Trump and the NRA and the GOP have INFESTED America with murderous GUN VERMIN

We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations
Shame how colored people are always shooting people up.
The shooter was WHITE!
And a Trump Nationalist!

Yes. Mass shooters are all white color.

And now they have their own terrorist designation with DHS.

When a New Democratic administration takes charge, these assholes are going to get a whole new appreciation of what government intrusion feels like.

You commie idiots are funny, note to the ignorant, white is the absence of color and I know no human that fits that description.


And nothing rhymes with
We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations
Shame how colored people are always shooting people up.
The shooter was WHITE!
And a Trump Nationalist!

Yes. Mass shooters are all white color.

And now they have their own terrorist designation with DHS.

When a New Democratic administration takes charge, these assholes are going to get a whole new appreciation of what government intrusion feels like.

You commie idiots are funny, note to the ignorant, white is the absence of color and I know no human that fits that description.


And nothing rhymes with

It doesn't exactly rhyme with orange, but the word "Impeachment" is close enough.
Shame how colored people are always shooting people up.
The shooter was WHITE!
And a Trump Nationalist!

Yes. Mass shooters are all white color.

And now they have their own terrorist designation with DHS.

When a New Democratic administration takes charge, these assholes are going to get a whole new appreciation of what government intrusion feels like.

You commie idiots are funny, note to the ignorant, white is the absence of color and I know no human that fits that description.


And nothing rhymes with

It doesn't exactly rhyme with orange, but the word "Impeachment" is close enough.
“Any Day Now” rhymes with orange.
Ed sez: "Trump and the NRA and the GOP have INFESTED America with murderous GUN VERMIN"

Ed, plz lay off the cannabis and beer combo. It's got you all mixed up. :rolleyes:
Now you're just lying. Gun owners loan their guns to other hunters or new shooters all the time. Under your commie law that would be illegal without two background checks, one for the person the gun is loaned to and another to return it to the owner. Both checks require a fee and without getting them, both people are considered felons. So shove your lies commie, reasonable people ain't buying your propaganda.
I have owned guns most of my adult life. Never for any reason have I loaned a gun to anyone else. I have allowed others to fire them at a range but to borrow ???? Not going to happen. Don't know anyone who ever would.
Looks like the Leftest have done a little "infesting" themselves.

The Ohio gunman described himself on social media as a pro-Satan “leftist” who wanted Joe Biden’s generation to die off, hated President Trump and law enforcement, and hoped to vote for Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president.

In the early hours of Sunday morning, rifle-wielding Connor Betts rampaged through a Dayton entertainment district, killing his sister and eight other people and leaving dozens of others wounded before police killed him.

“I want socialism, and i’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding,” he wrote in one tweet, according to
You're THIS close to having a revelation.

Smart money says you'll veer off before you get there.

Revelation? You mean the revelation that just because no law is 100% effective at preventing the crime it was enacted for doesn't mean that law is not helpful in reducing that crime. I was hoping you would be sneaking up on that revelation dumb ass.

A law that's designed to criminalize the everyday activities of lawful gun owners and has no meaningful enforcement mechanism to curb criminal activity is worthless and is designed to control the law abiding, not criminal activity. Even a moron like you should be able to see that.


It's a good thing that universal background checks are none of those things.

Now you're just lying. Gun owners loan their guns to other hunters or new shooters all the time. Under your commie law that would be illegal without two background checks, one for the person the gun is loaned to and another to return it to the owner. Both checks require a fee and without getting them, both people are considered felons. So shove your lies commie, reasonable people ain't buying your propaganda.

You're wrong.
You haven't read the recently passed H.R.8 , have you?
Here's part of it
“(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to—

“(A) a law enforcement agency or any law enforcement officer, armed private security professional, or member of the armed forces, to the extent the officer, professional, or member is acting within the course and scope of employment and official duties;

“(B) a transfer that is a loan or bona fide gift between spouses, between domestic partners, between parents and their children, including step-parents and their step-children, between siblings, between aunts or uncles and their nieces or nephews, or between grandparents and their grandchildren, if the transferor has no reason to believe that the transferee will use or intends to use the firearm in a crime or is prohibited from possessing firearms under State or Federal law;

And, you can legally temporarily loan your gun to someone else for hunting without a background check if you meet these requirements.

“(F) a temporary transfer if the transferor has no reason to believe that the transferee will use or intends to use the firearm in a crime or is prohibited from possessing firearms under State or Federal law, and the transfer takes place and the transferee’s possession of the firearm is exclusively—

“(i) at a shooting range or in a shooting gallery or other area designated for the purpose of target shooting;

“(ii) while reasonably necessary for the purposes of hunting, trapping, or fishing, if the transferor—

“(I) has no reason to believe that the transferee intends to use the firearm in a place where it is illegal; and

“(II) has reason to believe that the transferee will comply with all licensing and permit requirements for such hunting, trapping, or fishing; or

“(iii) while in the presence of the transferor.

Text - H.R.8 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019

First time I've seen it, still didn't see where a person could sell to another who possesses a valid CHL without a check. A licensed dealer can do that now. And I still don't see how they plan to make criminals comply. This is just more restrictions on the law abiding, won't do a damn thing about crime.

