Trump acts like a child while everyone else stands for the anthem

Nope. Trump just took what we had and put it on super speed by eliminating regulations and lowering the corp tax rate to halt corporate inversions. He also put in place the USMCA. You may dislike the man but he has been very good for the economy and most voters agree with that statement. Look up his approval rating on the economy alone.
And yet with all that and the increase in debt on top of it, Tramp's "recovery" from the Obama recovery was SLOWER than Obama's recovery from the Great BUSH Recession shitstorm.
The debt is due to entitlements. The spend there is out of control and interest expense is higher as rates are not at the floor. Our income is actually higher despite the tax cuts but spending is also way higher. No president can attack entitlements in their first term but the 2nd term is fair game. If Trump wins and doesn’t fix the deficit then I will agree with you.
The debt is due to the tax cuts and excessive military spending, and we know the military spending is excessive because Tramp is stealing billions from it to pay for his "Mexico will pay for it" wall.
Revenue is up only because the population is still growing creating more tax payers, which also creates more need for government spending to keep up with the growing population.
But you knew that already!

The majority of the budget is entitlements, and has been for several years. And always will be, from now on.
But the entitlements did NOT increase enough to account for the increase in deficit! The doubling of the deficit was mainly due to tax cuts and increased military spending, without those two the growth in revenue from increased population would have covered the increase in entitlement spending due to the population increase.
Our revenue did not decline it increased so how could it be the tax cuts? Entitlements spend and higher interest expense as borrowing rates are no longer at the floor is the reason for the deficit.

I believe what you wrote before you tried to correct your idiocy.... "He doesn't submit them, he signs the budgets Congress submits."

Whatever. You knew what I meant.

I know you meant what you said...

"He doesn't submit them, he signs the budgets Congress submits."

You even said the president signs the budget after the Congress submits it. The president submits it before the Congress ever votes on it.

He has to agree to it. Does he not and sign it.

No, he does not have to agree to it.

You're batting 0.000 on this issue. You should just go back to the dugout and sit quietly on the bench about this.
He can veto it. Google it.
Why would I google what I just said? :dunno:
But FASTER than Tramp's recovery from a recovery!!!!

Nope. Trump just took what we had and put it on super speed by eliminating regulations and lowering the corp tax rate to halt corporate inversions. He also put in place the USMCA. You may dislike the man but he has been very good for the economy and most voters agree with that statement. Look up his approval rating on the economy alone.
And yet with all that and the increase in debt on top of it, Tramp's "recovery" from the Obama recovery was SLOWER than Obama's recovery from the Great BUSH Recession shitstorm.
The debt is due to entitlements. The spend there is out of control and interest expense is higher as rates are not at the floor. Our income is actually higher despite the tax cuts but spending is also way higher. No president can attack entitlements in their first term but the 2nd term is fair game. If Trump wins and doesn’t fix the deficit then I will agree with you.
The debt is due to the tax cuts and excessive military spending, and we know the military spending is excessive because Tramp is stealing billions from it to pay for his "Mexico will pay for it" wall.
Revenue is up only because the population is still growing creating more tax payers, which also creates more need for government spending to keep up with the growing population.
But you knew that already!

The majority of the budget is entitlements, and has been for several years. And always will be, from now on.
Most of which are paid for from payroll taxes which generally runs a surplus.
Whatever. You knew what I meant.

I know you meant what you said...

"He doesn't submit them, he signs the budgets Congress submits."

You even said the president signs the budget after the Congress submits it. The president submits it before the Congress ever votes on it.

He has to agree to it. Does he not and sign it.

No, he does not have to agree to it.

You're batting 0.000 on this issue. You should just go back to the dugout and sit quietly on the bench about this.
He can veto it. Google it.
Why would I google what I just said? :dunno:
You are all over the place.
Your top guy, Biden has zero chance. The Democrat party has gone off the rails Communist. Sanders is winning the nomination
Nope. Trump just took what we had and put it on super speed by eliminating regulations and lowering the corp tax rate to halt corporate inversions. He also put in place the USMCA. You may dislike the man but he has been very good for the economy and most voters agree with that statement. Look up his approval rating on the economy alone.
And yet with all that and the increase in debt on top of it, Tramp's "recovery" from the Obama recovery was SLOWER than Obama's recovery from the Great BUSH Recession shitstorm.
The debt is due to entitlements. The spend there is out of control and interest expense is higher as rates are not at the floor. Our income is actually higher despite the tax cuts but spending is also way higher. No president can attack entitlements in their first term but the 2nd term is fair game. If Trump wins and doesn’t fix the deficit then I will agree with you.
The debt is due to the tax cuts and excessive military spending, and we know the military spending is excessive because Tramp is stealing billions from it to pay for his "Mexico will pay for it" wall.
Revenue is up only because the population is still growing creating more tax payers, which also creates more need for government spending to keep up with the growing population.
But you knew that already!

