Trump CRUCIFIES media for investigating Scott Walker's college record after giving Obama a pass

Walkers records have been released
Bushs records were released
McCains records were released
Clintons records were released

Obamas records are sealed from view.


And i support the right of anyone to keep their records sealed. The problem is the media is not our there demanding obama release his records like they did with bush.
Walkers records have been released
Bushs records were released
McCains records were released
Clintons records were released

Obamas records are sealed from view.


And i support the right of anyone to keep their records sealed. The problem is the media is not our there demanding obama release his records like they did with bush.

Yes, and why does the media give him a pass????????????? WHY?

That is the heart of the issue, media bias and corruption. Liberals don't care as long as its their guys who are being protected, but the shoe could be on the other foot in the future.
So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Breitbart gave us that 3 years ago when he showed that obama's own literary agency had published a brochure saying O was born in kenya. Next thing you know breitbart was dead.
And his coroner died too...

In that case, you better put that tinfoil hat back on and head for the compound. The black helicopters will probably be after you next.

When a very prominent opponent of the White House dies of unnatural causes, and then the coroner dies of arsenic poisoning, only an idiot wouldn't ask questions.
So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Breitbart gave us that 3 years ago when he showed that obama's own literary agency had published a brochure saying O was born in kenya. Next thing you know breitbart was dead.
And his coroner died too...

In that case, you better put that tinfoil hat back on and head for the compound. The black helicopters will probably be after you next.

When a very prominent opponent of the White House dies of unnatural causes, and then the coroner dies of arsenic poisoning, only an idiot wouldn't ask questions.

the kenyan messiah is above all questioning, the sheep worship him blindly. He could shit in their soup and they would say, ummmmmmmm good.
trump is a side show, and scott is the uneducated puppet of the kock brothers, the trailer dwelling crowd love them

and your head is so far up obama's ass that you cannot see the real world. you live in a libtardian fantasy ruled by your kenyan messiah and failed prophet.

Wheee! ...another nut melts down!

just speaking the truth. .

Not this time- not any previous time.

Just the usual Birther lies, speculation and innuendo.

then post obama's college records like you did Bush's. Tell us how he paid his tuition. "transparent administration" Bullshit. and whats really sad is you libs don't care who obama really is, you just blindly continue worshiping him like a bunch of sheep eating shit out of a lightsocket and wondering why your lips hurt.

Redfish, Bluefish,
Lying fish, bullshit fish

I haven't posted Bush's Yale transcripts in quite some time- they are available of course- someone illegally leaked them, and then after they were leaked, George Bush 'transparently' posted them. Basically he opened the barn door after the horses got out- and you applaud him for opening the barn doors.

Of course Bush- just like Obama- never released his Harvard grad school records.

No- I don't care about Obama's college records- and no- I don't care about Bush's college records, I didn't care about Romney's college records- and no- I don't care about Walker's college records.

I find them all irrelevant. And unlike Bullshit fish like yourself, I am consistent- unlike you- I don't demand from President Obama what no other President has done.

Which of these men are the only President or Candidate that you have ever demanded produce his college records:




So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Breitbart gave us that 3 years ago when he showed that obama's own literary agency had published a brochure saying O was born in kenya. Next thing you know breitbart was dead.
And his coroner died too...

In that case, you better put that tinfoil hat back on and head for the compound. The black helicopters will probably be after you next.

When a very prominent opponent of the White House dies of unnatural causes, and then the coroner dies of arsenic poisoning, only an idiot wouldn't ask questions.

the kenyan messiah is above all questioning, the sheep worship him blindly. He could shit in their soup and they would say, ummmmmmmm good.

The Birther sheep follow the Birther lies blindly and stupidly.

If it isn't a transparent lie, innuendo or speculation- Birthers reject it- because they can't handle the truth.
So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Breitbart gave us that 3 years ago when he showed that obama's own literary agency had published a brochure saying O was born in kenya. Next thing you know breitbart was dead.
And his coroner died too...

In that case, you better put that tinfoil hat back on and head for the compound. The black helicopters will probably be after you next.

When a very prominent opponent of the White House dies of unnatural causes, and then the coroner dies of arsenic poisoning, only an idiot wouldn't ask questions.

Only a Konspiracy Kook would.

Breitbart did of a heart attack- unusual at 43, but not that unusual.

The coroner who died hadn't worked on Breitbart- hadn't been involved with Breitbart's examination.

Just more Konspiracy Kook Krap.
Walkers records have been released
Bushs records were released
McCains records were released
Clintons records were released

Obamas records are sealed from view.


And i support the right of anyone to keep their records sealed. The problem is the media is not our there demanding obama release his records like they did with bush.

The media never demanded Bush release his records- his Yale records were illegally leaked- and he never released his Harvard records.

The voters clearly didn't care whether Obama or for that matter, Romney released their college records.

And Obama has no reason to humor some nuts on the internet who just hope to find some dirt on him.
What makes pin heads think that a person has to have a college degree to be qualified to be our President? There are multitudes of self-educated, successful people far more qualified and capable of running this country than is Obama.

So you're saying that all the people who threw fits about Obama's college records are assholes. Idiots. Fucking morons.

Ouch. Pretty harsh.

Walkers records have been released- prove it- show me the link
Bushs records were released- prove it- show me the Bush's Harvard records.
McCains records were released- I look forward to you showing us McCain's Naval Academy transcripts
Clintons records were released- I look forward to you showing us Clinton's college transcripts- did he release them for his Presidential library?

Obamas records are sealed from view- like everyon e

Think for a few minutes, you might understand.

Redfish-Bullshit Fish claimed:
Walkers records have been released- prove it- show me the link.
Bushs records were released- prove it- show me Bush's Harvard MBA records- including of course payment records.
McCains records were released- prove it- show me McCain's Naval Academy transcripts
Clintons records were released- prove it- show me Clinton's college transcripts

Obama's records are sealed from view- like every man you mentioned above.

