Trump and the GOP's have no health care plan, like always

they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.

Lol. O was supposed to fix it and y'all are still bitching about how bad it is. Unreal.

I'm not complaining about it, I think its great.
this pos insurance scam forced on us by Obama and his party already came back and hurt me and my guy. we live together and last year I didn't work to take care of him, because he had open heart surgery and a cancer removed off his lung.

so when he filed his taxes he asked if he could claim me as a dependent since he supported me. he was told: since I didn't sign (I refuse to be FORCED into buying something from this Federal Government) .
since I didn't sign up for OscamCare he couldn't claim me or he'd have to pay THE FINE.

Obamacare is so wonderful they have to force people to participate or be FINE and PUNISHED :laugh:

that's the CARING of Obama. who needs enemy's to hurt us when we have him to do it. the people were warned..... they have no idea what's getting ready to hit them because it's not being told.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.
Obama made deals with Big Pharm on day one when he became president.

He's been conspiring with them to raise the cost of prescription drugs since the day he was sworn in. He destroyed the health care industry to the point where many cannot even afford to pay their premiums without subsidies. Instead of lowering costs, he helped raise costs, tripling the costs to the consumer. Scrapping the whole thing would be the best thing they could do. The government is screwing it up instead of fixing it.

House Investigates Obama Deal With Drug Companies

Not conspiring. Also the senate has blocked all bills to repeal the deal as a result the drug prices have soared.
Funny,I seem to remember Barry telling us we'd save $2500 a year on our healthcare insurance.
And yet you somehow believe that a couple of socialist are going to save you money?

My husband has had private ins for years, I know all about health ins believe me. Lucky for him, the ACA came along, as healthy as he is, he may have an accident or get dx with ca tomorrow, and we will have a safety net , instead of losing our home and everything else.
Most who do not have ins, make over 50 grand a year, but most likely under 80, and they just don't think they need ins. I am happy its mandatory now, everyone pays according to their incomes.

My private insurance was great.
And you cant tell me shit about insurance.
I was diagnosed with cancer and had a hip replacement in one year and it didnt cost me shit out of pocket.
That is good insurance. The crap Barry is peddling is a joke for twice the cost in premiums and a deductible that would break the very people you claim it would help.
Unless of course you're already sucking the government tit.

So your on Medicare and have a medigap policy, or who are you insured with?

Nope. BCBS with a medical savings plan that covers all deductibles and which I can also withdraw money from for whatever I want at the end of the year.
And the astounding part? We actually set this up all by ourselves with no government assistance. Shocking I know....

Who paid for your HSA's, Your employer? Sorry about your health problems, but try to find a different insurer now, call a few different companies not on the exchange, how many options do you have. Your stuck, my husband had BCBS for years, and their prices when up every year as he got older.
If it's not conspiring than what other word would you use?


The fact that congress has done nothing to stop it doesn't prove it wasn't intentional. The massive increase in costs has to be either because of incompetence or by design. Which is worse?
Here's my alternative to Obamacare, I call it the get a job loser and buy your own damn insurance plan.

Another great mind who doesn't understand the ACA or even the job market. I guess kids can stay on their parents ins until what 26 now. In my day, we were well into adulthood by then .

Another liberal who fails at math. ACA for many people is like not having health insurance at all. First they have to pay the inflated premium costs buying way more coverage than they need. Then they have to pay off the ridiculously annual deductible before the plan even pays for anything. For most people in most years they will end up paying for everything out of pocket before reaching the deductible so the plan was worthless. Before ACA people could purchase much lower cost catastrophic healthcare plans and save a ton of money vs ACA.

Worse, young people those with the least amount of money to spend are forced to purchase WAY more coverage than they need. They are slaved out to subsidize old people and the moochers who pay virtually nothing.

They have catastrophic healthcare plans on the Marketplace ACA, with the high OOP costs, but lower premiums.

