Trump Afraid To Panic the Nation?

Any president relies on a lot of other people to get these pieces to move. They get all of their information from various experts and try their best to make decisions from there. I'm not calling Trump a particularly competent president, but to act like responsibility for the deaths of all those Americans is exclusively Donald's is ridiculous. It was our entire system that failed us. It would have been a cluster fuck under Obama too.

I guess we can take solace Biden would have kept flights from China to keep his masters happy and not to be construed as a racist.
He meant they are rarely effected much by the virus. That is a true statement.
The Woodward tapes show that Trump knew early on that children get infected easily as adults and that they can spread it.

You don't listen much, do you.

What Fauci did or didn't say is not the issue.

Trump clearly knew about the danger and lied

You people still tout Fauci as the end all in virus advice. It is the entire issue.
I don't disagree. I would like Trump to be more tactful at times, however, that should be secondary to actual results. If Trump spoke like Tony Robbins but did nothing or did things that harmed our country, I would not like him. Many Democrats would vote for him simply because he was a good speaker, policies be damned.
Reread the OP. It's not about "tact" or rhetoric. It IS about policy...and Trump lied and failed...miserably

Trump didn't fail miserably. Nobody could have stopped the spread in the US, not not even Obama. The ONLY reason the left is slamming Trump so much on this is because it is an election year and they had to find SOMETHING to try to bring him down. Pre-COVID he was an absolute shoe-in to win and they knew it. He should still be a shoe-in given the competition but sadly many Americans are very easily duped by the media spin.
We KNOW he knew that the nation was facing a cataclysm. It's on tape. We know he admitted to "downplaying" the virus that has killed TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND Americans

He knew that it was far more deadly than the flu. That is was extremely contagious. That it was as bad as the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918. And he knew that it most certainly infected children.

And he lied about all of that.

He claim he didn't want to panic the nation. Really?

Then why is he STILL lying about it? Still downplaying it?

Why did he not insist that we get functional tests QUICKLY? Why did he not invoke the DPA in FEBRUARY to get PPE and ventilators in place?

Why did he not shut down travel from Europe in FEBRUARY?

Why did he not quarantine or even TRACK returning travelers?

Why did he LIE about children being "basically immune" when he clearly knew differently?

He didn't care about "panic". He cared about trying to keep the economy going (and failing there because the virus simply will not allow that).

He lied about every aspect of this catastrophe and he's lying about why he lied
The neat thing now is, every time he lies, that means he's trying to keep us from panicking.

Cool, huh?
Clearly he lied and that policy was a giant failure. Less than 5% of the worlds population and over 20% of the death? And we have the most expensive healthcare system in the world.
with Trump being so controversial, of course he will energize crazy people like QAnon and whip them into a frenzy. he can't help himself

what should the left, in response, do, you ask?

I'll tell ya:

March 29

Cuomo warns that the pandemic’s toll could grow worse.
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on Sunday offered a grim assessment of the coronavirus pandemic engulfing the state, as he reported that 237 people had died since the day before, the largest on one-day increase since the coronavirus outbreak began.
And the projections, he added, suggests that the crisis facing New York could grow even worse.
“I don’t think there’s any way to look at those numbers,” Mr. Cuomo said, “without seeing thousands of people pass away.”
NY didn't panic
March 29

Cuomo warns that the pandemic’s toll could grow worse.
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on Sunday offered a grim assessment of the coronavirus pandemic engulfing the state, as he reported that 237 people had died since the day before, the largest on one-day increase since the coronavirus outbreak began.
And the projections, he added, suggests that the crisis facing New York could grow even worse.
“I don’t think there’s any way to look at those numbers,” Mr. Cuomo said, “without seeing thousands of people pass away.”
NY didn't panic

NY voted for Cuomo.

No more need be said.
We KNOW he knew that the nation was facing a cataclysm. It's on tape. We know he admitted to "downplaying" the virus that has killed TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND Americans

He knew that it was far more deadly than the flu. That is was extremely contagious. That it was as bad as the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918. And he knew that it most certainly infected children.

And he lied about all of that.

He claim he didn't want to panic the nation. Really?

Then why is he STILL lying about it? Still downplaying it?

Why did he not insist that we get functional tests QUICKLY? Why did he not invoke the DPA in FEBRUARY to get PPE and ventilators in place?

Why did he not shut down travel from Europe in FEBRUARY?

Why did he not quarantine or even TRACK returning travelers?

Why did he LIE about children being "basically immune" when he clearly knew differently?

He didn't care about "panic". He cared about trying to keep the economy going (and failing there because the virus simply will not allow that).

