Trump and the GOP's have no health care plan, like always

they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does,

Did you just say health insurers can cross state lines? I thought you were only a disingenuous I'll-informed liar on the I/P conflict, but it appears there are other topics you know nothing about.

Yes I named the largest ones in the first post.
Funny,I seem to remember Barry telling us we'd save $2500 a year on our healthcare insurance.
And yet you somehow believe that a couple of socialist are going to save you money?

My husband has had private ins for years, I know all about health ins believe me. Lucky for him, the ACA came along, as healthy as he is, he may have an accident or get dx with ca tomorrow, and we will have a safety net , instead of losing our home and everything else.
Most who do not have ins, make over 50 grand a year, but most likely under 80, and they just don't think they need ins. I am happy its mandatory now, everyone pays according to their incomes.

My private insurance was great.
And you cant tell me shit about insurance.
I was diagnosed with cancer and had a hip replacement in one year and it didnt cost me shit out of pocket.
That is good insurance. The crap Barry is peddling is a joke for twice the cost in premiums and a deductible that would break the very people you claim it would help.
Unless of course you're already sucking the government tit.

I'm sure she is. Only those "subsidized" by we the taxpayers think the ACA is great. The rest of us who are paying the bills know what a POS it is.

Were not subsidized fortunately, but who knows about tomorrow, Wont be long he'll join me on Medicare, which by the way is not a hand out either.

Glad to hear it and no Medicare is something we have all paid into our entire working lives.

It ain't no handout but it wouldn't be here if we could only take out exactly what we put into it. If that were the case Medicare would have been gone long ago. As it stands now when our money runs out we use the money of those coming behind us.

Well we still pay a medicare premium and medigap ins payment. Then we have script ins.
Pfizer Inc on Monday said it would buy Botox maker Allergan Plc in a deal worth $160 billion to slash its U.S. tax bill, rekindling a fierce political debate over the financial maneuver.

The acquisition, which would create the world's largest drugmaker and shift Pfizer's headquarters to Ireland, would also be the biggest-ever instance of a U.S. company re-incorporating overseas to lower its taxes. U.S. President Barack Obama has called such inversion deals unpatriotic and has tried to crack down on the practice.

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton pledged to propose measures to prevent such deals. The merger was also slammed by her rival Senator Bernie Sanders as well as by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

"The fact that Pfizer is leaving our country with a tremendous loss of jobs is disgusting," Trump said in a statement.

It was not immediately known how many jobs would be lost as a result of the merger.

Pfizer to buy Allergan in $160 billion deal
Great job you have. I imagine they cost share on your premium as well. Glad for you, but many do not have benefits like that even if they work full time.

But I feel everyone should pay what they can for health ins, and before the ACA many just chose to pay nothing at all. Take a 30 year old living in an apt, in good health and choosing not to have health ins. because he is in good health, so he ends up ill or in an accident while out hiking, and the hosp boots the bill (us). He doesn't declare bankruptcy because he has nothing to loose.

Now if someone has a home and can't afford health ins , and makes too much for Medicaid, they will file bankruptcy.

More and more jobs do not offer health ins. cost share, and many people work two jobs and do not have health ins, but at least with the ACA, they pay something for ins.

In all my years I never worked for a company that didnt provide healthcare,some even paid for all of it.
That all changed with obamacare.

Yet more people now have are just pandering to your party, who continues to peddle bs.

In March 2015 HHS reported a total of 16.4 covered due to the ACA between the Marketplace, Medicaid expansion, young adults staying on their parents plan.

According to a 2015 study by the CDC using Census data the uninsured rate fell from 15.7% to 9.2% under ObamaCare in 2015 (the lowest uninsured rate in 50 years).

While many Americans do want to see the law repealed more Americans support the law, want to see the law improved, or don’t support it because it doesn’t do enough (for instance people wanted single payerinstead.)

ObamaCare Myths: Myths About the Affordable Care Act

Yeah what a great deal....I have to pay for a bunch of dead beats as well as my own insurance.

If you were smart you would have realized you were paying for more dead beats before.....all the ones that went to the ER and couldn't pay....but I guess that bit of wisdom escaped you.

How about we stop letting in indigent illegal immigrants?
And the fact is ever since Barrycare kicked in the prices have skyrocketed.
And that is the only bit of wisdom I need to know.

