Trump acts like a child while everyone else stands for the anthem

It's your claim the debt is due to entitlements; it's yours to prove.
I have. He is in the same space Obama was sans higher interest expense and of course there are more people on the entitlements as the population ages. It’s basic common sense. The next president whomever it is has to attack entitlements.
well, no, he's not. The deficit has roughly doubled since Impeached Trump began submitting budgets. And it's not due to entitlements.

Wow, has the budget doubled in the last two months?

Your illiteracy is your problem, not mine.

And ... no, I never said that.

Considering the House impeached him in the middle of December last year, that would make you what...yep, a fricken liar, dumbass.

You righties are absolutely insane. :lmao:

Dumbfuck, I never said the budget doubled, I said the deficit doubled. I never said it's doubled in the last two months, I cited annual deficits.

Are you even lucid enough to know just how fucked in the head you are?? :ack-1:
You abhor that but you support this, that makes you a hypocrite:

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View attachment 305086

Liar. I support their right to protest. I don't support what they're protesting.
LOL so you’re OK with Jew haters on the Left but not Jew haters on the right? Hence I am an Independent.
I said no such thing. Again ... I support their right to protest even when I don't agree with what they're protesting. left/right makes no difference.

So you support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us"?

That's different. Because, "reasons".

Dumbfuck, that "reason" would be ... one is supporting their position; while the other is supporting their right to protest.

LOL so you’re OK with Jew haters on the Left but not Jew haters on the right? Hence I am an Independent.
I said no such thing. Again ... I support their right to protest even when I don't agree with what they're protesting. left/right makes no difference.

So you support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us"?
I support their right to march. I don't support the march.

You are truly too brain-dead to comprehend the distinction. How many more times need I state my position until you understand it?

So you agree that both sides are equally evil but deserve the right to march. Excellent. How come your party never denounces that group. In fact Bernie Sanders campaigns with Linda Sarsour.
My party condemns anti-Semitism. As far as Sanders, I can't stand him and won't vote for him in the general, should he make it, for a variety of reasons.
It does? But it has Tlaib and Omar. So if Sanders is the nominee, you abstain?
I have. He is in the same space Obama was sans higher interest expense and of course there are more people on the entitlements as the population ages. It’s basic common sense. The next president whomever it is has to attack entitlements.
well, no, he's not. The deficit has roughly doubled since Impeached Trump began submitting budgets. And it's not due to entitlements.

He doesn't submit them, he signs the budgets Congress submits. I am on your side here. I believe we are spending too much and yes, it is due to entitlements.

Dumbfuck, you're not on my side. I'm not on the side of stupid...

Trump to Begin Releasing Fiscal 2020 Budget Plan on March 11

The White House is expected to begin releasing the president’s fiscal year 2020 budget proposal on March 11, about a month later than usual due to the partial government shutdown.

Administration officials have told lawmakers the proposal will be unveiled in two parts. The president’s budget message, top priorities, and summary tables will come March 11.


The White House is technically required to submit a budget proposal to Congress by the first Monday in February, but the 35-day shutdown delayed the scheduled release.

It matters not what he submits because he doesn't have final say. It would be like me submitting a raise request to my boss but he decides what I ultimately get. Until he and Congress get on the same page what he thinks we should do is almost irrelevant.

However, Congress is the body required by law to pass appropriations annually and to submit funding bills passed by both houses to the President for signature.

And Congress has Veto Power

If Congress fails to pass an annual budget, then several appropriations bills must be passed as "stop gap" measures. After Congress approves an appropriations bill, it is then sent to the President, who may either sign it into law or veto it. A vetoed bill is sent back to Congress, which can pass it into law with a two-thirds majority in each legislative chamber. Congress may also combine all or some appropriations bills into one omnibus reconciliation bill. In addition, the president may request and the Congress may pass supplemental appropriations bills or emergency supplemental appropriations bills.

So it seems the "dumbfuck" is you. Fawn.

Dumbfuck, you actually said... "He doesn't submit them [budgets]."

Now in the face of being proven dead wrong, you try to call me the dumbfuck,

Why are you so obsessed with certain verbiage. By “submit” I meant have final say. And you knew that.
I have. He is in the same space Obama was sans higher interest expense and of course there are more people on the entitlements as the population ages. It’s basic common sense. The next president whomever it is has to attack entitlements.
well, no, he's not. The deficit has roughly doubled since Impeached Trump began submitting budgets. And it's not due to entitlements.

