Trump and the NRA and the GOP have INFESTED America with murderous GUN VERMIN

I'm white and I'm straight and I hate every one of you fn racist repub POS
A hate-filled, Trump-hating, emotionally-manipulated, partisan snowflake, pathetically calling anyone who opposes your ideology or treasonous politicians / party a 'racist', defending Antifa, a group that took money from Russians to spread racial division and violence...yet you claim white conservatives are filled with hatred and are pieces of shit...


But keep military style weapons of death away from murdering repub swine
Huh? Most republicans have to work for a living and do not have the time or money to invest in guns. Those Republicans that have guns as as a hobby often have a collection inherited through generations of the men in their family from colonial times, a gun used in the war for Independence from British infantry sent over to put down the newly-formed citizen army under George Washington, who learned all he knew from when he served in the British Army (that all other men in the Colonies were expected to serve) who fought off warring Indian tribes, occasional scuffles with the French, etc.

Fortunately, Washington paid attention to British war modes and in addition to learning how to win a battle, he also learned how NOT to lose to the British, and loyal to his fellow Americans from all the colonies when the British started exploiting the colonial people with higher and higher taxes. The Americans wanted representation in the British courts to let them know what the real problems over here were.

Charles III flat turned them down for representation, which made our forefathers very cranky that the British were taking unseemly amounts from the Colonials in sales and other taxes, so they formed a Continental Congress with men from every colony were represented, and still King George would not allow them to speak to him, but he would take as much of their good money as he could lay his hands on, which truly made him look like a cad, and the words "taxation without representation" were put together, published, and unity to get the Brits' taxes off their backs became very much the ideal not to mention the source of angry words shared in the town hall/schools/church buildings (usually the same building in all the small towns) at evening or afternoon meetings of war-ready colonials. They began sending representatives, and Philadelphia, where a popular man by the name of Benjamin Franklin who almost got electrocuted when experimenting with lightning with a kite and a key one night, who also published a newspaper, (not sure when). Oh, and he published regular newspapers of current goings-on around his neck of the woods and others, too, probably.

Oh, I found it and can now stop fumbling around with stuff I have not a clear recollection of: the first continental congress met in 1774 at the carpenter's hall in Philadelphia, PA from September 5 to October 26 of that year.


New Hampshire: John Sullivan, Nathaniel Folsom
Massachusetts Bay: John Adams, Samuel Adams, Thomas Cushing, Robert Treat Paine
Rhode Island: Stephen Hopkins, Samuel Ward
Connecticut: Eliphalet Dyer, Roger Sherman, Silas Deane
New York: Isaac Low, John Alsop, John Jay, Philip Livingston, James Duane, William Floyd, Henry Wisner, Simon Boerum
New Jersey: James Kinsey, William Livingston, Stephen Crane, Richard Smith, John De Hart
Pennsylvania: Joseph Galloway, John Dickinson, Charles Humphreys, Thomas Miffin, Edward Biddle, John Morton, George Ross
Delaware: Caesar Rodney, Thomas McKean, George Read
Maryland: Matthew Tilghman, Thomas Johnson, William Paca, Samuel Chase, Robert Goldsborough
Virginia: Peyton Randolph, Richard Henry Lee, George Washington, Patrick Henry, Richard Bland, Benjamin Harrison, Edmund Pendleton
North Carolina: William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, Richard Caswell
South Carolina: Henry Middleton, Thomas Lynch, Jr., Christopher Gadsden, John Rutledge, Edward Rutledge
A delightful discussion of their first meeting is here: First Continental Congress

I'm certain they have the facts far better than my recollections of half a century ago high school history class. I just remember they were quite annoyed with the behaviors of the King so foreign to them and so unsympathetic with life hundreds if not thousands of miles away from his court.
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... declared in his campaign kickoff that many of those coming from Mexico were “rapists,“....

Not many, but some, which is indisputably true (which is also true of "some" people from any country).
Rape like Trump raped his first wife?

