Trump calls political enemies ‘vermin,’ echoing dictators Hitler, Mussolini

anybody's intellect? How about displaying your intellect.

First and foremost, what are you talking about? We do not live in a Democracy we live in a Republic. So let us judge your intellect. You are a moron that does not know we live in a Republic.
...which is a subset of democracy. You apparently don't care about either since you support a "very proud election denier"
Trump calls his opponents "vermin" and his voters all over this board are now called leftist posters "vermin". But you're not in a cult. Not you.
Whenever your Dimwinger handlers tell you clowns you must be triggered by a word, I’m gonna trigger you, Vermin.
Whenever your Dimwinger handlers tell you clowns you must be triggered by a word, I’m gonna trigger you, Vermin.
its not just the word, its the internment camps.

Trump's ardent followers take this as a call to violence.
its not just the word, its the internment camps.

Trump's ardent followers take this as a call to violence.
These people are choosing to ignore the bigger context.

Or, they lack the capacity to understand the bigger context.

Who knows at this point.
So is defenestration, should we use that against people we disagree with, MAGA vermin?

No, how about you, MAGA vermin?
So, if I understand you correctly, you're saying that Trump should not be using the term vermin, but you are perfectly free to call Trump supporters vermin. Is that what you're saying?
These people are choosing to ignore the bigger context.

Or, they lack the capacity to understand the bigger context.

Who knows at this point.
The Trumpstettes believe they've been shit on by both parties - with some justification btw - and the more Trump does to engender hate from the majority of Americans, the more the Trumpstettes feel vindicated ... even if they have to abandon facts and reason to believe he actually won.
...which is a subset of democracy. You apparently don't care about either since you support a "very proud election denier"

You really are an intellect, hahahahaha

Election denier? Is that 14 times for you, Daddy uH'Blivious

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