Trump and the NRA and the GOP have INFESTED America with murderous GUN VERMIN

Feel free to leave and go to any Socialist country - they will be glad to take your guns ... And the rest of your rights ... as you enter...

We already live in a socialist country. Mail, military, Social Security, highways, public libraries, police, fire departments, bridges, garbage, landfills, public schools, VA, etc. All things taxpayer funded.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

Historical IQ = zero. None of the items you mention are socialist. They're basic infrastructure support, and nations have been providing such services since the beginning of time. In your brainwashed fervor you've just classified every civilization since before ancient Rome as socialist. Please, take your foot out of your mouth and gain some understanding of truth and fact.

Yep - and it's called "socialism". I suggest you do some research on "socialism". It ain't one-size-fits-all. There are various degrees and forms of "socialism".

I suggest you attempt to understand Critical Theory and postmodernism in relation to factual relativism and historical revisionism for the purpose of perpetuating ideological narrative.
Feel free to leave and go to any Socialist country - they will be glad to take your guns ... And the rest of your rights ... as you enter...

We already live in a socialist country. Mail, military, Social Security, highways, public libraries, police, fire departments, bridges, garbage, landfills, public schools, VA, etc. All things taxpayer funded.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

Historical IQ = zero. None of the items you mention are socialist. They're basic infrastructure support, and nations have been providing such services since the beginning of time. In your brainwashed fervor you've just classified every civilization since before ancient Rome as socialist. Please, take your foot out of your mouth and gain some understanding of truth and fact.

Yep - and it's called "socialism". I suggest you do some research on "socialism". It ain't one-size-fits-all. There are various degrees and forms of "socialism".

I suggest you attempt to understand Critical Theory and postmodernism in relation to factual relativism and historical revisionism for the purpose of perpetuating ideological narrative.

That's funny. Thanks for a good bedtime laugh.
The shooter was WHITE!
And a Trump Nationalist!

Most mass shooters are white Trump nationalists.
Most mass shooters are leftist atheists.

What was your point again?

...but, you forgot to post a link backing that up.
So did Ed.

But you're giving him a pass.

I don't know what shooter Ed was talking about, but Weather is talking about "most shooters". Personally, I have never heard of a single atheist leftist mass shooter.
What was it Ed wrote? Oh, yes..."Most mass shooters are white Trump nationalists."

Weather made a generalization. The same one Ed did.

But there you are...still giving Ed a pass.
Feel free to leave and go to any Socialist country - they will be glad to take your guns ... And the rest of your rights ... as you enter...

We already live in a socialist country. Mail, military, Social Security, highways, public libraries, police, fire departments, bridges, garbage, landfills, public schools, VA, etc. All things taxpayer funded.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

Historical IQ = zero. None of the items you mention are socialist. They're basic infrastructure support, and nations have been providing such services since the beginning of time. In your brainwashed fervor you've just classified every civilization since before ancient Rome as socialist. Please, take your foot out of your mouth and gain some understanding of truth and fact.

its just in our case the constitution doesnt allow for it,,,,

Even the 2nd Amendment is socialist - Militia:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Two phrases with distinctive individual meanings.

It’s right there with most shooters are whiteTrump nationalists, shitforbrains.

  • Dimitrios Pagourtzis, Santa Fe, Texas shooter who killed at least 10 people at a public school, described himself as an atheist on his Facebook page (May 2018)[5]
  • Gabriel Ross Parker, shooter at Marshall County High School in Kentucky who murdered two people (January 2018)[6][7][8]
  • Devin Patrick Kelley, perpetrator of the Sutherland Springs, Texas shooting at First Baptist Church, murdered 26 people (November 2017)[9][10][11][12][13][14]
  • Chris Harper Mercer, Umpqua Community College gunman (October 2015)[15][16]
  • Craig Stephen Hicks, perpetator of the Chapel Hill Shootings (February 2015)[17]
  • Jared Lee Loughner, perpetrator of the Tucson Shootings (January 2011)[18]
  • Seung-Hui Cho, perpetrator of the Virginia Tech shootings (April 2007)[19]
  • Jeffrey Dahmer, serial killer and sex offender responsible for the rape, murder, and dismemberment of seventeen men and boys (1978 - 1991)[1]
  • James Oliver Huberty, perpetrator of the San Ysidro McDonald's massacre (July 1984)[20]
  • Carl Panzram (1891-1930) was an American serial killer, rapist, arsonist, robber and burglar. In his autobiography and prison confessions Panzram claimed he committed 21 murders (a majority of which were not corroborated) and over 1,000 sodomies of boys and men. He was executed for murdering a prison employee at Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary. Panzram declared "“I don't believe in man, God nor Devil. I hate the whole damned human race, including myself. I preyed upon the weak, the harmless and the unsuspecting. This lesson I was taught by others: might makes right.”[21]

Ok, so, not only are you having to reach back into the 1920's, and before, you are assuming that leftist=atheist, and vice versa. And you call that 'Most"? There were 268 mass shootings in 2018 alone!

There have been 268 mass shootings in 2018
Ok, if you want to name every gang shooting.

Out of 268 name two where the shooter was a regular church attender.


Name one. One out of 268.

I’ll wait.

Still stretching pal. Nobody is blaming mass shooting on churchgoers.
Crappy dodge.

Fact is, since 1998 there have been a grand total of THREE regular church goers who were mass shooters.