Ed, Trumps first marriage lasted 15 years, and they had 3 kids. Something went wrong between the two, so they got a divorce. I don't follow such stuff usually, because I think divorce is tragic, especially if there are young children around who are torn deeply by separating parents. Must've picked up a womens' magazine in the doctor's office or something, because my only use for magazines back then was if they had a good sewing pattern in them. :dunno:
We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations
What a bunch of crap.... Have you noticed that the major gun violence is done by left wing ass hats who think their way of government is better. They almost always believe that socialism and gun control are the answer.. But cities like Chicago and many other democrat controlled and heavily gun regulated cities are where the murders and violent crimes happen the most.. Cities with open carry laws have very low crime or violent crime.. Create a gun free zone and only criminals will have guns while the public is defenseless. A defenseless populace is one easily placed under tyrannical rule which is precisely what our founding fathers seeked to stop.
I don't hate Ed. I feel sorry for him...
Well, he's the loyal opposition, and the average Democrat has been listening to salacious lies and professional ones as well for 3 solid years of his presidency, not to mention crazy year prior to electing a new president from a field of candidates, a lot of silly stuff is said, and sometimes believed. The Democrats never saw anyone else but Hillary headed for the White House, and a lot of them believed the smarm that surrounds elections which is seldom grounded in the truth. Plus I think Mr. Edward37 was imbibing something a little stronger than Kool Aid. I don't drink because when I was young, I saw a relative shooting a rifle off in his kitchen when drunk, mouthing off hateful things to people he ought to have been loving, practically deafening his young son by shooting his rifle off too close to the child, wishing everybody in his family was dead so he could enjoy his sessions with the lady in the bottle. That, too ended in a divorce in my family, and none of it was very happy, but booze makes people say stuff that isn't particularly the truth, then forgetaboutit the next day. I've limited habitual drinking to coffee since those days, and that relative left the country and never came back even to visit the rest of us who only tried to help him break his habit.

I'm really sorry the leadership in the Democrat Party plays mean games to get power, only to squander money off on their friends instead of government business for everyone, not just their personal picks.

And those who are cracking under the pressure of the lies told against Donald Trump 24/7/365 by party leadership, I guess every once in a while, their followers think of their party only, and not someone who's trying to prosper the nation. It's a little sad though, when they can't tell what is true and what isn't. And I think if we weren't so prosperous, they'd want to turn the tables on poverty with lives of hard work and less speech.
Well, I guess I have to use the ignore button if I'm going to be accused of being a pos because I have been a Republican for 48 years. I joined when I married a Republican so I'd never be cancelling his vote out, since politics was interesting, just seemed to be the right thing to do for a man I loved very much for wanting me to be his wife since I was so shy and wondered why a superstar like him would like someone so plain as me. :dunno:

He gave up golf and never horrified me by getting drunk and saying bad stuff. In fact, he was kind and good, hard working and true, so I got the impression that Republicans were very good, so I liked being his beloved one. He was tall and strong, and people looked up to him. Lucky me. He was kind to his dying day, and 44 years seemed like a blink of an eye when I thought about it in my 2 years of mourning his passing.

Good night everybody. If your spouse is still living, be good to him or her. That thoughtful kindness stuff brings a lot of happiness into someone else's life. And thinking of him brings back a lot of happy thoughts. He had a joke for every occasion, and he enjoyed making me laugh when I caught onto what he was carrying on about. :laugh: :night:
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We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations

Dear edthecynic
1. Isn't it equally "racist" to take statements Trump makes
and spin them to imply and interpret them with racist biases?

2. Just what are Democrats/Liberals/Progressives who are so
"outraged" over "racism" doing to help instead of just
ABUSING THE RACE CARD to blame Trump and others.

How is projecting blame and twisting everything with a racist slant,
doing ANYTHING CONSTRUCTIVE to resolve and/or heal the wounds of racism?

It seems to me the equivalent of pouring
MORE GASOLINE on a fire to ignite and spread it further
which only makes it worse. That doesn't put the fire out

Can you please explain to me how any of these complaints
and projected blame is doing anything to address and solve
problems of political or economic disparity?

Instead of yelling "racism" wouldn't more problems be solved
by investing financial resources, loans or donations into
building more schools, hospital clinics, and community centers
or even campus facilities for sustainable development.

Sadly, Democrats are blamed for destroying the Black historic district of Freedmen's Town
that should have been supported and credited for developing sustainable
campus and business plans to "break the cycle of poverty."
The Freedmen's Town community leaders co-authored federal
housing reforms using a community campus model including
democratically elected resident management on site:

Democrats want credit for representing Black and minority interests.
They are also calling for Reparations for Black Slavery.
But when offered the opportunity to invest in and save national Freed Slave
history, this is how they treat it -- the Democrat-supported Mayors all gave grants,
tax breaks, and control of projects to city and corporate developers that seized
and destroyed historic property including landmarks to Civil Rights and Freed Slave history.

So easy to project blame on others for politics.

When it came to taking on responsibility themselves,
Democrats gave money and authority to corporate interests to destroy community
plans and programs, including evicting residents and denying grants to nonprofits
that sought to purchase and preserve history.

Very sad, where the worst tragic irony is that the leadership
of this district had come up with sustainable solutions to restore
and transform the historic landmark community, but these plans
got censored and destroyed by Democrat mayors who relied on
corporate interests in order to get into and stay in office. So they
sold out the Black and minority interests, all the time blaming others.

