Trump Bizarrely Wants The Government To Give Back The Documents He Stole!

Nuclear secrets and intel gathered from foreign sources are not the personal property of an ex-president. They weren't his personal property even when he was president. They were and are now United States government property, and he had the authority to declare whether they were classified or not. But they were never his personal records.
Who in the US if not the president would have the authority to have those documents?

You’ve already lost the case based on SC precedence. The Clinton sock drawer has set the standard.
He's not the president anymore. He's an ex-president, which means he's a civilian. He was caught knowingly in possession of US government materials as civilian, which is a crime.
Can you explain how that would apply to a person who was president but had top secret documents from when he wasn’t?

Which came first? Chicken or the egg kinda thing. If an ex-president is held to this standard how can we not hold a guy who wasn’t president and had documents in his possession to the same standard.

As a matter of fact if that’s the standard today despite the SC ruling why aren’t both Clintons, the obies and the bushes in prison now?
Actually, I am. A guy who plays hard and fast with the truth.
Nothing has buckled under scrutiniy, my friend...
A guy who bends over for Putin.
Those were made up hallucinations by Hillary and the DNC. Heck, I've even heard Joe himself on a credible audio recording (and documented by others in the room) that the whole Russia/Putin thing was a made up lie to sway voters. No guts there...

A guy who has wrecked our economy
Personally, being low to the ground, I was almost able save my million dollar a year company during POTUS45's administration. Alas, the damage cause by Obama was too great, and I could not see a feasible way to sustain the business. [aka Trump had us pointed in the right direction]

and now...may even have sold the nation's secrets to the Chinese.
Have you seen any news or read any transcripts? Ye Gads, it was Biden's access-for-cash laundering scheme (now well documented with hard evidence from the banks) that was the leek of secrets...All evidence points to Biden/Obama/DNC...none points to little guy trump (how could he? he had no access to that market...only a player like the biden cartel (he's only a figurehead, ladies and gentlemen, the list of names of those we've never heard of is quite long...) has access, and he was cashing in according to the records.

He may return to office?
We can only hope some sensibility returns to the office of POTUS. This ship is sinking otherwise.
How does the Presidential Act exonerates Trump according to Trump? He reads the first line of the Act and the rest he does not like and ignores it.

Under the Presidential Records Act (PRA), incumbent Presidents have exclusive responsibility for the custody and management of the Presidential records of their administration while in office. Wow Trump likes that.

Translated by Trump - They are my records and they will continue to be my records forever.

Hold on here but NARA responsibilities are clear. They make theplans for the transfer of legal custody of those materials when an administration ends, the care of those materials, and the development of the Presidential library. Presidential records come to NARA at the end of the administration. Eventually the public will have access to these records. NARA uses this time to begin to conduct archival processing and otherwise prepare for the onset of public access.

The act says that official records of the President are not private and belong to the public. Trump can thank Nixon for that. Trump can't dispose of these records unless NARA approves it.

Trump expands this to classified records and believes that if he declassifies them then they are his records. Declassified records would fall under PRA.

All trump would have to do is restrict access which can be done for up to 12 years. There are limitations on this.

Still how can classified documents that relate to government business belong to one man.

I really can't fathom why Trump wanted to keep them. I can guess that there are some records that he does not what the public to see. So in his haste he just packed up records which included some classified records. IF he admits this mistake then I believe it may go away. The problem is that he will never admit to making a mistake and will fight it.

Poor guy doesn't realize he is in deep dodo. Is it legal to prosecute the mentally unfit?

So you think Trump stole the napkin that the FBI stole from him? That's a whole other level of stupidity right there.
How about you worry about Biden's compromise to Ukraine and Russia, you do realize about a million have died over it, because Putin uses it as a life insurance policy and Ukraine is getting all that money to prolong death and destruction whereby from the moment we realized the Russians rejected the war and Putin, the war could have been over by taking out Putin (if Biden hadn't been compromised by corruption).
Did you ever wonder why Ukraine didn't carpet bomb those sitting duck trucks stoped on the road at the beginning of the war? Ever wonder why Kiev was untouched for the longest time and Selensky left alone by Russia?
So you think Trump stole the napkin that the FBI stole from him? That's a whole other level of stupidity right there.
How about you worry about Biden's compromise to Ukraine and Russia, you do realize about a million have died over it, because Putin uses it as a life insurance policy and Ukraine is getting all that money to prolong death and destruction whereby from the moment we realized the Russians rejected the war and Putin, the war could have been over by taking out Putin (if Biden hadn't been compromised by corruption).
Did you ever wonder why Ukraine didn't carpet bomb those sitting duck trucks stoped on the road at the beginning of the war? Ever wonder why Kiev was untouched for the longest time and Selensky left alone by Russia?

What the fuck are you babbling about? Next time try responding in English. I don’t understand gibberish. :itsok:

Poor guy doesn't realize he is in deep dodo. Is it legal to prosecute the mentally unfit?

Perhaps he really didn’t steal them but instead is entitled to them.

We basically have only heard one side of this issue and that side has only one objective and that is to Get Trump.


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