Wow, has the budget doubled in the last two months?

Your illiteracy is your problem, not mine.

And ... no, I never said that.

Considering the House impeached him in the middle of December last year, that would make you what...yep, a fricken liar, dumbass.

You righties are absolutely insane. :lmao:

Dumbfuck, I never said the budget doubled, I said the deficit doubled. I never said it's doubled in the last two months, I cited annual deficits.

Are you even lucid enough to know just how fucked in the head you are?? :ack-1:
You said “Impeached Trump”. He has been “impeached Trump” for only 2 mos. that is what he meant and it went over your empty head.
Liar. I support their right to protest. I don't support what they're protesting.
LOL so you’re OK with Jew haters on the Left but not Jew haters on the right? Hence I am an Independent.
I said no such thing. Again ... I support their right to protest even when I don't agree with what they're protesting. left/right makes no difference.

So you support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us"?

That's different. Because, "reasons".

Dumbfuck, that "reason" would be ... one is supporting their position; while the other is supporting their right to protest.


Does it upset you that the local cops were ordered to stand down while the much larger mob of lefties attacked, to suppress their right to speech?

Or, is that different, because "reasons"?
I said no such thing. Again ... I support their right to protest even when I don't agree with what they're protesting. left/right makes no difference.

So you support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us"?
I support their right to march. I don't support the march.

You are truly too brain-dead to comprehend the distinction. How many more times need I state my position until you understand it?

So you agree that both sides are equally evil but deserve the right to march. Excellent. How come your party never denounces that group. In fact Bernie Sanders campaigns with Linda Sarsour.
My party condemns anti-Semitism. As far as Sanders, I can't stand him and won't vote for him in the general, should he make it, for a variety of reasons.
It does? But it has Tlaib and Omar. So if Sanders is the nominee, you abstain?
It has Tlaib and Omar because they were voted in by their respective districts. Still, the party condemns anti-Semitism.

As far as abstaining, I will likely vote 3rd party (depending on who is running), which has the same effect as abstaining.
well, no, he's not. The deficit has roughly doubled since Impeached Trump began submitting budgets. And it's not due to entitlements.

He doesn't submit them, he signs the budgets Congress submits. I am on your side here. I believe we are spending too much and yes, it is due to entitlements.

Dumbfuck, you're not on my side. I'm not on the side of stupid...

Trump to Begin Releasing Fiscal 2020 Budget Plan on March 11

The White House is expected to begin releasing the president’s fiscal year 2020 budget proposal on March 11, about a month later than usual due to the partial government shutdown.

Administration officials have told lawmakers the proposal will be unveiled in two parts. The president’s budget message, top priorities, and summary tables will come March 11.


The White House is technically required to submit a budget proposal to Congress by the first Monday in February, but the 35-day shutdown delayed the scheduled release.

It matters not what he submits because he doesn't have final say. It would be like me submitting a raise request to my boss but he decides what I ultimately get. Until he and Congress get on the same page what he thinks we should do is almost irrelevant.

However, Congress is the body required by law to pass appropriations annually and to submit funding bills passed by both houses to the President for signature.

And Congress has Veto Power

If Congress fails to pass an annual budget, then several appropriations bills must be passed as "stop gap" measures. After Congress approves an appropriations bill, it is then sent to the President, who may either sign it into law or veto it. A vetoed bill is sent back to Congress, which can pass it into law with a two-thirds majority in each legislative chamber. Congress may also combine all or some appropriations bills into one omnibus reconciliation bill. In addition, the president may request and the Congress may pass supplemental appropriations bills or emergency supplemental appropriations bills.

So it seems the "dumbfuck" is you. Fawn.

Dumbfuck, you actually said... "He doesn't submit them [budgets]."

Now in the face of being proven dead wrong, you try to call me the dumbfuck,

Why are you so obsessed with certain verbiage. By “submit” I meant have final say. And you knew that.
No, I don't know you meant that nor would any sane person think you meant that since "submit" and "finalize" are not synonymous. One initiating a process and the other ending it. Seems more to me that you simply lack the character to admit to me that you're wrong.
well, no, he's not. The deficit has roughly doubled since Impeached Trump began submitting budgets. And it's not due to entitlements.

Wow, has the budget doubled in the last two months?

Your illiteracy is your problem, not mine.

