Trump Announcement

Indeed. Using charitable endeavors as leverage to take cheap political shots is below tacky.

How is it a cheap political shot unless BARRY is hiding something?? It's a WIN WIN for him.. 5 million to feed poor kids.. anywhere he wants.. What's so difficult about that???

Why doesn't Mittens release his tax returns? What is he hiding? If he has nothing to hide, then why doesn't he come clean? Its obvious - he's a lying crook.

Trump will never write that check because there's no way to arrange to get those documents in less than a week. Its a stunt to get the rabid rw's riled up.

I say, its been worth it just to see all you lying, hypocritical rw's pretend you give a flip about hungry children. You have never cared about children before so this is a real treat.

Of course he will write the check, either way.

There aren't too many billionaire dummies, dummy.
So, when Obama laughs in Trump's face about this, will the Donald simply allow those millions of children to starve?

Well then YankIt since you're so concerned call your buddy B.O. and tell him to call Trump's bluff.

Because it is a PR stunt for Trump and below the office of the Presidency. Now, back to my question. When Obama refuses to entertain Trump, will the Donald simply let those millions of children starve as was suggested?

The Donald is now responsible for feeding the world's hungry children because you said so? LMAO

Bwhahahahaha.. LIBERAL LOGIC^^^^^^^^^^^^
Except for Obama, none of them claimed to be born in Kenya?

Getting close. Try again.

No. I believe I nailed it.


What do I win?

That doesn't answer what ALL of the previous Presidents have in common, now does it? I know thinking is tough for you when Rush isn't there to tell you what to think, but do try...
If anyone thinks this does anything but hurt Romney, then you're an idiot.

I didn't see one person here nor did Trump himself associate this with Romney.:confused:

Just as I said above - if Mittens has nothing to hide, why have we seen only one complete tax return? Is it just a coincidence that its the one return he could still change?

Why is he being investigated by the IRS?

But, does it actually hurt Romney?

I doubt it. The rw voter is basically an ignorant whore. Their overlords have given them instructions to vote for anyone but Obama and even though they will lose a lot of money and screw over their kid's future by doing so, good little ditto heads that they are, they will do it.
If anyone thinks this does anything but hurt Romney, then you're an idiot.

The best course of action for Romney right now is to throw Trump under the bus. Disavow the stupidity and firmly establish that he is not part of the batshit crazy section of the Republican party
Yeah, you're right Obamabots. Nothing sketchy about Obama's past. Nothing at all. We hear ya. ;)

Well then YankIt since you're so concerned call your buddy B.O. and tell him to call Trump's bluff.

Because it is a PR stunt for Trump and below the office of the Presidency. Now, back to my question. When Obama refuses to entertain Trump, will the Donald simply let those millions of children starve as was suggested?

The Donald is now responsible for feeding the world's hungry children because you said so? LMAO

Bwhahahahaha.. LIBERAL LOGIC^^^^^^^^^^^^

SniperFire is a LIBERAL?????

It's just a fun little fundraiser.

All Obama has to do is release a few papers from his college days, and millions of kids get to eat!

Terrific idea!!!
If anyone thinks this does anything but hurt Romney, then you're an idiot.

The best course of action for Romney right now is to throw Trump under the bus. Disavow the stupidity and firmly establish that he is not part of the batshit crazy section of the Republican party

Or say nothing. I would not even comment on this if I were Mitt. It has nothing to do with him
Which reporter will ask Barry if he will release his STUDENT RECORDS for 5 million bucks?? When Barry, the Kenyan refuses, who will ask him why??? If there's nothing to hide.. RELEASE THEM, right?? I mean this is the most transparent Admin in history.. Who's counting Fast N Furious and Bengazi, right???
If anyone thinks this does anything but hurt Romney, then you're an idiot.

I didn't see one person here nor did Trump himself associate this with Romney.:confused:

Just as I said above - if Mittens has nothing to hide, why have we seen only one complete tax return? Is it just a coincidence that its the one return he could still change?

Why is he being investigated by the IRS?

But, does it actually hurt Romney?

I doubt it. The rw voter is basically an ignorant whore. Their overlords have given them instructions to vote for anyone but Obama and even though they will lose a lot of money and screw over their kid's future by doing so, good little ditto heads that they are, they will do it.

