Trump Bizarrely Wants The Government To Give Back The Documents He Stole!

Poor guy doesn't realize he is in deep dodo. Is it legal to prosecute the mentally unfit?

Perhaps this is a furtherance, for the sake of the rubes, of his misguided belief government docs belong to him.......not us. IOW, he's trying to metaphorically say, "see, I really think they're mine" as if he thinks ignorance of the law will protect him.

Another way to phrase it would be, "yes, I'm really that stupid."
I hate to correct you again, but that is not true. Some want to view "classified documents" as a binary condition where the same measures are used in all cases. This is not true. Classified Documents exist win a range of classifications and not all classified documents have to be handled in a SCIF. The above link is pretty close given my experience with handling Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, and TS/SCI.
OK, we don't know the classification of every doc. However, taking any classified docs home is suspicious, especially how many Biden has all over. Compared to Pence.

GOP congressman oversimplifies claim on classified documents amid Biden investigation​

He what?

Just as he can't take White House furniture home with him, he can't take sensitive government records to Mar a Lago. Just because he had access to, handled, or even created classified materials, that doesn't mean they're his to take. Any information he received or sent in connection with his duties as president are government records, not his. They're government property, not his.
Are you persuaded that what he had were indeed sensitive classified anything? Like top secret underwear, classified shoes and nuclear code toys?

Yeah you run with that yarn of yours :rolleyes-41:

Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr didn't run with that case, either. They could have, just like Barr tried to prosecute Andrew McCabe. The McCabe case is how the Clinton case would have turned out had it been brought forward.

Yeah, technically, possessing and mishandling classified materials is unlawful but there's a difference between an accident or misunderstanding and knowingly breaking the law.
Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr didn't run with that case, either. They could have, just like Barr tried to prosecute Andrew McCabe. The McCabe case is how the Clinton case would have turned out had it been brought forward.

Yeah, technically, possessing and mishandling classified materials is unlawful but there's a difference between an accident or misunderstanding and knowingly breaking the law.
When she had her and her aides cellphone smashed and scrubbed the hard drives.....seems she was aware she had broken the law.
Keep carrying the water for her, you look funny in doing so. :laughing0301:
When she had her and her aides cellphone smashed and scrubbed the hard drives.....seems she was aware she had broken the law.
Keep carrying the water for her, you look funny in doing so. :laughing0301:

That's not what the FBI concluded. IT professionals actually recommend the physical destruction of a hard drive once you're done with the device and have backed everything else up. It's the only way to guarantee that the data's irretrievable.

Yes, apparently one of her aides recalled at least 2 times when devices were physically destroyed. But so what? If they destroyed evidence to avoid FBI inspection, then that would be obstruction of justice, which is a serious federal crime. Comey never came close to suggesting that this is what Clinton did or considered doing.

You're just engaging in conspiracy theories and whatbout.

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