Trump and the GOP's have no health care plan, like always

Both sides suck and the ACA is not a plan.

The ACA must be working better than what we had before.....millions more now have health insurance, no thanks to the party of "NO". You can side with the nay-sayers, but the facts betray your position.

For example, one Gallup survey released last week showed that 17.1% of the population was uninsured during the last quarter of 2013, compared with 15.6% in the first quarter of 2014, the lowest uninsured rate in the U.S. since 2008 (Millman, "Wonkblog," Washington Post, 4/16). The data mean that around 7.26 million U.S. residents who were uninsured in September 2013 now have coverage.
Surveys Highlight ACA’s Effect on U.S. Uninsured Rate

It's funny how this argument has to morph for you to think you are winning it.

I have no affiliation. You, on the other hand, are quite affiliated and obviously did quite well in your parroting classes.

Nobody argued that more people don't have insurance. High priced, and in many cases worthless, insurance.

The fact remains.....the law is less popular than it is popular.
Only among the nay-sayers.
You're a little behind on your statistics, bubba. Better go brush up on your math. And that 48% is mostly Republicans.

With the year's sign-up deadline upon us, Americans split on Obamacare, 49 percent in support, 48 percent opposed.
At 49 Percent Support, Obamacare Hits a High

And, another reason it remains unpopular among conservatives is because they are so dumb....they think ACA is not the same as Obamacare.

Despite being the same thing, support for the Affordable Care Act was eight percentage points higher among Republican voters than for 'Obamacare,' the poll found.

In a new poll conducted by Fox News, 22 percent of GOP voters said they supported the Affordable Care Act, while just 14 said the same for "Obamacare."

Republicans like Affordable Care Act more than 'Obamacare'

The also remains...the GOP has no viable plan for health insurance repair.

That does not elevate the ACA to something useful.

It just means we are without a plan.

Now, eat your cracker and STFU.

Quit trying to act like you're not sucking up to the Republican party. I sure hope you are one of the wealthiest....otherwise you are one of the dumbest. You swallow your leaders' lies with a smile, sucker,

Why do Republicans hate ACA:
This past week’s New York Times Upshot article, I believe, provides a major part of the answer. Briefly, “it’s the taxes on the wealthy, stupid.” Specifically, it’s about two new Medicare taxes that went into effect in 2013 only on higher income Americans:

Every leading candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination has a tax reform proposal that promises major tax cuts for the wealthiest. If there’s anything close to doctrinal orthodoxy among today’s Republican political class, it is the inviolability of lowering taxes for the upper class. The ACA not only raised taxes on the wealthiest, it committed the most heinous offense imaginable to Republicans by increasing taxes onunearned income.

Why Republicans Hate the ACA So Much
It's depressing to speak with yet another moron who will settle for s**t and argue it taste like sugar.

You have a nice day..
What's more funny is that Kentucky is somehow representative of the country.

They are a big chunk part of the country......and they do represent the conservative side....


Red States Are The Real Welfare States

Four of your top ten are blue. Hardly convincing.

Did you even read this ?

Are you deflecting? 6 is still more than half, anyway you slice it.

Two of the reds are former blue states. And I am surprised more of the south is not on there.

Also, just because a state voted for McCain or Bush does not make it 100% red or 100% blue.

There are lots of republican governors in your blue state map and New Mexico has a republican governor......

So, such an overall far reaching correlation is simply stupid.

Bwahahaha.....for someone that claims they don't belong to either party, you sure seem to be sucking up to the Republican party. Here's another try and twist it to make your party look not so "welfare"!

With some exceptions, what we regard as red states are sent a whole lot more of your hard-earned tax dollars than the traditional blue states. In effect, supposedly indolent, “tax and spend” liberals actually subsidize the individualistic, pure, and hard-working lifestyle of our conservative countrymen.

