Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.

It's no mystery you'll be celebrating Trump has China virus all day, every day now.

Trump used to say that too. Now he has it.
Your mask cannot stop it... This virus is <0.1 microns in size and N-95 masks are 1.5 microns filtration. The major mode of transmission is hand touches surface, hand touches face, eyes, nose, or mouth. Air borne is about 7th on the list of ways to contract this.

Yea? Tell me more about your medical degrees.
I am trained in biological warfare. Everything I have stated can be backed up with medical fact.

So am I and a Bacterial Attack is much easier to combat than a viral attack.
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.

It's no mystery you'll be celebrating Trump has China virus all day, every day now.
I'm not like you. Thank goodness.
Maybe you should address that to the Dems. They are the ones who called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US to stop the spread of the virus.

Oh and lets not forget Pelousy telling everyone the virus was nothing and to not worry about it. She also wanted them to come out with her to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Trump took it quite seriously and he never called it a hoax. His administration got the ventilators, masks and everything else that was needed out there. Its a pandemic shit for brains. Pandemics kill once they get into a country and nothing anyone could do would have stopped that virus from getting into the US. Hell the Spanish flue killed 20 million and the bubonic plague damned near wiped out the human race.

No one could have done any better than Trump did.

Oh and you must think Americans are stupid. I, along with millions of others, saw the writing on the wall. Hell I went out and bought a mask and practices social distancing long before the CDC came up with those instructions and so did millions of other.

A pandemic doesn't care who's in charge and it also doesn't care what you can do to stop it. Pandemics kill and that all a pandemic does.
Trump has downplayed this thing from the beginning and has never really acted as if the deaths are anything other than something that might make himself look bad. His karmic debt is enormous. He had this coming and I hope he is scared shitless.

The numbers are overwhemingly on his side. My guess he will be eating cheeseburgers and tweeting during his quarantine. That is what some other world leaders were doing when they tested positive, sans Boris Johnson who did spend 3 days in the ICU.

Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.

It's no mystery you'll be celebrating Trump has China virus all day, every day now.
I'm not like you. Thank goodness.

That's right, you aren't. I won't be celebrating Trump has China virus, you'll be drunk by noon. You're happier today than you've been in four years.
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.
Prog Socialists weaponized the virus. It has become a political toy for the good for the party. Trump lives is his life. The virus was not to important to impeach him. The real problem is the hysteria that was created by people like you and your minions. Not for a moment do I doubt that when you have complete control, life is going to be dreary, of inquisition and dangerous to each individual from other ones if we do not tow the Prog Socialist line.
OMG, Trump is quarantined in the WH residence until he is transferred elsewhere if the disease worsens. That rules him out from performing the full scope of Presidential duties.

VP Pence has been in contact with Trump and Hope Hicks and will be quarantined for a min. of 14 days in the VP residence and can't perform any Presidential duties for at least 14 days.

The Prez & VP will both be unable to perform Presidential duties for at least 14 days. The next person in succession to take over the President's duties would be the Speaker of the House. We might see Nancy sitting in the Oval Office for a bit! Who knows?
Wrong again... Trump can perform all of his duties from the WH..
Wrong again... Trump can perform all of his duties from the WH..
If Trump is quarantined [ISOLATED] in the WH Prez residence, how in the fuck can he get down to the Situation Room if he's FORCED TO BE ISOLATED within the Residence if NK, China or even Great White Canada attack? Does your dumb ass know what the reason Amendment XXV was added to the Constitution? It was for situations like this you bloody fool!
Why does he need to be in the Situation room? And why can’t he go there if he wants? As long as he wears a mask and everyone else does, what’s the problem?

Social distancing and masks don’t work? Is that what you are claiming?

Social Distancing and Masks reduces the chances of the effected person spreading it, it doesn't stop them from spreading it. The more active that affected person is the more likely they will affect others. What's happened is, the dice was rolled and it came up snake eyes for Rump. Ain't Karma a bitch?
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.
Prog Socialists weaponized the virus. It has become a political toy for the good for the party. Trump lives is his life. The virus was not to important to impeach him. The real problem is the hysteria that was created by people like you and your minions. Not for a moment do I doubt that when you have complete control, life is going to be dreary, of inquisition and dangerous to each individual from other ones if we do not tow the Prog Socialist line.
Maybe you should address that to the Dems. They are the ones who called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US to stop the spread of the virus.

Oh and lets not forget Pelousy telling everyone the virus was nothing and to not worry about it. She also wanted them to come out with her to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Trump took it quite seriously and he never called it a hoax. His administration got the ventilators, masks and everything else that was needed out there. Its a pandemic shit for brains. Pandemics kill once they get into a country and nothing anyone could do would have stopped that virus from getting into the US. Hell the Spanish flue killed 20 million and the bubonic plague damned near wiped out the human race.

No one could have done any better than Trump did.

Oh and you must think Americans are stupid. I, along with millions of others, saw the writing on the wall. Hell I went out and bought a mask and practices social distancing long before the CDC came up with those instructions and so did millions of other.

A pandemic doesn't care who's in charge and it also doesn't care what you can do to stop it. Pandemics kill and that all a pandemic does.
Trump has downplayed this thing from the beginning and has never really acted as if the deaths are anything other than something that might make himself look bad. His karmic debt is enormous. He had this coming and I hope he is scared shitless.

The numbers are overwhemingly on his side. My guess he will be eating cheeseburgers and tweeting during his quarantine. That is what some other world leaders were doing when they tested positive, sans Boris Johnson who did spend 3 days in the ICU.
Sometimes a near death experience can make an asshole a better person. Maybe that what it will take for Trump.

