Trump and the GOP's have no health care plan, like always

I'm not an insurance authority. I have had a health insurance policy since I was eighteen however. In Florida, poor children are covered by Medicaid. Medicaid even covers their dentistry. Both medical and dental for poor children are covered in full. Poor people can purchase what they call a "shared expense" Medicaid coverage. A single individual pays $700 per month but does not pay anything during the months they have zero medical expense. It works like this: Say the individual has a medical expense on month of $800.00. The individual would pay $700.00 of the bill with Medicaid paying $100.00. The next month the individual has no medical bills. The individual pays nothing at all. All of a sudden the individual has a major expense of $50K in medical bills. The individual would pay $700.00 with Medicaid picking up the brunt of the expense. This plan is qualified under the ACA.
He's going to return health insurance to where it was before the ACA.

That is the dumbest thing anyone has ever suggested. Many insurance companies have folded, and many that had pre-existing conditions will not be insured by insurances outside of Obamacare. It would be utter chaos. It's a good thing that Trump will not win.

Trump will win. He also said that all insurance companies' policies would include covering pre-existing conditions. You really do need to research a little bit before you put your mouth in gear.

Bwahahaha....your genie is going to make all your boo-boos disappear. The major problem is that Trump supporters are too dumb to see the big picture.....they're mesmerized with theatrics...Suckers.

Romney notably led an all-out attack on arguable Trump’s biggest strength: His reputation as a savvy and hugely successful businessman. What about Trump Airlines? Trump University? Trump Mortgage? Trump Vodka?

“A business genius, he is not,” the former Massachusetts governor said.

And Romney previewed what strategists in both parties have suggested could be the best line of attack against Trump: That his missteps cost others dearly.

“His bankruptcies have crushed small businesses and the men and women who worked for them,” he said.

Mitt Romney tells Donald Trump voters they’re ‘suckers’
Giving people jobs so they have more money to pay for health is not a plan?

No it's not.

Not when you repeal Obamacare.

Obamacare prohibits people from being denied insurance and health care just because they were sick sometime in their life.

I beat cancer. I looked one of the biggest fears I have right in the face, didn't blink and won the fight. I passed the 5 year cure mark in January.

I'm getting divorced. I've had insurance all my life. Have paid the premiums, deductibles and co-payments for decades. It is insurance through my ex's job. I can stay on it for 3 years after the divorce is final.

After that I'm on my own. I will have to buy private insurance.

When the preexisting condition clause is brought back I will never be able to get insurance again. Thus I'll never be able to get proper health care until I reach 65 years old.

The cancer I had was fed by 2 of my body hormones which means without a hormone blocker it returns and kills me. As it did to 4 of my relatives even though they had full mastectomies.

With insurance I can afford to buy that medication. With insurance I can afford to go get a mammogram. With insurance I can afford to go see my oncologist and they'll actually let me though the door.

None of that is possible without insurance.

So when you take away prohibiting a preexisting clause you take away insurance from me and millions like me. Not only that, you take away my medication and you KILL ME.

That's what people are doing by repealing Obamacare.

YOU'RE TRYING TO KILL ME. And millions like me.

Is that what America is all about? Treating a person who played by the rules all her life like she has no right to life? Telling a woman who paid taxes all her life, never have been arrested or took any sort of public assistance that she has no right to health care because she got sick?

Is that what makes America exceptional?
The GOP's unwillingness to offer a real alternative to the ACA is one of the primary reasons that lousy bill is now law.

Any "health plan" that admits millions would have to use ER's for primary care is no "health plan" at all.
Is it the government's job to put forth a healthcare plan? Shouldn't people be responsible for providing for their own healthcare as they do with their other needs.

You tell me how I can pay for my own healthcare when no insurance company will cover me and no doctor will see me without that insurance?

I had the misfortune to be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011. So now when the preexisting clause is brought back, insurance companies can legally KILL ME.