Out of how many? 268 in 2018 alone per your claim.
What are the religious views of mass public shooters? - Crime Prevention Research Center

I have no religious views.

Now, back on target, the El Paso shooter seems to have been obsessed with hate for immigrants. I wonder where that came from?
Do you morons really think that no one was ever racist before Trump?

Sorry, wrong you morons really feel that no one was ever racist before Trump?
We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations
Piss off, Marxist swine...

here's what we're gonna do to defeat Trump in 2020, my friends:

the Democrat nominee Beto will give Trump the crazy uncle treatment. when Trump says something crazy or racist, Beto will put him in his place, then talk issues!

The beta will be lucky to make it to the next debate, much less the general election.

Most mass shooters are leftist atheists.

What was your point again?

...but, you forgot to post a link backing that up.
So did Ed.

But you're giving him a pass.

I don't know what shooter Ed was talking about, but Weather is talking about "most shooters". Personally, I have never heard of a single atheist leftist mass shooter.

  • Dimitrios Pagourtzis, Santa Fe, Texas shooter who killed at least 10 people at a public school, described himself as an atheist on his Facebook page (May 2018)[5]
  • Gabriel Ross Parker, shooter at Marshall County High School in Kentucky who murdered two people (January 2018)[6][7][8]
  • Devin Patrick Kelley, perpetrator of the Sutherland Springs, Texas shooting at First Baptist Church, murdered 26 people (November 2017)[9][10][11][12][13][14]
  • Chris Harper Mercer, Umpqua Community College gunman (October 2015)[15][16]
  • Craig Stephen Hicks, perpetator of the Chapel Hill Shootings (February 2015)[17]
  • Jared Lee Loughner, perpetrator of the Tucson Shootings (January 2011)[18]
  • Seung-Hui Cho, perpetrator of the Virginia Tech shootings (April 2007)[19]
  • Jeffrey Dahmer, serial killer and sex offender responsible for the rape, murder, and dismemberment of seventeen men and boys (1978 - 1991)[1]
  • James Oliver Huberty, perpetrator of the San Ysidro McDonald's massacre (July 1984)[20]
  • Carl Panzram (1891-1930) was an American serial killer, rapist, arsonist, robber and burglar. In his autobiography and prison confessions Panzram claimed he committed 21 murders (a majority of which were not corroborated) and over 1,000 sodomies of boys and men. He was executed for murdering a prison employee at Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary. Panzram declared "“I don't believe in man, God nor Devil. I hate the whole damned human race, including myself. I preyed upon the weak, the harmless and the unsuspecting. This lesson I was taught by others: might makes right.”[21]

Impressive list, but while some are undoubtedly batshit crazy but do you have anything showing they were politically motivated, and that the politically motivated ones weren't trump supporters?
Do you have anything showing they were Trump supporters? I mean, besides your unwillingness to acknowledge leftist violence.
The bodies aren't even cold again in another tragedy, and Democrats are demanding law-abiding citizens be stripped of their Constitutional Right to Bare Arms...


It's not like they actually give a shit about the victims. They're just a handy platform from which to preach the disarmament of law-abiding people.

"For their own good", of course.
Crappy dodge.

Fact is, since 1998 there have been a grand total of THREE regular church goers who were mass shooters.

Out of how many? 268 in 2018 alone per your claim.
What are the religious views of mass public shooters? - Crime Prevention Research Center

I have no religious views.

Now, back on target, the El Paso shooter seems to have been obsessed with hate for immigrants. I wonder where that came from?
It is a reasonable reaction to an unsustainable invasion. The optimum reaction would be for a couple of hundred Americans to cut loose on an invader camp. The border Patrol isn't armed and has their own axe to grind. Opposition would be minimal.

This needs to get past the sporadic lone nut attacks and move into serious strategy.

You're an anonymous cowardly asshole promoting violence on line for others to commit. USMB should ban you for good. are a good fascist...we get it...try not to sell it so hard, we already know you are a fascist.

See, here's the problem. I'm replying to a post where the person is calling for others to shoot innocent people and you're calling me a fascist. Good job.

People breaking our laws and disrespecting our sovereignty are hardly innocent.

We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations
Shame how colored people are always shooting people up.
The shooter was WHITE!
And a Trump Nationalist!
White Hispanic
White Aryan Trump Nationalist.

Except....he's not. Lol. You need to be comforted in your latter TDS stage.
The shooter was WHITE!
And a Trump Nationalist!

Most mass shooters are white Trump nationalists.
Most mass shooters are leftist atheists.

What was your point again?

...but, you forgot to post a link backing that up.
So did Ed.

But you're giving him a pass.
El Paso Shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’
One is not most, as you claimed.
The bodies aren't even cold again in another tragedy, and Democrats are demanding law-abiding citizens be stripped of their Constitutional Right to Bare Arms...


It's not like they actually give a shit about the victims. They're just a handy platform from which to preach the disarmament of law-abiding people.

"For their own good", of course.

Never let a tragedy go to waste, the commie creed.

The bodies aren't even cold again in another tragedy, and Democrats are demanding law-abiding citizens be stripped of their Constitutional Right to Bare Arms...


It's not like they actually give a shit about the victims. They're just a handy platform from which to preach the disarmament of law-abiding people.

"For their own good", of course.
Oh, look -- there you are, standing on a pile of still-warm bodies, trying to score political points.

Were you happy to hear about the shooting?

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