He lied about every aspect of this catastrophe and he's lying about why he lied

ANOTHER whiny, desperate bullshit snowflake thread trying to convince the President was wrong not to engage in Democrat-style Fear-Mongering based on proven horrifically WRONG statistical projections made by what the world's best epidemiologists called the worst possible model that could have been used.... attempt to claim the President failed to do 'enough' to protect Americans, despite his being ahead of the WHO and actually taking life saving actions while Democrats declared there was nothing to worry about, opposed the life-saving travel ban, attempted to legislatively block it, called it Xenophobic, and gave Americans advice that would have spread the word and leading to more deaths.

While expressing irrational hatred for the President who took actions to save Americans, morons like this op expresses no anger over Democrats who intentionally, knowingly murdered thousands of Americans ... Democrats like the largest mass murderer in US history, Governor Cuomo who needlessly murdered over 10,000 elderly Americans.

How many more of these same repeated pathetic propaganda, democrat protecting snowflake threads do we have to put up with being posted? Do they hope, after each one fails, that another new one will succeed?

At least combine all of them....
We KNOW he knew that the nation was facing a cataclysm. It's on tape. We know he admitted to "downplaying" the virus that has killed TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND Americans

He knew that it was far more deadly than the flu. That is was extremely contagious. That it was as bad as the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918. And he knew that it most certainly infected children.

And he lied about all of that.

He claim he didn't want to panic the nation. Really?

Then why is he STILL lying about it? Still downplaying it?

Why did he not insist that we get functional tests QUICKLY? Why did he not invoke the DPA in FEBRUARY to get PPE and ventilators in place?

Why did he not shut down travel from Europe in FEBRUARY?

Why did he not quarantine or even TRACK returning travelers?

Why did he LIE about children being "basically immune" when he clearly knew differently?

He didn't care about "panic". He cared about trying to keep the economy going (and failing there because the virus simply will not allow that).

He lied about every aspect of this catastrophe and he's lying about why he lied
Trying to understand his motivations for repeatedly lying to the American public about a deadly global pandemic that was bearing down on us, when you're trying to understand a person with the profound emotional and psychological issues this man has, is a jigsaw puzzle at best.

It may really be that he's being honest: Maybe, in his mind, he was protecting us somehow. It didn't occur to him that lowering our guard in that situation would certainly increase the velocity and severity of the virus's spread. That's just a function of an individual who lacks the intellectual elasticity required of a normal President.

There are two problems with that theory, though: First, on tape, he told Bob Woodward that the virus was, in his words, "the Plague". So clearly he held back critical information when he lied to the country. Second, if he were really trying to protect us, why did he constantly mock Americans who were just trying to protect the health of Americans and their loved ones via masks and social distancing?

There's just no way to know. We may never know.

Is it possible that our government would have downplayed it regardless of Donald Trump?
Anything is possible, but I want very much to believe that virtually anyone else would have been significantly more careful and thoughtful.

You mean like how obummer/biden simply stopped counting H1N1 cases after they reached 60 million?
March 29

Cuomo warns that the pandemic’s toll could grow worse.
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on Sunday offered a grim assessment of the coronavirus pandemic engulfing the state, as he reported that 237 people had died since the day before, the largest on one-day increase since the coronavirus outbreak began.
And the projections, he added, suggests that the crisis facing New York could grow even worse.
“I don’t think there’s any way to look at those numbers,” Mr. Cuomo said, “without seeing thousands of people pass away.”
NY didn't panic

No, Cuomo did not panic. The mass murderer knew exactly what he was doing. He publicly acknowledged the elderly were the most vulnerable, the most likely to die from the virus, then packed virus-infected patients into nursing homes...sentencing over 10,000 elderly Americans to needlessly die.

We KNOW he knew that the nation was facing a cataclysm. It's on tape. We know he admitted to "downplaying" the virus that has killed TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND Americans

He knew that it was far more deadly than the flu. That is was extremely contagious. That it was as bad as the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918. And he knew that it most certainly infected children.

And he lied about all of that.

He claim he didn't want to panic the nation. Really?

Then why is he STILL lying about it? Still downplaying it?

Why did he not insist that we get functional tests QUICKLY? Why did he not invoke the DPA in FEBRUARY to get PPE and ventilators in place?

Why did he not shut down travel from Europe in FEBRUARY?

Why did he not quarantine or even TRACK returning travelers?

Why did he LIE about children being "basically immune" when he clearly knew differently?

He didn't care about "panic". He cared about trying to keep the economy going (and failing there because the virus simply will not allow that).

He lied about every aspect of this catastrophe and he's lying about why he lied

Why? Because he sucks out loud, that's why.
A. Cuomo puts the lie to this panic nonsense

Americans are better than that. New Yorkers certainly are

B. Trump is STILL lying about the virus. Is he still afraid to panic people?

Does that account for him lying about kids being immune? He clearly knew early that it was false. He said so on the Woodward tapes

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