Trump Approval at 49% – SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

Nope, this is the right thread. Nothing funnier than the fact that the best defense of your savior you sheep have is to compare him to the second worst president in the history of the country. And you fucking idiots think it is high praise to be better than Obama!

please continue

Can't wait for 2020......

Trump is going to stomp your Tard asses...………..

Big whoop...put a little meat behind it...
if Trump loses in 2020, you agree to leave this board and never return.
And if Trump wins in 2020 (even though I won't vote for either Dem or Rep), I will leave and never return to this board.

Is it a bet? Yes or no?

(I can almost guarantee that you will make up some excuse to back out of making the bet - you Trumpbots are mostly cowards, IMO)

You got it Tard...…..

Cool. You are the first Trumpbot who ever took up that bet (out of about a dozen - give or take). Good for you.

So if Trump loses in are gone for good from here.
And if he wins in 2020...I am gone for good from here.

Any other Trumpbots got enough guts to put their 'money' where there mouth is?

That's our bet...…….

You want to put $20.00 on top of it?

Nope. The loser leaving here forever is enough for me.
Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

As pointed out before, exactly 1/2 - 1 Americans are below average in intelligence.

Typical condescending liberal. You people are the dumbest fucks on earth. You want to see stupid go visit a college campus.

Anti-intellectualism on display ^^^

["condescending liberal"?]

Did you need to look up "condescending" when you read it in my post earlier today?]
Gallup 3/31/11. Obama approval 47%
538, 03/29/19: Trump 42.0%

538, 03/29/11: Obama 46.4%
To shine even more perspective on that ...

Unemployment Rate (U3):
2/2011: 9.0%
2/2019: 3.8%

Unemployment Rate (U6):
2/2011: 16.0%
2/2019: 7.3%

2010Q4: 2.0
2018Q4: 2.2

2/2011: 2.1%
2/2019: 1.5%

3/28/2011: 12,198
3/28/2019: 25,929​

Despite the economy being significantly better now than it was 8 years ago, Obama still enjoys a consistently higher job approval rating than trump.


Fake News....

obozo sucked.....

Only you dumb ass Tards liked the RACIST PIG...

Oh? What’s fake in what I posted?

Everything you Tards say quack or type is a lie....
Gallup 3/31/11. Obama approval 47%
Gallup 3/31/11. Obama approval 47%
538, 03/29/19: Trump 42.0%

538, 03/29/11: Obama 46.4%
To shine even more perspective on that ...

Unemployment Rate (U3):
2/2011: 9.0%
2/2019: 3.8%

Unemployment Rate (U6):
2/2011: 16.0%
2/2019: 7.3%

2010Q4: 2.0
2018Q4: 2.2

2/2011: 2.1%
2/2019: 1.5%

3/28/2011: 12,198
3/28/2019: 25,929​

Despite the economy being significantly better now than it was 8 years ago, Obama still enjoys a consistently higher job approval rating than trump.


Fake News....

obozo sucked.....

Only you dumb ass Tards liked the RACIST PIG...

Oh? What’s fake in what I posted?

Everything you Tards say quack or type is a lie....
I see. Well in my post, I said the current U3 unemployment rate is 3.8%.

The BLS confirms that...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

But you say that’s a lie.

So either you’re terminally stupid ... or ... the BLS is full of shit.

.... guess where I’m placing my bet?

Can't wait for 2020......

Trump is going to stomp your Tard asses...………..

Big whoop...put a little meat behind it...
if Trump loses in 2020, you agree to leave this board and never return.
And if Trump wins in 2020 (even though I won't vote for either Dem or Rep), I will leave and never return to this board.

Is it a bet? Yes or no?

(I can almost guarantee that you will make up some excuse to back out of making the bet - you Trumpbots are mostly cowards, IMO)

You got it Tard...…..

Cool. You are the first Trumpbot who ever took up that bet (out of about a dozen - give or take). Good for you.

So if Trump loses in are gone for good from here.
And if he wins in 2020...I am gone for good from here.

Any other Trumpbots got enough guts to put their 'money' where there mouth is?

That's our bet...…….

You want to put $20.00 on top of it?

Nope. The loser leaving here forever is enough for me.

Good enough....

I probably won’t hold you to it when you lose....