Don’t believe me? Well, there’s plenty of room for quibbling about what constitutes a tax payment vs. a federal benefit. Let’s hash that out below in the comments section. But for simplicity's sake (and to account for the fact that it’s hard to label some states as purely red or blue, I’ve taken the most recent Electoral College Map from RealClearPolitics—which shows how these states would likely vote if the presidential election were today—and cross-referenced it with numbers from one of those places peopled by serious economists: the nonpartisan Tax Foundation.*

Blue State, Red Face: Guess Who Benefits More From Your Taxes?
It's depressing to speak with yet another moron who will settle for s**t and argue it taste like sugar.

You have a nice day..

I take it that you are not able to dispute what I've posted without looking like an utter buffoon.....I accept your concession. Now quit acting like you're not a Republican, you can't hide it.
It's depressing to speak with yet another moron who will settle for s**t and argue it taste like sugar.

You have a nice day..

I take it that you are not able to dispute what I've posted without looking like an utter buffoon.....I accept your concession. Now quit acting like you're not a Republican, you can't hide it.

You and those who think (or don't think like you) are the reason this country is struggling.

The ACA is just another way to keep making the rich richer.

You morons don't get it.

The GOP is driving that one and our demise along with the dicks on the left.

I hope you are happy serving your masters.

So GFY while you stil can.
What's more funny is that Kentucky is somehow representative of the country.

They are a big chunk part of the country......and they do represent the conservative side....


Red States Are The Real Welfare States

Four of your top ten are blue. Hardly convincing.

Did you even read this ?

Are you deflecting? 6 is still more than half, anyway you slice it.

Two of the reds are former blue states. And I am surprised more of the south is not on there.

Also, just because a state voted for McCain or Bush does not make it 100% red or 100% blue.

There are lots of republican governors in your blue state map and New Mexico has a republican governor......

So, such an overall far reaching correlation is simply stupid.

Bwahahaha.....for someone that claims they don't belong to either party, you sure seem to be sucking up to the Republican party. Here's another try and twist it to make your party look not so "welfare"!

With some exceptions, what we regard as red states are sent a whole lot more of your hard-earned tax dollars than the traditional blue states. In effect, supposedly indolent, “tax and spend” liberals actually subsidize the individualistic, pure, and hard-working lifestyle of our conservative countrymen.

Don’t believe me? Well, there’s plenty of room for quibbling about what constitutes a tax payment vs. a federal benefit. Let’s hash that out below in the comments section. But for simplicity's sake (and to account for the fact that it’s hard to label some states as purely red or blue, I’ve taken the most recent Electoral College Map from RealClearPolitics—which shows how these states would likely vote if the presidential election were today—and cross-referenced it with numbers from one of those places peopled by serious economists: the nonpartisan Tax Foundation.*

Blue State, Red Face: Guess Who Benefits More From Your Taxes?

If I could laugh any harder...I would.

I don't defend the Red States. The hypocricy of the GOP is all to clear to me.

I simply point out that partisan assholes like you ignore the fact that even if you were able to obliterate the GOP you'd still have no real solutions.

But you keep coming to a message board to make yourself look smart in your own eyes.

The rest of us see you and the far right jerks for what they are...ignorant trolls.

It's depressing to speak with yet another moron who will settle for s**t and argue it taste like sugar.

You have a nice day..

I take it that you are not able to dispute what I've posted without looking like an utter buffoon.....I accept your concession. Now quit acting like you're not a Republican, you can't hide it.

The only think you accept is what Obama shoots down your throat after you've been sucking on him for a while.

Go Bernie Sanders.

His policies are pretty radical and difficult for me to accept....but the man is the most honest thing I've seen in a long time.

You can elect HIllary or Trump and the rich will laugh all the way to the bank.

they want to dismantle the ACA , allow ins to cross state lines, already does, have HSA's , we already do.

Don't be fooled , read about Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and United Healthcare Group and a few other giants. They gobble up smaller health ins companies like Pac man, and do whatever they want to the prices.

I don't think I heard one GOP talk about prescription prices. If they did, it was not a big deal for them as I listened to all debates.

Trump doesn't know jack about HI, and all those coming out to endorse him, is just because they will want favors.

I haven't heard Obama say anything about prescription prices and he has the power to do something about them.
The right wingers have a plan for healthcare....destroy the affordable healthcare for the rich only.
The right wingers have a plan for healthcare....destroy the affordable healthcare for the rich only.

