Trump and the NRA and the GOP have INFESTED America with murderous GUN VERMIN

How 8chan Became A Breeding Ground For Violent Extremism

Why can't authorities prosecute these domestic terrorists and shut their hate sites down? The 1st Amendment was never meant to protect such terror.
If we start telling the people who knew a bad guy to shut up, we're cancelling the good ones who'd never do such a thing, but have something to say about the way life is treating them. That's what happened in the colonies--the King Chas III just wanted the colonists to send money he taxed them for and shut up, didn't want to listen to their moaning and groaning about hard times so he could afford another whatever he wanted to buy that another country's king couldn't afford. IOW, nobody mattered who was 3,000 miles across the ocean. Just send him money and shut up and keep those small manufacturers working for British wares to buy which were accompanied by a little tax pinching.

If you collect taxes from people but refuse to listen and just shut them off, you're asking for a grass roots revolution you can't win without scorching the earth underneath your adversaries. The United Nations looks way way down on that.
You are the one calling for people you disagree with to be banned, not me.......let your fascist colors fly my friend......

I also disagree with yelling fire in a crowded theater and fully support those people being thrown out. Banning a poster for promoting violence is not fascist, dickhead.

See...there you go.....I feel threatened by that post.....your violent posts are dangerous to need to be banned....

You feel threatened because I said people who yell fire in a crowded theater should be removed (i.e. thrown out)? Snowflake.

Yep...the violence in your post is obvious.....I feel physically threatened and I am afraid for my safety.........

Words are violence....Violence is Words.....

So...please turn yourself in to the local authorities for the violent attack you just committed against my personhood...

I get it, you're a wingnut so you have to make shit up.

Not making anything up....I cite the CDC, the FBI, the Department of Justice, actual research from other sources on the topic....

It is the truth....which is why you post lame crap like that...

- NO


Turning more law-abiding citizens into helpless sheep does not make them safer.

Regulating who can buy what kind of guns would help.

We already do.....

1) It is against the law to buy, own or carry a gun if you are a felon.

2) It is against the law to own a gun if you are adjudicated, by a court, to be dangerously mentally ill.

3) It is against the law to knowingly sell a gun to either of the above.

We have the laws we need....we need democrats to stop releasing violent gun offenders from jil and prison.
We obviously aren’t doing the job properly.

No...the democrats aren't.....the democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders out of prison.....and jail...can you explain why they keep doing that, since the repeat gun offenders are the ones killing the majority of the 10,982 gun murder victims?

If you want to reduce gun crime.....really reduce have to keep known, repeat gun offenders in jail, and prison....keep them in jail so they don't go back and threaten witnesses....keep them in prison for 30- life so they can't shoot people...

The democrats keep letting these violent offenders out.....why is that, since this tiny number of offenders is the group killing almost all of the people...
You want to make sure the barn door is locked after the horses have all gone. Numpty.

Nope.....but unlike the fascist Utopia you long for....we don't just scoop people up because we think they might commit a crime in the future....that whole "Bill of Rights" thing drives you fascists nuts....but until you take over and start filling mass graves, you are going to have to keep your murderous instincts in check.....

And those repeat gun offenders.....explain why the democrats keep letting them out....
Regulating who can buy what kind of guns would help.

We already do.....

1) It is against the law to buy, own or carry a gun if you are a felon.

2) It is against the law to own a gun if you are adjudicated, by a court, to be dangerously mentally ill.

3) It is against the law to knowingly sell a gun to either of the above.

We have the laws we need....we need democrats to stop releasing violent gun offenders from jil and prison.
We obviously aren’t doing the job properly.

No...the democrats aren't.....the democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders out of prison.....and jail...can you explain why they keep doing that, since the repeat gun offenders are the ones killing the majority of the 10,982 gun murder victims?

If you want to reduce gun crime.....really reduce have to keep known, repeat gun offenders in jail, and prison....keep them in jail so they don't go back and threaten witnesses....keep them in prison for 30- life so they can't shoot people...

