Trump calls political enemies ‘vermin,’ echoing dictators Hitler, Mussolini

Still means nothing, vermin.
Not to you. And it's your dumb ass alone that will put Trump over the top, right? It's just ol Trumpy out there making new friends with his gums flapping. He's pissed because things don't go his way in his fraud trial and he can't control his rage. That's why he says stuff like that. Cause he has no self control. He's gotta let it all hang out for every undecided voter out there to make of it what they want.
Not to you. And it's your dumb ass alone that will put Trump over the top, right? It's just ol Trumpy out there making new friends with his gums flapping. He's pissed because things don't go his way in his fraud trial and he can't control his rage. That's why he says stuff like that. Cause he has no self control. He's gotta let it all hang out for every undecided voter out there to make of it what they want.
^^^^^Triggered vermin^^^^^
^^^^^Triggered vermin^^^^^
Another thing - Trump is gonna get hosed in NY like he's never been hosed before. And he knows it. He's so mad, he got more orange. It's a deep Mandarin Orange hue now. The impotent hate radiates through his skin.
The former Congressperson, a representative who couldn’t retain her seat, Liz Chunky, proclaimed that Trump’s use of the word “vermin” was very much like the term used by Hitler. 🙄

The left wing propagandists then issued their talking pointless memo, and the devoted wannabes (lightweights like DumpHole) then spread the word.

They fail to take into account that Hitler also used the term “we.” Therefore, when they use that very same word (albeit not necessarily in the German), they are just as guilty of employing a Hitlerian word.

Their logic simply doesn’t exist — at all.
Another thing - Trump is gonna get hosed in NY like he's never been hosed before. And he knows it. He's so mad, he got more orange. It's a deep Mandarin Orange hue now. The impotent hate radiates through his skin.
All these faux trials will be overturned on appeal, vermin.

More than 140 law enforcement officers were physically harmed during the insurrection, according to a special congressional committee investigating the attack. In a July hearing, a District of Columbia police officer recounted a chaotic and violent day where he was tased in the head several times by rioters and beaten unconscious.
Nostra won't read that link, but the next time you post the same information, he will once again ask you for a link.
J6 sealed his fate. That's when the establishment knew that he had to be destroyed, all of him. His political career, his MAGA philosophy, his livelihood, his reputation and legacy, his sanity.
The former Congressperson, a representative who couldn’t retain her seat, Liz Chunky, proclaimed that Trump’s use of the word “vermin” was very much like the term used by Hitler. 🙄

The left wing propagandists then issued their talking pointless memo, and the devoted wannabes (lightweights like DumpHole) then spread the word.

They fail to take into account that Hitler also used the term “we.” Therefore, when they use that very same word (albeit not necessarily in the German), they are just as guilty of employing a Hitlerian word.

Their logic simply doesn’t exist — at all.

VERMIN has a definition of
  • people perceived as despicable and as causing problems for the rest of society.
    "the vermin who ransacked her house"

    Seems to me Trump's use of the word "VERMIN" is SPOT FUCKING ON.​
J6 sealed his fate. That's when the establishment knew that he had to be destroyed, all of him. His political career, his MAGA philosophy, his livelihood, his reputation and legacy, his sanity.
There is a lot of truth in this comment. The lame duck “commander-in-chief” directly counterposed himself and his megalomaniacal narcissism to the interests of the Republic he was sworn to protect, remaining silent for hours as his supporters battled police, invaded the Capitol and interrupted the peaceful transition of power.

This made him even more powerful enemies within the Establishment as well as outside it. If he had really won the election as he claimed and were not just a power-obsessed populist and demagogue, had he a real program that could unify and rally most of our nation around a consistent & reasonable program for change … his actions on Jan. 6th would not matter to me. But Trump is Trump. Not a responsible leader but a conman who has painted himself and the nation into a corner, totally willing to bring down our Republic and destroy our national unity in these difficult times … just to save himself.
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