So the ACA marketplace ins. plans are not health ins, REAL health ins plans. :rolleyes:

Don't worry about it, we'll get rid of the ACA turd and replace it with something sane and less than 2,800 pages. That way even the truly retarded portions of ACA that even the Democrats don't want implemented won't have to be pushed off again.
this pos insurance scam forced on us by Obama and his party already came back and hurt me and my guy. we live together and last year I didn't work to take care of him, because he had open heart surgery and a cancer removed off his lung.

so when he filed his taxes he asked if he could claim me as a dependent since he supported me. he was told: since I didn't sign (I refuse to be FORCED into buying something from this Federal Government) .
since I didn't sign up for OscamCare he couldn't claim me or he'd have to pay THE FINE.

Obamacare is so wonderful they have to force people to participate or be FINE and PUNISHED :laugh:

that's the CARING of Obama. who needs enemy's to hurt us when we have him to do it. the people were warned..... they have no idea what's getting ready to hit them because it's not being told.

Obama: You WILL love Obamacare damn you or I'll sick the IRS on your ass!
Here's my alternative to Obamacare, I call it the get a job loser and buy your own damn insurance plan.

Another great mind who doesn't understand the ACA or even the job market. I guess kids can stay on their parents ins until what 26 now. In my day, we were well into adulthood by then .
Anyone other than those who wrote it are lying if they say they fully understand the ACA. That must mean you. I know many of the negative effects of the ACA as per the Federal Register, but you have to listen to J. Gruber, who said they used "Tortured Language" to trick people into supporting it.

If you have to lie to get something passed, it shouldn't even exist. That is what the ACA is based on. A pack of lies.
Pfizer Inc on Monday said it would buy Botox maker Allergan Plc in a deal worth $160 billion to slash its U.S. tax bill, rekindling a fierce political debate over the financial maneuver.

The acquisition, which would create the world's largest drugmaker and shift Pfizer's headquarters to Ireland, would also be the biggest-ever instance of a U.S. company re-incorporating overseas to lower its taxes. U.S. President Barack Obama has called such inversion deals unpatriotic and has tried to crack down on the practice.

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton pledged to propose measures to prevent such deals. The merger was also slammed by her rival Senator Bernie Sanders as well as by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

"The fact that Pfizer is leaving our country with a tremendous loss of jobs is disgusting," Trump said in a statement.

It was not immediately known how many jobs would be lost as a result of the merger.

Pfizer to buy Allergan in $160 billion deal
Obama made deals with Big Pharm on day one when he became president.

He's been conspiring with them to raise the cost of prescription drugs since the day he was sworn in. He destroyed the health care industry to the point where many cannot even afford to pay their premiums without subsidies. Instead of lowering costs, he helped raise costs, tripling the costs to the consumer. Scrapping the whole thing would be the best thing they could do. The government is screwing it up instead of fixing it.

House Investigates Obama Deal With Drug Companies

Not conspiring. Also the senate has blocked all bills to repeal the deal as a result the drug prices have soared.
Nope. BCBS with a medical savings plan that covers all deductibles and which I can also withdraw money from for whatever I want at the end of the year.
And the astounding part? We actually set this up all by ourselves with no government assistance. Shocking I know....

Who paid for your HSA's, Your employer?

They match you up to a thousand each year and you put in whatever you want after that.
We always load it up at the beginning of each year so it covers prescriptions until we hit our deductible. With my prescriptions running over eight hundred a month it stops the sticker shock.

Great job you have. I imagine they cost share on your premium as well. Glad for you, but many do not have benefits like that even if they work full time.

But I feel everyone should pay what they can for health ins, and before the ACA many just chose to pay nothing at all. Take a 30 year old living in an apt, in good health and choosing not to have health ins. because he is in good health, so he ends up ill or in an accident while out hiking, and the hosp boots the bill (us). He doesn't declare bankruptcy because he has nothing to loose.

Now if someone has a home and can't afford health ins , and makes too much for Medicaid, they will file bankruptcy.

More and more jobs do not offer health ins. cost share, and many people work two jobs and do not have health ins, but at least with the ACA, they pay something for ins.