OH and the NRA is a joke and backs common sense gun laws too,,,

They oppose universal background checks and advocate for blind people to have gun permits. Doesn't sound very common sense to me.

youve always been one dumb kunt,,,
we went over this before, the NRA are the ones behind background checks and have never opposed them,,,
I even provided their link to back it up,,

now scurry off to what ever hole you climbed out of,,,,

Here Is the NRA statement opposing universal background checks
NRA-ILA | Universal Background Checks
Deceptively marketed to the public as a way to keep guns from dangerous people, "universal" background check legislation is instead a broadside against lawful firearm ownership in America, setting cruel traps for common and innocent firearm-related conduct and banning an entire class of law-abiding adults from certain gun purchases.

What exactly is the difference between universal background checks and checks only from licensed dealer sales?

Universal background checks do not work because there is no record of a firearms existence. I have gun I inherited from my grandfather. If I want to give it to my son, I would have to have a background check on my son. What would happen if I chose not to do this? Who would know?

If a gangbanger wants to buy a Tec 9 for a drive-by, do you think they will bother getting a background check before purchasing the weapon?

Some of you libtards are honed to the fine edge of beach ball!

There is no record of all those drugs that cartels sell here, but there are still laws concerning the transfer of those drugs.

Still pushing irrelevant commie crap I see. Hey hypocrite, weren't you just bitching about another posters whataboutisms, what a fucking hypocrite you are. LMAO



It's called the Trump effect. Trump has a rally and makes extremely racist claims, and within a week or two, some mentally deranged racist decides mass murder is the answer. It doesn't happen after every rally, but it happens mostly a week or two after one of his rallies where he is more racist than usual. Remember the Trump Effect. You will be hearing more about it soon.
Yes, because that will be the Official Opinion handed down to the leftist lemmings and they will all dutifully repeat it and pretend they're smart.

Even an idiot like you should be able to see the connection between Trump's racist rants and crazed gun nut shooters.

What racist rant? Be specific, with a link!

I'm not playing that game with you. If you are unaware of his racist rants, you are too stupid to discuss anything.

You mean the rants that contained all the dog whistles that only you commies can hear? Trump hasn't said one thing overtly racist, that's all commie propaganda.

We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations
Shame how colored people are always shooting people up.
The shooter was WHITE!
And a Trump Nationalist!

Yes. Mass shooters are all white color.

And now they have their own terrorist designation with DHS.

When a New Democratic administration takes charge, these assholes are going to get a whole new appreciation of what government intrusion feels like.

You commie idiots are funny, note to the ignorant, white is the absence of color and I know no human that fits that description.


And nothing rhymes with

I saw a gal with orange hair the other day, oh and a dude with grass green hair.

The shooter was WHITE!
And a Trump Nationalist!

Most mass shooters are white Trump nationalists.
Most mass shooters are leftist atheists.

What was your point again?

...but, you forgot to post a link backing that up.
So did Ed.

But you're giving him a pass.
El Paso Shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’

His racism was based on his environmental extremism you's in his manifesto....
The shooter was WHITE!
And a Trump Nationalist!

Most mass shooters are white Trump nationalists.
Most mass shooters are leftist atheists.

What was your point again?

...but, you forgot to post a link backing that up.
So did Ed.

But you're giving him a pass.
El Paso Shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’

Moron.....his manifesto is us in the manifesto where he praises idiot......
It is a reasonable reaction to an unsustainable invasion. The optimum reaction would be for a couple of hundred Americans to cut loose on an invader camp. The border Patrol isn't armed and has their own axe to grind. Opposition would be minimal.

This needs to get past the sporadic lone nut attacks and move into serious strategy.

You're an anonymous cowardly asshole promoting violence on line for others to commit. USMB should ban you for good. are a good fascist...we get it...try not to sell it so hard, we already know you are a fascist.

See, here's the problem. I'm replying to a post where the person is calling for others to shoot innocent people and you're calling me a fascist. Good job.

You are the one calling for people you disagree with to be banned, not me.......let your fascist colors fly my friend......

I also disagree with yelling fire in a crowded theater and fully support those people being thrown out. Banning a poster for promoting violence is not fascist, dickhead.

See...there you go.....I feel threatened by that post.....your violent posts are dangerous to need to be banned....
Now you're just lying. Gun owners loan their guns to other hunters or new shooters all the time. Under your commie law that would be illegal without two background checks, one for the person the gun is loaned to and another to return it to the owner. Both checks require a fee and without getting them, both people are considered felons. So shove your lies commie, reasonable people ain't buying your propaganda.
I have owned guns most of my adult life. Never for any reason have I loaned a gun to anyone else. I have allowed others to fire them at a range but to borrow ???? Not going to happen. Don't know anyone who ever would.

I use to do it all the time, not so much in the last 10 years or so.

No....trump did not pull the trigger.....but he did push that 21 year old to the door of that Wal-Mart with his hate rhetoric...

Pete Buttigieg: Mass Shootings Are White Nationalist Terrorism And We Have To Name It And Confront It

Pete taking in the Butt is as clueless as you are.


trump talking mental illness.....he is right....and it starts with him....

Takes one to know one I guess.

Atomwaffen member Texas?
We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations

I agree!


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