You're really naive if you think that the price of health insurance was going to remain what it was before Obama became President. The fact is that it has risen at a much slower pace than it used to before....but conservatives would rather pay more than admit that they have it better, and would be okay if by some stroke of bad luck a Republican gets in and is able to repeal it, and they end up with nothing. You can't fix stupid.

Per capita health care costs have been rising at just under 3 percent a year over the last four years, but that’s less than half the average annual growth in the preceding eight years. Economists say the recession is the biggest reason for the dip — though many also credit the ACA for a bit of the decline.

Van Hollen based his claim largely on a report from the White House Council of Economic Advisers, which claims health care costs would be 0.5 percent higher per year if not for the ACA.

ACA Impact on Per Capita Cost of Health Care
In all my years I never worked for a company that didnt provide healthcare,some even paid for all of it.
That all changed with obamacare.

Yet more people now have are just pandering to your party, who continues to peddle bs.

In March 2015 HHS reported a total of 16.4 covered due to the ACA between the Marketplace, Medicaid expansion, young adults staying on their parents plan.

According to a 2015 study by the CDC using Census data the uninsured rate fell from 15.7% to 9.2% under ObamaCare in 2015 (the lowest uninsured rate in 50 years).

While many Americans do want to see the law repealed more Americans support the law, want to see the law improved, or don’t support it because it doesn’t do enough (for instance people wanted single payerinstead.)

ObamaCare Myths: Myths About the Affordable Care Act

Yeah what a great deal....I have to pay for a bunch of dead beats as well as my own insurance.

If you were smart you would have realized you were paying for more dead beats before.....all the ones that went to the ER and couldn't pay....but I guess that bit of wisdom escaped you.

How about we stop letting in indigent illegal immigrants?
And the fact is ever since Barrycare kicked in the prices have skyrocketed.
And that is the only bit of wisdom I need to know.

You're really naive if you think that the price of health insurance was going to remain what it was before Obama became President. The fact is that it has risen at a much slower pace than it used to before....but conservatives would rather pay more than admit that they have it better, and would be okay if by some stroke of bad luck a Republican gets in and is able to repeal it, and they end up with nothing. You can't fix stupid.

Per capita health care costs have been rising at just under 3 percent a year over the last four years, but that’s less than half the average annual growth in the preceding eight years. Economists say the recession is the biggest reason for the dip — though many also credit the ACA for a bit of the decline.

Van Hollen based his claim largely on a report from the White House Council of Economic Advisers, which claims health care costs would be 0.5 percent higher per year if not for the ACA.

ACA Impact on Per Capita Cost of Health Care

I have never seen such unmitigated bullshit in all my life...
"Trump and the GOP's have no health care plan, like always"

Consistent with both having no plans for much of everything else.

Their only 'plan' is to return to the bad old days when millions of Americans lacked access to affordable healthcare and preventive medicine.
Yet more people now have are just pandering to your party, who continues to peddle bs.

In March 2015 HHS reported a total of 16.4 covered due to the ACA between the Marketplace, Medicaid expansion, young adults staying on their parents plan.

According to a 2015 study by the CDC using Census data the uninsured rate fell from 15.7% to 9.2% under ObamaCare in 2015 (the lowest uninsured rate in 50 years).

While many Americans do want to see the law repealed more Americans support the law, want to see the law improved, or don’t support it because it doesn’t do enough (for instance people wanted single payerinstead.)

ObamaCare Myths: Myths About the Affordable Care Act

Yeah what a great deal....I have to pay for a bunch of dead beats as well as my own insurance.

If you were smart you would have realized you were paying for more dead beats before.....all the ones that went to the ER and couldn't pay....but I guess that bit of wisdom escaped you.

How about we stop letting in indigent illegal immigrants?
And the fact is ever since Barrycare kicked in the prices have skyrocketed.
And that is the only bit of wisdom I need to know.

You're really naive if you think that the price of health insurance was going to remain what it was before Obama became President. The fact is that it has risen at a much slower pace than it used to before....but conservatives would rather pay more than admit that they have it better, and would be okay if by some stroke of bad luck a Republican gets in and is able to repeal it, and they end up with nothing. You can't fix stupid.

Per capita health care costs have been rising at just under 3 percent a year over the last four years, but that’s less than half the average annual growth in the preceding eight years. Economists say the recession is the biggest reason for the dip — though many also credit the ACA for a bit of the decline.