Trump used to say that too. Now he has it.
Your mask cannot stop it... This virus is <0.1 microns in size and N-95 masks are 1.5 microns filtration. The major mode of transmission is hand touches surface, hand touches face, eyes, nose, or mouth. Air borne is about 7th on the list of ways to contract this.

Yea? Tell me more about your medical degrees.
I am trained in biological warfare. Everything I have stated can be backed up with medical fact.
is that where you learned to fight cytoplasm storms, dr. billyboob?
“My dad was a healthy 65-year-old,” she said on the broadcast. “His only preexisting condition was trusting Donald Trump, and for that he paid with his life.”
Wow, that is a gargantuan case of TDS.

Due to the solemn nature of this subject, I will not give you the daily fruitcake award for TDS Fruitcakes. Instead, I will just say that you are an ass.
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If Pence also gets the virus - will Nancy Pelosi become president? Karma...

Fuck you Lakhota.
It could happen. If the 25th Amendment is invoked and Pence is president while Impeached Trump is too sick to carry out his duties... then Pence catches it and becomes too sick to carry out presidential duties...

... you know who's next in line.... President Pelosi. And her very first official order of business.... you guessed it... withdraw Barrett's nomination for the Supreme Court and nominate a hard left Liberal.

Are you seriously hoping the president dies from the virus?

Watch your tone.
give it a rest, you sanctimonious prick.

i hope melania will recover soon.
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What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

Well y'all surely took Trump' s hoax statements and took it to the extreme then....

They know what they did, they know what they enabled.

You know what they say about karma.
Maybe you should address that to the Dems. They are the ones who called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US to stop the spread of the virus.

Oh and lets not forget Pelousy telling everyone the virus was nothing and to not worry about it. She also wanted them to come out with her to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Trump took it quite seriously and he never called it a hoax. His administration got the ventilators, masks and everything else that was needed out there. Its a pandemic shit for brains. Pandemics kill once they get into a country and nothing anyone could do would have stopped that virus from getting into the US. Hell the Spanish flue killed 20 million and the bubonic plague damned near wiped out the human race.

No one could have done any better than Trump did.

Oh and you must think Americans are stupid. I, along with millions of others, saw the writing on the wall. Hell I went out and bought a mask and practices social distancing long before the CDC came up with those instructions and so did millions of other.

A pandemic doesn't care who's in charge and it also doesn't care what you can do to stop it. Pandemics kill and that all a pandemic does.
Trump has downplayed this thing from the beginning and has never really acted as if the deaths are anything other than something that might make himself look bad. His karmic debt is enormous. He had this coming and I hope he is scared shitless.

He didn't down play anything. I'd say you Dems downplayed it.

They predicted. 3.2 million deaths for the US. 200,000 is a long way from that thank God.

Nothing scares Trump. He and the FL will make out just fine even though YOU hope they don't.
Maybe you should address that to the Dems. They are the ones who called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US to stop the spread of the virus.

Oh and lets not forget Pelousy telling everyone the virus was nothing and to not worry about it. She also wanted them to come out with her to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Trump took it quite seriously and he never called it a hoax. His administration got the ventilators, masks and everything else that was needed out there. Its a pandemic shit for brains. Pandemics kill once they get into a country and nothing anyone could do would have stopped that virus from getting into the US. Hell the Spanish flue killed 20 million and the bubonic plague damned near wiped out the human race.

No one could have done any better than Trump did.

Oh and you must think Americans are stupid. I, along with millions of others, saw the writing on the wall. Hell I went out and bought a mask and practices social distancing long before the CDC came up with those instructions and so did millions of other.

A pandemic doesn't care who's in charge and it also doesn't care what you can do to stop it. Pandemics kill and that all a pandemic does.
Trump has downplayed this thing from the beginning and has never really acted as if the deaths are anything other than something that might make himself look bad. His karmic debt is enormous. He had this coming and I hope he is scared shitless.

The numbers are overwhemingly on his side. My guess he will be eating cheeseburgers and tweeting during his quarantine. That is what some other world leaders were doing when they tested positive, sans Boris Johnson who did spend 3 days in the ICU.
Sometimes a near death experience can make an asshole a better person. Maybe that what it will take for Trump.

Then maybe we should spread COVID to all the MSM media and the Democrats in Congress, particular Pelosi and Schiff.

The problem is, COVID wouldn’t be thing to spread if you really wanted near death results because the overwhelming majority would not be affected to this extent.

My guess is that Trump and Melanie with both do fine. The only big concern I have is the effect on the campaign due to a quarantine.
...It's no mystery you'll be celebrating Trump has China virus all day, every day now.
And that is where you are wrong.

Most people of goodwill, Left or Right, will not rejoice or mock something as serious as this, although they might slap-back-at and politicize such accusations...

Even though I actually want a half-dozen things that he is selling, I cannot stomach your boy, and routinely articulate that on this board.

But I am also an early-and-serious COVID-19 survivor... twenty-four (24) days in hospital; eleven (11) of it in an ICU, thirteen (13) of it in a step-down unit.

Personally... I would not wish that on anyone, not even your boy... and it's a good bet that most folks who despise your boy would rather see him and the FLOTUS recover.

But I DO hope that this unfortunate turn of events causes your boy to do an about-face, take this and its science and medical advice seriously, and re-engage in a better way.

Win-Lose-or-Draw on November 3rd... I wish them nothing but the best of luck in keeping this thing under control within their own family, and coming out of it healthy again.
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Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.

It's no mystery you'll be celebrating Trump has China virus all day, every day now.
I'm not like you. Thank goodness.

That's right, you aren't. I won't be celebrating Trump has China virus, you'll be drunk by noon. You're happier today than you've been in four years.

Pay CLOSE attention to who among ”the libs” celebrates and who doesn't. There will be more of the latter.

Mac won't be celebrating and neither will I. Most normal people won't.

You are projecting. You know yourself.
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