Trump acts like a child while everyone else stands for the anthem

My party condemns anti-Semitism. As far as Sanders, I can't stand him and won't vote for him in the general, should he make it, for a variety of reasons.
It does? But it has Tlaib and Omar. So if Sanders is the nominee, you abstain?
It has Tlaib and Omar because they were voted in by their respective districts. Still, the party condemns anti-Semitism.

As far as abstaining, I will likely vote 3rd party (depending on who is running), which has the same effect as abstaining.
Yes and few if any challenge their open antisemitism. So you will abstain. That is your right.
They condemn it.
Link it
H.Res.183 - Condemning anti-Semitism as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contradictory to the values and aspirations that define the people of the United States and condemning anti-Muslim discrimination and bigotry against minorities as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contrary to the values and aspirations of the United States.


Democrats: 234/0
Republicans: 173/23

Dumbfuck, you actually said... "He doesn't submit them [budgets]."

Now in the face of being proven dead wrong, you try to call me the dumbfuck,

Why are you so obsessed with certain verbiage. By “submit” I meant have final say. And you knew that.
No, I don't know you meant that nor would any sane person think you meant that since "submit" and "finalize" are not synonymous. One initiating a process and the other ending it. Seems more to me that you simply lack the character to admit to me that you're wrong.
That is what I meant by submit. Believe what you like. LOL

I believe what you wrote before you tried to correct your idiocy.... "He doesn't submit them, he signs the budgets Congress submits."

Whatever. You knew what I meant.

I know you meant what you said...

"He doesn't submit them, he signs the budgets Congress submits."

You even said the president signs the budget after the Congress submits it. The president submits it before the Congress ever votes on it.

It does? But it has Tlaib and Omar. So if Sanders is the nominee, you abstain?
It has Tlaib and Omar because they were voted in by their respective districts. Still, the party condemns anti-Semitism.

As far as abstaining, I will likely vote 3rd party (depending on who is running), which has the same effect as abstaining.
Yes and few if any challenge their open antisemitism. So you will abstain. That is your right.
They condemn it.
Link it
H.Res.183 - Condemning anti-Semitism as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contradictory to the values and aspirations that define the people of the United States and condemning anti-Muslim discrimination and bigotry against minorities as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contrary to the values and aspirations of the United States.


Democrats: 234/0
Republicans: 173/23
It should have been a Censure on that terrorist Omar (If that IS her name)
It does? But it has Tlaib and Omar. So if Sanders is the nominee, you abstain?
It has Tlaib and Omar because they were voted in by their respective districts. Still, the party condemns anti-Semitism.

As far as abstaining, I will likely vote 3rd party (depending on who is running), which has the same effect as abstaining.
Yes and few if any challenge their open antisemitism. So you will abstain. That is your right.
They condemn it.
Link it
H.Res.183 - Condemning anti-Semitism as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contradictory to the values and aspirations that define the people of the United States and condemning anti-Muslim discrimination and bigotry against minorities as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contrary to the values and aspirations of the United States.


Democrats: 234/0
Republicans: 173/23
Yep...they just refused to call out those specifically who are antisemites and masked it as an outrage over all of racism.
Why are you so obsessed with certain verbiage. By “submit” I meant have final say. And you knew that.
No, I don't know you meant that nor would any sane person think you meant that since "submit" and "finalize" are not synonymous. One initiating a process and the other ending it. Seems more to me that you simply lack the character to admit to me that you're wrong.
That is what I meant by submit. Believe what you like. LOL

I believe what you wrote before you tried to correct your idiocy.... "He doesn't submit them, he signs the budgets Congress submits."

Whatever. You knew what I meant.

I know you meant what you said...

"He doesn't submit them, he signs the budgets Congress submits."

You even said the president signs the budget after the Congress submits it. The president submits it before the Congress ever votes on it.

He has to agree to it. Does he not and sign it.
No, I don't know you meant that nor would any sane person think you meant that since "submit" and "finalize" are not synonymous. One initiating a process and the other ending it. Seems more to me that you simply lack the character to admit to me that you're wrong.
That is what I meant by submit. Believe what you like. LOL

I believe what you wrote before you tried to correct your idiocy.... "He doesn't submit them, he signs the budgets Congress submits."

Whatever. You knew what I meant.

I know you meant what you said...

"He doesn't submit them, he signs the budgets Congress submits."

You even said the president signs the budget after the Congress submits it. The president submits it before the Congress ever votes on it.

He has to agree to it. Does he not and sign it.

No, he does not have to agree to it.