In all my years I never worked for a company that didnt provide healthcare,some even paid for all of it.
That all changed with obamacare.
Company paid healthcare is part of what has led to government control of healthcare. Thanks FDR for freezing wages during WWII.
No. Socialism led to government controlled health care. The desire for power. Gun-grabbers that want to control our lives and tax us into abject poverty.
this pos insurance scam forced on us by Obama and his party already came back and hurt me and my guy. we live together and last year I didn't work to take care of him, because he had open heart surgery and a cancer removed off his lung.

so when he filed his taxes he asked if he could claim me as a dependent since he supported me. he was told: since I didn't sign (I refuse to be FORCED into buying something from this Federal Government) .
since I didn't sign up for OscamCare he couldn't claim me or he'd have to pay THE FINE.

Obamacare is so wonderful they have to force people to participate or be FINE and PUNISHED :laugh:

that's the CARING of Obama. who needs enemy's to hurt us when we have him to do it. the people were warned..... they have no idea what's getting ready to hit them because it's not being told.

Obama: You WILL love Obamacare damn you or I'll sick the IRS on your ass!

Yep, that's it. all the ugly done to us by Obama. We haven't even begun to see how he's hurt us, but we are living it.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.
You talk a LOT....for someone who offers absolutely ZERO proof to back up your bullshit.

If you bothered to LISTEN more than you speak (which is why God gave your 2 ears and only 1 mouth) and if you bothered to research things so you could educate yourself rather than spend your time posting UN-educated opinions, you might have heard about many of the plans the GOP...ones that aren't based on lies, bullshit, false promises, Un-Constitutional mandates, hundreds of billions for morons who can't build a web site, and taking even MORE tax dollars to bail out insurance companies who are failing under the ACA.

Pre-Existing Conditions and Allow Health Insurance purchases across state lines are only 2 of the MANY pieces out there.

Obama's plan was to destroy the existing health care / insurance system as it existed. He then sold it to, as Gruber called them, 'Stupid' people, Liberal sheep, by telling them how OBAMA'S plan would do something no other man / government / plan in history has ever done - create a government program that DID NOT COST A DIME and that PAID FOR ITSELF. He falsely promised it would LOWER the cost of health care / Insurance, promised no would lose their health coverage, and no one would lose their jobs!

The BIGGEST lie, however, was dubbed the 'Lie of the Year': "If you like your plan / doctor, you can KEEP your plan / doctor." From the very start Obama's plan included re-writing / re-defining the MINIMUM amount of health insurance, based on what the GOVERNMENT DICTATED you need, which he KNEW meant all those Americans were NOT going to be able to keep their plans...This was Obama's 'Clinton-Lewinski' moment - like Clinton standing their with his 'johnson' in Lewinski's mouth, starring into the eyes of every American claiming he did not / was not having sex with Lewinski, Obama looked into the eyes of every American and proved a black President is every good of a liar as a white President by declaring Americans could keep their plan.

And FREEDOM? F* that! If you don't want to buy Obamacare, they planned to hit you with a punitive (punishment) FINE. (If it was that damn good of a plan to begin with, they would not have had to threaten to FINE them.

And Americans DID lose their insurance, Americans DID lose they jobs, and full-time workers who needed those jobs/hours were FORCED to take part-time jobs as their companies cut full-time jobs down to part-time so they could avoid having to provide the ACA for their workers. McDonalds was the 1st company to warn Obama that he went through with this they would lay off millions of people....So before the ink of his signature on the ACA was even dry Obama was singing waivers to prevent this massive tidal wave from happening.

There are other ways, other plans, better ideas that DON'T call for destroying the health care system, that don't cause Americans to lose their health care, insurance, and their jobs, that doesn't require the President of the United States to LIE, F* the people over, and financially blackmail / fine people into obeying.

And if the shit was / is so good....why did Every Branch of our government exempt themselves from it?!

Even Harry Reid, when asked about the trouble the ACA was having 6 months later, declared, "The ACA has always been about switching to a single-payer' system. The ACA was designed as a transition program to 'single-payer'. We knew the ACA would fail, but we didn't think it would fail THIS soon'.