Van Hollen based his claim largely on a report from the White House Council of Economic Advisers, which claims health care costs would be 0.5 percent higher per year if not for the ACA.

ACA Impact on Per Capita Cost of Health Care

I have never seen such unmitigated bullshit in all my life...

You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts. Like I said, you can't fix stupid.
Look at these right wingnut tards. Not a single one with any answer other than "it's Obama's fault". What are they good for? Treason? How has that worked out for them?
Yeah what a great deal....I have to pay for a bunch of dead beats as well as my own insurance.

If you were smart you would have realized you were paying for more dead beats before.....all the ones that went to the ER and couldn't pay....but I guess that bit of wisdom escaped you.

How about we stop letting in indigent illegal immigrants?
And the fact is ever since Barrycare kicked in the prices have skyrocketed.
And that is the only bit of wisdom I need to know.

You're really naive if you think that the price of health insurance was going to remain what it was before Obama became President. The fact is that it has risen at a much slower pace than it used to before....but conservatives would rather pay more than admit that they have it better, and would be okay if by some stroke of bad luck a Republican gets in and is able to repeal it, and they end up with nothing. You can't fix stupid.

Per capita health care costs have been rising at just under 3 percent a year over the last four years, but that’s less than half the average annual growth in the preceding eight years. Economists say the recession is the biggest reason for the dip — though many also credit the ACA for a bit of the decline.

Van Hollen based his claim largely on a report from the White House Council of Economic Advisers, which claims health care costs would be 0.5 percent higher per year if not for the ACA.

ACA Impact on Per Capita Cost of Health Care

I have never seen such unmitigated bullshit in all my life...

You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts. Like I said, you can't fix stupid.

Yeah? I'm entitled to be pissed about the exorbitant prices i'm now paying for healthcare that Barry promised would be $2500 hundred less.
If you were smart you would have realized you were paying for more dead beats before.....all the ones that went to the ER and couldn't pay....but I guess that bit of wisdom escaped you.

How about we stop letting in indigent illegal immigrants?
And the fact is ever since Barrycare kicked in the prices have skyrocketed.
And that is the only bit of wisdom I need to know.

You're really naive if you think that the price of health insurance was going to remain what it was before Obama became President. The fact is that it has risen at a much slower pace than it used to before....but conservatives would rather pay more than admit that they have it better, and would be okay if by some stroke of bad luck a Republican gets in and is able to repeal it, and they end up with nothing. You can't fix stupid.

Per capita health care costs have been rising at just under 3 percent a year over the last four years, but that’s less than half the average annual growth in the preceding eight years. Economists say the recession is the biggest reason for the dip — though many also credit the ACA for a bit of the decline.

Van Hollen based his claim largely on a report from the White House Council of Economic Advisers, which claims health care costs would be 0.5 percent higher per year if not for the ACA.

ACA Impact on Per Capita Cost of Health Care

I have never seen such unmitigated bullshit in all my life...

You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts. Like I said, you can't fix stupid.

Yeah? I'm entitled to be pissed about the exorbitant prices i'm now paying for healthcare that Barry promised would be $2500 hundred less.

Thank your own leaders. It would be a lot less if there weren't so many adamant naysayers who would rather cut their nose to spite their face....not buy and pay the fine, plus all the Republican governors who have refused to expand Medicaid and have caused a further hardship to the insured. I know that you can't see to blame the ones who are truly to blame, because to most of the morose conservatives, it is all Obama's fault.

It is a well established fact that Republicans, claim they are compassionate but if you ask each of them, the majority would not give a flip about people that are too poor and can't afford to buy insurance. That's a Republican Christian for you.

If your state did not expand Medicaid and you have been denied Medicaid coverage, you are exempt from the mandate to obtain insurance and won’t owe the fee. If you apply for a hardship exemption at HealthCare.Gov, you will qualify to shop for catastrophic coverage.
ObamaCare Medicaid Expansion
How about we stop letting in indigent illegal immigrants?
And the fact is ever since Barrycare kicked in the prices have skyrocketed.
And that is the only bit of wisdom I need to know.

You're really naive if you think that the price of health insurance was going to remain what it was before Obama became President. The fact is that it has risen at a much slower pace than it used to before....but conservatives would rather pay more than admit that they have it better, and would be okay if by some stroke of bad luck a Republican gets in and is able to repeal it, and they end up with nothing. You can't fix stupid.