The democrats keep letting these violent offenders out.....why is that, since this tiny number of offenders is the group killing almost all of the people...
You want to make sure the barn door is locked after the horses have all gone. Numpty.

Nope.....but unlike the fascist Utopia you long for....we don't just scoop people up because we think they might commit a crime in the future....that whole "Bill of Rights" thing drives you fascists nuts....but until you take over and start filling mass graves, you are going to have to keep your murderous instincts in check.....

And those repeat gun offenders.....explain why the democrats keep letting them out....
I’m not a Dem, But you still have no plan.
We already do.....

1) It is against the law to buy, own or carry a gun if you are a felon.

2) It is against the law to own a gun if you are adjudicated, by a court, to be dangerously mentally ill.

3) It is against the law to knowingly sell a gun to either of the above.

We have the laws we need....we need democrats to stop releasing violent gun offenders from jil and prison.
We obviously aren’t doing the job properly.

No...the democrats aren't.....the democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders out of prison.....and jail...can you explain why they keep doing that, since the repeat gun offenders are the ones killing the majority of the 10,982 gun murder victims?

If you want to reduce gun crime.....really reduce have to keep known, repeat gun offenders in jail, and prison....keep them in jail so they don't go back and threaten witnesses....keep them in prison for 30- life so they can't shoot people...

The democrats keep letting these violent offenders out.....why is that, since this tiny number of offenders is the group killing almost all of the people...
You want to make sure the barn door is locked after the horses have all gone. Numpty.

Nope.....but unlike the fascist Utopia you long for....we don't just scoop people up because we think they might commit a crime in the future....that whole "Bill of Rights" thing drives you fascists nuts....but until you take over and start filling mass graves, you are going to have to keep your murderous instincts in check.....

And those repeat gun offenders.....explain why the democrats keep letting them out....
I’m not a Dem, But you still have no plan.

I do have a plan...modeled on the Japanese method of reducing gun crime among actual criminals...

You use a gun for a rape, robbery or murder, you to to prison for life.

You buy, own or carry an illegal gun, you go to prison for 30 years...

This will dry up 99% of gun crime the day it goes into effect.....

How do I know...? Because it worked in Japan..... and criminals are rational in their crime....they will stop carrying guns if carrying guns puts them in prison for 30 years without any other crime being committed.

You don't like those two things because you don't care about stopping gun want to keep normal people from owning and carrying guns....the people who don't use the guns for crime, and who aren't the ones shooting people.

For mass shooters...get the media to simply report the incidents that happen without 24/7 news glorification of the event.

End gun free zones.

There...99% of our gun crime solved, and my solutions have the added benefit of allowing normal people to protect themselves...

Ryo Fujiwara, long-time writer on yakuza affairs and author of the book, The Three Yamaguchi-Gumi, says that the punishment for using a gun in a gang war or in a crime is now so heavy that most yakuza avoid their use at all – unless it is for an assassination.

“In a hit, whoever fires the gun, or is made to take responsibility for firing the gun, has to pretty much be willing to go to jail for the rest of their life. That’s a big decision. The repercussions are big, too. No one wants to claim responsibility for such acts – the gang office might actually get shut-down.”

The gang typically also has to support the family of the hit-man while he is in prison, which is also a financial burden for the organization.

Japan’s Firearms and Swords Control Laws make it a crime to illegally possess a gun, with a punishment of jail time of up to 10 years.

Illegal possession more than one gun, the penalty goes up to 15 years in prison. If you own a gun and matching ammunition, that’s another charge and a heavier penalty. The most severe penalty is for the act of discharging a gun in a train, on a bus, or most public spaces, which can result in a life sentence.


