Trump calls Carson a liar

And he only admitted it because West Point said they didn't have a record of him even applying.

Donald Trump
The unemployment rate may be as high as "42 percent."


Associated Press
Burst of hiring: US employers added 271,000 jobs in October

damn... he's :cuckoo:

And yet he's very popular with the Republican base. I suppose they have this
in common.
What is priceless is seeing Carson go "Balls to Wall" full throated insistence he did go nuts and tried to stab and hammer folks ...that is weird..............
The 2016 GOP candidate boasted about his transformation from rage-filled boy to refined, renowned neurosurgeon in his 1996 autobiography, “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story. Nearly 20 years later, the stories from his childhood are under the microscope and his former classmates don’t remember Carson as a rough kid.

“I don't know nothing about that,” Gerald Ware, Carson’s classmate at Detroit’s Southwestern High School, told CNN. “It would have been all over the whole school.”

CNN spoke with nine people Carson grew up with. Not one remembered the Republican’s self-proclaimed violent outbursts.

In the 19-year-old book, Carson claimed he once tried to strike his mother with a hammer as they argued over clothing. His brother Curtis stepped in and disarmed the boy before he could physically harm their mother.

Carson claimed he physically attacked at least two of his school friends. In the seventh grade he hit a boy named Jerry with a lock after he teased Carson for saying something “stupid” in English class.

"I swung at him, lock in hand. The blow slammed into his forehead, and he groaned, staggering backward, blood seeping from a three-inch gash,” Carson wrote.

Two years later, in the ninth grade, he tried to stab a friend who he identified in the book only as "Bob." The blade stuck Bob’s belt buckle, breaking the blade and leaving the teen unharmed.

“I was trying to kill somebody,” Carson wrote of the knife attack, calling it a moment of “pathological anger.”

The teenage Carson ran to the bathroom after the failed stabbing and prayed. Since then, he has never had a problem with his temper, he claimed in the book.

Carson’s classmates remembered him as introverted and studious — someone who was more likely to be found in the library than in the middle of a schoolyard fight.

He was a quiet, shy kid, not too outgoing,” said his junior high and high school classmate Jerry Dixon. “Bennie stayed home a lot or went to the library to work.”

Dixon said he is not the Jerry the doctor-turned-politician beat with a lock — and said he had never even heard of such an incident.

Carson refused to reveal the names of his victims...

Ben Carson admits he lied about West Point scholarship
IMO Carson knows all RW's are rock dumb, forgive RW candidate liars for anything, then will stick with them like glue through the election ...

Trump is crazy like a Fox. He knew this was going to break, and he kept egging him on. Trump may fall apart if the campaign ever gets down to "and how exactly would you build that wall, increase wages, get a tax hike passed" but so long as its a campaign about a personality, he's not going anywhere.

And, I don't mean that as a diss. Hillary was way better on actual policy than Obama in the 2008 primary.
Trump is crazy like a Fox. He knew this was going to break, and he kept egging him on. Trump may fall apart if the campaign ever gets down to "and how exactly would you build that wall, increase wages, get a tax hike passed" but so long as its a campaign about a personality, he's not going anywhere.

And, I don't mean that as a diss. Hillary was way better on actual policy than Obama in the 2008 primary.
The reporter from Univision tried to ask Trump those questions and Trump had him strong armed out of the press conference.

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