I have the money to pay the premiums, deductibles and co-payments. I've been doing it for decades.

It's just that the insurance companies won't take my money and cover me when you republicans bring back the preexisting clause.

Can you afford the cost of cancer all by yourself? Do you know how expensive it is to just buy the medications? Not to mention seeing an oncologist? The bills are astronomical. I'll be bankrupted and will end up dead from cancer that can very easily be prevented from returning but ONLY if I can buy insurance. I can't buy that insurance with your conservative policy of denying people insurance who actually need it and are only doing all the can to not die.

Is that what you conservatives mean by America being exceptional? Taking insurance from people so that they die?
Last edited:
The GOP's unwillingness to offer a real alternative to the ACA is one of the primary reasons that lousy bill is now law.

Any "health plan" that admits millions would have to use ER's for primary care is no "health plan" at all.
Is it the government's job to put forth a healthcare plan? Shouldn't people be responsible for providing for their own healthcare as they do with their other needs.

That was the way it was before Obamacare.....and the greedy insurance companies were screwing the people left and right....the government, whose job is to protect Americans stepped in just like they do in other instances when some feel they are being taken advantage know, like Hobby Lobby did.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does,

Did you just say health insurers can cross state lines? I thought you were only a disingenuous I'll-informed liar on the I/P conflict, but it appears there are other topics you know nothing about.

I don't know what you mean but I live in Washington state.

My insurance is from Illinois Blue Cross.

Can't get much more across state lines than that.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.

Funny,I seem to remember Barry telling us we'd save $2500 a year on our healthcare insurance.
And yet you somehow believe that a couple of socialist are going to save you money?

My husband has had private ins for years, I know all about health ins believe me. Lucky for him, the ACA came along, as healthy as he is, he may have an accident or get dx with ca tomorrow, and we will have a safety net , instead of losing our home and everything else.
Most who do not have ins, make over 50 grand a year, but most likely under 80, and they just don't think they need ins. I am happy its mandatory now, everyone pays according to their incomes.

My private insurance was great.
And you cant tell me shit about insurance.
I was diagnosed with cancer and had a hip replacement in one year and it didnt cost me shit out of pocket.
That is good insurance. The crap Barry is peddling is a joke for twice the cost in premiums and a deductible that would break the very people you claim it would help.
Unless of course you're already sucking the government tit.

Barry isn't peddling anything. This issue is so much bigger than people want to admit, and therefore we get trivial arguments as to what is causing healthcare spending to increase. My private health insurance rates had been increasing year after year, and the deductibles kept increasing also, before Obamacare. Then I had to move to another state. Because I had a pre-existing condition, I was denied insurance, even though I had insurance in another state. I went two years without insurance, which actually saved me money, before Obamacare went into effect. Now I have insurance again, so I am covered if anything bad happens and I get hit with a really big bill.

The reason prices are going up has nothing to do with insurance or Obamacare. It all has to do with hospitals and the care they provide. They are the driving force behind these cost increases. I have an ultrasound done every year. If I go to the hospital to have it done, they charge me over $2000. Since I have to pay out of pocket, I go to a stand alone imaging center where they charge me under $500, for the same exact procedure. Insurance companies will pay for the hospital, if it is not part of your deductible. They don't care where you go and actually prefer you go to the hospital The more they can increase rates, the more they make. There is no true incentive for insurance companies to actually reduce costs you see. But here is an even bigger problem. While Medicare keeps costs down, it does so in an artificial manner. Because there are so many on Medicare, and that number increases daily, hospitals have to accept Medicare, but in many cases it isn't enough, so the costs are transferred to private insurance. In other words, when we are paying our health insurance bill, much of it is going to subsidize Medicare.