Just sickening to know the truth,
and learn the media spins it the other way.
We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations
Address yourvtitle now. Is that so? Really? I grew up in the soth and guns abounded. They were everywhere you looked. I had several as a child and leared to shoot at an early age. We brought guns show and tell in grammer school. You could buy guns and ammo in wveryvhardware store across tge south. Yet the south was largely democratic and Trump is the same age as I am. So please describe just exactly how your title bears any simblace to any sort of truth.
BTW I've never have been a member of the NRA either. In fact, I never heard of it while growing up. Guns were just a part of the culture as were fishing rods and reels.
As Tramp says about Mexicans, "they're rapists, they're murders, they bring drugs, and some i guess are nice people," well I guess some murderous gun vermin are nice people too.

This is what I love about the HYPOCRISY of the Right, they can stereotype anybody and anything but they have an absolute shit fit if you stereotype them back!!!!
Tramp called hispanics "invaders" ....
No, he didn’t. Without lies democrats would have nothing to say.
Without lying about Democrats CON$ervoFascists would have nothing to say.
He has described groups of immigrants as “infestations,” declared in his campaign kickoff that many of those coming from Mexico were “rapists,“deemed a caravan of Hispanic migrants as invaders and wondered why the United States accepted so many immigrants from “s---hole countries” like Haiti, El Salvador and African nations.
Trump calls migrant caravans "invasion" at campaign rally
BTW, did you catch at the end when he asked, "how do you stop these people from crossing the border?" and one in the audience shouts "shoot 'em" and he stops and laughs as he points to the guy for recognition and says "only in the panhandle can you get away with saying that" and the hate filled crowd cheers. That was the Tramp hate rally shortly before the El Paso shooting.

So telling it like it is, is racist? We're on track for more than a million foreigners invading our country just this year. I know you commies want to import millions of government dependent people, most of the American people don't.

Claiming that immigrants are government dependent people just because you are is hardly "telling it like it is," but you knew that already.
We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations
Yes, trump did infest America with guns and white nationalists. I remember just some 30 months ago before Trump was president he was passing out bullets at rallies. And the 20 years before that when he was not a politician, building all those great hotels. I remember at each opening Trump giving KKK members in their robes the honor of cutting the ribbon.

From that TV show where they fired and humiliated black people to all his hard work making sure all his hotels sold guns to whitey.

You are right, trump created all thes ed problems as a businessman.
Hey pinhead, the title includes the GOP and the NRA along with Tramp, I could include scum like Russia Limbaugh in there also as spreading the hate, but as even you well know they merely primed the pume, Tramp made pure hate socially acceptable.
And so, instead of eschewing the hate you condemn, you choose to wallow in it.

How is it you claim to hold the moral high ground, exactly?
I'm just "telling it like it is."
We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations
Address yourvtitle now. Is that so? Really? I grew up in the soth and guns abounded. They were everywhere you looked. I had several as a child and leared to shoot at an early age. We brought guns show and tell in grammer school. You could buy guns and ammo in wveryvhardware store across tge south. Yet the south was largely democratic and Trump is the same age as I am. So please describe just exactly how your title bears any simblace to any sort of truth.
BTW I've never have been a member of the NRA either. In fact, I never heard of it while growing up. Guns were just a part of the culture as were fishing rods and reels.
As Tramp says about Mexicans, "they're rapists, they're murders, they bring drugs, and some i guess are nice people," well I guess some murderous gun vermin are nice people too.

This is what I love about the HYPOCRISY of the Right, they can stereotype anybody and anything but they have an absolute shit fit if you stereotype them back!!!!
I'm pretty sure President Trump was addressing untrustworthy illegal aliens who are drug runners, terrorists, murderers, and in general people who lie that their government oppressed them in some way other than disciplining them for breaking drug, property, and oppression of women and children in the sex trade they push. President Trump has statistics from the Border Patrol, and the situation is a crisis. Democrats put their head in the sand to keeping these elements out of our country. He did address good and hardworking immigrants, but all of them have to clock in with the border patrol and make immigration arrangements by request, not by just crossing the border with no notification that there are children coming over the border with their parents.
Tramp called hispanics "invaders" ....
No, he didn’t. Without lies democrats would have nothing to say.
Without lying about Democrats CON$ervoFascists would have nothing to say.
He has described groups of immigrants as “infestations,” declared in his campaign kickoff that many of those coming from Mexico were “rapists,“deemed a caravan of Hispanic migrants as invaders and wondered why the United States accepted so many immigrants from “s---hole countries” like Haiti, El Salvador and African nations.
Trump calls migrant caravans "invasion" at campaign rally
BTW, did you catch at the end when he asked, "how do you stop these people from crossing the border?" and one in the audience shouts "shoot 'em" and he stops and laughs as he points to the guy for recognition and says "only in the panhandle can you get away with saying that" and the hate filled crowd cheers. That was the Tramp hate rally shortly before the El Paso shooting.

So telling it like it is, is racist? We're on track for more than a million foreigners invading our country just this year. I know you commies want to import millions of government dependent people, most of the American people don't.

Claiming that immigrants are government dependent people just because you are is hardly "telling it like it is," but you knew that already.

When people enter the country penniless, tell the class how they survive.


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