Trump Approval at 49% – SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

At this point of the Obama presidency the unemployment rate was still above 9% and the DJI had just started to recover.

and that is the bar you sheep set for your savior?


This is not a thread attacking Obama. Relax. Shouldn’t you be defending AOC somewhere rather than bragging about Obama’s high unemployment numbers?

Nope, this is the right thread. Nothing funnier than the fact that the best defense of your savior you sheep have is to compare him to the second worst president in the history of the country. And you fucking idiots think it is high praise to be better than Obama!

please continue
His real approval rating is more like 59%. We all know that people are afraid to admit to pollsters that they support Trump.

Oh? And why would rightards be too embarrassed to admit that?

Because of idiots like you.

You are sooo paranoid, you can’t express your true admiration for trump on a private phone call?? :ack-1:

You cultists are truly insane.

Yup, sure didn't say anything about a private phone call. Although if I ever run into one of you idiots 1 on 1 or even 1 on 2, I'd be more than happy to openly express my "admiration" for Trump....dumbass.
How do you think Rasmussen contacts people if not by private phone calls? You think they go knocking from door to door?

Or are you too stupid to follow this conversation to know that is what is being discussed?

When someone calls you there is no assurance that it's a private phone call, dumbass. So the next time the IRS calls you or someone asks for your SS#, you may want to keep that in mind, idiot.

Oh? And why would rightards be too embarrassed to admit that?

Because of idiots like you.

You are sooo paranoid, you can’t express your true admiration for trump on a private phone call?? :ack-1:

You cultists are truly insane.

Yup, sure didn't say anything about a private phone call. Although if I ever run into one of you idiots 1 on 1 or even 1 on 2, I'd be more than happy to openly express my "admiration" for Trump....dumbass.
How do you think Rasmussen contacts people if not by private phone calls? You think they go knocking from door to door?

Or are you too stupid to follow this conversation to know that is what is being discussed?

When someone calls you there is no assurance that it's a private phone call, dumbass. So the next time the IRS calls you or someone asks for your SS#, you may want to keep that in mind, idiot.

so, you think that these polling agencies are recording your calls and putting your name to your answers?


Because of idiots like you.

You are sooo paranoid, you can’t express your true admiration for trump on a private phone call?? :ack-1:

You cultists are truly insane.

Yup, sure didn't say anything about a private phone call. Although if I ever run into one of you idiots 1 on 1 or even 1 on 2, I'd be more than happy to openly express my "admiration" for Trump....dumbass.
How do you think Rasmussen contacts people if not by private phone calls? You think they go knocking from door to door?

Or are you too stupid to follow this conversation to know that is what is being discussed?

When someone calls you there is no assurance that it's a private phone call, dumbass. So the next time the IRS calls you or someone asks for your SS#, you may want to keep that in mind, idiot.

so, you think that these polling agencies are recording your calls and putting your name to your answers?



Dunno, but certainly putting it with your phone number. But not to worry, Fakebook is your friend.

You are sooo paranoid, you can’t express your true admiration for trump on a private phone call?? :ack-1:

You cultists are truly insane.

Yup, sure didn't say anything about a private phone call. Although if I ever run into one of you idiots 1 on 1 or even 1 on 2, I'd be more than happy to openly express my "admiration" for Trump....dumbass.
How do you think Rasmussen contacts people if not by private phone calls? You think they go knocking from door to door?

Or are you too stupid to follow this conversation to know that is what is being discussed?

When someone calls you there is no assurance that it's a private phone call, dumbass. So the next time the IRS calls you or someone asks for your SS#, you may want to keep that in mind, idiot.

so, you think that these polling agencies are recording your calls and putting your name to your answers?



Dunno, but certainly putting it with your phone number. But not to worry, Fakebook is your friend.

and you think they are tracking it somehow and are going to come back later and make you suffer for being a Trump supporter?

damn dude, how do you get to sleep at night living with such paranoia?

FB is a website no different than this one or any other site. It is neither my friend nor my enemy, it is just a thing. Not unlike a hammer.
Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

Rasmussen means NOTHING (except to Trumpbots like you).

'Jonathan Chait of the New Republic said that Rasmussen is perceived in the "conservative world" as "the gold standard"[81] and suggested the polling company asks the questions specifically to show public support for the conservative position. They cited an example when Rasmussen asked "Should the government set limits on how much salt Americans can eat?" when the issue was whether to limit the amount of salt in pre-processed food'
Rasmussen Reports - Wikipedia

They are staggeringly biased and utterly useless as a respected polling group.