And ... no, I never said that.

Considering the House impeached him in the middle of December last year, that would make you what...yep, a fricken liar, dumbass.

You righties are absolutely insane. :lmao:

Dumbfuck, I never said the budget doubled, I said the deficit doubled. I never said it's doubled in the last two months, I cited annual deficits.

Are you even lucid enough to know just how fucked in the head you are?? :ack-1:
You said “Impeached Trump”. He has been “impeached Trump” for only 2 mos. that is what he meant and it went over your empty head.
You people keep saying things you "mean" while your actual words don't demonstrate what you claim to mean. He asked if the budget doubled since the middle of December; but I never said anything about the budget doubling since then. Hence, my reply, "your illiteracy is your problem, not mine."
LOL so you’re OK with Jew haters on the Left but not Jew haters on the right? Hence I am an Independent.
I said no such thing. Again ... I support their right to protest even when I don't agree with what they're protesting. left/right makes no difference.

So you support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us"?

That's different. Because, "reasons".

Dumbfuck, that "reason" would be ... one is supporting their position; while the other is supporting their right to protest.


Does it upset you that the local cops were ordered to stand down while the much larger mob of lefties attacked, to suppress their right to speech?

Or, is that different, because "reasons"?
The police fucked up that day in a variety of manners, including standing down. That upsets me. As far as a "much larger mob of lefties" attacking them, I didn't see that and have no idea where you come up with that.
So you support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us"?
I support their right to march. I don't support the march.

You are truly too brain-dead to comprehend the distinction. How many more times need I state my position until you understand it?

So you agree that both sides are equally evil but deserve the right to march. Excellent. How come your party never denounces that group. In fact Bernie Sanders campaigns with Linda Sarsour.
My party condemns anti-Semitism. As far as Sanders, I can't stand him and won't vote for him in the general, should he make it, for a variety of reasons.
It does? But it has Tlaib and Omar. So if Sanders is the nominee, you abstain?
It has Tlaib and Omar because they were voted in by their respective districts. Still, the party condemns anti-Semitism.

As far as abstaining, I will likely vote 3rd party (depending on who is running), which has the same effect as abstaining.
Yes and few if any challenge their open antisemitism. So you will abstain. That is your right.
He doesn't submit them, he signs the budgets Congress submits. I am on your side here. I believe we are spending too much and yes, it is due to entitlements.

Dumbfuck, you're not on my side. I'm not on the side of stupid...

Trump to Begin Releasing Fiscal 2020 Budget Plan on March 11

The White House is expected to begin releasing the president’s fiscal year 2020 budget proposal on March 11, about a month later than usual due to the partial government shutdown.

Administration officials have told lawmakers the proposal will be unveiled in two parts. The president’s budget message, top priorities, and summary tables will come March 11.


The White House is technically required to submit a budget proposal to Congress by the first Monday in February, but the 35-day shutdown delayed the scheduled release.

It matters not what he submits because he doesn't have final say. It would be like me submitting a raise request to my boss but he decides what I ultimately get. Until he and Congress get on the same page what he thinks we should do is almost irrelevant.

However, Congress is the body required by law to pass appropriations annually and to submit funding bills passed by both houses to the President for signature.

And Congress has Veto Power

If Congress fails to pass an annual budget, then several appropriations bills must be passed as "stop gap" measures. After Congress approves an appropriations bill, it is then sent to the President, who may either sign it into law or veto it. A vetoed bill is sent back to Congress, which can pass it into law with a two-thirds majority in each legislative chamber. Congress may also combine all or some appropriations bills into one omnibus reconciliation bill. In addition, the president may request and the Congress may pass supplemental appropriations bills or emergency supplemental appropriations bills.

So it seems the "dumbfuck" is you. Fawn.

Dumbfuck, you actually said... "He doesn't submit them [budgets]."

Now in the face of being proven dead wrong, you try to call me the dumbfuck,

Why are you so obsessed with certain verbiage. By “submit” I meant have final say. And you knew that.
No, I don't know you meant that nor would any sane person think you meant that since "submit" and "finalize" are not synonymous. One initiating a process and the other ending it. Seems more to me that you simply lack the character to admit to me that you're wrong.
That is what I meant by submit. Believe what you like. LOL
Wow, has the budget doubled in the last two months?

Your illiteracy is your problem, not mine.

And ... no, I never said that.

