maybe you should just keep quiet?

I have no problem with you having your head up your ass. I've given you at least 7 or 8 sources and like all illiterates all you can do is say "nuh-uh". It's real, it's happening and perhaps coming to a place near you soon. You need to learn that what YOU believe matters not to them, what matters is that THEY believe it. You'd do well to remember that.

QAnon are the new John Birch Society

Reagan ran on law and order, as riots pillaged america. so did Nixon

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