Per capita health care costs have been rising at just under 3 percent a year over the last four years, but that’s less than half the average annual growth in the preceding eight years. Economists say the recession is the biggest reason for the dip — though many also credit the ACA for a bit of the decline.

Van Hollen based his claim largely on a report from the White House Council of Economic Advisers, which claims health care costs would be 0.5 percent higher per year if not for the ACA.

ACA Impact on Per Capita Cost of Health Care

I have never seen such unmitigated bullshit in all my life...

You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts. Like I said, you can't fix stupid.

Yeah? I'm entitled to be pissed about the exorbitant prices i'm now paying for healthcare that Barry promised would be $2500 hundred less.

Thank your own leaders. It would be a lot less if there weren't so many adamant naysayers who would rather cut their nose to spite their face....not buy and pay the fine, plus all the Republican governors who have refused to expand Medicaid and have caused a further hardship to the insured. I know that you can't see to blame the ones who are truly to blame, because to most of the morose conservatives, it is all Obama's fault.

It is a well established fact that Republicans, claim they are compassionate but if you ask each of them, the majority would not give a flip about people that are too poor and can't afford to buy insurance. That's a Republican Christian for you.

If your state did not expand Medicaid and you have been denied Medicaid coverage, you are exempt from the mandate to obtain insurance and won’t owe the fee. If you apply for a hardship exemption at HealthCare.Gov, you will qualify to shop for catastrophic coverage.
ObamaCare Medicaid Expansion

So you think that expanding medicaid is going to save me money?
I really dont have an answer when faced with such stupidity....
In all my years I never worked for a company that didnt provide healthcare,some even paid for all of it.
That all changed with obamacare.

Yet more people now have are just pandering to your party, who continues to peddle bs.

In March 2015 HHS reported a total of 16.4 covered due to the ACA between the Marketplace, Medicaid expansion, young adults staying on their parents plan.

According to a 2015 study by the CDC using Census data the uninsured rate fell from 15.7% to 9.2% under ObamaCare in 2015 (the lowest uninsured rate in 50 years).

While many Americans do want to see the law repealed more Americans support the law, want to see the law improved, or don’t support it because it doesn’t do enough (for instance people wanted single payerinstead.)

ObamaCare Myths: Myths About the Affordable Care Act

Yeah what a great deal....I have to pay for a bunch of dead beats as well as my own insurance.

If you were smart you would have realized you were paying for more dead beats before.....all the ones that went to the ER and couldn't pay....but I guess that bit of wisdom escaped you.

How about we stop letting in indigent illegal immigrants?
And the fact is ever since Barrycare kicked in the prices have skyrocketed.
And that is the only bit of wisdom I need to know.

You're really naive if you think that the price of health insurance was going to remain what it was before Obama became President. The fact is that it has risen at a much slower pace than it used to before....but conservatives would rather pay more than admit that they have it better, and would be okay if by some stroke of bad luck a Republican gets in and is able to repeal it, and they end up with nothing. You can't fix stupid.

Per capita health care costs have been rising at just under 3 percent a year over the last four years, but that’s less than half the average annual growth in the preceding eight years. Economists say the recession is the biggest reason for the dip — though many also credit the ACA for a bit of the decline.

Van Hollen based his claim largely on a report from the White House Council of Economic Advisers, which claims health care costs would be 0.5 percent higher per year if not for the ACA.

ACA Impact on Per Capita Cost of Health Care

You can fix Obamacare though. President Trump will fix it. He will abolish it.
You're really naive if you think that the price of health insurance was going to remain what it was before Obama became President. The fact is that it has risen at a much slower pace than it used to before....but conservatives would rather pay more than admit that they have it better, and would be okay if by some stroke of bad luck a Republican gets in and is able to repeal it, and they end up with nothing. You can't fix stupid.

Per capita health care costs have been rising at just under 3 percent a year over the last four years, but that’s less than half the average annual growth in the preceding eight years. Economists say the recession is the biggest reason for the dip — though many also credit the ACA for a bit of the decline.

Van Hollen based his claim largely on a report from the White House Council of Economic Advisers, which claims health care costs would be 0.5 percent higher per year if not for the ACA.

ACA Impact on Per Capita Cost of Health Care

I have never seen such unmitigated bullshit in all my life...

