Trump calls political enemies ‘vermin,’ echoing dictators Hitler, Mussolini

In this game, everyone loses. You support bidens inciteful rhetoric but come here to blame trump for calling people “vermin”. That’s your right, but it makes you no better than the people you speak out against.
Biden? Last I saw you were trying to distract with some nonsense about Clinton

Clearly you are just flailing
Calling people "deplorable" is not dehumanizing at all. In fact, only humans have the ability to recognize that their behaviour violates normal human decency. Human behaviour can be called "deplorable" because humans should know better. I thought you were proud of your bigotry and xenophobia and proudly proclaiming your deplorable label.

Calling people "vermin" or an "infestation" is calling them rats or a disease, and is dehumanizing. Fascists use dehumanizing language.

Why do the leftists on this board have to constandly explain to you clowns how offensive your behaviour is to others?

Really? Must be nice to decide what is considered dehumanizing when it’s regarding the other side. Of course you wouldn’t think “deplorable” is dehumanizing, it behooves your argument to think so.

But let’s just disregard the deplorable comment for a second. I mean, there’s any number of insults hurled at people every day here on these forums, from both sides mind you, but from the left, it’s a constant onslaught of “all white/Christian/Republican people are racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynist, etc.. Of course you don’t think any of that is dehumanizing either, right? Of course you don’t, because you lefty’s love all that kind of stuff, it makes you giddy all through your day, but someone says you live like vermin..OOOOH MY GOSH…the world is in fire!!’

Also, honestly, I don’t think even you all consider trumps words to be dehumanizing, I don’t think any of you actually care, this is just another media driven narrative in the “get trump” train that has been chugging along since 2016. I’ve never known a lefty to let trumps words have an effect on them like this, and I still don’t think you do. It’s all just outrage to pile on top of the outrage that’s already been festering for almost 8 years.
Really? Must be nice to decide what is considered dehumanizing when it’s regarding the other side. Of course you wouldn’t think “deplorable” is dehumanizing, it behooves your argument to think so.

But let’s just disregard the deplorable comment for a second. I mean, there’s any number of insults hurled at people every day here on these forums, from both sides mind you, but from the left, it’s a constant onslaught of “all white/Christian/Republican people are racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynist, etc.. Of course you don’t think any of that is dehumanizing either, right? Of course you don’t, because you lefty’s love all that kind of stuff, it makes you giddy all through your day, but someone says you live like vermin..OOOOH MY GOSH…the world is in fire!!’

Also, honestly, I don’t think even you all consider trumps words to be dehumanizing, I don’t think any of you actually care, this is just another media driven narrative in the “get trump” train that has been chugging along since 2016. I’ve never known a lefty to let trumps words have an effect on them like this, and I still don’t think you do. It’s all just outrage to pile on top of the outrage that’s already been festering for almost 8 years.
Insults are one thing

Dehumanizing an opponent is a very different and very dangerous thing

Huge fail
Insults are one thing

Dehumanizing an opponent is a very different and very dangerous thing

Huge fail
Lol, like dragonlady, you also seem to feel that your comments are not dehumanizing. That’s very convenient when you are the one doling out the comments.

So, are you suggesting that insults are not dehumanizing? Or just your insults are not dehumanizing? If that’s the case, the the insult “vermin” is also not dehumanizing, not any more than being called any of the other names that you all hurl into the right, on these forums on a daily basis.
Yes, a subset. A form of democracy. I can see why a supporter of a "proud election denier" would be confused as what is and isn't a form of democracy. Let me help you.

Progs over a period of years have caused this with their endless disinformation. We live in a condition of non-trust now. Progs are self-destructing as their voters are groups of easily agatized people who declare victimhood and not allow anyone else to do the same. The warnings to you party have shown their real truths the last several years. The recent anti-Israel faction is huge. Incredible.
"We will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, lie, steal, and cheat on elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally to destroy America, and the American Dream" --Donald Trump in a campaign speech

Holy Mein Kampf, Batman, Trump's been sniffing crazy glue!

