Trump Announcement

Here ya go. It has never been a secret or an issue so far as I know. McCain has never tried to conceal any of his or or his father's military record so far as I know, and certainly has not ever denied where he was born:


So, this is equal to the one given by Obama and the state of HI. Why are you so quick to believe the authenticity of McCain's, but not willing to give the same for Obama?

Why are you assuming that I have challenged the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate? I don't believe I ever have. I certainly did find it curious that he kept it secret for so long and released it only under extreme pressure from both his critics and his own party. And he didn't make it available for close examination then which is curious, but I've not made a big deal about that.

And why do you defend the President about keeping other information under lock and key when ALL other candidates have willingly provided information on their college applications, records, etc. when asked? Why is it so important to him to keep it under lock and key unless he has something to hide?

And why wouldn't the President good naturedly take advantage of an opportunity to do a very good deed for a good charity by providing the requested information now--information that SHOULD be provided by a Presidential candidate?

And why is the left in total melt down that Trump made the offer?

First, I apologize for my broad brush statement about your personal beliefs on the birther theory. If you haven't questioned it publicly, I apologize.

Second, I do not recall in my voting years ever hearing any other candidate repeatedly (or hell, even once publicly) to disclose their birth certificate or college transcripts. Please educate me on "ALL other candidates" who have.
Can we have a summary for those of us who are unable to watch a video at this time?

He is offering to donate $5 million to any charity of Obama's choice if Obama releases his college records.


Perhaps George Soros should counter with a similar offer to Romney to release his tax records in exchange for buying the military more bayonets and horses.
Repost but some people seem to have missed it:

How miserly is The Donald?

From 1990 through 2009, Trump has personally donated a total of just $3.7 million to his foundation, which was incorporated in 1987. In fact, the billionaire is not even the largest contributor to his own charitable organization.
Trump: The Least Charitable Billionaire | The Smoking Gun

The friggin' check would probably bounce high enough to reach his penthouse.
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Yes, seriously! Is that your best response? Smells like PANIC from the left to me.

This man has the opportunity to give an ungodly sum of money to charities of his choice that will make a world of difference to those in need at no expense and/or effort on his part.

So what's the problem? Unless, of course, he has something to hide.......?
Repost but some people seem to have missed it:

How miserly is The Donald?

From 1990 through 2009, Trump has personally donated a total of just $3.7 million to his foundation, which was incorporated in 1987. In fact, the billionaire is not even the largest contributor to his own charitable organization.
Trump: The Least Charitable Billionaire | The Smoking Gun

The friggin' check would probably bounce high enough to reach his penthouse.

No one missed it. It has no relevance. :eusa_hand:
I can't imagine any other President being pressed for his birth certificate and college records would have any problem releasing them. The reason others haven't been pressed for that information is because they don't have relatives in another country claiming the President was born there; and they haven't gone before a friendly audience referring to another country as "my country". And all other candidates have numerous friends, classmates, neighbors, colleagues, and associates who were available for interview and who openly talked about these people. We don't know much about Obama's friends, classmates, colleagues. Those he has referred to in his books we now know were not real people but composites of people.

There was a big bruhaha over whether John McCain, born in Panama when his active duty father was stationed in the Canal Zone, was eligible to be President. And the left did their damndest to disqualify him. As judge after judge kept dismissing the cases of plaintiffs challenging his eligibility, it took an act of the Senate to make him eligible though the matter was never fully resolved. But McCain certainly did not try to hide his birth certificate or any other facts related to his eligibility. And we know that he was a mediocre student as was George W. Bush and as was Al Gore and John Kerry, all who made their college transcripts public. Is John McCain a natural-born citizen of the U.S.?
Michigan Law Review - First Impressions - The Justiciability of Eligibility: May Courts Decide Who Can Be President?

Trump has made a serious and generous offer as incentive for the President to satisfy a curiosity a lot of us have.

There was no big bruhaha over McCain. Some idiotic REPUBLICAN filed a lawsuit claiming McCain didn't meet citizenship eligibility. It was laughed at by Republicans and Democrats alike.