If anyone thinks this does anything but hurt Romney, then you're an idiot.

I didn't see one person here nor did Trump himself associate this with Romney.:confused:

How is he not associated with Romney? There's an election going on, Obama is Romney's opponent and Trump is acting like a blithering idiot to try to get Obama to damage himself. Gee, wonder which side Trump is on. It then projects onto Romney and republicans in general.

It's easy to follow. It's the same reason why people here post stories of one right wing radical who shoots up a school, or some left wing idiot who tries to burn down a corporate building. They want to project that behavior on the other side as a whole and attempt to portray everyone who shares that same viewpoint, or even a similar viewpoint, in that same light: like crazy idiots.

The difference here: everyone knows who Donald Trump is. If i'm an independent voter and the main reason i'm not firmly on the republican side is because i think they're a bunch of rich assholes who don't give a shit about anyone or anything else... then this helps re-enforce that idea and pushes me away, probably toward the democrats.
If anyone thinks this does anything but hurt Romney, then you're an idiot.

I didn't see one person here nor did Trump himself associate this with Romney.:confused:

How is he not associated with Romney? There's an election going on, Obama is Romney's opponent and Trump is acting like a blithering idiot to try to get Obama to damage himself. Gee, wonder which side Trump is on. It then projects onto Romney and republicans in general.

It's easy to follow. It's the same reason why people here post stories of one right wing radical who shoots up a school, or some left wing idiot who tries to burn down a corporate building. They want to project that behavior on the other side as a whole and attempt to portray everyone who shares that same viewpoint, or even a similar viewpoint, in that same light: like crazy idiots.

The difference here: everyone knows who Donald Trump is. If i'm an independent voter and the main reason i'm not firmly on the republican side is because i think they're a bunch of rich assholes who don't give a shit about anyone or anything else... then this helps re-enforce that idea and pushes me away, probably toward the democrats.

If you want to play the "guilt by association game" we can talk about Rev Wright, Tony Rezko and a host of others...You're call.:eusa_whistle: The Party of the Jackass symbol will be happy to have you.
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If anyone thinks this does anything but hurt Romney, then you're an idiot.

The best course of action for Romney right now is to throw Trump under the bus. Disavow the stupidity and firmly establish that he is not part of the batshit crazy section of the Republican party

Either that or wait til it comes, and it will, before initiating it themselves. Calling a press conference, or a rally or whatever strictly to do that lends credibility to the idea that republicans are the same way. I think it's possible to respond to something too quickly. Makes you look like you're worried about it. This shouldn't be anything more than some fucking idiot doing something stupid.
President Obama has been a lifelong advocate for the poor. As a young college graduate, he rejected the high salaries of corporate America and moved to the South Side of Chicago to work as a community organizer

Yoohoo Barry... we believe ya.. So here's your chance!!! 5 MILLION SMACKAROO's to prove you really mean what you said on your WH site!Poverty | The White House
Can we have a summary for those of us who are unable to watch a video at this time?

If Obama releases copies of all his college transcripts and applications, as well as his passport records and applications, by Oct. 31, then Trump will make a $5 million donation to a charity of Obama's choice.

HEY I have the perfect charity.
There is a nonprofit coalition of 10 historic Freed Slave churches (including 2 destroyed by fire or demolition in recent years that have no money to reconstruct their sites)

This is the ONLY Freed Slave district like it in the entire country; it is registered on the national registry of historic places, yet is at risk of being wiped out due to neglect and lack of funding while developers have bought out the land, and even sold some to the Federal Reserve to pocket the profit that could have gone toward historic preservation.

The business plan the community put together is to save the last 10 historic rowhouses for Veterans to build a campus for education and training in financial, property and health care management.

If anyone here can get Obama and Trump to meet whatever terms of the deal can get the $5 million invested or donated to the churches to buy the property, set up a campus to help vets, and use the profit from the program to fund historic restoration,

I would GLADLY pay that broker $5000 out of the fund we started for the nonprofit churches
to save national history. For more details see Freedmen's Town Historic Vet Housing

I should promote a special media contest for students, for Trump to "hire" the student who can broker the deal, and I will cover that stipend out of the business account. Great news!

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