A low-ranking member of the Kobe-Yamaguchi-gumi put it this way: “All of the smart guys got rid of their guns a long-time ago. The penalties are way too high. You get life in prison if you just fire a gun. That’s not fun.”
Cummings said Baltimore is drug infested and the people were like zombies
A perfect example how lying scum Trump Nationalists take Cummings asking for funds to treat drug victims to the filth that comes out of Tramp's foul mouth! Cummings was NOT calling the people of Baltimore "zombies" as you well know, he was referring to the VICTIMS of drugs.
Trump Nationalists are the lowest scum ever to crawl out of a sewer!
Cummings said Baltimore is drug infested and the people were like zombies
A perfect example how lying scum Trump Nationalists take Cummings asking for funds to treat drug victims to the filth that comes out of Tramp's foul mouth! Cummings was NOT calling the people of Baltimore "zombies" as you well know, he was referring to the VICTIMS of drugs.
Trump Nationalists are the lowest scum ever to crawl out of a sewer!
Do you have any clue how much in Govt Grants Trump / the govt has given Cummings and his district? You seriously need to do some research before you let emotion override the facts...
Not everyone is built to run to the sound;
That's why God created Conservatives / Republicans....Democrats run for their 'safe spaces' until its all over then come out pointing fingers at others....


(Just kidding, snowflakes...)
Even the leftist ones? The ones you bozos pretend doesn't exist?

Remember, kids -- when a minority or a Muslim commits a crime, their beliefs have nothing to do with it.

But if a white conservative commits a crime, it's the fault of every white conservative.

There's a red hat behind you! BOOGA BOOGA!!

You can't discuss anything without throwing a few whatabouts in there can you. I oppose mass shootings no matter who does them. Just because someone else performs a horrendous act doesn't make a right wing horrendous act OK. Why do you think it could?
Look at post #347. Loo at all of Ed's posts. Do you think those guys accept there are horrendous acts performed by left-wing perps?

So who is Skews, and what makes him a spokesman for anybody? Most mass shooters are white, though.
White men have committed more mass shootings than any other group

I gotta ask again, though, Just because someone else performs a horrendous act doesn't make a right wing horrendous act OK. Why do you think it could?
I don't. I condemn anyone of any ideology/race/whatever who commits murder.

It's a damn shame some people give a pass to some murders because they're the "right" ideology/race/whatever.

And hey, great job moving the goalposts. I never said Skews is a spokesman for anyone. So you answer my question: Do you think those guys accept there are horrendous acts performed by left-wing perps?

You're the one who pointed out his post for....some reason, I guess. I have no idea what they might think, and I don't see what difference it makes anyway, A horrendous act is a horrendous act, no matter who does it. Pointing out that others have done the same doesn't absolve anybody of something like that.
Fair enough.
NRA give 30 million to Trump and Trump took it screw Donald Trump that bitch!!!.
At least make an effort to have a rational basis for your irrational hatred.

In the 2016 election, the NRA spent $11,438,118 to support Donald Trump’s campaign and donated $19,756,346 to groups opposing Hillary Clinton’s.

Oh, and you prolly shouldn't make statements that are so easily disproved.

The NRA, which earlier this year said it opposes expanding background checks, spent $30 million to support Trump's campaign in 2016

Owned !!!
No, you didn't. I showed you they spent $11.4 million. Idiot
NRA give 30 million to Trump and Trump took it screw Donald Trump that bitch!!!.
At least make an effort to have a rational basis for your irrational hatred.

In the 2016 election, the NRA spent $11,438,118 to support Donald Trump’s campaign and donated $19,756,346 to groups opposing Hillary Clinton’s.

Oh, and you prolly shouldn't make statements that are so easily disproved.

The NRA, which earlier this year said it opposes expanding background checks, spent $30 million to support Trump's campaign in 2016

Owned !!!
$300 Billion next year.

You’re fucked.

I just stated facts now move along
I stated facts. You stated feelings.

You lose.
Other than the police - no citizen with a gun stepped forward to stop the carnage in El Paso and Dayton. Why not? Where were all the brave NRA gun nutters?

Prove there were any in the area.

FOX interviewed a gun carrier who heard the shots but did NOT run to the sound of the gun fire.

Why should he run at the killer.....? If he had a gun, that is meant to protect him and his guys want the police to deal with the shooters...right?

Besides....if he messed up in guys would be all over him.....good for him that he was armed.....too bad for everyone else that the anti-gunners and other left wingers have made everyone so jumpy about helping others in trouble...