Why do you lie about something so easily fact checked? Obama has been the target of birfer nonsense since before he was elected and this nonsense continues to this day, as the idiotic Trump plainly proves.

You didn't read any of the links I provided did you? If there was no bruhaha, then why all the court hearings? And why did the Senate feel it necessary to take a specific action to qualify him? I didn't specify who challenged him and am not making the specification now. The fact is, there was a big bruhaha and there remains questions to this day re whether he met the literal constitututional specification of 'natural born citizen'. And you can bet you bottom dollar that if McCain has won instead of Obama, the bruhaha over his eligibility would be continuing.

And it was Democrats running against Obama in 2007 and 2008 that first raised the birther issues. Republicans took up the issue once he was the nominee.
Birther row began with Hillary Clinton - Telegraph
Who here is worried about their college records being made public??? Who here pays MILLIONS of dollars in attorney fee's to keep those records hidden??

This is why the liberal Zombie herd are going apeshit today . lol

Obama hasn't spent a penny keeping his records "hidden". I don't know why you guys keep repeating that bullshit.

Maybe not directly, but indirectly he has. He's spent well over 2 million already in legal fees defending himself in court against eligibility law suits. He's used Executive Privilege and the power of the White House to keep things hidden. This was just the beginning back in 2009, almost already a million....

Is Obama campaign cash quashing eligibility suits?

In his own words...

[ame=]Barack Obama - SOMETHING TO HIDE? Hear Him Answer. - YouTube[/ame]

obama is a filthy liar, and as he says himself....









Okay, to recap for those just signing in this morning and who won't want to read the entire thread:

Donald Trump has offered to donate $5 million dollars immediately to any charity of President Obama's choice if the President will release his passport records and college applications and records by October 31. The caveat is that the records must be released by October 31 to Trump's satisfaction.

To those who say it would be impossible to do in seven days, nonsense. The President of the United States has infinte resources to make it happen.

Donald Trump has never been known to welch on a deal. If President Obama does it, he will write the check the same day.

This is not a referendum on Donald Trump, however. Can anybody think of any reason the President should not do this and thereby reap a massive windfall for a great charity?

I can....:redface:

Because the timing is suspect and lets be real, this has zip to do with charity.
Trump could have done this last year when the Birth Cert. issue went south on him.

Its 2 weeks to the election. If someone had made Bush or Reagan a similar offer on documents whether or not they are embarrassing, I suspect a lot of folks here now would be scoffing at this, I know I would be and that’s my benchmark…..

Yes, seriously! Is that your best response? Smells like PANIC from the left to me.

This man has the opportunity to give an ungodly sum of money to charities of his choice that will make a world of difference to those in need at no expense and/or effort on his part.

So what's the problem? Unless, of course, he has something to hide.......?

no panic. i am just constantly astounded by the stupidity and vileness of the obama deranged.
"When Congress refuses to act, then I have an obligation as President, to do what i can without them." - Barack Obama

He won't release his Records, because he truly believes he's a Dictator who answers to no one. Americans should pay very close attention to his words. Is Obama's America really what they want?

[ame=]2016: Obama's America - Trailer 1 - YouTube[/ame]
Anyhow, why would it not be a smart and well received political move for the President to put this controversy behind him once and for all, release the requested records that create the controversy, and in the process put Trump on the spot for a $5 million donation to a good charity?

I can't think of a better way for Obama to improve both his image and his poll ratings.
Repost but some people seem to have missed it:

How miserly is The Donald?

From 1990 through 2009, Trump has personally donated a total of just $3.7 million to his foundation, which was incorporated in 1987. In fact, the billionaire is not even the largest contributor to his own charitable organization.
Trump: The Least Charitable Billionaire | The Smoking Gun

The friggin' check would probably bounce high enough to reach his penthouse.

No one missed it. It has no relevance. :eusa_hand:

Foxfyre missed it apparently because she made some lame post about how generous Trump is a couple of pages after the original post.

So why do you think Romney went along with this cheesy stunt?
Repost but some people seem to have missed it:

How miserly is The Donald?

