Trump Announcement

Shit like what grade did you get in Psychology 101 30 years ago?

F A I L.. Just like I said.. you have ZERO integrity.. you're an abject liar as seen here daily.. it's your reputation.. Your friends must be very proud. LOSER

Not an answer

What relevance do grades from 30 years ago have?

Who cares?? What relevance do old tax returns of Mitt Romney matter???????????? Ooooooooooooooooooo OUCH........ IDIOT.. youi're not too bright, are you??

OBAMA, WHY HIDE 30 YEAR OLD RECORDS??? Your own Zombie said the same?
The Obama Zombies have worked hard today to cover, lie, and distort for the messiah.. I wonder if he pays bonuses to the biggest liar?
The reality here is that its pretty lame to be asking Obama for his school records. I mean, he negotiated the START Treaty without the US giving up even ONE working nuclear weapon and you want his school records?

My God, it is simply astounding how ignorant the dumbocrats are on every single issue. I guess that's what happens when you tune to MSNBC and epic idiots like Chris Matthews and Rachael Madcow for your information. I know it shouldn't amaze me by now, but every time I just can't believe how shockingly misinformed they are. They slurp down the lies and propaganda faster than Chris Matthews can slurp down Obama's load... In any case, here we go once again correcting the misinformation posted by a dumbocrat:

Lubos Dobrovsky, a former Czech defense minister who presided over the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, said he feared that Mr. Obama was appeasing Russia. “This treaty is a diplomatic and military victory for Moscow,” he said in an interview, “and I am not happy that this American defeat is being showcased in Prague.”

Russia’s 10,000 tactical nuclear weapons are not covered by New START!
(Morning Bell: The New Myths of New START)

No Russian Reductions in Nuclear Warheads: On October 25, the State Department announced that Russia’s numbers of nuclear warheads on deployed ICBMs, SLBMs, and deployed heavy bombers increased by 29 from June to October.

No Increase in Russian Cooperation: Ratifying New START has not significantly improved Russian cooperation on major global threats, as the Administration promised. Moscow has continued to condemn tougher U.S. sanctions on Iran, which is advancing its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs, and has threatened to limit U.S. access to Afghanistan via the Northern Distribution Network.

(NEW START TREATY: Little to Show One Year Later)

START imposes restrictions on U.S. missile defense options (and you're proud of Obama for negotiating this?!?!)

The atrophying U.S. nuclear arsenal and weapons enterprise make reductions in the U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal even more dangerous.

New START counts conventional “prompt global strike” weapons against the numerical limits imposed on nuclear arms.

New START leaves in place a large Russian advantage in nonstrategic (tactical) nuclear weapons.

(12 Flaws of New START Arms Control Treaty)

But probably most significant of all:

Konstantin Kosachyov, the chairman of the State Duma's International Affairs Committee, said "Russia is once again perceived as an equal partner with whom you can and should negotiate," he said on Ekho Moskvy radio. "This is, to emphasize once again, a breakthrough, not a compromise. Everything else laid out in the agreement in fact represents very substantial progress, I would say in ours and not in the Americans' favor"
(Senior Russian MP says New Start better for Russia than U.S. | World | RIA Novosti)

Russia's own government is calling this a "break through, NOT a compromise" and "represents very substantial progress, in <Russia's> favor and NOT in America's". Once again, I have to ask, you're proud of Obama for "negotiating" this?!!?! For the love of God, he basically bent over in front of Medvedev and invited him to violate him as often as he would like. There was NO "negotiation", there was only Obama caving to every whim of Russia in an appeasement strategy - the only strategy Obama knows.
The reality here is that its pretty lame to be asking Obama for his school records. I mean, he negotiated the START Treaty without the US giving up even ONE working nuclear weapon and you want his school records?

My God, it is simply astounding how ignorant the dumbocrats are on every single issue. I guess that's what happens when you tune to MSNBC and epic idiots like Chris Matthews and Rachael Madcow for your information. I know it shouldn't amaze me by now, but every time I just can't believe how shockingly misinformed they are. They slurp down the lies and propaganda faster than Chris Matthews can slurp down Obama's load... In any case, here we go once again correcting the misinformation posted by a dumbocrat:

Lubos Dobrovsky, a former Czech defense minister who presided over the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, said he feared that Mr. Obama was appeasing Russia. “This treaty is a diplomatic and military victory for Moscow,” he said in an interview, “and I am not happy that this American defeat is being showcased in Prague.”

Russia’s 10,000 tactical nuclear weapons are not covered by New START!
(Morning Bell: The New Myths of New START)

No Russian Reductions in Nuclear Warheads: On October 25, the State Department announced that Russia’s numbers of nuclear warheads on deployed ICBMs, SLBMs, and deployed heavy bombers increased by 29 from June to October.

No Increase in Russian Cooperation: Ratifying New START has not significantly improved Russian cooperation on major global threats, as the Administration promised. Moscow has continued to condemn tougher U.S. sanctions on Iran, which is advancing its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs, and has threatened to limit U.S. access to Afghanistan via the Northern Distribution Network.

