Trump and the NRA and the GOP have INFESTED America with murderous GUN VERMIN

I'm a lot of things but none of the above But yes I do hate I hate lying scum, trump and his supporters
And those who want to bring America down hate Democrats?
I was a republican even voted for GWB in 2000 my last repub vote Some things dems are for I'm against but no matter what ,when I see Trump as president it sickens me

Yet you'd beg Hillary to sit on your face.
LOL Think trumps wife sits on his?

Don't really care. He's spending us into oblivion, he's bussing illegals in, he is Obama light.
Yes, trump did infest America with guns and white nationalists. I remember just some 30 months ago before Trump was president he was passing out bullets at rallies. And the 20 years before that when he was not a politician, building all those great hotels. I remember at each opening Trump giving KKK members in their robes the honor of cutting the ribbon.

From that TV show where they fired and humiliated black people to all his hard work making sure all his hotels sold guns to whitey.

You are right, trump created all thes ed problems as a businessman.
Hey pinhead, the title includes the GOP and the NRA along with Tramp, I could include scum like Russia Limbaugh in there also as spreading the hate, but as even you well know they merely primed the pume, Tramp made pure hate socially acceptable.

Is that why the democrats are wallowing in hatred?
You are wallowing in lying.

Democrats are anti women ask any little girl who has to watch a dude take a piss wearing a dress in the bathroom
If you didn't have bullshit you'd have nothing

What facts hurt your feeling you liberal peevert.

Again liberals are anti women ask any little girl who has to compete with a dude in a dress in a sporting events..

You Democrats are one sick puppies

Trump, you cannot escape accepting blame for these escalating killings that are motivated by your race baiting!

He needs to apologize for demonizing brown people who have tried to come here and have a better life

That rhetoric of invasion, that rhetoric of violence, of scaring white people to think that these brown people are going to rape and kill their families — that rhetoric is inspiring people to do these kind of massacres
Now I'll be leaving you followers of racist Trump Going out to enjoy the best steak on LI and having a Glen Livit

Ain't no cows raised on LI , so just remember: That beef came from somewhere else.

I'm privileged to have access to Bern's Steak House. Not many places like that around. Bern's is awesome. Right there on Howard Ave.

There's 1 in Chicago too, I hear.
I have no religious views.

Now, back on target, the El Paso shooter seems to have been obsessed with hate for immigrants. I wonder where that came from?
Do you morons really think that no one was ever racist before Trump?

Sorry, wrong you morons really feel that no one was ever racist before Trump?

You are right. Trump carries on the most rememberable traditions of George Wallace.
Well, that's just stupid.

"I don't consider myself racist. I consider people who call other people racist to be racist" George Wallace, 1968, Person to Person interview.

Sound familiar?
Yup. The first part sounds just like his fellow Democrats today. And the other part is undoubtedly correct when the people screeching RACIST are doing so to silence opposition due to their inability to form a rational argument.

Wow, that didn't turn out like you hoped, did it?

Watch out, he'll get triggered a put you on iggy. LMAO

We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations
Yes, trump did infest America with guns and white nationalists. I remember just some 30 months ago before Trump was president he was passing out bullets at rallies. And the 20 years before that when he was not a politician, building all those great hotels. I remember at each opening Trump giving KKK members in their robes the honor of cutting the ribbon.

From that TV show where they fired and humiliated black people to all his hard work making sure all his hotels sold guns to whitey.

You are right, trump created all thes ed problems as a businessman.

OMG, you fucking liar!
You white supremacists know the names
You're dismissed as the stupid, lying bastard you are.
I'm a lot of things but none of the above But yes I do hate I hate lying scum, trump and his supporters
And those who want to bring America down hate Democrats?
I was a republican even voted for GWB in 2000 my last repub vote Some things dems are for I'm against but no matter what ,when I see Trump as president it sickens me
So what? Your inability to control your emotions sucks for you, but doesn't obligate anyone else to do it for you.
I was in the Army in El Paso at Ft Bliss and got thrown out of a bar because I was with a black friend No changes now Still racist

They knew y'all were faggots, bitch.

It's called the Trump effect. Trump has a rally and makes extremely racist claims, and within a week or two, some mentally deranged racist decides mass murder is the answer. It doesn't happen after every rally, but it happens mostly a week or two after one of his rallies where he is more racist than usual. Remember the Trump Effect. You will be hearing more about it soon.
Yes, because that will be the Official Opinion handed down to the leftist lemmings and they will all dutifully repeat it and pretend they're smart.

Even an idiot like you should be able to see the connection between Trump's racist rants and crazed gun nut shooters.

What racist rant? Be specific, with a link!
I don't see a big difference between fundamentalists like the NRA and Al-Qaeda.

Actually, I'm convinced that you don't or can't see that.

They're deliberately ignorant, they don't want to see that. These pieces of shit are immersed in the politics of hate and envy, the foundation of regressive marxist dogma.


It's called the Trump effect. Trump has a rally and makes extremely racist claims, and within a week or two, some mentally deranged racist decides mass murder is the answer. It doesn't happen after every rally, but it happens mostly a week or two after one of his rallies where he is more racist than usual. Remember the Trump Effect. You will be hearing more about it soon.
Yes, because that will be the Official Opinion handed down to the leftist lemmings and they will all dutifully repeat it and pretend they're smart.
Yeah you white nationalists don't hate brown and black folk just like trump? Guarantee you do Take that to the bank
Prove I'm a white nationalist.

Da Rules:

1. You have to use things I've actually said. And provide links.

2. UR A TRUMP SUPPROTER is not proof. Don't even bother.

Ready, go!
There's no hate coming from Trump. You hear it because you filter everything through your own hatred.
What's not to hate about you racist bastards?? You're the haters of black and brown alike I don't think you're one of those good people like scump talks about Either is smoker
we dont hate brown or black people,,,,

so it is you with all the hate in your heart,,

thanks for admitting it
You don't?? And pigs fly You're a party of racists and haters and the proof is out there for all to see Have you really listened to Trump ? Send them home ,,a mexican invasion etc etc etc ???
No, that's the voices in your head.

You shouldn't listen to them. They lie.
I don't listen to what trump is saying I watch what he does ..and what he lets his white hate groups get away with

How about being a bit more specific.

"There’s a war at home and we’re losing. White supremacists feel as though their country is being taken away from them and they are getting violent in retaliation. Don’t sleep this out. Don’t think these are gonna slow down soon. They aren’t. Doing nothing has proven time and again to do NOTHING. If it were as easy as thoughts & prayers, Columbine would’ve been the last one. No action will be taken. The cycle of violence will continue. Our country is trying to sleep through a house fire and, make no mistake, we are not far from suffocating." - David Hogg
"There’s a war at home and we’re losing. White supremacists feel as though their country is being taken away from them and they are getting violent in retaliation. Don’t sleep this out. Don’t think these are gonna slow down soon. They aren’t. Doing nothing has proven time and again to do NOTHING. If it were as easy as thoughts & prayers, Columbine would’ve been the last one. No action will be taken. The cycle of violence will continue. Our country is trying to sleep through a house fire and, make no mistake, we are not far from suffocating." - David Hogg


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