Tom Coburn: "More than two years after the passage of Obamacare, the data overwhelming show the law will fail to achieve its core objectives of lowering costs and improving access," Coburn wrote in 2012. "That, ironically, may have been the design. By making private insurance unaffordable for everyone, it will become available to no one. All that will be left is government-centered, government-run, single-payer health care."
**** Republican senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, who has has been warning for quite some time that Obamacare was "rigged to fail" in order to pave the way for a total government takeover of the health insurance industry.

“What we’ve done with Obamacare is have a step in the right direction, but we’re far from having something that’s going to work forever,” Reid said.

Obamacare has been a lot like releasing terrorists from GITMO. To 'close Gitmo', you have to release a lot of terrorists 1sts. To get to the govt single-payer health care system Obama wants, you 1st had to destroy the existing health care system. Once the ball is rolling, whether it is releasing terrorists or replacing the existing health care system with the ACA, you are one step closer to your objective. Damn who gets hurt in the process, to hell with the Constitution...who ever has the power at the right moment can push their own PERSONAL agenda.

Oh yes, there were / are plans out there far superior to Obama's 'legacy', that will NOT survive.
Pfizer Inc on Monday said it would buy Botox maker Allergan Plc in a deal worth $160 billion to slash its U.S. tax bill, rekindling a fierce political debate over the financial maneuver.

The acquisition, which would create the world's largest drugmaker and shift Pfizer's headquarters to Ireland, would also be the biggest-ever instance of a U.S. company re-incorporating overseas to lower its taxes. U.S. President Barack Obama has called such inversion deals unpatriotic and has tried to crack down on the practice.

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton pledged to propose measures to prevent such deals. The merger was also slammed by her rival Senator Bernie Sanders as well as by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

"The fact that Pfizer is leaving our country with a tremendous loss of jobs is disgusting," Trump said in a statement.

It was not immediately known how many jobs would be lost as a result of the merger.

Pfizer to buy Allergan in $160 billion deal
Not conspiring. Also the senate has blocked all bills to repeal the deal as a result the drug prices have soared.
Who paid for your HSA's, Your employer?

They match you up to a thousand each year and you put in whatever you want after that.
We always load it up at the beginning of each year so it covers prescriptions until we hit our deductible. With my prescriptions running over eight hundred a month it stops the sticker shock.

Great job you have. I imagine they cost share on your premium as well. Glad for you, but many do not have benefits like that even if they work full time.

But I feel everyone should pay what they can for health ins, and before the ACA many just chose to pay nothing at all. Take a 30 year old living in an apt, in good health and choosing not to have health ins. because he is in good health, so he ends up ill or in an accident while out hiking, and the hosp boots the bill (us). He doesn't declare bankruptcy because he has nothing to loose.

Now if someone has a home and can't afford health ins , and makes too much for Medicaid, they will file bankruptcy.

More and more jobs do not offer health ins. cost share, and many people work two jobs and do not have health ins, but at least with the ACA, they pay something for ins.

In all my years I never worked for a company that didnt provide healthcare,some even paid for all of it.
That all changed with obamacare.
Company paid healthcare is part of what has led to government control of healthcare. Thanks FDR for freezing wages during WWII.
No. Socialism led to government controlled health care. The desire for power. Gun-grabbers that want to control our lives and tax us into abject poverty.
Wage controls ( freezes) during WWII was a step toward socialism. Since companies couldn't compete by increasing wages directly, they increased benefits packages including company paid insurance.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.
You talk a LOT....for someone who offers absolutely ZERO proof to back up your bullshit.

If you bothered to LISTEN more than you speak (which is why God gave your 2 ears and only 1 mouth) and if you bothered to research things so you could educate yourself rather than spend your time posting UN-educated opinions, you might have heard about many of the plans the GOP...ones that aren't based on lies, bullshit, false promises, Un-Constitutional mandates, hundreds of billions for morons who can't build a web site, and taking even MORE tax dollars to bail out insurance companies who are failing under the ACA.

Pre-Existing Conditions and Allow Health Insurance purchases across state lines are only 2 of the MANY pieces out there.