(NEW START TREATY: Little to Show One Year Later)

START imposes restrictions on U.S. missile defense options (and you're proud of Obama for negotiating this?!?!)

The atrophying U.S. nuclear arsenal and weapons enterprise make reductions in the U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal even more dangerous.

New START counts conventional “prompt global strike” weapons against the numerical limits imposed on nuclear arms.

New START leaves in place a large Russian advantage in nonstrategic (tactical) nuclear weapons.

(12 Flaws of New START Arms Control Treaty)

But probably most significant of all:

Konstantin Kosachyov, the chairman of the State Duma's International Affairs Committee, said "Russia is once again perceived as an equal partner with whom you can and should negotiate," he said on Ekho Moskvy radio. "This is, to emphasize once again, a breakthrough, not a compromise. Everything else laid out in the agreement in fact represents very substantial progress, I would say in ours and not in the Americans' favor"
(Senior Russian MP says New Start better for Russia than U.S. | World | RIA Novosti)

Russia's own government is calling this a "break through, NOT a compromise" and "represents very substantial progress, in <Russia's> favor and NOT in America's". Once again, I have to ask, you're proud of Obama for "negotiating" this?!!?! For the love of God, he basically bent over in front of Medvedev and invited him to violate him as often as he would like. There was NO "negotiation", there was only Obama caving to every whim of Russia in an appeasement strategy - the only strategy Obama knows.
THEY ARE willfully stoopid.. by choice.

Seriously??? If Obama doesn't take the offer he is seriously going to look pretty foolish to all the Charitable organizations that could benefit from a monetary gift like 5 Million dollars, and it will cement the fact that he has much to hide. Bravo Mr. Trump... I look forward to visiting your Casinos next time in AC. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
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Who HIDES their student transcripts in this country???


Who would turn down 5 million dollars for their student records???


WHY IS THAT??? Barry has something to hide.. It's why his Zombies having been slinging ANGRY SNOT all day.. LMAO

Bush never released his.....neither did his father

Well someone released them because they were available to the public. Seriously though, What possible reason would Obama have for not releasing those records? I would think that charities have been calling the WhiteHouse all day to try to get a little of that money. He could even donate it to Trinity. Think of all the little children in Chicago that could benefit from that. Maybe a Chicago youth center to keep the children out of gangs. Give us a good reason why Obama shouldn't take Trump up on this offer?

Someone got ahold of Bush's records and released them. It was not voluntary from Bush or any other President, for that matter

30 year old school grades were never considered relevant

Like tax returns are
Bush never released his.....neither did his father

Well someone released them because they were available to the public. Seriously though, What possible reason would Obama have for not releasing those records? I would think that charities have been calling the WhiteHouse all day to try to get a little of that money. He could even donate it to Trinity. Think of all the little children in Chicago that could benefit from that. Maybe a Chicago youth center to keep the children out of gangs. Give us a good reason why Obama shouldn't take Trump up on this offer?

Someone got ahold of Bush's records and released them. It was not voluntary from Bush or any other President, for that matter

30 year old school grades were never considered relevant

Like tax returns are

:lol::lol: Liberals are the dumbest animals on this planet.. I SWEAR they are.. so transparent and such liars!
The reality here is that its pretty lame to be asking Obama for his school records. I mean, he negotiated the START Treaty without the US giving up even ONE working nuclear weapon and you want his school records?

You know what is exponentially more lame? Someone who is so worried about his idol's college records and visa papers being released. One would think you would want to see the truth, but instead you seem to be scared to death of it.

Furthermore, what's really lame is someone so desperate to make an argument to keep the truth hidden that the best argument they can come up with is that something is "lame".

So throwing out a phrase that hasn't been used since the 1980's by 14 year olds, can you make one single rational argument as to why the American people should not be allowed to see the college records and visa papers of the man who is no only the president of the United States, but who is running again?

Why are you entitled to 65 years of Mitt Romney's taxes, but are so upset with the thought of America seeing Barack Obama's college records and travel documents?
Bush never released his.....neither did his father

Well someone released them because they were available to the public. Seriously though, What possible reason would Obama have for not releasing those records? I would think that charities have been calling the WhiteHouse all day to try to get a little of that money. He could even donate it to Trinity. Think of all the little children in Chicago that could benefit from that. Maybe a Chicago youth center to keep the children out of gangs. Give us a good reason why Obama shouldn't take Trump up on this offer?

Someone got ahold of Bush's records and released them. It was not voluntary from Bush or any other President, for that matter

30 year old school grades were never considered relevant

Like tax returns are

Why are you avoiding the question? Because there is no rationale answer for it?!?!

If Obama has nothing to hide, why not immediately cash in on that $5 million and become a national hero by funneling a mountain of cash (legally, for once) to an organization that desperately needs it, all for something that would require NO time and effort on his part?

Still waiting left-winger...
Don't tell anyone, but that's some dumb stuff.

How many times is he going to go down that same old road, poor thing.

I hope they charge him with bribery

Did you seriously just say that you think he could be charged with "bribery"?!?! Oh my freaking God, you dumbocrats truly are just dumb animals. You clearly have no idea what bribery actually is.... :rofl:

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