Trump Approval at 49% – SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

They no longer do daily. And please note the time period you are quoting. Before the Mueller report
Here you go, Gallup is an impartial source.

He's stuck at 39%. It's the same bunch of brainless gerbils who voted for him.

Donald Trump's Presidential Job Approval Ratings
Approval rating

Latest job approval rating
39% . Mar 1-10, 2019

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump
Last edited:
Im Sorry did you quote me saying 538???

You don’t even know what you’re posting about??


Dumbass ... this is what you’re talking about...
That’s 538. They’re not pollsters. Like realclearpolitics, they merely post other polls. That’s why you look like such an idiot saying, “it’s his poll.”

538 is an average of all the polls, which minimizes bias from any single poll.
538 also grades each poll, and shows their bias.
Ant that guy is wrong on every point.......
what do grades have to do with intelligence? Being good a school doesn't mean smart.....
Exonerated becasue the AG is not recommending charges and that includes Rosenstein.....who started the whole thing
And why do you need to see taxes to see if he's a billionaire.......

ah he had no response.....easy to tell now......I love poking their excuses....and no 538 is not nearly as reliable as RCP
My response was a response. It highlights trump fluffing.
My, my! Sounding a little testy there, Faun. Had a rough week?
So? Those are the results you get when you limit your sample range to about half of the adult population.

Open up your polling sample to all adults and we find approval ratings at...

Trump: 39%
Obama: 46%
/——/ Polls of likely voters are a greater forecast of Election Day than counting those who may not vote or are even registered voters.
Yeah, so?

Is today Election Day?

Is it a poll asking about an election?

Not at all. But I understand, reality is such a bitch to you folks.

You don’t even know what you’re posting about??


Dumbass ... this is what you’re talking about...
That’s 538. They’re not pollsters. Like realclearpolitics, they merely post other polls. That’s why you look like such an idiot saying, “it’s his poll.”

Well most polls do have a left lean bias...for 538 , it is a poll aggregator like realcear politics. Like why are there 2 youGov polls from similar dates in it? And they are the lowest ones, yet both are different.......this is the kind of bullshit were' talking about
For the same reason there are multiple Rasmussen polls in their list -- it's a list of all polls, just like realclearpolitics does.
There is a reason you know so much about polls it’s because you are scared shitless lol

But I would guess every poll takes 10-20 points off of trumps lead lol
Left wing is money hungry
Uh oh, still nothing...he's stalling for him to read some new talking points.......

The post I responded to said nothing.
I TOLD YOU that Trump would make Obama look like the pathetic amateur that he was. Some clown with no career accomplishment becomes president, naturally the left worship the moron.
The love incompetence on the left.....being a loser makes you a winner to them.
Beto and Stacy Abrams couldn't win their states and they are touted as Presidential material.....LOLOLOLOLOL

Trump lost his own state too.
They no longer do daily. And please note the time period you are quoting. Before the Mueller report
Here you go, Gallup is an impartial source.

He's stuck at 39%. It's the same bunch of brainless gerbils who voted for him.

Donald Trump's Presidential Job Approval Ratings
Approval rating

Latest job approval rating
39% . Mar 1-10, 2019

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump
So what that Gallup no longer does daily polling? But you are correct in that their latest poll is from before Mueller wrapped up his investigation. Polls are up about 3 points on average since then.
Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

After all of his insults and personal attacks and idiotic tweets, anyone who still doesn't see that he is a buffoon is not just an unethical, immoral subhuman but an actual traitor who poses a real threat to the lives and freedoms of millions of REAL Americans.

Conservative lunatics may be winning the presidency but they lost the culture war long ago.

The USA is a very liberal country and I don't believe you or trump or pence can do anything about that, what with freedom and all.....
Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency
Throw out the people they polled in California, Illinois, New York, and other blue states that he won’t win in 2020 anyway and focus on swing states. If election was held today Trump would win Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Iowa, and most likely Minnesota.
Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

After all of his insults and personal attacks and idiotic tweets, anyone who still doesn't see that he is a buffoon is not just an unethical, immoral subhuman but an actual traitor who poses a real threat to the lives and freedoms of millions of REAL Americans.

Conservative lunatics may be winning the presidency but they lost the culture war long ago.