The majority of the budget is entitlements, and has been for several years. And always will be, from now on.
Most of which are paid for from payroll taxes which generally runs a surplus.
When was the last time it was at a surplus? You’re kidding yourself
Because when you say that Trump said that those people were "very fine people"
you are just lying.
Actually YOU are the liar simply by the way
you edit his quote dishonestly leaving out his "ON BOTH SIDES," if BOTH sides are very fine people he is saying that Nazi/White Nationalists are very fine people!!!

You are the one playing games with the quotes.

Full transcript: Donald Trump’s press conference defending the Charlottesville rally

Trump: ...You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."
That scripted statement was 3 days later to try to walk back his Nazis are fine people.

Trump did not want to start condemning people based on initial reports, as Obama did with the cop that arrested the professor.

Which was the right thing to do, for the President.

When he got more verified information, he came out and then condemned the murderer and the nazis and the white supremacists.

His very fine people comment was in the LATER, statement, pointing to NOT white supremacists and nazis, a point he explicitly stated as I posted and linked to.

THe liberals lied. They are still lying. YOU are lying.

Trump handled this incident nearly perfectly. The liberals have done nothing but lie to tear this nation apart.
"Trump did not want to start condemning people based on initial reports"


You're lying again. He condemned "many sides."

"We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."

That emboldened the racists on the right. That same day after Trump said that, Richard Spenser went to Twitter to suggest Impeached Trump condemned Antifa.


Did Trump just denounce antifa?

Meanwhile, someone from one "side" murdered someone from another "side" and the dumbfuck is equating "sides."

Liar. I support their right to protest. I don't support what they're protesting.
LOL so you’re OK with Jew haters on the Left but not Jew haters on the right? Hence I am an Independent.
I said no such thing. Again ... I support their right to protest even when I don't agree with what they're protesting. left/right makes no difference.

So you support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us"?
No you are confusing her with Tramp who DID support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us," calling them "very fine people."
That never happened. Another lie by Ed.

Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People’ In Charlottesville
Great, so show who was there on the right at this racist rally besides those who promoted, sponsored and held it by white supremacists, neonazis and KKK....

I know you meant what you said...

"He doesn't submit them, he signs the budgets Congress submits."

You even said the president signs the budget after the Congress submits it. The president submits it before the Congress ever votes on it.

He has to agree to it. Does he not and sign it.

No, he does not have to agree to it.

You're batting 0.000 on this issue. You should just go back to the dugout and sit quietly on the bench about this.
He can veto it. Google it.
Why would I google what I just said? :dunno:
You are all over the place.
Your top guy, Biden has zero chance. The Democrat party has gone off the rails Communist. Sanders is winning the nomination
Dumbfuck, you asked me if the president has to agree with the budget Congress hands him to sign and I pointed out he doesn't. You then responded to that by saying he can veto it, as though that was what I had not already suggested. Now you switch to Biden while accusing me of being "all over the place."

You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:
LOL so you’re OK with Jew haters on the Left but not Jew haters on the right? Hence I am an Independent.
I said no such thing. Again ... I support their right to protest even when I don't agree with what they're protesting. left/right makes no difference.

So you support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us"?
No you are confusing her with Tramp who DID support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us," calling them "very fine people."
That never happened. Another lie by Ed.

Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People’ In Charlottesville
Great, so show who was there on the right at this racist rally besides those who promoted, sponsored and held it by white supremacists, neonazis and KKK....
How is that even possible in that chaos? It’s possible there were people who just wanted the statues there. How would I know if they were on the right or left? Point is DJT has condemned racists and white supremacists consistent and frequently. Just look at his Twitter feed. The Squad has shit on Jews nonstop. Not one Democrat attended the embassy opening in Jerusalem. Not ONE!

Racism is not just with the red brand. Being a Jew I can tell you that firsthand.
He has to agree to it. Does he not and sign it.

No, he does not have to agree to it.

You're batting 0.000 on this issue. You should just go back to the dugout and sit quietly on the bench about this.
He can veto it. Google it.
Why would I google what I just said? :dunno:
You are all over the place.
Your top guy, Biden has zero chance. The Democrat party has gone off the rails Communist. Sanders is winning the nomination
Dumbfuck, you asked me if the president has to agree with the budget Congress hands him to sign and I pointed out he doesn't. You then responded to that by saying he can veto it, as though that was what I had not already suggested. Now you switch to Biden while accusing me of being "all over the place."

You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:
So you agreed with me? Why do you always resort to swearing? You’re such a little prancing Nancy boy.
But FASTER than Tramp's recovery from a recovery!!!!

