Trump claims once again everyone can get tested for Coronavirus, and it is still untrue

Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


It's free here where i live, liar.
It's not about being free. It's about having enough testing. Trump has failed the country and has killed thousands.
In NM they have free testing sites. Including at a few Walmart’s. People can get tested when they want too.
Who's talking about free? Did you read the OP?
Classic dimbabble, "did you read it" lmao.
Yea, I read my own OP. Lol!
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


View attachment 335264
Nothing like a post in search of an argument.
No need to argue against the phony ginned up hysteria, that you've obviously fallen for.

I simply don't give a fuck about testing, and am unlikely to care at any point in the future.
We'll, that's the whole point of the thread. You don't give a fuck. Republicans just do not care about anything but themselves, and certainly could give two shits who gets the virus. Your protests about opening the economy without protection proved that. And we certainly know Trump could care less. The more dead the better. Genocide is his game.
The whole point of the thread is for you to try and get others as worked up about a non-issue as you are....And you've failed.

Testing is absolutely useless for anything other than to decide a course of action for someone already infected...As useless as this thread.
It's not a non-issue. It is a record of fact. Ask the health professionals on the frontline. Even the health care people in Trumps own administration admitted there is not enough testing.

I can get tested tomorrow.
I guess you must live in a blue state where they put the infected into nursing homes to kill off the elderly.
There you go. You just confirmed Trump was lying about everyone getting a test. See how easy that was to get you to agree?
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


I can be tested.
And? Are you everyone? :auiqs.jpg:
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


It's free here where i live, liar.
It's not about being free. It's about having enough testing. Trump has failed the country and has killed thousands.
In NM they have free testing sites. Including at a few Walmart’s. People can get tested when they want too.

Good for them, but if I wouldn't let a New Mexican working at a Walmart shove a Q-tip up my nose under any circumstance
It’s an on location testing site with healthcare workers. Not Walmart employees LOL
Matters not...I could go get a test right now, and get infected just by entering the WallyWorld and walking around for an hour.

Testing sans a medical outcome is worthless.
Point being testing is available pretty much everywhere. This BS about no tests is just that...BS.
Too bad for you, we won't be seeing any documented evidence of that. Try again.
msnbc? LOL

If he is wrong, he is wrong. That does not automatically mean he is lying. Nor has he failed. It beats all how much crap is being made up. Those liars too? So everyone lies all the time. Maybe you, but certainly not me. :icon_rolleyes:
Trump is both lying and wrong.

“Trump claimed that anybody who wants to get tested for the respiratory disease caused by the virus can do so.
He’s wrong. Current supply of the test is limited, and it is clinicians who decide whether a patient meets criteria to warrant testing. Testing is not as easy as just calling your doctor or pharmacy, saying you want to be tested for COVID-19 and getting it done.”

Why would you want to be tested, unless you are sick and the doctor doesn't know what you have?

That's when you get tested
You're kidding right? You really don't know?

All I know is that even if I felt I was coming down with a case of the Covid, I'd just call my doctor, and if he agreed, I'd just ask him to call in an Rx for the Trump Treatment. No need for a test even then. Hydroxychloroquine is cheaper than the test anyhow, certainly worth trying for a presumed , unconfirmed case.
And what do you want written on your tombstone? I got it. "Here lies another Trump cultist, Polishprince, who bit the dust at the recommendation of a nut case." You don't even give a shit about yourself.

Very few people actually die of Covid, unless they have serious co-morbidities. The average age of a COVID victim is 84. Further, the Trump Treatment has been shown to be pretty effective.
No it hasn't, and you have no evidence it has anything to do with stopping the virus. You're a liar.
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


I can be tested.
And? Are you everyone? :auiqs.jpg:
These tests are available to more people than you might think. Certainly more than the leftwing media would want you to believe.
the testings aren't worth a pisshole in the snow.....~S~
Tell that to the folks who already got the tests, and they were positive.
not my bad BWK
but i do know some 'testers' personally
maybe they could come clean, you know.....on the side...for a $$$

I know a few myself who got the test, and it proved positive, and they are sick. Your view of the tests is your view. Means nothing to me really.
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


I can be tested.
And? Are you everyone? :auiqs.jpg:
These tests are available to more people than you might think.
What did Trump tell us again? Covering for liars is not your best option.
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


I can be tested.
And? Are you everyone? :auiqs.jpg:
These tests are available to more people than you might think.
What did Trump tell us again? Covering for liars is not your best option.
Would you like me to find you a local testing site?
Testing is a wonderful thing, you can get tested, and at that moment your test comes back negative, the next morning you get
tested and it comes back positive. People are just hung up on it. If you need to be tested because a person you know came back
as positive...get tested Not feeling well and have some or all of the symptoms...get tested. But, to get tested just to be tested is
a sure sign of ignorance. Which some people on this very thread, whom one I shall not name is very ignorant.
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


It's free here where i live, liar.
It's not about being free. It's about having enough testing. Trump has failed the country and has killed thousands.
In NM they have free testing sites. Including at a few Walmart’s. People can get tested when they want too.

