Trump Approval at 49% – SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency


Here's a few explanations as to why Trump polls well with the current base of Republicans.

A number of Republicans appear to be becoming independents -
Feb 12, 2018 - Why Trump's reliance on his base may be an even riskier strategy than ... Trump is president in large part because Republicans skeptical of his ...

Trump owns a shrinking Republican party - Brookings Institution
Jun 14, 2018 - Trump has succeeded in appealing to his base, but under his presidency there have been continued declines in the ... The trend seems to have taken another drop after Trump's election. ... So although Trump, while focusing on the base, has made the Republican Party his, come November it may not be as ...

There are fewer Republicans for Donald Trump than you think — Quartz
To understand America, don’t separate Republicans and Democrats statistically
Aug 4, 2018 - That large share of Republicans, however, makes up a much smaller piece of the total public: 19%. ... Americans' views on president Donald Trump by party ... Democrat has hovered around 33% since 1994, Republicans' share ... A bigger proportion of those independents lean Democrat than Republican."""

They registered as Independents! Come on down!

I've been a registered Independent since 1980!

President Trump told you to stop your bullshit.
Trump, in fiery first rally since Mueller vindication, calls on Dems to stop 'ridiculous bullsh--'

I'll shove the 1st Amendment right up his fat ass, if you'd like.

If he's your Dear Leader-Kim Jong Un-ass-kissing traitor, more power to you.

I'd like to know how you would have responded to Obama calling countries shit-holes and using profanity in a public rally.
Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

After all of his insults and personal attacks and idiotic tweets, anyone who still doesn't see that he is a buffoon is not just an unethical, immoral subhuman but an actual traitor who poses a real threat to the lives and freedoms of millions of REAL Americans.

Conservative lunatics may be winning the presidency but they lost the culture war long ago.

The USA is a very liberal country and I don't believe you or trump or pence can do anything about that, what with freedom and all.....
America is a conservative nation and Obama was an anomaly. REAL Americans love Trump and reject the lunatic ideas of the Democratic Socialist.

Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

After all of his insults and personal attacks and idiotic tweets, anyone who still doesn't see that he is a buffoon is not just an unethical, immoral subhuman but an actual traitor who poses a real threat to the lives and freedoms of millions of REAL Americans.

Conservative lunatics may be winning the presidency but they lost the culture war long ago.

The USA is a very liberal country and I don't believe you or trump or pence can do anything about that, what with freedom and all.....
America is a conservative nation and Obama was an anomaly. REAL Americans love Trump and reject the lunatic ideas of the Democratic Socialist.

Do you know how unhinged you sound to normal people? I am guessing 'no'.

If Trump is SOOOO beloved...why even on the right-biased Rasmussen does he still not even poll 50%?

Your not normal so thank you.
"Your not normal"

Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

After all of his insults and personal attacks and idiotic tweets, anyone who still doesn't see that he is a buffoon is not just an unethical, immoral subhuman but an actual traitor who poses a real threat to the lives and freedoms of millions of REAL Americans.

Conservative lunatics may be winning the presidency but they lost the culture war long ago.

The USA is a very liberal country and I don't believe you or trump or pence can do anything about that, what with freedom and all.....
America is a conservative nation and Obama was an anomaly. REAL Americans love Trump and reject the lunatic ideas of the Democratic Socialist.

Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

After all of his insults and personal attacks and idiotic tweets, anyone who still doesn't see that he is a buffoon is not just an unethical, immoral subhuman but an actual traitor who poses a real threat to the lives and freedoms of millions of REAL Americans.

Conservative lunatics may be winning the presidency but they lost the culture war long ago.

The USA is a very liberal country and I don't believe you or trump or pence can do anything about that, what with freedom and all.....
America is a conservative nation and Obama was an anomaly. REAL Americans love Trump and reject the lunatic ideas of the Democratic Socialist.

Do you know how unhinged you sound to normal people? I am guessing 'no'.

If Trump is SOOOO beloved...why even on the right-biased Rasmussen does he still not even poll 50%?

I believe that if Trump was not derided 24 hours a day 7 days a week by 95% of the media he would be at 60% approval easily. He has learned politics on the go and is incredible for it. Compare that to the D.C. Politboro members that have been in politics for many decades and are relics numbed to their adulation of power and money. You will listen and laugh with any Progressive Socialist with their salty mouths. But Trump is no good for talking the same.