Nope. Trump just took what we had and put it on super speed by eliminating regulations and lowering the corp tax rate to halt corporate inversions. He also put in place the USMCA. You may dislike the man but he has been very good for the economy and most voters agree with that statement. Look up his approval rating on the economy alone.
And yet with all that and the increase in debt on top of it, Tramp's "recovery" from the Obama recovery was SLOWER than Obama's recovery from the Great BUSH Recession shitstorm.
The debt is due to entitlements. The spend there is out of control and interest expense is higher as rates are not at the floor. Our income is actually higher despite the tax cuts but spending is also way higher. No president can attack entitlements in their first term but the 2nd term is fair game. If Trump wins and doesn’t fix the deficit then I will agree with you.
The debt is due to the tax cuts and excessive military spending, and we know the military spending is excessive because Tramp is stealing billions from it to pay for his "Mexico will pay for it" wall.
Revenue is up only because the population is still growing creating more tax payers, which also creates more need for government spending to keep up with the growing population.
But you knew that already!
More taxpayers? Are you sure? Baby Boomers are retiring at pretty high rates. Military spend is but a pittance compared to entitlements.
Of course I'm sure!
Total individual tax returns:
2017 - 150,690,787
2018 - 152,937,949
Nope. Trump just took what we had and put it on super speed by eliminating regulations and lowering the corp tax rate to halt corporate inversions. He also put in place the USMCA. You may dislike the man but he has been very good for the economy and most voters agree with that statement. Look up his approval rating on the economy alone.
And yet with all that and the increase in debt on top of it, Tramp's "recovery" from the Obama recovery was SLOWER than Obama's recovery from the Great BUSH Recession shitstorm.
The debt is due to entitlements. The spend there is out of control and interest expense is higher as rates are not at the floor. Our income is actually higher despite the tax cuts but spending is also way higher. No president can attack entitlements in their first term but the 2nd term is fair game. If Trump wins and doesn’t fix the deficit then I will agree with you.
The debt is due to the tax cuts and excessive military spending, and we know the military spending is excessive because Tramp is stealing billions from it to pay for his "Mexico will pay for it" wall.
Revenue is up only because the population is still growing creating more tax payers, which also creates more need for government spending to keep up with the growing population.
But you knew that already!
More taxpayers? Are you sure? Baby Boomers are retiring at pretty high rates. Military spend is but a pittance compared to entitlements.
Of course I'm sure!
Total individual tax returns:
2017 - 150,690,787
2018 - 152,937,949
Tax returns filed does not mean there are more payers. Everyone files. Including retirees. You just showed your ignorance.
Liar. I support their right to protest. I don't support what they're protesting.
LOL so you’re OK with Jew haters on the Left but not Jew haters on the right? Hence I am an Independent.
I said no such thing. Again ... I support their right to protest even when I don't agree with what they're protesting. left/right makes no difference.

So you support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us"?
No you are confusing her with Tramp who DID support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us," calling them "very fine people."
That never happened. Another lie by Ed.

Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People’ In Charlottesville
Wow, the extreme Right-wing Daily Liar says it so it must be true. :cuckoo:
Tramp said there were "very fine people ON BOTH SIDES" The Nazis were undeniably one of the "both sides."
Nope. Trump just took what we had and put it on super speed by eliminating regulations and lowering the corp tax rate to halt corporate inversions. He also put in place the USMCA. You may dislike the man but he has been very good for the economy and most voters agree with that statement. Look up his approval rating on the economy alone.
And yet with all that and the increase in debt on top of it, Tramp's "recovery" from the Obama recovery was SLOWER than Obama's recovery from the Great BUSH Recession shitstorm.
The debt is due to entitlements. The spend there is out of control and interest expense is higher as rates are not at the floor. Our income is actually higher despite the tax cuts but spending is also way higher. No president can attack entitlements in their first term but the 2nd term is fair game. If Trump wins and doesn’t fix the deficit then I will agree with you.
The debt is due to the tax cuts and excessive military spending, and we know the military spending is excessive because Tramp is stealing billions from it to pay for his "Mexico will pay for it" wall.
Revenue is up only because the population is still growing creating more tax payers, which also creates more need for government spending to keep up with the growing population.
But you knew that already!
More taxpayers? Are you sure? Baby Boomers are retiring at pretty high rates. Military spend is but a pittance compared to entitlements.
Of course I'm sure!
Total individual tax returns:
2017 - 150,690,787
2018 - 152,937,949
You’re ignorant. Read this and educate yourself.
Who pays U.S. income tax, and how much?


people who pay nearly nothing file the most returns. Ed the dumbass
LOL so you’re OK with Jew haters on the Left but not Jew haters on the right? Hence I am an Independent.
I said no such thing. Again ... I support their right to protest even when I don't agree with what they're protesting. left/right makes no difference.

