Trump claims presidents can declassify documents ‘even by thinking about it

We all know when you take something that doesn't belong to you it's stealing. Did trump pen any of these documents. He did not ( they do not allow fifth grade bully mentalities to write sensitive classified information. ). Of what personal value are they to him then. Can't be anything good. Why did he do it ? Because the man is insane and they thought he could get away with it. They've been asking him for these papers returned for months now. They finally had to go in and take them themselves after his own lawyers lied to them. No one on the Trump side of this is innocent.
The most likely explanation for the documents is that they are the crossfire hurricane binder which he Declassified in writing. The reason he needed them was to keep the doj from destroying them. But the doj found a way to thwart that intention.
There is no set policy on declassifying documents.
So why are Trump's lawyers so reluctant to say this in court?

The judge asked them point blank if Trump declassified the docs -- why did his lawyers refuse to answer? All they had to say is Trump mentally declassified everything...even Trump himself admits he doesn't know what documents he have....

By the way -- ALL OF THIS IS IRRELEVANT BECAUSE CIVILIANS ARE NOT ENTITLED TO KEEP CLASSIFIED DOCS -- and Trump is a civilian, I know you think he is your personal savior, but that too is irrelevant...creepy but irrelevant...
The most likely explanation for the documents is that they are the crossfire hurricane binder which he Declassified in writing. The reason he needed them was to keep the doj from destroying them. But the doj found a way to thwart that intention.
When did you find out Santa Claus wasn't real?? Were you in your 20's, 30's?

Oh wait, you don't know yet do you?

Hate to break it to you bro, he isn't real
I know that most documents are automatically declassified after 25 years, if they no longer pose a threat to national security at that time. Each document is reviewed before it is declassified. Some may never be declassified. A president has a right to get caused by some things but he has to notify the issuing branches of government who issued the documents.
Show me where it says that the president has to notify the issuing branches of government? Those branches of government are subordinate to the president, not the other way around. Because the president is elected by the people, so the president is how the people keep control over agencies.

Obviously the Department of Justice and the FBI have gone completely Rogue recently, so that part isn't working very well.
The most likely explanation for the documents is that they are the crossfire hurricane binder which he Declassified in writing. The reason he needed them was to keep the doj from destroying them. But the doj found a way to thwart that intention.
You can't actually believe that. Talk about twisted, convoluted logic.
Show me where it says that the president has to notify the issuing branches of government? Those branches of government are subordinate to the president, not the other way around. Because the president is elected by the people, so the president is how the people keep control over agencies.

Obviously the Department of Justice and the FBI have gone completely Rogue recently, so that part isn't working very well.
We are talking about a president who has been a criminal his entire life and gotten away with it. And you're calling the FBI and department of Justice of going rogue. Get real we had a rogue president that almost destroyed our nation. Still recovering from the ill effects that he brought to our nation.
I guess you still believe that they are the nuclear football codes or some other such nonsense.
Secret and top secret documents cover a wide range of things including nuclear information. Why do you think trump needed access to such things after he was out of office. So he could sell them to the highest bidder. He's a crooked businessman after all, what else could you expect.
There is no set policy on declassifying documents.

Secret and top secret documents cover a wide range of things including nuclear information. Why do you think trump needed access to such things after he was out of office. So he could sell them to the highest bidder. He's a crooked businessman after all, what else could you expect.
So you admit that you believe that Trump had nuclear information at mar-a-lago?
Would you have kept this same energy if during your Hillary email fetish-fest; Obama simply said he mentally declassified everything?

Nope....stop being a partisan hack
Yes, I already said in another post that going after Clinton was just as silly as going after trump. I'm sure Obama did know that Hillary was keeping classified documents on her server and mentally thought that that was fine. He was the sitting president so it was fine.

I get why that's so tough for you to understand. It doesn't seem to make sense to you. But that's the way it is. If you don't like it lobby before a constitutional amendment giving the power over classification to somebody else.

Someone has to have that power. Classification is not something found in nature, it's something we invented to allow government to keep secrets even from its own citizens. Classifying should be much more concerning than declassify information.

Classification should be for something rare like the nuclear codes or identities of spies. That's why the doj is leaking falsely that Trump had information like that at mar-a-lago.

What Trump had was most likely information from the doj about the dojs machinations to sway the 2016 elections to Hillary clinton. Information like that should never be hidden from the American people.
A nice try but I'll give you a participation trophy.

It is so cute how you think the Govt has not policy for declassifying materials.

The Govt has policy and procedures for everything, but you think there are none for this?

There is an old saying you should take to heart....Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt

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