This is why we need to really look at the entire system if we want to make meaningful cuts in cost. It's also why a one payer system is needed. The problem with plans like that of Bernie Sanders is that he wants one payer only, rather than having one payer as the first option along with supplemental private insurance for those who want that . We also should consider making hospitals more like utility companies, where there is more consumer control over them but where they are still private for profit businesses. There is so much that we could be doing in healthcare to reduce costs, but we have way too much finger pointing, and most of it is all at the wrong things.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does,

Did you just say health insurers can cross state lines? I thought you were only a disingenuous I'll-informed liar on the I/P conflict, but it appears there are other topics you know nothing about.

I don't know what you mean but I live in Washington state.

My insurance is from Illinois Blue Cross.

Can't get much more across state lines than that.

You may be in some unique situation where you are actually considered to be employed in Illinois and therefore get your insurance from a company in Illinois, but as a rule insurance companies cannot insure across state lines. You should know this.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.

Funny,I seem to remember Barry telling us we'd save $2500 a year on our healthcare insurance.
And yet you somehow believe that a couple of socialist are going to save you money?

My husband has had private ins for years, I know all about health ins believe me. Lucky for him, the ACA came along, as healthy as he is, he may have an accident or get dx with ca tomorrow, and we will have a safety net , instead of losing our home and everything else.
Most who do not have ins, make over 50 grand a year, but most likely under 80, and they just don't think they need ins. I am happy its mandatory now, everyone pays according to their incomes.

My private insurance was great.
And you cant tell me shit about insurance.
I was diagnosed with cancer and had a hip replacement in one year and it didnt cost me shit out of pocket.
That is good insurance. The crap Barry is peddling is a joke for twice the cost in premiums and a deductible that would break the very people you claim it would help.
Unless of course you're already sucking the government tit.

Barry isn't peddling anything. This issue is so much bigger than people want to admit, and therefore we get trivial arguments as to what is causing healthcare spending to increase. My private health insurance rates had been increasing year after year, and the deductibles kept increasing also, before Obamacare. Then I had to move to another state. Because I had a pre-existing condition, I was denied insurance, even though I had insurance in another state. I went two years without insurance, which actually saved me money, before Obamacare went into effect. Now I have insurance again, so I am covered if anything bad happens and I get hit with a really big bill.

The reason prices are going up has nothing to do with insurance or Obamacare. It all has to do with hospitals and the care they provide. They are the driving force behind these cost increases. I have an ultrasound done every year. If I go to the hospital to have it done, they charge me over $2000. Since I have to pay out of pocket, I go to a stand alone imaging center where they charge me under $500, for the same exact procedure. Insurance companies will pay for the hospital, if it is not part of your deductible. They don't care where you go and actually prefer you go to the hospital The more they can increase rates, the more they make. There is no true incentive for insurance companies to actually reduce costs you see. But here is an even bigger problem. While Medicare keeps costs down, it does so in an artificial manner. Because there are so many on Medicare, and that number increases daily, hospitals have to accept Medicare, but in many cases it isn't enough, so the costs are transferred to private insurance. In other words, when we are paying our health insurance bill, much of it is going to subsidize Medicare.

This is why we need to really look at the entire system if we want to make meaningful cuts in cost. It's also why a one payer system is needed. The problem with plans like that of Bernie Sanders is that he wants one payer only, rather than having one payer as the first option along with supplemental private insurance for those who want that . We also should consider making hospitals more like utility companies, where there is more consumer control over them but where they are still private for profit businesses. There is so much that we could be doing in healthcare to reduce costs, but we have way too much finger pointing, and most of it is all at the wrong things.


There will always be people like Dana with conditions that are not going to covered in private markets, and they need to be protected with some govt sponsored program, and the easiest plan would be to fold them into early entry medicare or perhaps just expand Medicaid to cover everyone with essentially a lifetime condition. That could be paid for simply by removing the payroll taxes cap.