So you support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us"?
No you are confusing her with Tramp who DID support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us," calling them "very fine people."
That never happened. Another lie by Ed.

Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People’ In Charlottesville
Wow, the extreme Right-wing Daily Liar says it so it must be true. :cuckoo:
Tramp said there were "very fine people ON BOTH SIDES" The Nazis were undeniably one of the "both sides."
The link actually posts the speech itself the source is irrelevant. You’re just too ignorant to admit your mistake.
And yet with all that and the increase in debt on top of it, Tramp's "recovery" from the Obama recovery was SLOWER than Obama's recovery from the Great BUSH Recession shitstorm.
The debt is due to entitlements. The spend there is out of control and interest expense is higher as rates are not at the floor. Our income is actually higher despite the tax cuts but spending is also way higher. No president can attack entitlements in their first term but the 2nd term is fair game. If Trump wins and doesn’t fix the deficit then I will agree with you.
The debt is due to the tax cuts and excessive military spending, and we know the military spending is excessive because Tramp is stealing billions from it to pay for his "Mexico will pay for it" wall.
Revenue is up only because the population is still growing creating more tax payers, which also creates more need for government spending to keep up with the growing population.
But you knew that already!
More taxpayers? Are you sure? Baby Boomers are retiring at pretty high rates. Military spend is but a pittance compared to entitlements.
Of course I'm sure!
Total individual tax returns:
2017 - 150,690,787
2018 - 152,937,949
Tax returns filed does not mean there are more payers. Everyone files. Including retirees. You just showed your ignorance.
Wrong yet again, in 2018 the IRS processed more than 250.3 million Federal tax returns, the number I posted were the individual returns that paid taxes.
But FASTER than Tramp's recovery from a recovery!!!!

Nope. Trump just took what we had and put it on super speed by eliminating regulations and lowering the corp tax rate to halt corporate inversions. He also put in place the USMCA. You may dislike the man but he has been very good for the economy and most voters agree with that statement. Look up his approval rating on the economy alone.
And yet with all that and the increase in debt on top of it, Tramp's "recovery" from the Obama recovery was SLOWER than Obama's recovery from the Great BUSH Recession shitstorm.
The debt is due to entitlements. The spend there is out of control and interest expense is higher as rates are not at the floor. Our income is actually higher despite the tax cuts but spending is also way higher. No president can attack entitlements in their first term but the 2nd term is fair game. If Trump wins and doesn’t fix the deficit then I will agree with you.
The debt is due to the tax cuts and excessive military spending, and we know the military spending is excessive because Tramp is stealing billions from it to pay for his "Mexico will pay for it" wall.
Revenue is up only because the population is still growing creating more tax payers, which also creates more need for government spending to keep up with the growing population.
But you knew that already!
More taxpayers? Are you sure? Baby Boomers are retiring at pretty high rates. Military spend is but a pittance compared to entitlements.

God you’re an idiot. Yes, there’s more taxpayers. Each year employment goes up.
I said no such thing. Again ... I support their right to protest even when I don't agree with what they're protesting. left/right makes no difference.

So you support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us"?
No you are confusing her with Tramp who DID support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us," calling them "very fine people."
That never happened. Another lie by Ed.

Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People’ In Charlottesville
Wow, the extreme Right-wing Daily Liar says it so it must be true. :cuckoo:
Tramp said there were "very fine people ON BOTH SIDES" The Nazis were undeniably one of the "both sides."
The link actually posts the speech itself the source is irrelevant. You’re just too ignorant to admit your mistake.
From your own link:
"You also had some very fine people on both sides."
The debt is due to entitlements. The spend there is out of control and interest expense is higher as rates are not at the floor. Our income is actually higher despite the tax cuts but spending is also way higher. No president can attack entitlements in their first term but the 2nd term is fair game. If Trump wins and doesn’t fix the deficit then I will agree with you.
The debt is due to the tax cuts and excessive military spending, and we know the military spending is excessive because Tramp is stealing billions from it to pay for his "Mexico will pay for it" wall.
Revenue is up only because the population is still growing creating more tax payers, which also creates more need for government spending to keep up with the growing population.
But you knew that already!
More taxpayers? Are you sure? Baby Boomers are retiring at pretty high rates. Military spend is but a pittance compared to entitlements.
Of course I'm sure!
Total individual tax returns:
2017 - 150,690,787
2018 - 152,937,949
Tax returns filed does not mean there are more payers. Everyone files. Including retirees. You just showed your ignorance.
Wrong yet again, in 2018 the IRS processed more than 250.3 million Federal tax returns, the number I posted were the individual returns that paid taxes.
My link was from Pew Research. Pretty telling. Anda strong % of income comes from corporate taxes not personal.

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