Considering the House impeached him in the middle of December last year, that would make you what...yep, a fricken liar, dumbass.

You righties are absolutely insane. :lmao:

Dumbfuck, I never said the budget doubled, I said the deficit doubled. I never said it's doubled in the last two months, I cited annual deficits.

Are you even lucid enough to know just how fucked in the head you are?? :ack-1:
You said “Impeached Trump”. He has been “impeached Trump” for only 2 mos. that is what he meant and it went over your empty head.
You people keep saying things you "mean" while your actual words don't demonstrate what you claim to mean. He asked if the budget doubled since the middle of December; but I never said anything about the budget doubling since then. Hence, my reply, "your illiteracy is your problem, not mine."
Except you implied it when you said “impeached Trump” because he has only been “impeached a Trump” for 2 mos. What don’t you understand about that?
I support their right to march. I don't support the march.

You are truly too brain-dead to comprehend the distinction. How many more times need I state my position until you understand it?

So you agree that both sides are equally evil but deserve the right to march. Excellent. How come your party never denounces that group. In fact Bernie Sanders campaigns with Linda Sarsour.
My party condemns anti-Semitism. As far as Sanders, I can't stand him and won't vote for him in the general, should he make it, for a variety of reasons.
It does? But it has Tlaib and Omar. So if Sanders is the nominee, you abstain?
It has Tlaib and Omar because they were voted in by their respective districts. Still, the party condemns anti-Semitism.

As far as abstaining, I will likely vote 3rd party (depending on who is running), which has the same effect as abstaining.
Yes and few if any challenge their open antisemitism. So you will abstain. That is your right.
They condemn it.

Your illiteracy is your problem, not mine.

And ... no, I never said that.

Considering the House impeached him in the middle of December last year, that would make you what...yep, a fricken liar, dumbass.

You righties are absolutely insane. :lmao:

Dumbfuck, I never said the budget doubled, I said the deficit doubled. I never said it's doubled in the last two months, I cited annual deficits.

Are you even lucid enough to know just how fucked in the head you are?? :ack-1:
You said “Impeached Trump”. He has been “impeached Trump” for only 2 mos. that is what he meant and it went over your empty head.
You people keep saying things you "mean" while your actual words don't demonstrate what you claim to mean. He asked if the budget doubled since the middle of December; but I never said anything about the budget doubling since then. Hence, my reply, "your illiteracy is your problem, not mine."
Except you implied it when you said “impeached Trump” because he has only been “impeached a Trump” for 2 mos. What don’t you understand about that?
What don't you understand the budget is not the deficit?
I said no such thing. Again ... I support their right to protest even when I don't agree with what they're protesting. left/right makes no difference.

So you support the march of the Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us"?

That's different. Because, "reasons".

Dumbfuck, that "reason" would be ... one is supporting their position; while the other is supporting their right to protest.


Does it upset you that the local cops were ordered to stand down while the much larger mob of lefties attacked, to suppress their right to speech?

Or, is that different, because "reasons"?
The police fucked up that day in a variety of manners, including standing down. That upsets me. As far as a "much larger mob of lefties" attacking them, I didn't see that and have no idea where you come up with that.

I note with pleasure, an indication of sincerity in your post, and will, temporarily adjust my opinion and treatment of you accordingly

I also support the right the nazis have to speech and assembly. I also support the rights of the marxist antifa to their right to speech and protest.

I condemn both of them for their beliefs and actions. So, has President Trump.

We are in agreement on most of this issue. So, why are you so hostile to us, on this issue?

Why, if you are so hostile to us, do you spend so much time on an incident that we mostly agree on?

Surely there are better issues or incidents to focus on, to make your hostile to us point(s)?

Dumbfuck, you're not on my side. I'm not on the side of stupid...

Trump to Begin Releasing Fiscal 2020 Budget Plan on March 11

The White House is expected to begin releasing the president’s fiscal year 2020 budget proposal on March 11, about a month later than usual due to the partial government shutdown.

Administration officials have told lawmakers the proposal will be unveiled in two parts. The president’s budget message, top priorities, and summary tables will come March 11.


The White House is technically required to submit a budget proposal to Congress by the first Monday in February, but the 35-day shutdown delayed the scheduled release.

It matters not what he submits because he doesn't have final say. It would be like me submitting a raise request to my boss but he decides what I ultimately get. Until he and Congress get on the same page what he thinks we should do is almost irrelevant.