Good for them, but if I wouldn't let a New Mexican working at a Walmart shove a Q-tip up my nose under any circumstance
It’s an on location testing site with healthcare workers. Not Walmart employees LOL
Matters not...I could go get a test right now, and get infected just by entering the WallyWorld and walking around for an hour.

Testing sans a medical outcome is worthless.
Point being testing is available pretty much everywhere. This BS about no tests is just that...BS.
Too bad for you, we won't be seeing any documented evidence of that. Try again.

Look at all those locations.

shall I look them up in your state for you?
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


It's free here where i live, liar.
It's not about being free. It's about having enough testing. Trump has failed the country and has killed thousands.
In NM they have free testing sites. Including at a few Walmart’s. People can get tested when they want too.

Good for them, but if I wouldn't let a New Mexican working at a Walmart shove a Q-tip up my nose under any circumstance
It’s an on location testing site with healthcare workers. Not Walmart employees LOL
Matters not...I could go get a test right now, and get infected just by entering the WallyWorld and walking around for an hour.

Testing sans a medical outcome is worthless.
Point being testing is available pretty much everywhere. This BS about no tests is just that...BS.
Too bad for you, we won't be seeing any documented evidence of that. Try again.
Classic dimtard babble. Try again. lmao, you yard turds need a new teacher.
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


View attachment 335264
Nothing like a post in search of an argument.
No need to argue against the phony ginned up hysteria, that you've obviously fallen for.

I simply don't give a fuck about testing, and am unlikely to care at any point in the future.
We'll, that's the whole point of the thread. You don't give a fuck. Republicans just do not care about anything but themselves, and certainly could give two shits who gets the virus. Your protests about opening the economy without protection proved that. And we certainly know Trump could care less. The more dead the better. Genocide is his game.
The whole point of the thread is for you to try and get others as worked up about a non-issue as you are....And you've failed.

Testing is absolutely useless for anything other than to decide a course of action for someone already infected...As useless as this thread.
It's not a non-issue. It is a record of fact. Ask the health professionals on the frontline. Even the health care people in Trumps own administration admitted there is not enough testing.

I can get tested tomorrow.
I guess you must live in a blue state where they put the infected into nursing homes to kill off the elderly.
There you go. You just confirmed Trump was lying about everyone getting a test. See how easy that was to get you to agree?

Go get one ya whiny little bitch.
Although if You think you're coming down with symptoms I wouldnt worry too much,it's probably just menopause.
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


They don't mind when he lies directly at them. He can say anything - the Fifth Avenue Rule.

This is a group psychosis. Nothing matters unless he says it does. They will follow.
Unfortunately you are right. This has manifested into a gigantic cult. The country cannot survive a cult and the insanity that it represents.
We've seen this before in world history. The country gets through it, but not without profound damage.
Americans have had enough even in the leftist controlled areas they're saying fuck you to leftist tyranny and opening America back up and rejecting the bullshit.
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


I can be tested.
And? Are you everyone? :auiqs.jpg:
These tests are available to more people than you might think.
What did Trump tell us again? Covering for liars is not your best option.
Would you like me to find you a local testing site?
A local testing site? Lol! Why would I need to do that? Trump said anyone could get a test, so they must be at every location right?
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


View attachment 335264
Nothing like a post in search of an argument.
No need to argue against the phony ginned up hysteria, that you've obviously fallen for.

I simply don't give a fuck about testing, and am unlikely to care at any point in the future.
We'll, that's the whole point of the thread. You don't give a fuck. Republicans just do not care about anything but themselves, and certainly could give two shits who gets the virus. Your protests about opening the economy without protection proved that. And we certainly know Trump could care less. The more dead the better. Genocide is his game.
The whole point of the thread is for you to try and get others as worked up about a non-issue as you are....And you've failed.

Testing is absolutely useless for anything other than to decide a course of action for someone already infected...As useless as this thread.
It's not a non-issue. It is a record of fact. Ask the health professionals on the frontline. Even the health care people in Trumps own administration admitted there is not enough testing.
It's a total fucking non-issue....Unnamed "health care people in Trumps own administration" provides no evidence to show how this is important or relevant to anyone who isn't an hysterical fool.
What do you think Fauci was saying today? Lol! You folks need to get a clue. You are posting while in search of an argument; Fauci: "Of course" there will be more deaths if U.S. does not have adequate testing by fall

Sure, America can shut down for the rest of the year, and the rest of next year. But that would create an incredible amount of poverty that will make COVID look like nothing
Yeah, but that would see to it that he got lots of face time in the media.

Fauci is a fucking attention whore.
Fauci is kicking Trumps ass by correcting him on everything he says, and Fauci is still there. He has the accurate information, and Trump looks like the stray puppy behind Fauci, looking for a biscuit.

Dr. Fauci may or may not "know his shit" about epidemiology. But he doesn't know shit about economics and the need to get the American people back to work, and the huge amount of poverty, depression and death that will occur if America moved to Turd World Status.
Dead people don't work well. Don't you know that?

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