Nobody's claiming this. Go back to fucking sleep stoner.
Wake up moron, everybody already knows the cons have been trying to destroy it since they got control of congress. You trying to BS people into believing that cons aren't, is like the nazis saying they weren't putting Jews in the ovens. You are exposed.
The right wingers have a plan for healthcare....destroy the affordable healthcare for the rich only.

Now, it's health care for the rich and poor at the expense of the middle class.

But, heaven forbid we have a relevant conversation on the topic.

The OP is true. Trump has no real plan.

The ACA is not a plan.
It's depressing to speak with yet another moron who will settle for s**t and argue it taste like sugar.

You have a nice day..

I take it that you are not able to dispute what I've posted without looking like an utter buffoon.....I accept your concession. Now quit acting like you're not a Republican, you can't hide it.

You and those who think (or don't think like you) are the reason this country is struggling.

The ACA is just another way to keep making the rich richer.

You morons don't get it.

The GOP is driving that one and our demise along with the dicks on the left.

I hope you are happy serving your masters.

So GFY while you stil can.

Look who's the idiot. The way it used to be was making the Insurance companies richer and people with preexisting conditions couldn't get they can. Also, students can now remain insured on their parent's insurance, while before ACA they were shit out of you're is that helping the rich?

So you don't support either, my, what have you accomplished on your own, moron?

And, you can go fuck yourself....since that is what you think about most.
It's depressing to speak with yet another moron who will settle for s**t and argue it taste like sugar.

You have a nice day..

I take it that you are not able to dispute what I've posted without looking like an utter buffoon.....I accept your concession. Now quit acting like you're not a Republican, you can't hide it.

You and those who think (or don't think like you) are the reason this country is struggling.

The ACA is just another way to keep making the rich richer.

You morons don't get it.

The GOP is driving that one and our demise along with the dicks on the left.

I hope you are happy serving your masters.

So GFY while you stil can.

Look who's the idiot. The way it used to be was making the Insurance companies richer and people with preexisting conditions couldn't get they can. Also, students can now remain insured on their parent's insurance, while before ACA they were shit out of you're is that helping the rich?

So you don't support either, my, what have you accomplished on your own, moron?

And, you can go fuck yourself....since that is what you think about most.

How long did it take you to swallow that load....not long....seems you are good at it.

Government props up the insurance companies......

Insurance companies are not making any less now than before.....

Surprise! Large Insurance Companies Are Raking In Cash, Thanks To Obamacare

They were great in 2011 and 2012 too.

That you don't like being wrong is not my issue.....dumbass.......
It's depressing to speak with yet another moron who will settle for s**t and argue it taste like sugar.

You have a nice day..

I take it that you are not able to dispute what I've posted without looking like an utter buffoon.....I accept your concession. Now quit acting like you're not a Republican, you can't hide it.

You and those who think (or don't think like you) are the reason this country is struggling.

The ACA is just another way to keep making the rich richer.

You morons don't get it.

The GOP is driving that one and our demise along with the dicks on the left.

I hope you are happy serving your masters.

So GFY while you stil can.

Look who's the idiot. The way it used to be was making the Insurance companies richer and people with preexisting conditions couldn't get they can. Also, students can now remain insured on their parent's insurance, while before ACA they were shit out of you're is that helping the rich?

So you don't support either, my, what have you accomplished on your own, moron?

And, you can go fuck yourself....since that is what you think about most.

How long did it take you to swallow that load....not long....seems you are good at it.

Government props up the insurance companies......

Insurance companies are not making any less now than before.....

Surprise! Large Insurance Companies Are Raking In Cash, Thanks To Obamacare

They were great in 2011 and 2012 too.

That you don't like being wrong is not my issue.....dumbass.......

Yes, the large insurance companies are doing quite well overall.

Of course, they are losing money on the exchanges....but their profits are great.

They'll just be getting out of the exchanges.

More costly insurance.

Just perfect.

What a great thing the ACA isn't.

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