Trump and the NRA and the GOP have INFESTED America with murderous GUN VERMIN

The bodies aren't even cold again in another tragedy, and Democrats are demanding law-abiding citizens be stripped of their Constitutional Right to Bare Arms...


we are at a moment that is just like the FDR era and the Reagan era where we will elect a new president in 2020 who will fundamentally change america!
OH and the NRA is a joke and backs common sense gun laws too,,,

They oppose universal background checks and advocate for blind people to have gun permits. Doesn't sound very common sense to me.

youve always been one dumb kunt,,,
we went over this before, the NRA are the ones behind background checks and have never opposed them,,,
I even provided their link to back it up,,

now scurry off to what ever hole you climbed out of,,,,

Here Is the NRA statement opposing universal background checks
NRA-ILA | Universal Background Checks
Deceptively marketed to the public as a way to keep guns from dangerous people, "universal" background check legislation is instead a broadside against lawful firearm ownership in America, setting cruel traps for common and innocent firearm-related conduct and banning an entire class of law-abiding adults from certain gun purchases.

What exactly is the difference between universal background checks and checks only from licensed dealer sales?

you havent changed

NRA-ILA | NRA's Support for the National Instant Criminal Background System: Fact Checking the Fact Checker

Yes, I accidentally left out the link, but I edited my post, and it's there now.

lord I wish you could think critically,,,but as I see you cant,,,

their actions started background checks and their words are just words,,,
They oppose universal background checks and advocate for blind people to have gun permits. Doesn't sound very common sense to me.

youve always been one dumb kunt,,,
we went over this before, the NRA are the ones behind background checks and have never opposed them,,,
I even provided their link to back it up,,

now scurry off to what ever hole you climbed out of,,,,

Here Is the NRA statement opposing universal background checks
NRA-ILA | Universal Background Checks
Deceptively marketed to the public as a way to keep guns from dangerous people, "universal" background check legislation is instead a broadside against lawful firearm ownership in America, setting cruel traps for common and innocent firearm-related conduct and banning an entire class of law-abiding adults from certain gun purchases.

What exactly is the difference between universal background checks and checks only from licensed dealer sales?

you havent changed

NRA-ILA | NRA's Support for the National Instant Criminal Background System: Fact Checking the Fact Checker

Yes, I accidentally left out the link, but I edited my post, and it's there now.

lord I wish you could think critically,,,but as I see you cant,,,

their actions started background checks and their words are just words,,,

Their words are just words? Does the NRA support universal background checks or not? Their words say no.
youve always been one dumb kunt,,,
we went over this before, the NRA are the ones behind background checks and have never opposed them,,,
I even provided their link to back it up,,

now scurry off to what ever hole you climbed out of,,,,

Here Is the NRA statement opposing universal background checks
NRA-ILA | Universal Background Checks
Deceptively marketed to the public as a way to keep guns from dangerous people, "universal" background check legislation is instead a broadside against lawful firearm ownership in America, setting cruel traps for common and innocent firearm-related conduct and banning an entire class of law-abiding adults from certain gun purchases.

What exactly is the difference between universal background checks and checks only from licensed dealer sales?

you havent changed

NRA-ILA | NRA's Support for the National Instant Criminal Background System: Fact Checking the Fact Checker

Yes, I accidentally left out the link, but I edited my post, and it's there now.

lord I wish you could think critically,,,but as I see you cant,,,

their actions started background checks and their words are just words,,,

Their words are just words? Does the NRA support universal background checks or not? Their words say no.

they started and still support background checks,,,along with a long list of other gun control laws
we are at a moment that is just like the FDR era and the Reagan era where we will elect a new president in 2020 who will fundamentally change america!
We have one doing that now, fundamentally changing it back...reversing Barry's crap, exposing Socialists, and destroying fake news DNC lapdog propaganda-pushing media...
You just tried to reason with Ed....


'A' for effort.....

Ed may or may not agree with me, easyt65, but he is my fellow American as well as my fellow USMB member. Once in a while the loyal opposition respects truth. If not now, after the next election one of us will have to chow down on good ol' crow. ;) That's the way politics works in America. Win some, lose some, and try to be a good sport if it's possible. Oh, yes, and I pray every night that God will bless our nation on account of some wonderful founders who knew self-rule would be right for us. They were such good people, they asked God to bless our country throughout the generations. It's fun when you can see that God blessed their prayers for those of us who are alive today with our poor having more stuff than royalty in other countries had on the very day we began calling ourselves the United States of America.

Thanks for some great posts, everyone. It's time for my senior meds, thank God for our country and fellow Americans one and all.

There's one other thing that I find kind of nice about America. The better our stock market is, not only do our people do better than ever, but foreign countries have fewer people starving as well. And many of them do well at market, too, and have great times in blessings because they know if we're doing great, they can successfully grab a rope and lasso a win for their country's people getting a chicken in every pot, too.