You're batting 0.000 on this issue. You should just go back to the dugout and sit quietly on the bench about this.
That is what I meant by submit. Believe what you like. LOL

I believe what you wrote before you tried to correct your idiocy.... "He doesn't submit them, he signs the budgets Congress submits."

Whatever. You knew what I meant.

I know you meant what you said...

"He doesn't submit them, he signs the budgets Congress submits."

You even said the president signs the budget after the Congress submits it. The president submits it before the Congress ever votes on it.

He has to agree to it. Does he not and sign it.

No, he does not have to agree to it.

You're batting 0.000 on this issue. You should just go back to the dugout and sit quietly on the bench about this.
He can veto it. Google it.
So Food stamp use increases from the Great BUSH Recession and Obama turns the tide of increases and Tramp takes the credit. :cuckoo:
Eight years and the slowest recovery since WW2. Obama did not do a very good job.
But FASTER than Tramp's recovery from a recovery!!!!

Nope. Trump just took what we had and put it on super speed by eliminating regulations and lowering the corp tax rate to halt corporate inversions. He also put in place the USMCA. You may dislike the man but he has been very good for the economy and most voters agree with that statement. Look up his approval rating on the economy alone.
And yet with all that and the increase in debt on top of it, Tramp's "recovery" from the Obama recovery was SLOWER than Obama's recovery from the Great BUSH Recession shitstorm.
The debt is due to entitlements. The spend there is out of control and interest expense is higher as rates are not at the floor. Our income is actually higher despite the tax cuts but spending is also way higher. No president can attack entitlements in their first term but the 2nd term is fair game. If Trump wins and doesn’t fix the deficit then I will agree with you.
The debt is due to the tax cuts and excessive military spending, and we know the military spending is excessive because Tramp is stealing billions from it to pay for his "Mexico will pay for it" wall.
Revenue is up only because the population is still growing creating more tax payers, which also creates more need for government spending to keep up with the growing population.
But you knew that already!
Now there is a FAKE graph from the lying scum at Freedom Works, no surprise there. Notice they put the post recession that peaked in near the end of 2010 at the beginning of 2009 to skew the graph.

And also notice the graph is NOT WAGES, but household income which includes income from STOCKS which are heavily concentrated with the wealthy even though 50% of Americans own at least some small amount of stock. A whopping 84 percent of all stocks owned by Americans belong to the wealthiest 10 percent of households. And that includes everyone’s stakes in pension plans, 401(k)’s and individual retirement accounts, as well as trust funds, mutual funds and college savings programs like 529 plans. Further skewing the graph!!!
I own stocks. I am far from “wealthy”. Many own stocks through IRAs and 401ks. The Leftist lies are comical. You’re a little liar too as over half of all Americans own stocks. Back to your troll cave.

What Percentage of Americans Owns Stock?
Again YOU lie with a half truth, even after I clearly pointed out that 50% of American households own some small amount of stock, but as the DATA proves that stock is NOT evenly distributed among the 50%, which was the key point of my post.
The part YOU deliberately ignored; A whopping 84 percent of all stocks owned by Americans belong to the wealthiest 10 percent of households.

That 10% moves, you know that right? It is not always the same people. We all have an opportunity to get into that 10% or 15% or 20%. Those people are not stagnant. In America everyone is born with equal rights. No one is born with equal opportunities. Such is life.
You can't admit your fake graph is skewed so all you can do is deflect.
The graph is real and that 10% is not stagnant. Why can you not admit that?
The graph is fake when being used to claim WAGE EARNERS incomes have increased when the graph clearly includes capital gains income as well as wage income skewing the graph. You are deflecting because you were DISHONEST for introducing the fake graph into the argument!
Why can't YOU admit that?????
Because when you say that Trump said that those people were "very fine people"
you are just lying.
Actually YOU are the liar simply by the way
you edit his quote dishonestly leaving out his "ON BOTH SIDES," if BOTH sides are very fine people he is saying that Nazi/White Nationalists are very fine people!!!

You are the one playing games with the quotes.

Full transcript: Donald Trump’s press conference defending the Charlottesville rally

Trump: ...You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."
That scripted statement was 3 days later to try to walk back his Nazis are fine people.
Eight years and the slowest recovery since WW2. Obama did not do a very good job.
But FASTER than Tramp's recovery from a recovery!!!!

