Trump calls political enemies ‘vermin,’ echoing dictators Hitler, Mussolini

Not sure WTF you are babbling about, Vermin.

The claim was made that there were 1000 attacks on cops. There were about 200 cops there, so that would mean every cop was attacked five times.

Complete bullshit.
if every cop was attacked five times, and the riot lasted three hours, then a capitol police officer was attacked every 35 minutes on average.
Who says every cop was attacked 5 times?
its just basic math.
This article says there were a couple hundred officers on site.
And then this article says there were approx one thousand assaults on officers.
So it might be reasonable to say there were an average of five assaults per officer during capitol riot. Which would be an assault every 35 minutes if the riot lasted three hours.

Certainly there are alot more than 200 officers working for capitol police, which is a shame that only 200 were on site.
its just basic math.
This article says there were a couple hundred officers on site.
And then this article says there were approx one thousand assaults on officers.
So it might be reasonable to say there were an average of five assaults per officer during capitol riot. Which would be an assault every 35 minutes if the riot lasted three hours.

Certainly there are alot more than 200 officers working for capitol police, which is a shame that only 200 were on site.

These cops giving the Shaman dude a tour don't look like they have been assaulted 5 times.

are you ignoring what your supporters are doing right now. Storming the capital, storming DNC, calling for the deaths of Jewish americans..even democrat politicians. Are you freakin' blind?

They’re not my supporters…I think you have me confused with someone else.
Calling some a “deplorable” is not dehumanizing. You are a deplorable HUMAN.

Calling someone vermin or “cockroaches” as they did in Rawanda is a different thing altogether.

It is absolutely dehumanizing and an invitation to exterminate that “vermin”

You can keep spewing word salad as long as you want but nothing changes that

It’s only dehumanizing because YOU are making it that way. You all keep bringing up all these other things, like Rawanda and hitler and Mussolini…you do realize that trump never mentioned any of that. It was the left wing media who came up with all that nonsense.

“Vermin” is a term that many people use, have been for hundreds of years. It was YOU folks who brought up the comparison to hitler and all that, of course , in order to heap another pile of “get trump” on him.

What do you think Hillary meant by “basket of deplorables”. She didn’t say “those people are deplorable”. She said they are a “basket of deplorable”. That’s a descriptive term refering to those people. Obviously she was meaning it in a very negative connotation.

But put aside that term. You people have been painting a target on the backs of all right wingers with your constant attacks. You all can’t go 5 minutes without calling them racist, or homophobic or all that nonsense. You call them scum, you call them terrorists. Seriously you can’t believe that the things you all say about the right are fine and not at all dehumanizing.
When you try to overthrow the Constitution, that's the very definition of "threat to the country".

When you tell everyone you're going to prosecute and execute General Milley, and the other staffers who were "disloyal", that's a threat to the country.

When you tell people protestors and those who criticize him will be jailed, and millions of immigrants rounded up and deported en masse - that's a threat to the country.

When someone tells you who they are BELIEVE them.
Who said anyone was going to kill milley?

Nobody tried to overthrow the cotus or the government. They tried to hold up the ceremonial counting of the ballots..but nobody was attempting to overthrow the government.

When did trump say he was going to jail people who criticize him? I’d like to see that. Post the link..I’ll watch it.

When someone tells you who they are BELIEVE them.

This is almost true. The left wing media told you who they think trump is, and you do believe that.

The problem is, trump didn’t tell you who he was, you just took his words and made up your own story to believe that.

Btw…aren’t you from Canada? Why do you even worry about trump anyway? You and Tommy Tainan both, worrying about trump when you won’t even have to live under his presidency…

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