He might get to 45% if he would just shut the fuck up for one day and stop making everything all about him.

He cranks a fog machine of bullshit 24/7 because he's terrified of NOT being in the news every single day.
Don't believe me? Just go to his Twitter account.
Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

After all of his insults and personal attacks and idiotic tweets, anyone who still doesn't see that he is a buffoon is not just an unethical, immoral subhuman but an actual traitor who poses a real threat to the lives and freedoms of millions of REAL Americans.

Conservative lunatics may be winning the presidency but they lost the culture war long ago.

The USA is a very liberal country and I don't believe you or trump or pence can do anything about that, what with freedom and all.....
America is a conservative nation and Obama was an anomaly. REAL Americans love Trump and reject the lunatic ideas of the Democratic Socialist.

Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

After all of his insults and personal attacks and idiotic tweets, anyone who still doesn't see that he is a buffoon is not just an unethical, immoral subhuman but an actual traitor who poses a real threat to the lives and freedoms of millions of REAL Americans.

Conservative lunatics may be winning the presidency but they lost the culture war long ago.

The USA is a very liberal country and I don't believe you or trump or pence can do anything about that, what with freedom and all.....
America is a conservative nation and Obama was an anomaly. REAL Americans love Trump and reject the lunatic ideas of the Democratic Socialist.

Do you know how unhinged you sound to normal people? I am guessing 'no'.

If Trump is SOOOO beloved...why even on the right-biased Rasmussen does he still not even poll 50%?

Your not normal so thank you.
"Your not normal"

I’m normal enough to notice a bullshit plot overturn an election when I see it.
Gallup 3/31/11. Obama approval 47%
538, 03/29/19: Trump 42.0%

538, 03/29/11: Obama 46.4%
Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

At this point of the Obama presidency the unemployment rate was still above 9% and the DJI had just started to recover.

and that is the bar you sheep set for your savior?


This is not a thread attacking Obama. Relax. Shouldn’t you be defending AOC somewhere rather than bragging about Obama’s high unemployment numbers?

Nope, this is the right thread. Nothing funnier than the fact that the best defense of your savior you sheep have is to compare him to the second worst president in the history of the country. And you fucking idiots think it is high praise to be better than Obama!

please continue

Can't wait for 2020......

Trump is going to stomp your Tard asses...………..
Gallup 3/31/11. Obama approval 47%
538, 03/29/19: Trump 42.0%

538, 03/29/11: Obama 46.4%
To shine even more perspective on that ...

Unemployment Rate (U3):
2/2011: 9.0%
2/2019: 3.8%

Unemployment Rate (U6):
2/2011: 16.0%
2/2019: 7.3%

2010Q4: 2.0
2018Q4: 2.2

2/2011: 2.1%
2/2019: 1.5%

3/28/2011: 12,198
3/28/2019: 25,929​

Despite the economy being significantly better now than it was 8 years ago, Obama still enjoys a consistently higher job approval rating than trump.

Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

Rasmussen means NOTHING (except to Trumpbots like you).

'Jonathan Chait of the New Republic said that Rasmussen is perceived in the "conservative world" as "the gold standard"[81] and suggested the polling company asks the questions specifically to show public support for the conservative position. They cited an example when Rasmussen asked "Should the government set limits on how much salt Americans can eat?" when the issue was whether to limit the amount of salt in pre-processed food'
Rasmussen Reports - Wikipedia

They are staggeringly biased and utterly useless as a respected polling group.

And save the stupidity that they got it right on 2016 election night.

They were MILES off.

So, are you right wingers ready to admit that ...

This coming from a Tard that had his head filled so full of

Shit by cnn and msnbctatd that you had

visions of Trump and his whole family going to jail.

All of you Tards are idiots..
Gallup 3/31/11. Obama approval 47%
538, 03/29/19: Trump 42.0%

538, 03/29/11: Obama 46.4%
To shine even more perspective on that ...