It's a great time to be alive when freedom rings through the Bill of Rights! And it's rather delightful to have a President who has received a special blessing from God for seeing to America's prosperity, so I'm very thankful for President Trump, his staff, and his family. I understand they are made happy to know that many of us are praying for them every vesper hour we can. Good night, everybody. :huddle:
Democrats have slaughtered a thousand more innocent lives in the name of ' free choice' than these lone-gunmen freaks have...
Feel free to leave and go to any Socialist country - they will be glad to take your guns ... And the rest of your rights ... as you enter...

We already live in a socialist country. Mail, military, Social Security, highways, public libraries, police, fire departments, bridges, garbage, landfills, public schools, VA, etc. All things taxpayer funded.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
Democrats have slaughtered a thousand more innocent lives in the name of ' free choice' than these lone-gunmen freaks have...

Billions more actually, Easy, if you account for all the children of the all the unborn aborted since 1973 who also never got a chance to exist. We're literally talking BILLIONS of human beings who will never be because the ideology of radical leftism murdered them out of time and space. No previous genocide, holocaust or atrocity in human history compares to what has happened since Roe v. Wade. I said, Democrats have slaughtered a lot more innocent lives in the name of ' free choice' than these lone-gunmen freaks have...

...and as if all that death / murder is not enough for them, they tried to pass a bill making it legal to kill a baby AFTER it is born


You aren't going to find THAT sick shit in any NRA handbook, snowflakes...

Feel free to leave and go to any Socialist country - they will be glad to take your guns ... And the rest of your rights ... as you enter...

We already live in a socialist country. Mail, military, Social Security, highways, public libraries, police, fire departments, bridges, garbage, landfills, public schools, VA, etc. All things taxpayer funded.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

Historical IQ = zero. None of the items you mention are socialist. They're basic infrastructure support, and nations have been providing such services since the beginning of time. In your brainwashed fervor you've just classified every civilization since before ancient Rome as socialist. Please, take your foot out of your mouth and gain some understanding of truth and fact.
Feel free to leave and go to any Socialist country - they will be glad to take your guns ... And the rest of your rights ... as you enter...

We already live in a socialist country. Mail, military, Social Security, highways, public libraries, police, fire departments, bridges, garbage, landfills, public schools, VA, etc. All things taxpayer funded.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

Historical IQ = zero. None of the items you mention are socialist. They're basic infrastructure support, and nations have been providing such services since the beginning of time. In your brainwashed fervor you've just classified every civilization since before ancient Rome as socialist. Please, take your foot out of your mouth and gain some understanding of truth and fact.

Yep - and it's called "socialism". I suggest you do some research on "socialism". It ain't one-size-fits-all. There are various degrees and forms of "socialism".
Its impossible for Trump to do a good job with the shadow of racism lurking over his administration

thats why we need a new president, my friends!
if more prisons equals less crime, America would be the safest country in the world.

we must abolish the prison industrial complex, the military industrial complex, and the media industrial complex, or as i call them the "News Klux Klan"
Feel free to leave and go to any Socialist country - they will be glad to take your guns ... And the rest of your rights ... as you enter...

We already live in a socialist country. Mail, military, Social Security, highways, public libraries, police, fire departments, bridges, garbage, landfills, public schools, VA, etc. All things taxpayer funded.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

Historical IQ = zero. None of the items you mention are socialist. They're basic infrastructure support, and nations have been providing such services since the beginning of time. In your brainwashed fervor you've just classified every civilization since before ancient Rome as socialist. Please, take your foot out of your mouth and gain some understanding of truth and fact.

its just in our case the constitution doesnt allow for it,,,,
if more prisons equals less crime, America would be the safest country in the world.

we must abolish the prison industrial complex, the military industrial complex, and the media industrial complex, or as i call them the "News Klux Klan"
So you are an anarchist?! ...ok.

Democrat politicians continuously prove they hold no respect for life, law, or the Constitution, as they have taken billions of innocent lives and continue to refuse to both enforce the law or obey the law.
Feel free to leave and go to any Socialist country - they will be glad to take your guns ... And the rest of your rights ... as you enter...

We already live in a socialist country. Mail, military, Social Security, highways, public libraries, police, fire departments, bridges, garbage, landfills, public schools, VA, etc. All things taxpayer funded.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

Historical IQ = zero. None of the items you mention are socialist. They're basic infrastructure support, and nations have been providing such services since the beginning of time. In your brainwashed fervor you've just classified every civilization since before ancient Rome as socialist. Please, take your foot out of your mouth and gain some understanding of truth and fact.

its just in our case the constitution doesnt allow for it,,,,

Even the 2nd Amendment is socialist - Militia:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

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