Trump Announces!!!

Paul Singer is a billionaire Republican who hired the Steel dossier.
The courts say otherwise: "Hillary Clinton and Democrats settle Steele dossier electoral case for $113,000" Hillary Clinton and Democrats settle Steele dossier electoral case for $113,000.

How did a bright man or woman like you miss who was responsible for the Steele dossier, as it was proven in a very expensive lawsuit over the lies about Trump colluding with Russia and one of the most salacious lies ever told by Hillary's war room?

I hope and pray you will find the truth from the court and giving it a chance. Most lawyers and many judges are Democrats. Even so, they ruled against Hillary and for the Donald.
And didn't you call me the alleged "deadhead?"
You're completely missing the point. Trump took an oath. You can't orchestrate an insurrection and then run for office.
You're never going to get a straight answer from any one of these people. Their main objective is to cover trump's ass no matter what he does.
The courts say otherwise: "Hillary Clinton and Democrats settle Steele dossier electoral case for $113,000" Hillary Clinton and Democrats settle Steele dossier electoral case for $113,000.

How did a bright man or woman like you miss who was responsible for the Steele dossier, as it was proven in a very expensive lawsuit over the lies about Trump colluding with Russia and one of the most salacious lies ever told by Hillary's war room?

I hope and pray you will find the truth from the court and giving it a chance. Most lawyers and many judges are Democrats. Even so, they ruled against Hillary and for the Donald.
And didn't you call me the alleged "deadhead?"

It wasn't a "Steele Dossier case." They were fined for not reporting payments to Fusion GPS for opposition research.
Sir, you neither showed what Mr. Trump's "own words," were, and you didn't prove what he said was a lie unless he told you something like "your wife is lucky to have you."
It was all in the article I posted if you bothered to read it.
They did but Democrats prefer inferior people in Congress.
Your opinion lacks substance and are neither thoughtful nor thought provoking. Try to think, if you can, and not echo whatever you hear on Fox News or one of the right- wing AM radio kooks.
It wasn't a "Steele Dossier case." They were fined for not reporting payments to Fusion GPS for opposition research.
Special treatment has been given too often to former First Lady Clinton and the Democrats. what they paid in court assessments was nothing compared to the several million dollars that 3 special inquiries including that of Mr. Mueller's inquiry that for all practical purposes proved that President Donald Trump did not collude with the Russian government as charged. Lies pasted on lies, pasted on more lies, lies, and lies everywhere. When will you ever learn? That dossier was first and formost in the fake impeachments and you well know it. The Democrats who continually brought lies forward against President Trump used their Spanish inquisition to destroy President Trump, who said he was innocent, and it was proved he did not collude with Russia nor did any of his staff. The lawyering that went into the special wording of the crime that was committed, so nobody would know what a criminal Hillary Clinton is. Her hands are so dirty they will never be clean. She's too arrogant to admit what she did, and so were her colleagues who protected her with fancy language that made it sound like maybe she melted a snowball by the fireplace, not destroyed a presidency, which would rightfully have been called treason, and she'd be behind bars had there been the slightest amount of justice in that case against President Trump that the Democrat Party conned billionnaires into making the crime go away. The taxpayers had to pay for the trouble the Steele Dossier caused. It cost millions and millions of dollars for all those arrogant lying false charges. And Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Public haven't any way to deal with that corruption.

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