The USA is a very liberal country and I don't believe you or trump or pence can do anything about that, what with freedom and all.....
America is a conservative nation and Obama was an anomaly. REAL Americans love Trump and reject the lunatic ideas of the Democratic Socialist.
Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

As pointed out before, exactly 1/2 - 1 Americans are below average in intelligence.
Typical condescending liberal. You people are the dumbest fucks on earth. You want to see stupid go visit a college campus.
Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

After all of his insults and personal attacks and idiotic tweets, anyone who still doesn't see that he is a buffoon is not just an unethical, immoral subhuman but an actual traitor who poses a real threat to the lives and freedoms of millions of REAL Americans.

Conservative lunatics may be winning the presidency but they lost the culture war long ago.

The USA is a very liberal country and I don't believe you or trump or pence can do anything about that, what with freedom and all.....
America is a conservative nation and Obama was an anomaly. REAL Americans love Trump and reject the lunatic ideas of the Democratic Socialist.

Do you know how unhinged you sound to normal people? I am guessing 'no'.

If Trump is SOOOO beloved...why even on the right-biased Rasmussen does he still not even poll 50%?

Last edited:
Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

After all of his insults and personal attacks and idiotic tweets, anyone who still doesn't see that he is a buffoon is not just an unethical, immoral subhuman but an actual traitor who poses a real threat to the lives and freedoms of millions of REAL Americans.

Conservative lunatics may be winning the presidency but they lost the culture war long ago.

The USA is a very liberal country and I don't believe you or trump or pence can do anything about that, what with freedom and all.....
America is a conservative nation and Obama was an anomaly. REAL Americans love Trump and reject the lunatic ideas of the Democratic Socialist.

Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

After all of his insults and personal attacks and idiotic tweets, anyone who still doesn't see that he is a buffoon is not just an unethical, immoral subhuman but an actual traitor who poses a real threat to the lives and freedoms of millions of REAL Americans.

Conservative lunatics may be winning the presidency but they lost the culture war long ago.

The USA is a very liberal country and I don't believe you or trump or pence can do anything about that, what with freedom and all.....
America is a conservative nation and Obama was an anomaly. REAL Americans love Trump and reject the lunatic ideas of the Democratic Socialist.

Do you know how unhinged you sound to normal people? I am guessing 'no'.

If Trump is SOOOO beloved...why even on the right-biased Rasmussen does he still not even poll 50%?

Your not normal so thank you.
I TOLD YOU that Trump would make Obama look like the pathetic amateur that he was. Some clown with no career accomplishment becomes president, naturally the left worship the moron.

Thanks for demonstrating that you don't bother yourself with the facts.
The post is a link to Rasmussen, fake pollsters.

LMAO go ahead then list Obama's career accomplishments before going on the public dole as a state senator. You have a 20 year gap to cover since he graduated college. I'll just laugh in your face now to save time :auiqs.jpg:

Sorry you got caught with your panties in a wad.
Maybe you should try READING the link to the post before making assumptions based on your bi-ass?

Several posts have proven Rasmussen's bi-ass, too.
Then there's his OWN LAWYER who paid off the pollsters.
Michael Cohen paid to rig online polls in Trump's favor, report says
Jan 17, 2019 - Michael Cohen paid to rig online polls in Trump's favor, report says ... online polls to benefit Trump in exchange for $50,000, though he said he ...
Michael Cohen says he paid tech firm to rig online polls 'at the ...
Jan 17, 2019 - Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former lawyer, paid a small tech firm in early 2015 to rig online polls in Trump's favor before the ...
Michael Cohen says he tried to rig online polls at Trump's direction
Jan 17, 2019 - President Donald Trump's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, ... Michael Cohen says he tried to rig online polls 'at the direction' of Donald Trump ... as saying that he was never paidmore than $13,000 by Cohen despite ...
Last edited:

Here's a few explanations as to why Trump polls well with the current base of Republicans.

A number of Republicans appear to be becoming independents -
Feb 12, 2018 - Why Trump's reliance on his base may be an even riskier strategy than ... Trump is president in large part because Republicans skeptical of his ...