However, Congress is the body required by law to pass appropriations annually and to submit funding bills passed by both houses to the President for signature.

And Congress has Veto Power

If Congress fails to pass an annual budget, then several appropriations bills must be passed as "stop gap" measures. After Congress approves an appropriations bill, it is then sent to the President, who may either sign it into law or veto it. A vetoed bill is sent back to Congress, which can pass it into law with a two-thirds majority in each legislative chamber. Congress may also combine all or some appropriations bills into one omnibus reconciliation bill. In addition, the president may request and the Congress may pass supplemental appropriations bills or emergency supplemental appropriations bills.

So it seems the "dumbfuck" is you. Fawn.

Dumbfuck, you actually said... "He doesn't submit them [budgets]."

Now in the face of being proven dead wrong, you try to call me the dumbfuck,

Why are you so obsessed with certain verbiage. By “submit” I meant have final say. And you knew that.
No, I don't know you meant that nor would any sane person think you meant that since "submit" and "finalize" are not synonymous. One initiating a process and the other ending it. Seems more to me that you simply lack the character to admit to me that you're wrong.
That is what I meant by submit. Believe what you like. LOL

I believe what you wrote before you tried to correct your idiocy.... "He doesn't submit them, he signs the budgets Congress submits."

So you agree that both sides are equally evil but deserve the right to march. Excellent. How come your party never denounces that group. In fact Bernie Sanders campaigns with Linda Sarsour.
My party condemns anti-Semitism. As far as Sanders, I can't stand him and won't vote for him in the general, should he make it, for a variety of reasons.
It does? But it has Tlaib and Omar. So if Sanders is the nominee, you abstain?
It has Tlaib and Omar because they were voted in by their respective districts. Still, the party condemns anti-Semitism.

As far as abstaining, I will likely vote 3rd party (depending on who is running), which has the same effect as abstaining.
Yes and few if any challenge their open antisemitism. So you will abstain. That is your right.
They condemn it.
Link it
Considering the House impeached him in the middle of December last year, that would make you what...yep, a fricken liar, dumbass.

You righties are absolutely insane. :lmao:

Dumbfuck, I never said the budget doubled, I said the deficit doubled. I never said it's doubled in the last two months, I cited annual deficits.

Are you even lucid enough to know just how fucked in the head you are?? :ack-1:
You said “Impeached Trump”. He has been “impeached Trump” for only 2 mos. that is what he meant and it went over your empty head.
You people keep saying things you "mean" while your actual words don't demonstrate what you claim to mean. He asked if the budget doubled since the middle of December; but I never said anything about the budget doubling since then. Hence, my reply, "your illiteracy is your problem, not mine."
Except you implied it when you said “impeached Trump” because he has only been “impeached a Trump” for 2 mos. What don’t you understand about that?
What don't you understand the budget is not the deficit?
??? You missed the pt
It matters not what he submits because he doesn't have final say. It would be like me submitting a raise request to my boss but he decides what I ultimately get. Until he and Congress get on the same page what he thinks we should do is almost irrelevant.

However, Congress is the body required by law to pass appropriations annually and to submit funding bills passed by both houses to the President for signature.

And Congress has Veto Power

If Congress fails to pass an annual budget, then several appropriations bills must be passed as "stop gap" measures. After Congress approves an appropriations bill, it is then sent to the President, who may either sign it into law or veto it. A vetoed bill is sent back to Congress, which can pass it into law with a two-thirds majority in each legislative chamber. Congress may also combine all or some appropriations bills into one omnibus reconciliation bill. In addition, the president may request and the Congress may pass supplemental appropriations bills or emergency supplemental appropriations bills.

So it seems the "dumbfuck" is you. Fawn.

Dumbfuck, you actually said... "He doesn't submit them [budgets]."

Now in the face of being proven dead wrong, you try to call me the dumbfuck,

Why are you so obsessed with certain verbiage. By “submit” I meant have final say. And you knew that.
No, I don't know you meant that nor would any sane person think you meant that since "submit" and "finalize" are not synonymous. One initiating a process and the other ending it. Seems more to me that you simply lack the character to admit to me that you're wrong.
That is what I meant by submit. Believe what you like. LOL

I believe what you wrote before you tried to correct your idiocy.... "He doesn't submit them, he signs the budgets Congress submits."

Whatever. You knew what I meant.

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