“The language is the language that dictators use to instill fear,” said Timothy Naftali, a senior research scholar at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. “When you dehumanize an opponent, you strip them of their constitutional rights to participate securely in a democracy because you’re saying they’re not human. That’s what dictators do.”
Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a historian at New York University, said in an email to The Washington Post that “calling people 'vermin’ was used effectively by Hitler and Mussolini to dehumanize people and encourage their followers to engage in violence.”
“Trump is also using projection: note that he mentions all kinds of authoritarians ‘communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left’ to set himself up as the deliverer of freedom,” Ben-Ghiat said. “Mussolini promised freedom to his people too and then declared dictatorship.”
I seem to recall Republicans having a conniption when Hillary called them ''deplorables', but how silent they are when Trump acts like a second rate wannabe dictator.​
But Republicans love this type of rhetoric. It's not about making America Great, it's about owning the libs. Not a very good basis to run a country, and forget about unity, not with this guy.​
He's making plans, if he regains office.....​

Trump planning sweeping raids, detention camps, and mass deportations if re-elected in 2025, NYT reports​

Trump is going to lose middle America, now he's getting scary.​

You just made Trump's day.
Nothing makes him happier than seeing the easily triggered left go unhinged like you do especially after they parrot Queen Hillary
No, our republic is a type of government. At least you are no longer stating a, "subset" of a democracy.

Progs over a period of years have caused this with their endless disinformation. We live in a condition of non-trust now. Progs are self-destructing as their voters are groups of easily agatized people who declare victimhood and not allow anyone else to do the same. The warnings to you party have shown their real truths the last several years. The recent anti-Israel faction is huge. Incredible.
I want to make sure I have this right. You are are claiming that progressives caused DT to lie about the 2020 election?

Insults are one thing

Using dehumanizing terms is another thing entirely

Insults are one thing

Using dehumanizing terms is another thing entirely
You lying GASLIGHT THEATRE BULLSHIT cannot change that FACT.
Lol, like dragonlady, you also seem to feel that your comments are not dehumanizing. That’s very convenient when you are the one doling out the comments.

So, are you suggesting that insults are not dehumanizing? Or just your insults are not dehumanizing? If that’s the case, the the insult “vermin” is also not dehumanizing, not any more than being called any of the other names that you all hurl into the right, on these forums on a daily basis.
Calling some a “deplorable” is not dehumanizing. You are a deplorable HUMAN.

Calling someone vermin or “cockroaches” as they did in Rawanda is a different thing altogether.

It is absolutely dehumanizing and an invitation to exterminate that “vermin”

You can keep spewing word salad as long as you want but nothing changes that
Yes, and...

While he is doing that, there are others who are using him for their own agenda. People like Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon. Trump is just protecting his fragile ego, while the others are trying to take us back to 30's Europe.

Trump doesn't write those speeches. Yes, he was clearly willing to use "vermin", but he doesn't have the capacity to understand the historical implications. Miller and Bannon DO.

I think he may just be the shiny puppet here, and I don't think that either he or his credulous rube base realize what is happening.
Yet you shriek with joy over Biden Being Barry Soerto's puppet! Quick tell us how independent you are. You a lying liberal sycophant!

Insults are one thing

Using dehumanizing terms is another thing entirely

You mean like MAGArat, which a quick search shows you have used dozens, if not hundreds, of times on this board.


GFY, hypocrite. YOU dehumanize constantly.
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Of course the Establishment is the problem but they are the problem we know and they do not always go unchecked. I draw the line at giving someone like Trump unchecked power
I draw the line at Obama getting a third term through a puppet like Biden !
Yet you shriek with joy over Biden Being Barry Soerto's puppet! Quick tell us how independent you are. You a lying liberal sycophant!
I shriek with joy over Biden being Barry Soetero's puppet?

Wow! I didn't know that!

But I believe that you believe it, and that's fascinating as hell!
You mean like MAGArat, which a quick search shows you have used dozens, if not hundreds, of times on this board?

GFY, hypocrite. YOU dehumanize constantly.
That’s a fair criticism. I am not however a public figure or Presidential candidate.

But I take that to heart and will no longer use that term

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