Trump owns a shrinking Republican party - Brookings Institution
Jun 14, 2018 - Trump has succeeded in appealing to his base, but under his presidency there have been continued declines in the ... The trend seems to have taken another drop after Trump's election. ... So although Trump, while focusing on the base, has made the Republican Party his, come November it may not be as ...

There are fewer Republicans for Donald Trump than you think — Quartz
To understand America, don’t separate Republicans and Democrats statistically
Aug 4, 2018 - That large share of Republicans, however, makes up a much smaller piece of the total public: 19%. ... Americans' views on president Donald Trump by party ... Democrat has hovered around 33% since 1994, Republicans' share ... A bigger proportion of those independents lean Democrat than Republican."""

They registered as Independents! Come on down!

I've been a registered Independent since 1980!


Here's a few explanations as to why Trump polls well with the current base of Republicans.

A number of Republicans appear to be becoming independents -
Feb 12, 2018 - Why Trump's reliance on his base may be an even riskier strategy than ... Trump is president in large part because Republicans skeptical of his ...

Trump owns a shrinking Republican party - Brookings Institution
Jun 14, 2018 - Trump has succeeded in appealing to his base, but under his presidency there have been continued declines in the ... The trend seems to have taken another drop after Trump's election. ... So although Trump, while focusing on the base, has made the Republican Party his, come November it may not be as ...

There are fewer Republicans for Donald Trump than you think — Quartz
To understand America, don’t separate Republicans and Democrats statistically
Aug 4, 2018 - That large share of Republicans, however, makes up a much smaller piece of the total public: 19%. ... Americans' views on president Donald Trump by party ... Democrat has hovered around 33% since 1994, Republicans' share ... A bigger proportion of those independents lean Democrat than Republican."""

They registered as Independents! Come on down!

I've been a registered Independent since 1980!

President Trump told you to stop your bullshit.
Trump, in fiery first rally since Mueller vindication, calls on Dems to stop 'ridiculous bullsh--'
Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

After all of his insults and personal attacks and idiotic tweets, anyone who still doesn't see that he is a buffoon is not just an unethical, immoral subhuman but an actual traitor who poses a real threat to the lives and freedoms of millions of REAL Americans.

Conservative lunatics may be winning the presidency but they lost the culture war long ago.

The USA is a very liberal country and I don't believe you or trump or pence can do anything about that, what with freedom and all.....
America is a conservative nation and Obama was an anomaly. REAL Americans love Trump and reject the lunatic ideas of the Democratic Socialist.

Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

After all of his insults and personal attacks and idiotic tweets, anyone who still doesn't see that he is a buffoon is not just an unethical, immoral subhuman but an actual traitor who poses a real threat to the lives and freedoms of millions of REAL Americans.

Conservative lunatics may be winning the presidency but they lost the culture war long ago.

The USA is a very liberal country and I don't believe you or trump or pence can do anything about that, what with freedom and all.....
America is a conservative nation and Obama was an anomaly. REAL Americans love Trump and reject the lunatic ideas of the Democratic Socialist.

Do you know how unhinged you sound to normal people? I am guessing 'no'.

If Trump is SOOOO beloved...why even on the right-biased Rasmussen does he still not even poll 50%?

I believe that if Trump was not derided 24 hours a day 7 days a week by 95% of the media he would be at 60% approval easily. He has learned politics on the go and is incredible for it. Compare that to the D.C. Politboro members that have been in politics for many decades and are relics numbed to their adulation of power and money. You will listen and laugh with any Progressive Socialist with their salty mouths. But Trump is no good for talking the same.
Isn't this outstanding? Yes it is. I expect Trump to be triumphant in 2020. This is just too much winning!

Despite Onslaught of Liberal Media: Trump Approval at 49% - SIX POINTS Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

After all of his insults and personal attacks and idiotic tweets, anyone who still doesn't see that he is a buffoon is not just an unethical, immoral subhuman but an actual traitor who poses a real threat to the lives and freedoms of millions of REAL Americans.

Conservative lunatics may be winning the presidency but they lost the culture war long ago.

The USA is a very liberal country and I don't believe you or trump or pence can do anything about that, what with freedom and all.....
America is a conservative nation and Obama was an anomaly. REAL Americans love Trump and reject the lunatic ideas of the Democratic Socialist.

And by "anomaly," you mean gathering the most votes of any president in the history of presidential elections........



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