From 1990 through 2009, Trump has personally donated a total of just $3.7 million to his foundation, which was incorporated in 1987. In fact, the billionaire is not even the largest contributor to his own charitable organization.
Trump: The Least Charitable Billionaire | The Smoking Gun

The friggin' check would probably bounce high enough to reach his penthouse.

No one missed it. It has no relevance. :eusa_hand:

Foxfyre missed it apparently because she made some lame post about how generous Trump is a couple of pages after the original post.

So why do you think Romney went along with this cheesy stunt?

If you're going to be an asshole then do it on your own time and don't ask stupid misleading questions. That along with your lying intro.

Show me where Romney went along with it. Empty"head' would be a more appropriate username for you.
Oh, so refusing to release his Records is a good thing? Oh ok, now we get it Obamabots...You're all shameful dishonest hypocrites.
Okay, to recap for those just signing in this morning and who won't want to read the entire thread:

Donald Trump has offered to donate $5 million dollars immediately to any charity of President Obama's choice if the President will release his passport records and college applications and records by October 31. The caveat is that the records must be released by October 31 to Trump's satisfaction.

To those who say it would be impossible to do in seven days, nonsense. The President of the United States has infinte resources to make it happen.

Donald Trump has never been known to welch on a deal. If President Obama does it, he will write the check the same day.

This is not a referendum on Donald Trump, however. Can anybody think of any reason the President should not do this and thereby reap a massive windfall for a great charity?

I can....:redface:

Because the timing is suspect and lets be real, this has zip to do with charity.
Trump could have done this last year when the Birth Cert. issue went south on him.

Its 2 weeks to the election. If someone had made Bush or Reagan a similar offer on documents whether or not they are embarrassing, I suspect a lot of folks here now would be scoffing at this, I know I would be and that’s my benchmark…..

There is no reason to even speculate on the timing. It is absolutely deliberate and of course is politically motivated. And there is Trump's ego all mixed up in it too. The Donald of course wants the publicity and credit for accomplishing something that others have tried and failed to accomplish, i.e. make those records public. And he probably hopes there is something embarassing in them or that the President will refuse and thus continue to give the appearance that he has something significant to hide.

And of course it is intended to refocus people's attention on how little we really know about the POTUS. And Trump has made no secret that he thinks Obama has not been a good President.

Nevertheless, $5 million dollars is a lot of money and would provide a huge opportunity for a good charity to do a lot of good. It is enticing bait. It was brilliant on Trump's part and it provides Obama a wonderful opportunity to have a lot of fun with it and score some major positive P.R. points.
Anyhow, why would it not be a smart and well received political move for the President to put this controversy behind him once and for all, release the requested records that create the controversy, and in the process put Trump on the spot for a $5 million donation to a good charity?

I can't think of a better way for Obama to improve both his image and his poll ratings.

That would WIN him the election right there, hands down.

But you know, and I know, and all the filthy leftist obama ass kissers here in this thread know, that the little kenyan Barry Soetoro has a LOT to hide, and no way he'll release it because that would more than likely land his ass in PRISON for TREASON and HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS!

All this defense of obama by the libroids here just REEKS of falsehood. It's hollow, tepid and pathetic, and I don't think even THEY believe it. They're just running interference for their messiah.
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Anyhow, why would it not be a smart and well received political move for the President to put this controversy behind him once and for all, release the requested records that create the controversy, and in the process put Trump on the spot for a $5 million donation to a good charity?

I can't think of a better way for Obama to improve both his image and his poll ratings.

That would WIN him the election right there, hands down.

But you know, and I know, and all the filthy leftist obama ass kissers here in this thread know, that the little kenyan Barry Soetoro has a LOT to hide, and no way he'll release it because that would more than likely land his ass in PRISON for TREASON and HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS!

All this defense of obama by the libroids here just REEKS of falsehood. It's hollow, tepid and pathetic, and I don't think even THEY believe it. They're just running interference for the messiah.

They are trying to win the election on a message board...:lol: Idiots that they are...:clap2:

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