Nope. Trump just took what we had and put it on super speed by eliminating regulations and lowering the corp tax rate to halt corporate inversions. He also put in place the USMCA. You may dislike the man but he has been very good for the economy and most voters agree with that statement. Look up his approval rating on the economy alone.
And yet with all that and the increase in debt on top of it, Tramp's "recovery" from the Obama recovery was SLOWER than Obama's recovery from the Great BUSH Recession shitstorm.
The debt is due to entitlements. The spend there is out of control and interest expense is higher as rates are not at the floor. Our income is actually higher despite the tax cuts but spending is also way higher. No president can attack entitlements in their first term but the 2nd term is fair game. If Trump wins and doesn’t fix the deficit then I will agree with you.
The debt is due to the tax cuts and excessive military spending, and we know the military spending is excessive because Tramp is stealing billions from it to pay for his "Mexico will pay for it" wall.
Revenue is up only because the population is still growing creating more tax payers, which also creates more need for government spending to keep up with the growing population.
But you knew that already!

The majority of the budget is entitlements, and has been for several years. And always will be, from now on.
Because it was a racist rally, promoted by racists and held by racists. There was no one else there on the right but racists. Saying there were very fine people on both sides equates the racists with the ones there protesting the racists.

You abhor that but you support this, that makes you a hypocrite:

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Liar. I support their right to protest. I don't support what they're protesting.
LOL so you’re OK with Jew haters on the Left but not Jew haters on the right? Hence I am an Independent.
I said no such thing. Again ... I support their right to protest even when I don't agree with what they're protesting. left/right makes no difference.

So you support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us"?
No you are confusing her with Tramp who DID support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us," calling them "very fine people."
Because when you say that Trump said that those people were "very fine people"
you are just lying.
Actually YOU are the liar simply by the way
you edit his quote dishonestly leaving out his "ON BOTH SIDES," if BOTH sides are very fine people he is saying that Nazi/White Nationalists are very fine people!!!

You are the one playing games with the quotes.

Full transcript: Donald Trump’s press conference defending the Charlottesville rally

Trump: ...You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."
That scripted statement was 3 days later to try to walk back his Nazis are fine people.

Trump did not want to start condemning people based on initial reports, as Obama did with the cop that arrested the professor.

Which was the right thing to do, for the President.

When he got more verified information, he came out and then condemned the murderer and the nazis and the white supremacists.

His very fine people comment was in the LATER, statement, pointing to NOT white supremacists and nazis, a point he explicitly stated as I posted and linked to.

THe liberals lied. They are still lying. YOU are lying.

Trump handled this incident nearly perfectly. The liberals have done nothing but lie to tear this nation apart.
You abhor that but you support this, that makes you a hypocrite:

View attachment 305084

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View attachment 305086

Liar. I support their right to protest. I don't support what they're protesting.
LOL so you’re OK with Jew haters on the Left but not Jew haters on the right? Hence I am an Independent.
I said no such thing. Again ... I support their right to protest even when I don't agree with what they're protesting. left/right makes no difference.

So you support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us"?
No you are confusing her with Tramp who DID support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us," calling them "very fine people."

Faun to her credit, does support the right of nazis to free speech.

Trump supported their right to do that, while condemning them as people.

Like Faun and me both do too.

We all are in agreement that the nazis had the right to speech, but that supporting their rights does not mean supporting them as people nor their policies.

Trump explicitly stated that he was not talking about the nazis, when he made his point about very fin people.

Why are you lying about that?
But FASTER than Tramp's recovery from a recovery!!!!

Nope. Trump just took what we had and put it on super speed by eliminating regulations and lowering the corp tax rate to halt corporate inversions. He also put in place the USMCA. You may dislike the man but he has been very good for the economy and most voters agree with that statement. Look up his approval rating on the economy alone.
And yet with all that and the increase in debt on top of it, Tramp's "recovery" from the Obama recovery was SLOWER than Obama's recovery from the Great BUSH Recession shitstorm.
The debt is due to entitlements. The spend there is out of control and interest expense is higher as rates are not at the floor. Our income is actually higher despite the tax cuts but spending is also way higher. No president can attack entitlements in their first term but the 2nd term is fair game. If Trump wins and doesn’t fix the deficit then I will agree with you.
The debt is due to the tax cuts and excessive military spending, and we know the military spending is excessive because Tramp is stealing billions from it to pay for his "Mexico will pay for it" wall.
Revenue is up only because the population is still growing creating more tax payers, which also creates more need for government spending to keep up with the growing population.
But you knew that already!