Obama's plan was to destroy the existing health care / insurance system as it existed. He then sold it to, as Gruber called them, 'Stupid' people, Liberal sheep, by telling them how OBAMA'S plan would do something no other man / government / plan in history has ever done - create a government program that DID NOT COST A DIME and that PAID FOR ITSELF. He falsely promised it would LOWER the cost of health care / Insurance, promised no would lose their health coverage, and no one would lose their jobs!

The BIGGEST lie, however, was dubbed the 'Lie of the Year': "If you like your plan / doctor, you can KEEP your plan / doctor." From the very start Obama's plan included re-writing / re-defining the MINIMUM amount of health insurance, based on what the GOVERNMENT DICTATED you need, which he KNEW meant all those Americans were NOT going to be able to keep their plans...This was Obama's 'Clinton-Lewinski' moment - like Clinton standing their with his 'johnson' in Lewinski's mouth, starring into the eyes of every American claiming he did not / was not having sex with Lewinski, Obama looked into the eyes of every American and proved a black President is every good of a liar as a white President by declaring Americans could keep their plan.

And FREEDOM? F* that! If you don't want to buy Obamacare, they planned to hit you with a punitive (punishment) FINE. (If it was that damn good of a plan to begin with, they would not have had to threaten to FINE them.

And Americans DID lose their insurance, Americans DID lose they jobs, and full-time workers who needed those jobs/hours were FORCED to take part-time jobs as their companies cut full-time jobs down to part-time so they could avoid having to provide the ACA for their workers. McDonalds was the 1st company to warn Obama that he went through with this they would lay off millions of people....So before the ink of his signature on the ACA was even dry Obama was singing waivers to prevent this massive tidal wave from happening.

There are other ways, other plans, better ideas that DON'T call for destroying the health care system, that don't cause Americans to lose their health care, insurance, and their jobs, that doesn't require the President of the United States to LIE, F* the people over, and financially blackmail / fine people into obeying.

And if the shit was / is so good....why did Every Branch of our government exempt themselves from it?!

Even Harry Reid, when asked about the trouble the ACA was having 6 months later, declared, "The ACA has always been about switching to a single-payer' system. The ACA was designed as a transition program to 'single-payer'. We knew the ACA would fail, but we didn't think it would fail THIS soon'.

Tom Coburn: "More than two years after the passage of Obamacare, the data overwhelming show the law will fail to achieve its core objectives of lowering costs and improving access," Coburn wrote in 2012. "That, ironically, may have been the design. By making private insurance unaffordable for everyone, it will become available to no one. All that will be left is government-centered, government-run, single-payer health care."
**** Republican senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, who has has been warning for quite some time that Obamacare was "rigged to fail" in order to pave the way for a total government takeover of the health insurance industry.

“What we’ve done with Obamacare is have a step in the right direction, but we’re far from having something that’s going to work forever,” Reid said.

Obamacare has been a lot like releasing terrorists from GITMO. To 'close Gitmo', you have to release a lot of terrorists 1sts. To get to the govt single-payer health care system Obama wants, you 1st had to destroy the existing health care system. Once the ball is rolling, whether it is releasing terrorists or replacing the existing health care system with the ACA, you are one step closer to your objective. Damn who gets hurt in the process, to hell with the Constitution...who ever has the power at the right moment can push their own PERSONAL agenda.

Oh yes, there were / are plans out there far superior to Obama's 'legacy', that will NOT survive.

I disagree.
Take healthcare away from 15 million people, and kiss your 1 term ass adios Donnieboy.

Republicans won''t see another President for decades.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does,

Did you just say health insurers can cross state lines? I thought you were only a disingenuous I'll-informed liar on the I/P conflict, but it appears there are other topics you know nothing about.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.

Funny,I seem to remember Barry telling us we'd save $2500 a year on our healthcare insurance.
And yet you somehow believe that a couple of socialist are going to save you money?

My husband has had private ins for years, I know all about health ins believe me. Lucky for him, the ACA came along, as healthy as he is, he may have an accident or get dx with ca tomorrow, and we will have a safety net , instead of losing our home and everything else.
Most who do not have ins, make over 50 grand a year, but most likely under 80, and they just don't think they need ins. I am happy its mandatory now, everyone pays according to their incomes.