Unemployment Rate (U3):
2/2011: 9.0%
2/2019: 3.8%

Unemployment Rate (U6):
2/2011: 16.0%
2/2019: 7.3%

2010Q4: 2.0
2018Q4: 2.2

2/2011: 2.1%
2/2019: 1.5%

3/28/2011: 12,198
3/28/2019: 25,929​

Despite the economy being significantly better now than it was 8 years ago, Obama still enjoys a consistently higher job approval rating than trump.


Fake News....

obozo sucked.....

Only you dumb ass Tards liked the RACIST PIG...
Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

At this point of the Obama presidency the unemployment rate was still above 9% and the DJI had just started to recover.

and that is the bar you sheep set for your savior?


This is not a thread attacking Obama. Relax. Shouldn’t you be defending AOC somewhere rather than bragging about Obama’s high unemployment numbers?

Nope, this is the right thread. Nothing funnier than the fact that the best defense of your savior you sheep have is to compare him to the second worst president in the history of the country. And you fucking idiots think it is high praise to be better than Obama!

please continue

Can't wait for 2020......

Trump is going to stomp your Tard asses...………..

Big whoop...put a little meat behind it...
if Trump loses in 2020, you agree to leave this board and never return.
And if Trump wins in 2020 (even though I won't vote for either Dem or Rep), I will leave and never return to this board.

Is it a bet? Yes or no?

(I can almost guarantee that you will make up some excuse to back out of making the bet - you Trumpbots are mostly cowards, IMO)
Last edited:
Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

Rasmussen means NOTHING (except to Trumpbots like you).

'Jonathan Chait of the New Republic said that Rasmussen is perceived in the "conservative world" as "the gold standard"[81] and suggested the polling company asks the questions specifically to show public support for the conservative position. They cited an example when Rasmussen asked "Should the government set limits on how much salt Americans can eat?" when the issue was whether to limit the amount of salt in pre-processed food'
Rasmussen Reports - Wikipedia

They are staggeringly biased and utterly useless as a respected polling group.

And save the stupidity that they got it right on 2016 election night.

They were MILES off.

So, are you right wingers ready to admit that ...

This coming from a Tard that had his head filled so full of

Shit by cnn and msnbctatd that you had

visions of Trump and his whole family going to jail.

All of you Tards are idiots..

I am not a libtard, moron...I have never voted for a Dem (or a Rep) in my life.

It's right in my sig...duh.

'Facts' and 'Trumpbots' seem mutually exclusive terms.
Last edited:
Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

At this point of the Obama presidency the unemployment rate was still above 9% and the DJI had just started to recover.

and that is the bar you sheep set for your savior?


This is not a thread attacking Obama. Relax. Shouldn’t you be defending AOC somewhere rather than bragging about Obama’s high unemployment numbers?

Nope, this is the right thread. Nothing funnier than the fact that the best defense of your savior you sheep have is to compare him to the second worst president in the history of the country. And you fucking idiots think it is high praise to be better than Obama!

please continue

Can't wait for 2020......

Trump is going to stomp your Tard asses...………..

Big whoop...put a little meat behind it...
if Trump loses in 2020, you agree to leave this board and never return.
And if Trump wins in 2020 (even though I won't vote for either Dem or Rep), I will leave and never return to this board.

Is it a bet? Yes or no?

(I can almost guarantee that you will make up some excuse to back out of making the bet - you Trumpbots are mostly cowards, IMO)

You got it Tard...…..
Im Sorry did you quote me saying 538???

You don’t even know what you’re posting about??


Dumbass ... this is what you’re talking about...
That’s 538. They’re not pollsters. Like realclearpolitics, they merely post other polls. That’s why you look like such an idiot saying, “it’s his poll.”

Well most polls do have a left lean bias...for 538 , it is a poll aggregator like realcear politics. Like why are there 2 youGov polls from similar dates in it? And they are the lowest ones, yet both are different.......this is the kind of bullshit were' talking about
For the same reason there are multiple Rasmussen polls in their list -- it's a list of all polls, just like realclearpolitics does.
I don't see multiples of rhte same poll, especially the same week......maybe a month apart...but then you should replace the old one with the more recent one......
There’s much you don’t see.