You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts. Like I said, you can't fix stupid.

Yeah? I'm entitled to be pissed about the exorbitant prices i'm now paying for healthcare that Barry promised would be $2500 hundred less.

Thank your own leaders. It would be a lot less if there weren't so many adamant naysayers who would rather cut their nose to spite their face....not buy and pay the fine, plus all the Republican governors who have refused to expand Medicaid and have caused a further hardship to the insured. I know that you can't see to blame the ones who are truly to blame, because to most of the morose conservatives, it is all Obama's fault.

It is a well established fact that Republicans, claim they are compassionate but if you ask each of them, the majority would not give a flip about people that are too poor and can't afford to buy insurance. That's a Republican Christian for you.

If your state did not expand Medicaid and you have been denied Medicaid coverage, you are exempt from the mandate to obtain insurance and won’t owe the fee. If you apply for a hardship exemption at HealthCare.Gov, you will qualify to shop for catastrophic coverage.
ObamaCare Medicaid Expansion

So you think that expanding medicaid is going to save me money?
I really dont have an answer when faced with such stupidity....

Well, I guess you need to have a picture drawn so you can understand it. Expanding Medicaid would have meant many wouldn't be qualifying for catastrophic coverage, they would have been covered under Medicaid as they had been before. The only one showing their stupidity here, is you....that can't even comprehend a simple explanation.
Yet more people now have are just pandering to your party, who continues to peddle bs.

In March 2015 HHS reported a total of 16.4 covered due to the ACA between the Marketplace, Medicaid expansion, young adults staying on their parents plan.

According to a 2015 study by the CDC using Census data the uninsured rate fell from 15.7% to 9.2% under ObamaCare in 2015 (the lowest uninsured rate in 50 years).

While many Americans do want to see the law repealed more Americans support the law, want to see the law improved, or don’t support it because it doesn’t do enough (for instance people wanted single payerinstead.)

ObamaCare Myths: Myths About the Affordable Care Act

Yeah what a great deal....I have to pay for a bunch of dead beats as well as my own insurance.

If you were smart you would have realized you were paying for more dead beats before.....all the ones that went to the ER and couldn't pay....but I guess that bit of wisdom escaped you.

How about we stop letting in indigent illegal immigrants?
And the fact is ever since Barrycare kicked in the prices have skyrocketed.
And that is the only bit of wisdom I need to know.

You're really naive if you think that the price of health insurance was going to remain what it was before Obama became President. The fact is that it has risen at a much slower pace than it used to before....but conservatives would rather pay more than admit that they have it better, and would be okay if by some stroke of bad luck a Republican gets in and is able to repeal it, and they end up with nothing. You can't fix stupid.

Per capita health care costs have been rising at just under 3 percent a year over the last four years, but that’s less than half the average annual growth in the preceding eight years. Economists say the recession is the biggest reason for the dip — though many also credit the ACA for a bit of the decline.

Van Hollen based his claim largely on a report from the White House Council of Economic Advisers, which claims health care costs would be 0.5 percent higher per year if not for the ACA.

ACA Impact on Per Capita Cost of Health Care

You can fix Obamacare though. President Trump will fix it. He will abolish it.

Yeah...that's what most Republicans have said in the past about Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and here we are......all Trump can do is dupe the dupe-able.
I have never seen such unmitigated bullshit in all my life...

You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts. Like I said, you can't fix stupid.

Yeah? I'm entitled to be pissed about the exorbitant prices i'm now paying for healthcare that Barry promised would be $2500 hundred less.

Thank your own leaders. It would be a lot less if there weren't so many adamant naysayers who would rather cut their nose to spite their face....not buy and pay the fine, plus all the Republican governors who have refused to expand Medicaid and have caused a further hardship to the insured. I know that you can't see to blame the ones who are truly to blame, because to most of the morose conservatives, it is all Obama's fault.

It is a well established fact that Republicans, claim they are compassionate but if you ask each of them, the majority would not give a flip about people that are too poor and can't afford to buy insurance. That's a Republican Christian for you.

If your state did not expand Medicaid and you have been denied Medicaid coverage, you are exempt from the mandate to obtain insurance and won’t owe the fee. If you apply for a hardship exemption at HealthCare.Gov, you will qualify to shop for catastrophic coverage.
ObamaCare Medicaid Expansion

So you think that expanding medicaid is going to save me money?
I really dont have an answer when faced with such stupidity....

