Trump calls political enemies ‘vermin,’ echoing dictators Hitler, Mussolini

Fact: Trump called out you Marxist communists alright, and he said, "THAT LIVE LIKE VERMIN."
That's NOT directly calling you commies VERMIN, just an APT comparison.
But this is just like every other instance of you demented zombies take what he says out of context or verbatim without any sense of sarcasm or humor.
Unclutch your pearls and quit yer crying, he described you assholes PERFECTLY!!!!!!
You are wrong, it is dehumanizing and your opinion doesn’t seem to be correct.

Two kinds of dehumanization were measured, subtle dehumanization and blatant dehumanization. Research postulates that subtle dehumanization can take two forms:

  1. Animalistic dehumanization signals a denial of human uniqueness (e.g. those people are uncouth, stupid, deplorable).

When we dehumanize a group we oppose we justify any sort of opposition — including violence.

Clinton began by calling at least half of Donald Trump’s supporters a “basket of deplorables”. More recently she attacked Bernie Sanders’ supporters by suggesting they are “basement dwellers” explaining they somehow they were less than human because they lived in their parents basements. The reason they’re living in their parents basement can be found in the last 8 years of the Democratic Party’s rule of America.

Assuming Bernie supporters represented about half of the Democrat Party and Trump’s basket of deplorables represent about half of the Republican Party — Hillary has managed to dehumanize half of the American electorate. Has this ever happened in history?

Now spin your answer but we all know you are wrong and you tried to dehumanize myself by calling me a retard.

A blog post isn't evidence of anything. And she's wrong. "Uncouth" isn't dehumanizing either, because these are human characteristics. Manners, intellect, and morality are only expected iin humans.

Try this one. It actually agrees with you on "deplorables":

Enemy images are accentuated, according to psychologists, by the process of "projection," in which people "project" their own faults onto their opponents. This means that people or groups who tend to be aggressive or selfish are likely to attribute those traits to their opponents, but not to themselves. This improves one's own self-image and increases group cohesion, but it also escalates the conflict and makes it easier to dehumanize the other side.

This is the article's conclusion and it's sadly, so very true:

"Slavery was the epitome of dehumanization, as was the killing and forced displacement of Native Americans. The fact that we are still deeply conflicted about racial issues shows how deep the wounds of dehumanization are...and how hard they are to repair."
Wow..just wow..

Deplorables…..”threat to the country”…those aren’t dehumanizing? Have you ever spoken out against those comments?

Or how about this running narrative that republicans/Christian/white people are all racist/misogynist/homophobes …that’s not dehumanizing? Have you ever spoken out against that?

Trump, referring to how some democrats live, as vermin, is mild compared to the ongoing attacks the left levies against the right.

When you try to overthrow the Constitution, that's the very definition of "threat to the country".

When you tell everyone you're going to prosecute and execute General Milley, and the other staffers who were "disloyal", that's a threat to the country.

When you tell people protestors and those who criticize him will be jailed, and millions of immigrants rounded up and deported en masse - that's a threat to the country.

When someone tells you who they are BELIEVE them.
Fact: Trump called out you Marxist communists alright, and he said, "THAT LIVE LIKE VERMIN."
That's NOT directly calling you commies VERMIN, just an APT comparison.
But this is just like every other instance of you demented zombies take what he says out of context or verbatim without any sense of sarcasm or humor.
Unclutch your pearls and quit yer crying, he described you assholes PERFECTLY!!!!!!
Dream on
Fact: Trump called out you Marxist communists alright, and he said, "THAT LIVE LIKE VERMIN."
That's NOT directly calling you commies VERMIN, just an APT comparison.
But this is just like every other instance of you demented zombies take what he says out of context or verbatim without any sense of sarcasm or humor.
Unclutch your pearls and quit yer crying, he described you assholes PERFECTLY!!!!!!

I just love the pretzels you twist yourselves into trying to deny that Trump said exactly what he said. He did call white supremacists "good people", and has threatened his critics with imprisonment and death.

Of course all of his accusations actually confessions of his own crimes. Trump accuses all Democrats of being corrupt because he's corrupt. He calls everyone a liar because he's a liar. And you come here dutifully and deny he said what we all just heard him say.

Variations on a theme: He didn't mean it. He was "joking". It was just locker room talk. Anything to excuse the vile racism hatred and threats emenating from the former President.

Hillary Clinton didn't called half the nation "deplorable". This is her exact statement:

You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

But you all embraced the term, because you want to play "victim". You want to claim you're ill used when you're not.
I just love the pretzels you twist yourselves into trying to deny that Trump said exactly what he said. He did call white supremacists "good people", and has threatened his critics with imprisonment and death.

Of course all of his accusations actually confessions of his own crimes. Trump accuses all Democrats of being corrupt because he's corrupt. He calls everyone a liar because he's a liar. And you come here dutifully and deny he said what we all just heard him say.

Variations on a theme: He didn't mean it. He was "joking". It was just locker room talk. Anything to excuse the vile racism hatred and threats emenating from the former President.

Hillary Clinton didn't called half the nation "deplorable". This is her exact statement:

But you all embraced the term, because you want to play "victim". You want to claim you're ill used when you're not.
Take off, hoser.
Vermin hoser.
hoser eh?
if the capitol riot lasted for at least three hours, and tucker has 44 thousand ours of footage, then its reasonable that there exists 2,300 hours of capitol police body-cam footage.
Not sure WTF you are babbling about, Vermin.

The claim was made that there were 1000 attacks on cops. There were about 200 cops there, so that would mean every cop was attacked five times.

Complete bullshit.

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