And if he had gone after the killer? Actual research shows he would have had a 94% chance of stopping him....


Because these mass shooters are not looking for a gun fight...they are looking for unarmed, helpless people they can murder. We know from actual experience that when they are confronted....the vast majority of them, especially the solo actors, surrender, commit suicide or run away.....rarely do they stand and fight.

This is why it is important to get rid of gun free zones...the sooner you point a gun at them, the sooner they stop shooting unarmed people...
Notice how quickly they run from their lie that it was a gun free zone when you show there was a "good guy with a gun" within ear shot of the bad guy with a gun, to the "good guy" was smart not to engage. But then makes a bullshit claim the "good guy" would have had a 94% success rate, but that 6% chance of failure was enough to overcome a "good guy with a gun" taking action. :cuckoo:
So much for the NRA's BULLSHIT slogan to sell more guns!
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."

Actual events....dipshit.......94% of the time when they engage the shooters they stop the shooter or at least stop the killing.....

Facts, truth and reality are not your best friend, are they you moron?
Garbage from people selling a related product. Hardly a credible source.
So with a 94% chance of success, why did ALL the good guys with guns fail to act while an unarmed REAL good guy took on the Trump Nationalist with just throwing bottles at him?????
NRA give 30 million to Trump and Trump took it screw Donald Trump that bitch!!!.
At least make an effort to have a rational basis for your irrational hatred.

In the 2016 election, the NRA spent $11,438,118 to support Donald Trump’s campaign and donated $19,756,346 to groups opposing Hillary Clinton’s.

Oh, and you prolly shouldn't make statements that are so easily disproved.

The NRA, which earlier this year said it opposes expanding background checks, spent $30 million to support Trump's campaign in 2016

Owned !!!
$300 Billion next year.

You’re fucked.

I just stated facts now move along
I stated facts. You stated feelings.

You lose.

You don't bring facts just nonsense please stop lol
NRA give 30 million to Trump and Trump took it screw Donald Trump that bitch!!!.
At least make an effort to have a rational basis for your irrational hatred.

In the 2016 election, the NRA spent $11,438,118 to support Donald Trump’s campaign and donated $19,756,346 to groups opposing Hillary Clinton’s.

Oh, and you prolly shouldn't make statements that are so easily disproved.

The NRA, which earlier this year said it opposes expanding background checks, spent $30 million to support Trump's campaign in 2016

Owned !!!
No, you didn't. I showed you they spent $11.4 million. Idiot

Just admit it I gave facts and more then you
I don't see a big difference between fundamentalists like the NRA and Al-Qaeda. The latter are just more intellectually honest than the former.
ummm....the NRA teaches gun safety, responsible gun ownership, and protects Americans' rights....while Al Qaeda wanted / wants nothing more than to cut your head off and mount it on a pike, and they slaughtered 3,000 Americans on one day....

Oh, and Barry opposed the NRA but supported Al Qaeda....he wanted to take Americans' / the NRA's guns away but ran guns to Mexican Drug Cartels, Al Qaeda, and ISIS...

Hoped that helped clear up your confusion. If not, pull really hard until you hear a loud 'POP' ... That will be your head coming out of your ass....

You're welcome.....

I don't see a big difference between fundamentalists like the NRA and Al-Qaeda. The latter are just more intellectually honest than the former.
ummm....the NRA teaches gun safety, responsible gun ownership, and protects Americans' rights....while Al Qaeda wanted / wants nothing more than to cut your head off and mount it on a pike, and they slaughtered 3,000 Americans on one day....

Oh, and Barry opposed the NRA but supported Al Qaeda....he wanted to take Americans' / the NRA's guns away but ran guns to Mexican Drug Cartels, Al Qaeda, and ISIS...

Hoped that helped clear up your confusion. If not, pull really hard until you hear a loud 'POP' ... That will be your head coming out of your ass....

You're welcome.....