The Gop's problem is that politically they cannot bring themselves to do what you suggest. Take the money from the employer sponsored tax breaks for employers, the Obamacare taxes and the Obamacare Medicaid expansion to fund tax credits for every citizen. To get the tax credit, you'd have to buy some lower priced catastrophic care policy in case you fall in the shower and break a hip and have to have shunt in your head. In theory, consumers would be looking to get the biggest bang for the buck, and would seek out the most cost effective treatment.
He's going to return health insurance to where it was before the ACA.

That is the dumbest thing anyone has ever suggested. Many insurance companies have folded, and many that had pre-existing conditions will not be insured by insurances outside of Obamacare. It would be utter chaos. It's a good thing that Trump will not win.

Trump will win. He also said that all insurance companies' policies would include covering pre-existing conditions. You really do need to research a little bit before you put your mouth in gear.

Bwahahaha....your genie is going to make all your boo-boos disappear. The major problem is that Trump supporters are too dumb to see the big picture.....they're mesmerized with theatrics...Suckers.

Romney notably led an all-out attack on arguable Trump’s biggest strength: His reputation as a savvy and hugely successful businessman. What about Trump Airlines? Trump University? Trump Mortgage? Trump Vodka?

“A business genius, he is not,” the former Massachusetts governor said.

And Romney previewed what strategists in both parties have suggested could be the best line of attack against Trump: That his missteps cost others dearly.

“His bankruptcies have crushed small businesses and the men and women who worked for them,” he said.

Mitt Romney tells Donald Trump voters they’re ‘suckers’

At least I'm informed.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.

Why do we need a federal health care plan?

Grow up.
Even Red states are having success with the ACA, in spite of the negativity the Republicans exude....and many people are too ignorant to check it out for themselves. Those that have, have learned that it is all hype from the Republican machine that is trying to keep them angry and scared. Once they figure it out, they realize that the ACA does work for them and they are satisfied with it....the ones that keep fighting it are just ignorant that would rather suffer than admit that Obamacare is working.

Now that people in the red states are liking it, all this hype offered up by the Republican candidates about repealing it, will just be hype....because the people on it will surely not like it being taken away. Just like many Republicans stood up and cried "Do not touch my Medicare" - those on Obamacare will not like Republicans trying to mess up a good thing. How anybody is willing to support a party that doesn't tell them the truth and makes them believe what is not true, is beyond me.

West Virginia, Kentucky, and North Carolina are all examples of how the ACA can – and will – result in fewer uninsured Americans, even without the full support of political leaders. And although public support is low in some states – generally in areas where President Obama is unpopular – navigators and outreach groups are finding that people are eager to enroll once they understand the details of the coverage that’s available and how subsidies help to make it affordable.
ACA’s surprisingly successful exchanges
He's going to return health insurance to where it was before the ACA.

That is the dumbest thing anyone has ever suggested. Many insurance companies have folded, and many that had pre-existing conditions will not be insured by insurances outside of Obamacare. It would be utter chaos. It's a good thing that Trump will not win.

Trump will win. He also said that all insurance companies' policies would include covering pre-existing conditions. You really do need to research a little bit before you put your mouth in gear.

Bwahahaha....your genie is going to make all your boo-boos disappear. The major problem is that Trump supporters are too dumb to see the big picture.....they're mesmerized with theatrics...Suckers.

Romney notably led an all-out attack on arguable Trump’s biggest strength: His reputation as a savvy and hugely successful businessman. What about Trump Airlines? Trump University? Trump Mortgage? Trump Vodka?

“A business genius, he is not,” the former Massachusetts governor said.

And Romney previewed what strategists in both parties have suggested could be the best line of attack against Trump: That his missteps cost others dearly.

“His bankruptcies have crushed small businesses and the men and women who worked for them,” he said.

Mitt Romney tells Donald Trump voters they’re ‘suckers’

At least I'm informed.

You think you are.........if Obamacare is repealed....the pre-existing condition exclusion disappears. You are just like the believe every lie that Trump spouts.

Here's point 1:

Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.

