Trump Administration Caves: No Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

The census is a voluntary activity. If some one does not want to answer part, or all, of it, they do not have to.

Legally it is mandatory, but we as a country refuse to enforce that law, so I guess the end result is that it is voluntary
The census is a voluntary activity. If some one does not want to answer part, or all, of it, they do not have to.

Legally it is mandatory, but we as a country refuse to enforce that law, so I guess the end result is that it is voluntary

Show me the link for that. It was not when I was a census taker. Give the specific law reference.

13 U.S. Code § 221 - Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers

Whoever, being over eighteen years of age, refuses or willfully neglects, when requested by the Secretary, or by any other authorized officer or employee of the Department of Commerce or bureau or agency thereof acting under the instructions of the Secretary or authorized officer, to answer, to the best of his knowledge, any of the questions on any schedule submitted to him in connection with any census or survey provided for by subchapters I, II, IV, and V of chapter 5 of this title, applying to himself or to the family to which he belongs or is related, or to the farm or farms of which he or his family is the occupant, shall be fined not more than $100.
Whoever, when answering questions described in subsection (a) of this section, and under the conditions or circumstances described in such subsection, willfully gives any answer that is false, shall be fined not more than $500.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, no person shall be compelled to disclose information relative to his religious beliefs or to membership in a religious body.

Ok, like a parking ticket. That was not there when I was doing it. From a practical point, it would not matter. If no one answers the door when I go to get the information, nothing happens after that.

Actually, it has always been there. As i said, we just never enforce it.
The census is a voluntary activity. If some one does not want to answer part, or all, of it, they do not have to.

Legally it is mandatory, but we as a country refuse to enforce that law, so I guess the end result is that it is voluntary

Show me the link for that. It was not when I was a census taker. Give the specific law reference.

13 U.S. Code § 221 - Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers

Whoever, being over eighteen years of age, refuses or willfully neglects, when requested by the Secretary, or by any other authorized officer or employee of the Department of Commerce or bureau or agency thereof acting under the instructions of the Secretary or authorized officer, to answer, to the best of his knowledge, any of the questions on any schedule submitted to him in connection with any census or survey provided for by subchapters I, II, IV, and V of chapter 5 of this title, applying to himself or to the family to which he belongs or is related, or to the farm or farms of which he or his family is the occupant, shall be fined not more than $100.
Whoever, when answering questions described in subsection (a) of this section, and under the conditions or circumstances described in such subsection, willfully gives any answer that is false, shall be fined not more than $500.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, no person shall be compelled to disclose information relative to his religious beliefs or to membership in a religious body.

Ok, like a parking ticket. That was not there when I was doing it. From a practical point, it would not matter. If no one answers the door when I go to get the information, nothing happens after that.

Actually, it has always been there. As i said, we just never enforce it.

So an unenforced $100 fine is going to matter? The result is the same. The people who do not want to answer it, are not going to. The specific questions are irrelevant to the count.
Legally it is mandatory, but we as a country refuse to enforce that law, so I guess the end result is that it is voluntary

Show me the link for that. It was not when I was a census taker. Give the specific law reference.

13 U.S. Code § 221 - Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers

Whoever, being over eighteen years of age, refuses or willfully neglects, when requested by the Secretary, or by any other authorized officer or employee of the Department of Commerce or bureau or agency thereof acting under the instructions of the Secretary or authorized officer, to answer, to the best of his knowledge, any of the questions on any schedule submitted to him in connection with any census or survey provided for by subchapters I, II, IV, and V of chapter 5 of this title, applying to himself or to the family to which he belongs or is related, or to the farm or farms of which he or his family is the occupant, shall be fined not more than $100.
Whoever, when answering questions described in subsection (a) of this section, and under the conditions or circumstances described in such subsection, willfully gives any answer that is false, shall be fined not more than $500.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, no person shall be compelled to disclose information relative to his religious beliefs or to membership in a religious body.

Ok, like a parking ticket. That was not there when I was doing it. From a practical point, it would not matter. If no one answers the door when I go to get the information, nothing happens after that.

Actually, it has always been there. As i said, we just never enforce it.

So an unenforced $100 fine is going to matter? The result is the same. The people who do not want to answer it, are not going to. The specific questions are irrelevant to the count.

No, it will not matter. The specific questions have an impact on who will and will not answer. Even the Trump admin admitted that the question would lower response rates.
Show me the link for that. It was not when I was a census taker. Give the specific law reference.