And save the stupidity that they got it right on 2016 election night.

They were MILES off.

So, are you right wingers ready to admit that ...
Yup, sure didn't say anything about a private phone call. Although if I ever run into one of you idiots 1 on 1 or even 1 on 2, I'd be more than happy to openly express my "admiration" for Trump....dumbass.
How do you think Rasmussen contacts people if not by private phone calls? You think they go knocking from door to door?

Or are you too stupid to follow this conversation to know that is what is being discussed?

When someone calls you there is no assurance that it's a private phone call, dumbass. So the next time the IRS calls you or someone asks for your SS#, you may want to keep that in mind, idiot.

so, you think that these polling agencies are recording your calls and putting your name to your answers?



Dunno, but certainly putting it with your phone number. But not to worry, Fakebook is your friend.

and you think they are tracking it somehow and are going to come back later and make you suffer for being a Trump supporter?

damn dude, how do you get to sleep at night living with such paranoia?

FB is a website no different than this one or any other site. It is neither my friend nor my enemy, it is just a thing. Not unlike a hammer.

Really!? How many times do you receive ads on USMB based on your preferences? You have no idea how Facebook makes money do you?
How do you think Rasmussen contacts people if not by private phone calls? You think they go knocking from door to door?

Or are you too stupid to follow this conversation to know that is what is being discussed?

When someone calls you there is no assurance that it's a private phone call, dumbass. So the next time the IRS calls you or someone asks for your SS#, you may want to keep that in mind, idiot.

so, you think that these polling agencies are recording your calls and putting your name to your answers?



Dunno, but certainly putting it with your phone number. But not to worry, Fakebook is your friend.

and you think they are tracking it somehow and are going to come back later and make you suffer for being a Trump supporter?

damn dude, how do you get to sleep at night living with such paranoia?

FB is a website no different than this one or any other site. It is neither my friend nor my enemy, it is just a thing. Not unlike a hammer.

Really!? How many times do you receive ads on USMB based on your preferences? You have no idea how Facebook makes money do you?

I do not care how FB makes money, more power to them. you are just a number to FB just like me and everyone else.
When someone calls you there is no assurance that it's a private phone call, dumbass. So the next time the IRS calls you or someone asks for your SS#, you may want to keep that in mind, idiot.

so, you think that these polling agencies are recording your calls and putting your name to your answers?



Dunno, but certainly putting it with your phone number. But not to worry, Fakebook is your friend.

and you think they are tracking it somehow and are going to come back later and make you suffer for being a Trump supporter?

damn dude, how do you get to sleep at night living with such paranoia?

FB is a website no different than this one or any other site. It is neither my friend nor my enemy, it is just a thing. Not unlike a hammer.

Really!? How many times do you receive ads on USMB based on your preferences? You have no idea how Facebook makes money do you?

I do not care how FB makes money, more power to them. you are just a number to FB just like me and everyone else.

Yes, to them we are all numbers, and those numbers become dollars by selling what you may feel may be private information.
Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

Not that approval rating snapshots in time really mean all that much but if you're going to dwell on it, Instead of just using a single polling firm, why not use the RealClearPolitics Average as a means of comparison? Wouldn't that make more sense?

At comparable points (End of March, 3rd Year in Office) RCP Average

Approve 43.7%
Disapprove 51.8%
Net -8.1%

Approve 47.4%
Disapprove 46.7%
Net +0.7%

According the RCP average looks like President Nimrod had a significantly higher approve/disapprove rating than President Twitter does at the same point in their Presidencies.

Oh? And why would rightards be too embarrassed to admit that?

Because of idiots like you.

You are sooo paranoid, you can’t express your true admiration for trump on a private phone call?? :ack-1:

You cultists are truly insane.

Yup, sure didn't say anything about a private phone call. Although if I ever run into one of you idiots 1 on 1 or even 1 on 2, I'd be more than happy to openly express my "admiration" for Trump....dumbass.
How do you think Rasmussen contacts people if not by private phone calls? You think they go knocking from door to door?

Or are you too stupid to follow this conversation to know that is what is being discussed?

When someone calls you there is no assurance that it's a private phone call, dumbass. So the next time the IRS calls you or someone asks for your SS#, you may want to keep that in mind, idiot.
We’re not talking about the IRS. We’re talking about Rasmussen. Nor do you have any evidence Rasmussen is asking respondents for their social security numbers. :cuckoo:

Are you actually claiming Rasmussen’s calls are not private? You have evidence where Rasmussen has publicly divulged individuals’ personal information and their personal answers to Rasmussen’s questions??