A complete repeal of the Affordable Care Act means repealing pre-existing conditions exclusions. And so we're clear here, his emphasis on the individual mandate going away proves that point.

But other than that, there's not a single mention of them anywhere.

Trump Releases Health Care Plan, Promises To Reinstate Pre-Existing Conditions
He's going to return health insurance to where it was before the ACA.

That is the dumbest thing anyone has ever suggested. Many insurance companies have folded, and many that had pre-existing conditions will not be insured by insurances outside of Obamacare. It would be utter chaos. It's a good thing that Trump will not win.

Trump will win. He also said that all insurance companies' policies would include covering pre-existing conditions. You really do need to research a little bit before you put your mouth in gear.

Bwahahaha....your genie is going to make all your boo-boos disappear. The major problem is that Trump supporters are too dumb to see the big picture.....they're mesmerized with theatrics...Suckers.

Romney notably led an all-out attack on arguable Trump’s biggest strength: His reputation as a savvy and hugely successful businessman. What about Trump Airlines? Trump University? Trump Mortgage? Trump Vodka?

“A business genius, he is not,” the former Massachusetts governor said.

And Romney previewed what strategists in both parties have suggested could be the best line of attack against Trump: That his missteps cost others dearly.

“His bankruptcies have crushed small businesses and the men and women who worked for them,” he said.

Mitt Romney tells Donald Trump voters they’re ‘suckers’

At least I'm informed.

You think you are.........if Obamacare is repealed....the pre-existing condition exclusion disappears. You are just like the believe every lie that Trump spouts.

Here's point 1:

Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.

A complete repeal of the Affordable Care Act means repealing pre-existing conditions exclusions. And so we're clear here, his emphasis on the individual mandate going away proves that point.

But other than that, there's not a single mention of them anywhere.

Trump Releases Health Care Plan, Promises To Reinstate Pre-Existing Conditions

You don't know that for a fact. All we have is what any politician promises. He said he would keep that provision. Just like Bernie said he would give you free college.
That is the dumbest thing anyone has ever suggested. Many insurance companies have folded, and many that had pre-existing conditions will not be insured by insurances outside of Obamacare. It would be utter chaos. It's a good thing that Trump will not win.

Trump will win. He also said that all insurance companies' policies would include covering pre-existing conditions. You really do need to research a little bit before you put your mouth in gear.

Bwahahaha....your genie is going to make all your boo-boos disappear. The major problem is that Trump supporters are too dumb to see the big picture.....they're mesmerized with theatrics...Suckers.

Romney notably led an all-out attack on arguable Trump’s biggest strength: His reputation as a savvy and hugely successful businessman. What about Trump Airlines? Trump University? Trump Mortgage? Trump Vodka?

“A business genius, he is not,” the former Massachusetts governor said.

And Romney previewed what strategists in both parties have suggested could be the best line of attack against Trump: That his missteps cost others dearly.

“His bankruptcies have crushed small businesses and the men and women who worked for them,” he said.

Mitt Romney tells Donald Trump voters they’re ‘suckers’

At least I'm informed.

You think you are.........if Obamacare is repealed....the pre-existing condition exclusion disappears. You are just like the believe every lie that Trump spouts.

Here's point 1:

Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.

A complete repeal of the Affordable Care Act means repealing pre-existing conditions exclusions. And so we're clear here, his emphasis on the individual mandate going away proves that point.

But other than that, there's not a single mention of them anywhere.

Trump Releases Health Care Plan, Promises To Reinstate Pre-Existing Conditions

You don't know that for a fact. All we have is what any politician promises. He said he would keep that provision. Just like Bernie said he would give you free college.

Except I don't believe Bernie....but you go ahead and believe Trump.....I'm happy that you are voting for Trump.

This from an extremely right-wing source (Rasmussen) who usually has the Democrats way below Republicans.....(they had Romney winning all throughout the 2012 election).