We have got to have some Tards to smack around....

You Tards will all be in a Funk after Trump Kicks your asses again
That's one poll.

What about all the polls?

View attachment 252992

How Popular Is Donald Trump?

Partisans like the OP see what they want to see.
Rightards only like the one poll that’s consistently higher than the rest. For all the others, they invent obscure excuses for why they shouldn’t count.
You stole money from people. I would watch a blue city be irradiated.
Oh? What money did I steal?And who is going to "irradiate" a "blue city?"
538, 03/29/19: Trump 42.0%

538, 03/29/11: Obama 46.4%
To shine even more perspective on that ...

Unemployment Rate (U3):
2/2011: 9.0%
2/2019: 3.8%

Unemployment Rate (U6):
2/2011: 16.0%
2/2019: 7.3%

2010Q4: 2.0
2018Q4: 2.2

2/2011: 2.1%
2/2019: 1.5%

3/28/2011: 12,198
3/28/2019: 25,929​

Despite the economy being significantly better now than it was 8 years ago, Obama still enjoys a consistently higher job approval rating than trump.


Fake News....

obozo sucked.....

Only you dumb ass Tards liked the RACIST PIG...

Oh? What’s fake in what I posted?

Everything you Tards say quack or type is a lie....
I see. Well in my post, I said the current U3 unemployment rate is 3.8%.

The BLS confirms that...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

But you say that’s a lie.

So either you’re terminally stupid ... or ... the BLS is full of shit.

.... guess where I’m placing my bet?


I don't trust you Tards as far as I can throw you....

I don't even bother to read your links......

We all know you Tards are all full of Shit anyway.....

Just look at cnn and msnbctard...............
Big whoop...put a little meat behind it...
if Trump loses in 2020, you agree to leave this board and never return.
And if Trump wins in 2020 (even though I won't vote for either Dem or Rep), I will leave and never return to this board.

Is it a bet? Yes or no?

(I can almost guarantee that you will make up some excuse to back out of making the bet - you Trumpbots are mostly cowards, IMO)

You got it Tard...…..

Cool. You are the first Trumpbot who ever took up that bet (out of about a dozen - give or take). Good for you.

So if Trump loses in are gone for good from here.
And if he wins in 2020...I am gone for good from here.

Any other Trumpbots got enough guts to put their 'money' where there mouth is?

That's our bet...…….

You want to put $20.00 on top of it?

Nope. The loser leaving here forever is enough for me.

Good enough....

I probably won’t hold you to it when you lose....

We have got to have some Tards to smack around....

You Tards will all be in a Funk after Trump Kicks your asses again

I don't care if you hold me to it or not. I will hold me to it.

Men honor their debts. Boys do not.

We shall see who wins.
That's one poll.

What about all the polls?

View attachment 252992

How Popular Is Donald Trump?

Partisans like the OP see what they want to see.

Thats the work of good old Nate Silver. This guy...

nate silver.png
Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency
His real approval rating is more like 59%. We all know that people are afraid to admit to pollsters that they support Trump.

Oh? And why would rightards be too embarrassed to admit that?
I'm not, but some people don't want the leftwing hastle, I welcome it, soyboys don't scare me at all.
Ok, let’s walk through this....

You answer a call and it’s from Rasmussen Reports.... they ask you if you approve or disapprove of the job trump is doing as president.... you like the job he’s doing, so you answer “approve.” They thank you for your time and cooperation....

How the fuck do you now get personally hassled by the left wing for that?? :cuckoo:
It's called the "Bradley Effect." It may be irrational, but nevertheless it's real.

Bradley effect - Wikipedia
I do not care how FB makes money, more power to them. you are just a number to FB just like me and everyone else.

LOL ….. Riiiiigggghhhhtttt , yeah don't worry, Facebook cares about protecting your personally identifiable information, just ask Cambridge Analytica.

It isn't any wonder Facebook continues to retain and add human saleable units er… "subscribers".

Congratulations on winning the Most Foolish Post of the Month Award. :113:

"They Trust Me."
"Dumb f--ks" -- Mark Zuckerberg, when asked by a friend how he'd managed to get Harvard Students to give him their personal information.

Cambridge Analytica did not and does not care about an individual's data, they are data mining company, they care about the raw data.