America kills far more people than AQ could ever dream of. Maybe they were standing up for their rights. They certainly teach people how to use weapons. I suspect that being beheaded would be slightly less torturous than being detained indefinitely in a prison camp in cuba without trial with no meaningful end in sight.

Like I said, not much difference other that AQ is more intellectually honest.
Other than the police - no citizen with a gun stepped forward to stop the carnage in El Paso and Dayton. Why not? Where were all the brave NRA gun nutters?

Prove there were any in the area.

FOX interviewed a gun carrier who heard the shots but did NOT run to the sound of the gun fire.

OK, and? I probably would have done the same if I weren't in the presence of the shooter. Imagine the possibilities of having a gun in your hand when police are responding to an active shooter. It could not turn out well for a good Samaritan . Using common sense doesn't make a person a coward.

It has nothing to do with bravery or cowardice,as you well know, but the NRA's self serving answer to gun violence of "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." Not only does it sell more guns, the REAL purpose of the NRA, it sells tee shirts too.

Good guys with guns stopped both shooters, I see your propaganda, I don't see your point.

Prove there were any in the area.

FOX interviewed a gun carrier who heard the shots but did NOT run to the sound of the gun fire.

OK, and? I probably would have done the same if I weren't in the presence of the shooter. Imagine the possibilities of having a gun in your hand when police are responding to an active shooter. It could not turn out well for a good Samaritan . Using common sense doesn't make a person a coward.

It has nothing to do with bravery or cowardice,as you well know, but the NRA's self serving answer to gun violence of "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." Not only does it sell more guns, the REAL purpose of the NRA, it sells tee shirts too.

- NO


Turning more law-abiding citizens into helpless sheep does not make them safer.

Regulating who can buy what kind of guns would help.

Who decides? The supreme court has already ruled on the topic.

Prove there were any in the area.

FOX interviewed a gun carrier who heard the shots but did NOT run to the sound of the gun fire.

Why should he run at the killer.....? If he had a gun, that is meant to protect him and his guys want the police to deal with the shooters...right?

Besides....if he messed up in guys would be all over him.....good for him that he was armed.....too bad for everyone else that the anti-gunners and other left wingers have made everyone so jumpy about helping others in trouble...

And if he had gone after the killer? Actual research shows he would have had a 94% chance of stopping him....


Because these mass shooters are not looking for a gun fight...they are looking for unarmed, helpless people they can murder. We know from actual experience that when they are confronted....the vast majority of them, especially the solo actors, surrender, commit suicide or run away.....rarely do they stand and fight.

This is why it is important to get rid of gun free zones...the sooner you point a gun at them, the sooner they stop shooting unarmed people...
Notice how quickly they run from their lie that it was a gun free zone when you show there was a "good guy with a gun" within ear shot of the bad guy with a gun, to the "good guy" was smart not to engage. But then makes a bullshit claim the "good guy" would have had a 94% success rate, but that 6% chance of failure was enough to overcome a "good guy with a gun" taking action. :cuckoo:
So much for the NRA's BULLSHIT slogan to sell more guns!
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."

Actual events....dipshit.......94% of the time when they engage the shooters they stop the shooter or at least stop the killing.....

Facts, truth and reality are not your best friend, are they you moron?
Garbage from people selling a related product. Hardly a credible source.
So with a 94% chance of success, why did ALL the good guys with guns fail to act while an unarmed REAL good guy took on the Trump Nationalist with just throwing bottles at him?????
TV tells us the women are the heroes. You see it everyday on the shows. From law enforcement to space shows to everything in dramas. They beat the shit out of highly trained in shape guys , they out shoot them with handguns even whule they have assault rifles and they know so much more. What happened? Tell me. Why aren't they there stopping this? You have been promoting this for decades. You have emasculated males and created a permanent underclass with a growing poverty rate of the same. You are the arbiters of your demise because when males become primitive enough they are going to beat the brains out of your crazy heads and not give a damn. You are the ones in ost domestic disturbances at this point but we iive on laws enacted in the early 1970's. Keep driving males insane. You will see devastation increase geometrically over and over. Now get your azzes out there and stop these crimes. TV says you can.

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