Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?

Let's ask the Democrats to compromise and drop all their lawfare charges on Trump. Let's ask Democrats to show us their candidate having more press conferences and interviews just like Trump does.
Why should they now do it first? The Democrats have offered compromise deals and the Republicans have refused. Why should they bend over to the Republicans now. It is the turn of the Republicans to show some desire to compromise. Have you seen ANY of that occurring?
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Trump has been "using" the Evangelicals and quoting God as a way to get elected. and recently with the attempted assassination attempt he experienced, according to Trump, God is watching out for him and that is the reason why he was not killed. In addition, Megan Kelly tried to confirm that by making the case that Trump was shot at 6:11pm and that is meaningful on a biblical basis............In reading Ephesian 6:11 where it says "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." Megan Kelly says that it means that Trump has the "full armor of God" on his side and the Democratic "devils" were the ones trying to kill him.

Nonetheless, this video makes the very good case that the opposite meaning is most likely to be the case, quoting other 6:11's verses in the Bible. See this and have a good laugh

I have 2 questions for you:

1) "Should Trump be using God and Religion to win the presidency"?
2) "Knowing who Trump is and hearing the above video, should the Evangelicals be supporting Trump"?

Religion comes in many forms.
Today we have the church of AGW...
The church of LGBTQ....
The Church of universal egalitarianism....

They are all religions.
Has a dirt poor person ever given you a job? Of course not, because it takes money to hire people. What happens with 'the government' decides to take more tax money from them? Can you tell us? How does a 'working class' person even get a job? Where do jobs come from? Can you tell us?
Infrastructure bills.
Natural Rights And The Founding Fathers
The bullshit is that the founding generation of the United States of America believed that “Nature’s God” referenced in the Declaration of Independence, was limited to the idea that the God of Abraham is Nature’s God.
I am a Christian.

I bet you thought you had a point, too.
You are not an evangelical is what I wrote. Nothing you have ever communicated on this board has revealed evangelical beliefs.

And if, indeed, you are a Christian, we need to post you up so we can show what a Christian should not be or do.
They both said Trump shouldn't use god to win the presidency and Evangenitals shouldn't support him.
Sure are a lot of leftists who believe they can tell Evangelicals what to do based on...nothing in particular.

It's odd how what God wants seems to be what leftists want.

Just coincidence, I'm sure.
You are not an evangelical is what I wrote. Nothing you have ever communicated on this board has revealed evangelical beliefs.

And if, indeed, you are a Christian, we need to post you up so we can show what a Christian should not be or do.
Yeah? So? Do you think I'm trying to speak for them? I'm not. I'm pointing out that leftists, who hate Evangelicals' faith, are telling Evangelicals what to do based on that faith.

How 'bout y'all just speak for yourselves? were serious on all the others? :eusa_eh:

Entertaining tantrum. Patently untrue, but entertaining.

Your unwillingness to accept the proofs I offer does not mean they don't exist; it means you believe that your beliefs alter reality. That's a symptom of mental illness. Seek help.

Your "team" is not America; your team is the Democratic Party. The two are vastly different. Democrats have made it quite clear they don't want me on their team; I am a white conservative Constitution-supporting working class veteran Christian. Democrats believe I may be a domestic terrorist. Not getting a lot of team-y vibes from the Dems. So your bullshit about "national unity" is just that...bullshit.

Democrats' view of bipartisanship has always been "do what we say and shut the fuck up". Then you get angry that Republicans won't go along.

So, it turns out that you believe a lot of horseshit that simply isn't true. Reality doesn't support your fantasies. Nor do I have any obligation to rubber-stamp your asinine beliefs, no matter that you believe you're entitled to it.
So you won't post seriously at me any more? It's hilarious that you believe I should be disappointed.

Run along, you pompous twit.
Insulting response and a total lack of respect for the serious response I gave you, where I showed "you" enough respect to take the time (and make the effort) to give you information about my beliefs and knowledge.. Agreement was not needed or expected but you in turn, sent me this debasing post.

You have now made the list of people not worth any of my time. You have shown a total lack of having any knowledge that would benefit me in any way. In fact, I could use my time in a better way by just looking counting sheep.

Good Bye. You are now #15 on my ignore list. Congratulations, you have joined the list of top notch ignorant and totally blind-by-choice assholes
They both said Trump shouldn't use god to win the presidency and Evangenitals shouldn't support him.
Evangelicals who are opposed to abortion, should not support Don Trump because Don Trump is pro-choice. He opposes six week abortion bans which are the only abortion bans that actually would save the life of a fetus being carried by a woman who does not want to go full term pregnancy.

96% of all abortions occur between five and 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Trump is in favor of killing all those fetuses so if Christian evangelicals were true to their faith in God, they would not support Don Trump. They would have supported Ron DeSantis..
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The bullshit is that the founding generation of the United States of America believed that “Nature’s God” referenced in the Declaration of Independence, was limited to the idea that the God of Abraham is Nature’s God.
The philosophy of natural rights was championed by such Founding Fathers as Richard Bland, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson,Richard Henry Lee, James Madison, George Mason, Robert Carter Nicholas, Peyton Randolph, George Washington, and George Wythe.Indeed, it would be amazing if any Revolutionary leader of the Commonwealth could be found who did not subscribe to the doctrines of natural law and right. Moreover, the doctrine was not limited to the select few who directed Virginia's destinies, but was widely held and continually expressed by the popular assemblages throughout the Commonwealth during Revolutionary days.

Lawfare is not real law.
The word “lawfare” is a political term by unlawful people. Everyone of Trump’s indictments are based on “real law“ on the books and sufficient to cause five grand juries so far to say they have seen enough evidence to agree they think Don Trump broke the law.
Insulting response and a total lack of respect for the serious response I gave you, where I showed "you" enough respect to take the time (and make the effort) to give you information about my beliefs and knowledge.. Agreement was not needed or expected but you in turn, sent me this debasing post.

You have now made the list of people not worth any of my time. You have shown a total lack of having any knowledge that would benefit me in any way. In fact, I could use my time in a better way by just looking counting sheep.

Good Bye. You are now #15 on my ignore list. Congratulations, you have joined the list of top notch ignorant and totally blind-by-choice assholes
oh no anyway.jpeg

I guess I didn't make it clear enough. I'm not going to kiss your ass in the manner to which you believe you're entitled.

Now you won't be subjected to any more scary dangerous unapproved ideas. Enjoy your self-imposed echo chamber, kid.
The word “lawfare” is a political term by unlawful people. Everyone of Trump’s indictments are based on “real law“ on the books and sufficient to cause five grand juries so far to say they have seen enough evidence to agree they think Don Trump broke the law.
Laws applied randomly and whimsically.

A demonstration of the truism that anyone at all can be indicated at any time at all using almost any reason at all.

Stupidity is not something that Buffet is known for, contrary to Trump that shows stupidity every day.
Oh, then Buffet KNOWS he can send more money to the Treasury...but he chooses not to.

What a selfish bastard, huh? A man does what he believes is right. If he has to have the government force him to do it, he has no standing as a moral man.

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