They did not care about tying the data back to NightFox of GolfingGator, they cared about the aggregated data.

learn something about analytics before you make such stupid post.

LOL, you certainly drank the Zuckerberg Kool-Aid, and by all appearances GALLONS of it, I disagree with you on politics more than occasionally but I didn't take you for a complete fool... until now.

If you're a Facebook "subscriber", Facebook knows exactly WHO YOU ARE, the fact that you aren't aware of that indicates you know nothing about systems or data science, not to mention Facebooks history of violations of user privacy.

you have a serious over inflated ego if you think FB cares about who you are as an individual. There is no some dude going "oh, look GolfiingGator just mentioned the Braves or any other such dumb shit. Facebook has 2.32 billion active users and you think they care about who each one is individually! :21::21::21:
It's not about "caring" Genius, it's about the fact that they know who you are and if you're a typical Facebook Dunderhead, they know what you look like, where you go, what you like and don't like and all sorts of other tidbits about you, however YOU claimed that they didn't know who you are which is a ludicrous claim.

Cambridge Analytica was able to not only scrap the personally identifiable info from the users of their app but also the identities of the people on the FB friends list, which is why there was a scandal in the first place.

If you think data science cares about the individual data points, you could not be more mistaken. It is called BIG data for a reason.

ROFLMAO! Well as long as there are clueless morons like you around I'll never have to worry about having work.

As far as going the extra mile with your efforts to convince me that you are indeed a complete fool, CONGRATULATIONS you were successful.

Now back to mowing lawns with ya, leave Information Technology to us professionals.
It's not about "caring" Genius, it's about the fact that they know who you are and if you're a typical Facebook Dunderhead, they know what you look like, where you go, what you like and don't like and all sorts of other tidbits about you, however YOU claimed that they didn't know who you are which is a ludicrous claim.

Cambridge Analytica was able to not only scrap the personally identifiable info from the users of their app but also the identities of the people on the FB friends list, which is why there was a scandal in the first place.

They do not know who you are, because knowing who the individual is means nothing to them, it would be a waste of their time and resources. They care about a million points of data, not one. One point of data brings them no money. You are clueless to how these companies make money.

ROFLMAO! Well as long as there are clueless morons like you around I'll never have to worry about having work.

As far as going the extra mile with your efforts to convince me that you are indeed a complete fool, CONGRATULATIONS you were successful.

Now back to mowing lawns with ya, leave Information Technology to us professionals.

Dude, being good and NBA 2k19 does not make you an Information Technology professional, no matter how many times you friends tell you it does. Now, back to dunking on your PlayStation and leave the data analysis to us Informatics professionals.
It's not about "caring" Genius, it's about the fact that they know who you are and if you're a typical Facebook Dunderhead, they know what you look like, where you go, what you like and don't like and all sorts of other tidbits about you, however YOU claimed that they didn't know who you are which is a ludicrous claim.

Cambridge Analytica was able to not only scrap the personally identifiable info from the users of their app but also the identities of the people on the FB friends list, which is why there was a scandal in the first place.

They do not know who you are, because knowing who the individual is means nothing to them,

ROFLWTIME! congratulations you just broke the Internet record in the clueless user category....quite a feat.

Perhaps you should just stick to your day job as a professional Internet Message Board, often wrong, never in doubt know it all.

Thanks for the laughs and welcome to /dev/null.

There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't
It's not about "caring" Genius, it's about the fact that they know who you are and if you're a typical Facebook Dunderhead, they know what you look like, where you go, what you like and don't like and all sorts of other tidbits about you, however YOU claimed that they didn't know who you are which is a ludicrous claim.

Cambridge Analytica was able to not only scrap the personally identifiable info from the users of their app but also the identities of the people on the FB friends list, which is why there was a scandal in the first place.

They do not know who you are, because knowing who the individual is means nothing to them,

ROFLWTIME! congratulations you just broke the Internet record in the clueless user category....quite a feat.

Perhaps you should just stick to your day job as a professional Internet Message Board, often wrong, never in doubt know it all.

Thanks for the laughs and welcome to /dev/null.

There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't

It is so damn cute your massive ego has you thinking these companies care about who you are individually!

Sorry, dude but you are not that important and they just do not care about you.

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