Well, I guess you need to have a picture drawn so you can understand it. Expanding Medicaid would have meant many wouldn't be qualifying for catastrophic coverage, they would have been covered under Medicaid as they had been before. The only one showing their stupidity here, is you....that can't even comprehend a simple explanation.

Anyone on medicaid is covered for catastrophic.
Trust me i've dealt with this shit for the last three years with my mother and assisted living.
After three years her cash runs out and medicaid kicks in....with no loss of benefits.

Barrycare is a patch that wasnt needed.
Yeah what a great deal....I have to pay for a bunch of dead beats as well as my own insurance.

If you were smart you would have realized you were paying for more dead beats before.....all the ones that went to the ER and couldn't pay....but I guess that bit of wisdom escaped you.

How about we stop letting in indigent illegal immigrants?
And the fact is ever since Barrycare kicked in the prices have skyrocketed.
And that is the only bit of wisdom I need to know.

You're really naive if you think that the price of health insurance was going to remain what it was before Obama became President. The fact is that it has risen at a much slower pace than it used to before....but conservatives would rather pay more than admit that they have it better, and would be okay if by some stroke of bad luck a Republican gets in and is able to repeal it, and they end up with nothing. You can't fix stupid.

Per capita health care costs have been rising at just under 3 percent a year over the last four years, but that’s less than half the average annual growth in the preceding eight years. Economists say the recession is the biggest reason for the dip — though many also credit the ACA for a bit of the decline.

Van Hollen based his claim largely on a report from the White House Council of Economic Advisers, which claims health care costs would be 0.5 percent higher per year if not for the ACA.

ACA Impact on Per Capita Cost of Health Care

You can fix Obamacare though. President Trump will fix it. He will abolish it.

Yeah...that's what most Republicans have said in the past about Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and here we are......all Trump can do is dupe the dupe-able.

He's going to return health insurance to where it was before the ACA. The ACA caused employers to drop employer supported health insurance for employees, cut the number of employees, cut their hours to 29 hours per week and caused may to have to take a part-time job to pay their bills. Trump wants to return the system to the commercial insurance ideology and allow employers to once again offer employer sponsored health insurance and return the employee to full time 40 hour work weeks. He also wishes to make it easier for insurance companies to cross state lines and make it more competitive that way. There would be no more employer mandates and no more individual mandates. There would be no more fines on people who decide to not purchase insurance either. He will return the responsibility for one's own health insurance to the individual citizen.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.

Here's a plan. You provide your by either buying it or getting it through a compensation package at work. I'll do the same. If you can't do either one, find some bleeding heart Liberal that says you deserve healthcare coverage and it's a right then get them to fund it for you with their money. Good luck. If you can't do either, do without.
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.

Only 15% in a recent NPR poll report having benefit from ACA. It needs to go


Give us a link? 33 million last I read are on it. Its off to a great start.

How many of whatever number of the day Democrats spout have it because another group is forced to fund the subsidies for them?
they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.

Funny,I seem to remember Barry telling us we'd save $2500 a year on our healthcare insurance.
And yet you somehow believe that a couple of socialist are going to save you money?

My husband has had private ins for years, I know all about health ins believe me. Lucky for him, the ACA came along, as healthy as he is, he may have an accident or get dx with ca tomorrow, and we will have a safety net , instead of losing our home and everything else.
Most who do not have ins, make over 50 grand a year, but most likely under 80, and they just don't think they need ins. I am happy its mandatory now, everyone pays according to their incomes.

So you're OK with someone getting a subsidy that other people are forced to fund so they can have something for which the government need not be involved?
He's going to return health insurance to where it was before the ACA.

That is the dumbest thing anyone has ever suggested. Many insurance companies have folded, and many that had pre-existing conditions will not be insured by insurances outside of Obamacare. It would be utter chaos. It's a good thing that Trump will not win.
He's going to return health insurance to where it was before the ACA.

That is the dumbest thing anyone has ever suggested. Many insurance companies have folded, and many that had pre-existing conditions will not be insured by insurances outside of Obamacare. It would be utter chaos. It's a good thing that Trump will not win.

Trump will win. He also said that all insurance companies' policies would include covering pre-existing conditions. You really do need to research a little bit before you put your mouth in gear.

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