My private insurance was great.
And you cant tell me shit about insurance.
I was diagnosed with cancer and had a hip replacement in one year and it didnt cost me shit out of pocket.
That is good insurance. The crap Barry is peddling is a joke for twice the cost in premiums and a deductible that would break the very people you claim it would help.
Unless of course you're already sucking the government tit.

I'm sure she is. Only those "subsidized" by we the taxpayers think the ACA is great. The rest of us who are paying the bills know what a POS it is.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.

Funny,I seem to remember Barry telling us we'd save $2500 a year on our healthcare insurance.
And yet you somehow believe that a couple of socialist are going to save you money?

My husband has had private ins for years, I know all about health ins believe me. Lucky for him, the ACA came along, as healthy as he is, he may have an accident or get dx with ca tomorrow, and we will have a safety net , instead of losing our home and everything else.
Most who do not have ins, make over 50 grand a year, but most likely under 80, and they just don't think they need ins. I am happy its mandatory now, everyone pays according to their incomes.

My private insurance was great.
And you cant tell me shit about insurance.
I was diagnosed with cancer and had a hip replacement in one year and it didnt cost me shit out of pocket.
That is good insurance. The crap Barry is peddling is a joke for twice the cost in premiums and a deductible that would break the very people you claim it would help.
Unless of course you're already sucking the government tit.

I'm sure she is. Only those "subsidized" by we the taxpayers think the ACA is great. The rest of us who are paying the bills know what a POS it is.

Were not subsidized fortunately, but who knows about tomorrow, Wont be long he'll join me on Medicare, which by the way is not a hand out either.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.

Funny,I seem to remember Barry telling us we'd save $2500 a year on our healthcare insurance.
And yet you somehow believe that a couple of socialist are going to save you money?

My husband has had private ins for years, I know all about health ins believe me. Lucky for him, the ACA came along, as healthy as he is, he may have an accident or get dx with ca tomorrow, and we will have a safety net , instead of losing our home and everything else.
Most who do not have ins, make over 50 grand a year, but most likely under 80, and they just don't think they need ins. I am happy its mandatory now, everyone pays according to their incomes.

My private insurance was great.
And you cant tell me shit about insurance.
I was diagnosed with cancer and had a hip replacement in one year and it didnt cost me shit out of pocket.
That is good insurance. The crap Barry is peddling is a joke for twice the cost in premiums and a deductible that would break the very people you claim it would help.
Unless of course you're already sucking the government tit.

I'm sure she is. Only those "subsidized" by we the taxpayers think the ACA is great. The rest of us who are paying the bills know what a POS it is.

Were not subsidized fortunately, but who knows about tomorrow, Wont be long he'll join me on Medicare, which by the way is not a hand out either.

Glad to hear it and no Medicare is something we have all paid into our entire working lives.

It ain't no handout but it wouldn't be here if we could only take out exactly what we put into it. If that were the case Medicare would have been gone long ago. As it stands now when our money runs out we use the money of those coming behind us.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.

Funny,I seem to remember Barry telling us we'd save $2500 a year on our healthcare insurance.
And yet you somehow believe that a couple of socialist are going to save you money?

My husband has had private ins for years, I know all about health ins believe me. Lucky for him, the ACA came along, as healthy as he is, he may have an accident or get dx with ca tomorrow, and we will have a safety net , instead of losing our home and everything else.
Most who do not have ins, make over 50 grand a year, but most likely under 80, and they just don't think they need ins. I am happy its mandatory now, everyone pays according to their incomes.

My private insurance was great.
And you cant tell me shit about insurance.
I was diagnosed with cancer and had a hip replacement in one year and it didnt cost me shit out of pocket.
That is good insurance. The crap Barry is peddling is a joke for twice the cost in premiums and a deductible that would break the very people you claim it would help.
Unless of course you're already sucking the government tit.

I'm sure she is. Only those "subsidized" by we the taxpayers think the ACA is great. The rest of us who are paying the bills know what a POS it is.

Were not subsidized fortunately, but who knows about tomorrow, Wont be long he'll join me on Medicare, which by the way is not a hand out either.

We had medicare without Barrycare.

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