The majority of the budget is entitlements, and has been for several years. And always will be, from now on.
But the entitlements did NOT increase enough to account for the increase in deficit! The doubling of the deficit was mainly due to tax cuts and increased military spending, without those two the growth in revenue from increased population would have covered the increase in entitlement spending due to the population increase.
Nope. Trump just took what we had and put it on super speed by eliminating regulations and lowering the corp tax rate to halt corporate inversions. He also put in place the USMCA. You may dislike the man but he has been very good for the economy and most voters agree with that statement. Look up his approval rating on the economy alone.
And yet with all that and the increase in debt on top of it, Tramp's "recovery" from the Obama recovery was SLOWER than Obama's recovery from the Great BUSH Recession shitstorm.
The debt is due to entitlements. The spend there is out of control and interest expense is higher as rates are not at the floor. Our income is actually higher despite the tax cuts but spending is also way higher. No president can attack entitlements in their first term but the 2nd term is fair game. If Trump wins and doesn’t fix the deficit then I will agree with you.
The debt is due to the tax cuts and excessive military spending, and we know the military spending is excessive because Tramp is stealing billions from it to pay for his "Mexico will pay for it" wall.
Revenue is up only because the population is still growing creating more tax payers, which also creates more need for government spending to keep up with the growing population.
But you knew that already!

The majority of the budget is entitlements, and has been for several years. And always will be, from now on.
But the entitlements did NOT increase enough to account for the increase in deficit! The doubling of the deficit was mainly due to tax cuts and increased military spending, without those two the growth in revenue from increased population would have covered the increase in entitlement spending due to the population increase.

You are guessing on the increase in entitlement spending being covered.

THe tax cuts and the military increases, AT BEST, can be looked at, RELATIVELY to what would have happened without them, BUT, the massive and relentlessly growing entitlements are the story of our budget now and for the foreseeable future.

REally, I fear they will be the story of our whole society is not the story of Western Civilization for the foreseeable future.
Eight years and the slowest recovery since WW2. Obama did not do a very good job.
But FASTER than Tramp's recovery from a recovery!!!!

Nope. Trump just took what we had and put it on super speed by eliminating regulations and lowering the corp tax rate to halt corporate inversions. He also put in place the USMCA. You may dislike the man but he has been very good for the economy and most voters agree with that statement. Look up his approval rating on the economy alone.
And yet with all that and the increase in debt on top of it, Tramp's "recovery" from the Obama recovery was SLOWER than Obama's recovery from the Great BUSH Recession shitstorm.
The debt is due to entitlements. The spend there is out of control and interest expense is higher as rates are not at the floor. Our income is actually higher despite the tax cuts but spending is also way higher. No president can attack entitlements in their first term but the 2nd term is fair game. If Trump wins and doesn’t fix the deficit then I will agree with you.
The debt is due to the tax cuts and excessive military spending, and we know the military spending is excessive because Tramp is stealing billions from it to pay for his "Mexico will pay for it" wall.
Revenue is up only because the population is still growing creating more tax payers, which also creates more need for government spending to keep up with the growing population.
But you knew that already!
More taxpayers? Are you sure? Baby Boomers are retiring at pretty high rates. Military spend is but a pittance compared to entitlements.
I own stocks. I am far from “wealthy”. Many own stocks through IRAs and 401ks. The Leftist lies are comical. You’re a little liar too as over half of all Americans own stocks. Back to your troll cave.

What Percentage of Americans Owns Stock?
Again YOU lie with a half truth, even after I clearly pointed out that 50% of American households own some small amount of stock, but as the DATA proves that stock is NOT evenly distributed among the 50%, which was the key point of my post.
The part YOU deliberately ignored; A whopping 84 percent of all stocks owned by Americans belong to the wealthiest 10 percent of households.

That 10% moves, you know that right? It is not always the same people. We all have an opportunity to get into that 10% or 15% or 20%. Those people are not stagnant. In America everyone is born with equal rights. No one is born with equal opportunities. Such is life.
You can't admit your fake graph is skewed so all you can do is deflect.
The graph is real and that 10% is not stagnant. Why can you not admit that?
The graph is fake when being used to claim WAGE EARNERS incomes have increased when the graph clearly includes capital gains income as well as wage income skewing the graph. You are deflecting because you were DISHONEST for introducing the fake graph into the argument!
Why can't YOU admit that?????
Capital Gains is income as well? Not sure why that should be excluded? Are capital gains not taxed?
You abhor that but you support this, that makes you a hypocrite:

View attachment 305084

View attachment 305085
View attachment 305086

Liar. I support their right to protest. I don't support what they're protesting.
LOL so you’re OK with Jew haters on the Left but not Jew haters on the right? Hence I am an Independent.
I said no such thing. Again ... I support their right to protest even when I don't agree with what they're protesting. left/right makes no difference.

So you support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us"?
No you are confusing her with Tramp who DID support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us," calling them "very fine people."
That never happened. Another lie by Ed.

Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People’ In Charlottesville

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