Did you see you own they have Rassmussen 21-25 and 26-28....which makes sense

now tell me why YouGov is 24-26 AND 24-25? seems like overlap to me...hmmm
At this point of the Obama presidency the unemployment rate was still above 9% and the DJI had just started to recover.

and that is the bar you sheep set for your savior?


This is not a thread attacking Obama. Relax. Shouldn’t you be defending AOC somewhere rather than bragging about Obama’s high unemployment numbers?

Nope, this is the right thread. Nothing funnier than the fact that the best defense of your savior you sheep have is to compare him to the second worst president in the history of the country. And you fucking idiots think it is high praise to be better than Obama!

please continue

Can't wait for 2020......

Trump is going to stomp your Tard asses...………..

Big whoop...put a little meat behind it...
if Trump loses in 2020, you agree to leave this board and never return.
And if Trump wins in 2020 (even though I won't vote for either Dem or Rep), I will leave and never return to this board.

Is it a bet? Yes or no?

(I can almost guarantee that you will make up some excuse to back out of making the bet - you Trumpbots are mostly cowards, IMO)

You got it Tard...…..

Cool. You are the first Trumpbot who ever took up that bet (out of about a dozen - give or take). Good for you.

So if Trump loses in are gone for good from here.
And if he wins in 2020...I am gone for good from here.

Any other Trumpbots got enough guts to put their 'money' where there mouth is?
This is not a thread attacking Obama. Relax. Shouldn’t you be defending AOC somewhere rather than bragging about Obama’s high unemployment numbers?

Nope, this is the right thread. Nothing funnier than the fact that the best defense of your savior you sheep have is to compare him to the second worst president in the history of the country. And you fucking idiots think it is high praise to be better than Obama!

please continue

Can't wait for 2020......

Trump is going to stomp your Tard asses...………..

Big whoop...put a little meat behind it...
if Trump loses in 2020, you agree to leave this board and never return.
And if Trump wins in 2020 (even though I won't vote for either Dem or Rep), I will leave and never return to this board.

Is it a bet? Yes or no?

(I can almost guarantee that you will make up some excuse to back out of making the bet - you Trumpbots are mostly cowards, IMO)

You got it Tard...…..

Cool. You are the first Trumpbot who ever took up that bet (out of about a dozen - give or take). Good for you.

So if Trump loses in are gone for good from here.
And if he wins in 2020...I am gone for good from here.

Any other Trumpbots got enough guts to put their 'money' where there mouth is?

That's our bet...…….

You want to put $20.00 on top of it?
Gallup 3/31/11. Obama approval 47%
538, 03/29/19: Trump 42.0%

538, 03/29/11: Obama 46.4%
To shine even more perspective on that ...

Unemployment Rate (U3):
2/2011: 9.0%
2/2019: 3.8%

Unemployment Rate (U6):
2/2011: 16.0%
2/2019: 7.3%

2010Q4: 2.0
2018Q4: 2.2

2/2011: 2.1%
2/2019: 1.5%

3/28/2011: 12,198
3/28/2019: 25,929​

Despite the economy being significantly better now than it was 8 years ago, Obama still enjoys a consistently higher job approval rating than trump.


Fake News....

obozo sucked.....

Only you dumb ass Tards liked the RACIST PIG...

Oh? What’s fake in what I posted?

You don’t even know what you’re posting about??


Dumbass ... this is what you’re talking about...
That’s 538. They’re not pollsters. Like realclearpolitics, they merely post other polls. That’s why you look like such an idiot saying, “it’s his poll.”

Well most polls do have a left lean bias...for 538 , it is a poll aggregator like realcear politics. Like why are there 2 youGov polls from similar dates in it? And they are the lowest ones, yet both are different.......this is the kind of bullshit were' talking about
For the same reason there are multiple Rasmussen polls in their list -- it's a list of all polls, just like realclearpolitics does.
I don't see multiples of rhte same poll, especially the same week......maybe a month apart...but then you should replace the old one with the more recent one......
There’s much you don’t see.

Did you see you own they have Rassmussen 21-25 and 26-28....which makes sense

now tell me why YouGov is 24-26 AND 24-25? seems like overlap to me...hmmm
Who said they use multiple pills from the same pollster in their results? Why are you making up shit you know nothing about?

That list is nothing more than a list of all the polls that are out there.

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