Trump calls political enemies ‘vermin,’ echoing dictators Hitler, Mussolini

It’s only dehumanizing because YOU are making it that way. You all keep bringing up all these other things, like Rawanda and hitler and Mussolini…you do realize that trump never mentioned any of that. It was the left wing media who came up with all that nonsense.

“Vermin” is a term that many people use, have been for hundreds of years. It was YOU folks who brought up the comparison to hitler and all that, of course , in order to heap another pile of “get trump” on him.

What do you think Hillary meant by “basket of deplorables”. She didn’t say “those people are deplorable”. She said they are a “basket of deplorable”. That’s a descriptive term refering to those people. Obviously she was meaning it in a very negative connotation.

But put aside that term. You people have been painting a target on the backs of all right wingers with your constant attacks. You all can’t go 5 minutes without calling them racist, or homophobic or all that nonsense. You call them scum, you call them terrorists. Seriously you can’t believe that the things you all say about the right are fine and not at all dehumanizing.
Must… protect… Orange…fraud
Biden claimed anyone who disagrees with him is George Wallace or Bull Connor and an "extremist" whatever the hell that means.
That is the new Democrat label for anyone who disagrees with them-extremist. Uncle Jojo started it and the jackass Hakeem Jeffries followed suit.
A Republic is a subset of democracy, You are incorrect.

I see you are very interested in what I have to say. Thank you. What name did I call anybody? I do admit to calling their post childish, which it was. Therefore, you are incorrect.

Yes, I do and I will to continue to call out any American who defends a "very proud election denier" as candidate for the US presidency. It is the very antithesis of our system, therefore it is the height of hypocrisy for people supporting this man to claim to have any moral high ground regarding US politics.

Again, thank you for your interest in my posts.

I look forward to seeing more of your attempts at an intellectual conversation.

You think that babbling and babbling is "intelligent conversation?" I got bored, I don't even know what side you're on. Can you bottom line it for me and be far more clear what you're saying?
Biden claimed anyone who disagrees with him is George Wallace or Bull Connor and an "extremist" whatever the hell that means.

If you didn't detect the sarcasm in my post when you read it, there were a whole bunch of other posts making clear I am unequivocally on the side of Israel. You could have read some of my other posts to notice that rather than posting you misunderstood the one you read
Yes.....they both used words.
Course I don't remember Trump ever speaking in German.
But the media is claiming that Trump using the word "Vermin" is just like Hitler.

Did Hitler ever actually say the word vermin....or is the media just making things up again in desperation.

Trump is beating the crap out of Biden in the of course they have to compare the guy that Biden has arrested on several occasions to Hitler.

If Trump was Hitler....he'd still be president, wouldn't he?

I sometimes watch Bill Maher....because every once in awhile some truth comes out in his anti-Trump rants. Biden and Newsome played host to XI for a few days and cleaned up San Francisco.

Biden slammed Trump for using the word vermin.....even though he called over half of America terrorists.

What a putz.

You can't vote for Hitler.

Vote for the schmuck who's arresting his political opponents and is letting 8 million people invade our country.
If Trump was Hitler....he'd still be president, wouldn't he?

If Trump were Hitler … he’d be dead.

What is it with all these ridiculous and incomprehensible historical arguments of yours? Trump is not another Hitler, but his language is demagogic and divisive and words like “vermin” are indeed especially dehumanizing, with a long history of use by fascists.

As for your claim that he would still be President— (because fascists or authoritarians supposedly always succeed in their coup attempts?) — the Lame Duck President Trump was fortunately unsuccessful in all his attempts to stay in power after he lost the election in November 2020.

By the way, even the young genuine fascist — the “real Adolph Hitler” — failed in his first attempt to seize power from the Weimar Republic “vermin” in 1923. To see an accurate comparison of the two very different attempts to overthrow representative republican government, see my carefully written historical comparison here:

I sometimes watch Bill Maher....because every once in awhile some truth comes out in his anti-Trump rants.
I sometimes watch him too. So what? He is an entertaining traditional liberal … who tells the truth about Trump’s “Big Lies” … and about many instances of wild & crazy liberalism as well.
Biden slammed Trump for using the word vermin.....even though he called over half of America terrorists.
Link? Where did Biden call “over half of America” … “terrorists”?
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You do know that I chose the name 'rumpole' intentionally because I new morons wouldn't be able to resist making fun of the name.

I did that to reveal who the morons were.

Thanks for taking the bait

I now know which group you belong and whom to ignore.

bye bye, moron.
/---/ If President Trump called them deplorables instead, would you approve?

The issue is that 'vermin' is the kind of lingo demagogues like Hitler used.

'Deplorable' just doesn't have the demagogue-ish punch they lust for.

It's something like an American politician might say.

Come to think of it, one particular American politician did say it.
Must… protect… Orange…fraud


What I do care about is the lefts crusade against the right, with all of their hateful things they say and then come here and get upset because someone compared how they live to vermin.
I'm sure your local proctologist is lusting after you.

You are sure........oh are a left winger........always sure......always wrong.

I am guessing......just guessing......(what you do a lot of but still calling it fact)....that you have 10 proctologists.

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