Trump criticizes SC decision on homosexual "marriage" promises to appoint judges that will overturn!

Not to worry, SC just one more thing for Trump to straighten out.
'Trump criticizes SC decision on homosexual "marriage" promises to appoint judges that will overturn!'

All the more reason to vote against Trump.

And Trump isn't alone – the other GOP candidates are likewise hostile to the equal protection rights of gay Americans.
Stupid move, Donald. Unless you are going to say "just kidding!" after you get the nomination.
I think its a great move. A LOT of people don't think he is socially conservative enough....I had no worries especially when the ONLY thing he can about this is appoint a justice to the court..what they do then is up to them.
Trump wants to protect the sanctity of marriage . He loves marriage so much, he did it 3 times!
Please explain how gay marriage is a threat to traditional marriage. If you believe in less government then why is gay marriage an issue? Hypocrites.
Ah...he's flip flopping again. Chalk this one up as another "Say whatever will get attention in the moment".
Please explain how gay marriage is a threat to traditional marriage. If you believe in less government then why is gay marriage an issue? Hypocrites.
States rights issue. Take it up with Supreme Court. Faggots are people with mental disease and therefore a threat to a civilized society.
That's a great move for Trump! 37% of the public would support that move by Trump or any other politician for that matter who would say the same thing.
Still haven't answered the is gay marriage a threat to traditional marriage? I've been married to the same woman for ,47 years now. We had 4 kids together. Gays have never nor will they ever be a threat to my marriage. Those that perceive a threat are the mentally diseased parenoid myopic crazies
Donald Trump said:
I like the idea of amending the Civil Rights Act to include a ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation. It would be simple. It would be straightforward. We don’t need to rewrite the laws currently on the books, although I do think we need to address hate-crimes legislation. But amending the Civil Rights Act would grant the same protection to gay people that we give to other Americans—it’s only fair. I actually suggested this first, and now I see Bill Bradley has jumped on the bandwagon and is claiming the idea as his own.

Flippy floppy.
I think its a great move. A LOT of people don't think he is socially conservative enough....I had no worries especially when the ONLY thing he can about this is appoint a justice to the court..what they do then is up to them.
A 'lot of people' are wrong.

And as already correctly noted: it's a moronic move, Trump further reaffirms the fact that the social right has too much control over the GOP, that most republicans are hostile to the protected liberties of all Americans, and that if elected a republican president would pursue an authoritarian agenda seeking to violate the civil rights of women, gay Americans, and others perceived to be 'different.'
'Trump criticizes SC decision on homosexual "marriage" promises to appoint judges that will overturn!'

All the more reason to vote against Trump.

And Trump isn't alone – the other GOP candidates are likewise hostile to the equal protection rights of gay Americans.

This coming from the side that says Conservatives and the GOP are hostile to Sharia Law. Tell US how Sharia Law is for the equal protection of gay Americans and then tell US which is more hostile? You Liberals are running out of other People's standards to hold against. Do you stand with gay rights or Sharia Law?

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