Clinton Edges Ahead of Trump in Presidential Matchup - Rasmussen Reports™
Trump will win. He also said that all insurance companies' policies would include covering pre-existing conditions. You really do need to research a little bit before you put your mouth in gear.

Bwahahaha....your genie is going to make all your boo-boos disappear. The major problem is that Trump supporters are too dumb to see the big picture.....they're mesmerized with theatrics...Suckers.

Romney notably led an all-out attack on arguable Trump’s biggest strength: His reputation as a savvy and hugely successful businessman. What about Trump Airlines? Trump University? Trump Mortgage? Trump Vodka?

“A business genius, he is not,” the former Massachusetts governor said.

And Romney previewed what strategists in both parties have suggested could be the best line of attack against Trump: That his missteps cost others dearly.

“His bankruptcies have crushed small businesses and the men and women who worked for them,” he said.

Mitt Romney tells Donald Trump voters they’re ‘suckers’

At least I'm informed.

You think you are.........if Obamacare is repealed....the pre-existing condition exclusion disappears. You are just like the believe every lie that Trump spouts.

Here's point 1:

Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.

A complete repeal of the Affordable Care Act means repealing pre-existing conditions exclusions. And so we're clear here, his emphasis on the individual mandate going away proves that point.

But other than that, there's not a single mention of them anywhere.

Trump Releases Health Care Plan, Promises To Reinstate Pre-Existing Conditions

You don't know that for a fact. All we have is what any politician promises. He said he would keep that provision. Just like Bernie said he would give you free college.

Except I don't believe Bernie....but you go ahead and believe Trump.....I'm happy that you are voting for Trump.

This from an extremely right-wing source (Rasmussen) who usually has the Democrats way below Republicans.....(they had Romney winning all throughout the 2012 election).

Clinton Edges Ahead of Trump in Presidential Matchup - Rasmussen Reports™

You do know that Trump is not in campaign mode against Hillary right now?
Bwahahaha....your genie is going to make all your boo-boos disappear. The major problem is that Trump supporters are too dumb to see the big picture.....they're mesmerized with theatrics...Suckers.

Romney notably led an all-out attack on arguable Trump’s biggest strength: His reputation as a savvy and hugely successful businessman. What about Trump Airlines? Trump University? Trump Mortgage? Trump Vodka?

“A business genius, he is not,” the former Massachusetts governor said.

And Romney previewed what strategists in both parties have suggested could be the best line of attack against Trump: That his missteps cost others dearly.

“His bankruptcies have crushed small businesses and the men and women who worked for them,” he said.

Mitt Romney tells Donald Trump voters they’re ‘suckers’

At least I'm informed.

You think you are.........if Obamacare is repealed....the pre-existing condition exclusion disappears. You are just like the believe every lie that Trump spouts.

Here's point 1:

Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.

A complete repeal of the Affordable Care Act means repealing pre-existing conditions exclusions. And so we're clear here, his emphasis on the individual mandate going away proves that point.

But other than that, there's not a single mention of them anywhere.

Trump Releases Health Care Plan, Promises To Reinstate Pre-Existing Conditions

You don't know that for a fact. All we have is what any politician promises. He said he would keep that provision. Just like Bernie said he would give you free college.

Except I don't believe Bernie....but you go ahead and believe Trump.....I'm happy that you are voting for Trump.

This from an extremely right-wing source (Rasmussen) who usually has the Democrats way below Republicans.....(they had Romney winning all throughout the 2012 election).

Clinton Edges Ahead of Trump in Presidential Matchup - Rasmussen Reports™

You do know that Trump is not in campaign mode against Hillary right now?

What's his campaign mud and not tell his supporters how he's going to do what we all know is impossible? If you think that slinging mud is going to make more people like him other than the "poorly educated" that he loves and support him already....well, you're just poorly educated. Trump supporters are not able to distinguish fiction from reality. Fact.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.

I've had BCBS for years and have no complaints.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.

We have a plan right now ????

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