You freaks are absolutely crazy. :cuckoo:
so, you think that these polling agencies are recording your calls and putting your name to your answers?



Dunno, but certainly putting it with your phone number. But not to worry, Fakebook is your friend.

and you think they are tracking it somehow and are going to come back later and make you suffer for being a Trump supporter?

damn dude, how do you get to sleep at night living with such paranoia?

FB is a website no different than this one or any other site. It is neither my friend nor my enemy, it is just a thing. Not unlike a hammer.

Really!? How many times do you receive ads on USMB based on your preferences? You have no idea how Facebook makes money do you?

I do not care how FB makes money, more power to them. you are just a number to FB just like me and everyone else.

Yes, to them we are all numbers, and those numbers become dollars by selling what you may feel may be private information.

why would anyone put private information on FB? and in reality it is still private as it goes into a huge database where it is aggregated with other data and nobody knows where it came from to start with as they really do not care
Dunno, but certainly putting it with your phone number. But not to worry, Fakebook is your friend.

and you think they are tracking it somehow and are going to come back later and make you suffer for being a Trump supporter?

damn dude, how do you get to sleep at night living with such paranoia?

FB is a website no different than this one or any other site. It is neither my friend nor my enemy, it is just a thing. Not unlike a hammer.

Really!? How many times do you receive ads on USMB based on your preferences? You have no idea how Facebook makes money do you?

I do not care how FB makes money, more power to them. you are just a number to FB just like me and everyone else.

Yes, to them we are all numbers, and those numbers become dollars by selling what you may feel may be private information.

why would anyone put private information on FB? and in reality it is still private as it goes into a huge database where it is aggregated with other data and nobody knows where it came from to start with as they really do not care

You will forever be a corporate sheep.
Dunno, but certainly putting it with your phone number. But not to worry, Fakebook is your friend.

and you think they are tracking it somehow and are going to come back later and make you suffer for being a Trump supporter?

damn dude, how do you get to sleep at night living with such paranoia?

FB is a website no different than this one or any other site. It is neither my friend nor my enemy, it is just a thing. Not unlike a hammer.

Really!? How many times do you receive ads on USMB based on your preferences? You have no idea how Facebook makes money do you?

I do not care how FB makes money, more power to them. you are just a number to FB just like me and everyone else.

Yes, to them we are all numbers, and those numbers become dollars by selling what you may feel may be private information.

why would anyone put private information on FB? and in reality it is still private as it goes into a huge database where it is aggregated with other data and nobody knows where it came from to start with as they really do not care

Yet they do...go figure.
and you think they are tracking it somehow and are going to come back later and make you suffer for being a Trump supporter?

damn dude, how do you get to sleep at night living with such paranoia?

FB is a website no different than this one or any other site. It is neither my friend nor my enemy, it is just a thing. Not unlike a hammer.

Really!? How many times do you receive ads on USMB based on your preferences? You have no idea how Facebook makes money do you?

I do not care how FB makes money, more power to them. you are just a number to FB just like me and everyone else.

Yes, to them we are all numbers, and those numbers become dollars by selling what you may feel may be private information.

why would anyone put private information on FB? and in reality it is still private as it goes into a huge database where it is aggregated with other data and nobody knows where it came from to start with as they really do not care

You will forever be a corporate sheep.

that is one of the offshoots of not being a statist like you. you are a sheep to your overlords in the government that do nothing for you.

at least I get some benefit from FB and the like.
and you think they are tracking it somehow and are going to come back later and make you suffer for being a Trump supporter?

damn dude, how do you get to sleep at night living with such paranoia?

FB is a website no different than this one or any other site. It is neither my friend nor my enemy, it is just a thing. Not unlike a hammer.

Really!? How many times do you receive ads on USMB based on your preferences? You have no idea how Facebook makes money do you?

I do not care how FB makes money, more power to them. you are just a number to FB just like me and everyone else.

Yes, to them we are all numbers, and those numbers become dollars by selling what you may feel may be private information.

why would anyone put private information on FB? and in reality it is still private as it goes into a huge database where it is aggregated with other data and nobody knows where it came from to start with as they really do not care

Yet they do...go figure.

They do not care about you the individual, they care about the raw points of data.

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