13 U.S. Code § 221 - Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers

Whoever, being over eighteen years of age, refuses or willfully neglects, when requested by the Secretary, or by any other authorized officer or employee of the Department of Commerce or bureau or agency thereof acting under the instructions of the Secretary or authorized officer, to answer, to the best of his knowledge, any of the questions on any schedule submitted to him in connection with any census or survey provided for by subchapters I, II, IV, and V of chapter 5 of this title, applying to himself or to the family to which he belongs or is related, or to the farm or farms of which he or his family is the occupant, shall be fined not more than $100.
Whoever, when answering questions described in subsection (a) of this section, and under the conditions or circumstances described in such subsection, willfully gives any answer that is false, shall be fined not more than $500.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, no person shall be compelled to disclose information relative to his religious beliefs or to membership in a religious body.

Ok, like a parking ticket. That was not there when I was doing it. From a practical point, it would not matter. If no one answers the door when I go to get the information, nothing happens after that.

Actually, it has always been there. As i said, we just never enforce it.

So an unenforced $100 fine is going to matter? The result is the same. The people who do not want to answer it, are not going to. The specific questions are irrelevant to the count.

No, it will not matter. The specific questions have an impact on who will and will not answer. Even the Trump admin admitted that the question would lower response rates.

Yeah are you a US citizen?

Not that complicated
Show me the link for that. It was not when I was a census taker. Give the specific law reference.

13 U.S. Code § 221 - Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers

Whoever, being over eighteen years of age, refuses or willfully neglects, when requested by the Secretary, or by any other authorized officer or employee of the Department of Commerce or bureau or agency thereof acting under the instructions of the Secretary or authorized officer, to answer, to the best of his knowledge, any of the questions on any schedule submitted to him in connection with any census or survey provided for by subchapters I, II, IV, and V of chapter 5 of this title, applying to himself or to the family to which he belongs or is related, or to the farm or farms of which he or his family is the occupant, shall be fined not more than $100.
Whoever, when answering questions described in subsection (a) of this section, and under the conditions or circumstances described in such subsection, willfully gives any answer that is false, shall be fined not more than $500.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, no person shall be compelled to disclose information relative to his religious beliefs or to membership in a religious body.

Ok, like a parking ticket. That was not there when I was doing it. From a practical point, it would not matter. If no one answers the door when I go to get the information, nothing happens after that.

Actually, it has always been there. As i said, we just never enforce it.

So an unenforced $100 fine is going to matter? The result is the same. The people who do not want to answer it, are not going to. The specific questions are irrelevant to the count.

No, it will not matter. The specific questions have an impact on who will and will not answer. Even the Trump admin admitted that the question would lower response rates.

They have never gone door to door and tried to get the information. A tiny number of people would selectively refuse to answer one question, but it was mostly all or nothing.
Immigrants, illegal or otherwise, become not poor people deserving of Christian compassion and empathy, but not even people at all. Migrants become non-entities, not unlike how the left views unborn children — subhumans whose only possible value is as a political weapon to poke opponents with.
No, it will not matter. The specific questions have an impact on who will and will not answer. Even the Trump admin admitted that the question would lower response rates.
If it did, good. Illegals shouldn't be answering census questionairres, or doing anything other than returning to where they came from.
They got the data on anyone posting on faceplant or google LOL

IRS has the data on millions of workers with fake ssn's but don't prosecute the identity theft because they pay taxes...........

Amazing huh.

I think you give the government far too much credit.

The IRS has sued the USDA for Census of Ag data on an individual and has lost, the FBI has sued the CB for census data on individuals and lost. The courts have denied every request for specific data.
The day that census information is no longer private is the day people stop responding.
The census is a voluntary activity. If some one does not want to answer part, or all, of it, they do not have to.

Legally it is mandatory, but we as a country refuse to enforce that law, so I guess the end result is that it is voluntary

Show me the link for that. It was not when I was a census taker. Give the specific law reference.

13 U.S. Code § 221 - Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers

Whoever, being over eighteen years of age, refuses or willfully neglects, when requested by the Secretary, or by any other authorized officer or employee of the Department of Commerce or bureau or agency thereof acting under the instructions of the Secretary or authorized officer, to answer, to the best of his knowledge, any of the questions on any schedule submitted to him in connection with any census or survey provided for by subchapters I, II, IV, and V of chapter 5 of this title, applying to himself or to the family to which he belongs or is related, or to the farm or farms of which he or his family is the occupant, shall be fined not more than $100.
Whoever, when answering questions described in subsection (a) of this section, and under the conditions or circumstances described in such subsection, willfully gives any answer that is false, shall be fined not more than $500.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, no person shall be compelled to disclose information relative to his religious beliefs or to membership in a religious body.
No one has been prosecuted since 1970 for not responding to a census. It's simply to costly and it's to hard to prove that they willfully violated the law.

In 2018 a survey to determine why people don't respond to the census an who is does not respond was sent to 50,000 households. 35% responded to the survey. Here are some of the results:

The most common reason sited for not responding to the census were:
  • concerns about data privacy and confidentiality
  • fear of repercussions
  • distrust in all levels of government
  • feeling that it doesn’t matter if you are counted
  • belief that completing the census might not benefit you personally
Households least likely to be counted:
  • those below the poverty level
  • young people that move more once a year
  • households with members who do not speak English
  • rural residents
  • racial and ethnic minorities
Study Examines Barriers, Attitudes and Motivators Toward 2020 Census
13 U.S. Code § 221 - Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers

Whoever, being over eighteen years of age, refuses or willfully neglects, when requested by the Secretary, or by any other authorized officer or employee of the Department of Commerce or bureau or agency thereof acting under the instructions of the Secretary or authorized officer, to answer, to the best of his knowledge, any of the questions on any schedule submitted to him in connection with any census or survey provided for by subchapters I, II, IV, and V of chapter 5 of this title, applying to himself or to the family to which he belongs or is related, or to the farm or farms of which he or his family is the occupant, shall be fined not more than $100.
Whoever, when answering questions described in subsection (a) of this section, and under the conditions or circumstances described in such subsection, willfully gives any answer that is false, shall be fined not more than $500.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, no person shall be compelled to disclose information relative to his religious beliefs or to membership in a religious body.

Ok, like a parking ticket. That was not there when I was doing it. From a practical point, it would not matter. If no one answers the door when I go to get the information, nothing happens after that.

Actually, it has always been there. As i said, we just never enforce it.

So an unenforced $100 fine is going to matter? The result is the same. The people who do not want to answer it, are not going to. The specific questions are irrelevant to the count.

No, it will not matter. The specific questions have an impact on who will and will not answer. Even the Trump admin admitted that the question would lower response rates.

They have never gone door to door and tried to get the information. A tiny number of people would selectively refuse to answer one question, but it was mostly all or nothing.
Actually we have and do go door to door. I know because I did it in the 1970 census. If you don't reply you'll probably get a letter in the mail. If you don't respond, you'll get a second letter. If you still don't respond, a census taker way knock on your door but that depends on where you are and staffing. Sometimes there is just not enough people. Most of the work though is done from the office. All thou the census is very easy to complete, about 1 in 20 households screw it up so census workers attempt to fix the problems over the phone. If they can't, they schedule an interview and attempt to come to your home. The other reason they come to your home is mailing lists some time have duplicate address, missing addresses, etc.

Since the purpose of the census is to count all the noses in the country, you would think it would be pretty easy but it's not. The goal of the census is to count every person and count them only once from the correct residence. The challenges are, people that have multiple dwelling, people who travel abroad, people that don't speak English, people that are disabled, people that lack a valid address, people who don't want to respond, people that are institutionalized, people that are homeless, people that are illiterate etc...
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This whole thing is ridiculous. The citizenship question has appeared on the census before. The only reason the leftists are trying to stop it now is because they want the illegals to be counted so they will get more representatives in those Dem areas. It's not about allocation of funding, it's all about politics and votes. The Dems and our President both know that.
This whole thing is ridiculous. The citizenship question has appeared on the census before. The only reason the leftists are trying to stop it now is because they want the illegals to be counted so they will get more representatives in those Dem areas. It's not about allocation of funding, it's all about politics and votes. The Dems and our President both know that.
I'm not sure there has ever been a question on the census that actually ask if you are a citizen. In the 1950 census there was question asking if you were born in the US which did not appear on 1960 census. Democrats want the question dropped because surveys, not the census have ask about citizenship and the results has been lower response rates. Certain questions such as citizenship, religion, country of origin, etc result in lower response rates, so the census bureau does no put those questions on the census in order to maximize responses.
I'm not sure there has ever been a question on the census that actually ask if you are a citizen. In the 1950 census there was question asking if you were born in the US which did not appear on 1960 census. Democrats want the question dropped because surveys, not the census have ask about citizenship and the results has been lower response rates. Certain questions such as citizenship, religion, country of origin, etc result in lower response rates, so the census bureau does no put those questions on the census in order to maximize responses.

Maximizing responses should not be a goal at all. Counting AMERICANS should be the goal. Quality, not quantity.

One of the reasons for a census is to give the government an idea of how many Americans need to be serviced. Non-citizens don't need to be (except with a deportation order)
They should do away with the census and simply count the number of federal tax returns received from each state.

Good Idea.... Then those on Welfare, illegally here, and in criminal enterprises wouldn't be counted....

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