Step up to the plate Redfish Bullshit Fish- back up what you claimed or just admit it was all BS
So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Breitbart gave us that 3 years ago when he showed that obama's own literary agency had published a brochure saying O was born in kenya. Next thing you know breitbart was dead.
And his coroner died too...

In that case, you better put that tinfoil hat back on and head for the compound. The black helicopters will probably be after you next.

When a very prominent opponent of the White House dies of unnatural causes, and then the coroner dies of arsenic poisoning, only an idiot wouldn't ask questions.

Only an idiot would make the accusation that the White House is guilty of murdering them.
So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Breitbart gave us that 3 years ago when he showed that obama's own literary agency had published a brochure saying O was born in kenya. Next thing you know breitbart was dead.
And his coroner died too...

In that case, you better put that tinfoil hat back on and head for the compound. The black helicopters will probably be after you next.

When a very prominent opponent of the White House dies of unnatural causes, and then the coroner dies of arsenic poisoning, only an idiot wouldn't ask questions.

the kenyan messiah is above all questioning, the sheep worship him blindly. He could shit in their soup and they would say, ummmmmmmm good.

That's ridiculous. You question him daily. Accusing him of murder because of some unfounded conspiracy theory is crazy.
Breitbart gave us that 3 years ago when he showed that obama's own literary agency had published a brochure saying O was born in kenya. Next thing you know breitbart was dead.
And his coroner died too...

In that case, you better put that tinfoil hat back on and head for the compound. The black helicopters will probably be after you next.

When a very prominent opponent of the White House dies of unnatural causes, and then the coroner dies of arsenic poisoning, only an idiot wouldn't ask questions.

the kenyan messiah is above all questioning, the sheep worship him blindly. He could shit in their soup and they would say, ummmmmmmm good.

That's ridiculous. You question him daily. Accusing him of murder because of some unfounded conspiracy theory is crazy.

Yes, Classical Liberals question their government daily, how do you think the Enlightenment revolution against Big Authoritarian Gov came about?

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Breitbart gave us that 3 years ago when he showed that obama's own literary agency had published a brochure saying O was born in kenya. Next thing you know breitbart was dead.
And his coroner died too...

In that case, you better put that tinfoil hat back on and head for the compound. The black helicopters will probably be after you next.

When a very prominent opponent of the White House dies of unnatural causes, and then the coroner dies of arsenic poisoning, only an idiot wouldn't ask questions.
Leave it to the brain-dead right to call a fatal heart attack, death by an "unnatural cause." :eusa_doh:
So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Breitbart gave us that 3 years ago when he showed that obama's own literary agency had published a brochure saying O was born in kenya. Next thing you know breitbart was dead.
And his coroner died too...

In that case, you better put that tinfoil hat back on and head for the compound. The black helicopters will probably be after you next.

When a very prominent opponent of the White House dies of unnatural causes, and then the coroner dies of arsenic poisoning, only an idiot wouldn't ask questions.

Only an idiot would make the accusation that the White House is guilty of murdering them.
whitehouse has a kill list, they do murder lots of people...including American citizen(s), no due process. that's pretty scary.
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Breitbart gave us that 3 years ago when he showed that obama's own literary agency had published a brochure saying O was born in kenya. Next thing you know breitbart was dead.
And his coroner died too...

In that case, you better put that tinfoil hat back on and head for the compound. The black helicopters will probably be after you next.

When a very prominent opponent of the White House dies of unnatural causes, and then the coroner dies of arsenic poisoning, only an idiot wouldn't ask questions.

Only an idiot would make the accusation that the White House is guilty of murdering them.
whitehouse has a kill list, they do murder lots of people...including American citizens, no due process. that's pretty scary.

I don't doubt that there is some sort of list, discussed and determined by the military, intelligence agencies, the state department, and the White House, as well as other responsible parties, but you won't be put on that list for simply opposing a political party or any particular politician. To believe the white house can just put out a hit on anybody is pretty crazy, and nothing that a sane person would even consider. Why don't you go back to chasing Bigfoot. There is more evidence for that than this crazy flight of fancy.
the guy that made the video they blamed benghazi for is in jail. hillary made a point of telling pat smith she would before it happened. wow.

actually i don't know if afridi is still incarcerated, he must love this country huh ??
the guy that made the video they blamed benghazi for is in jail. hillary made a point of telling pat smith she would before it happened. wow.

actually i don't know if afridi is still incarcerated, he must love this country huh ??

The guy was arrested for a long string of violating his probation. Are you trying to say that is evidence that the white house murdered people? What a conspiracy theory idiot.
Producer of anti-Islam film arrested ordered held without bail -
the guy that made the video they blamed benghazi for is in jail. hillary made a point of telling pat smith she would before it happened. wow.

actually i don't know if afridi is still incarcerated, he must love this country huh ??

The guy was arrested for a long string of violating his probation. Are you trying to say that is evidence that the white house murdered people? What a conspiracy theory idiot.
Producer of anti-Islam film arrested ordered held without bail -
no, of cousre not, i'm saying the whitehouse put a guy in jail to win/skew/spin an election, big difference.

Attorney Steve Seiden said his client had always maintained contact, in person and by telephone, with probation officers who have been monitoring him since his 2010 bank fraud conviction. But the main reason Nakoula shouldn't be jailed, his lawyer argued, was for safety reasons, saying the anti-Islam film would make him a target of fellow inmates.

it would be neat to see the chain of command with this one. i supposed it could all be foiaed sometime.
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the guy that made the video they blamed benghazi for is in jail. hillary made a point of telling pat smith she would before it happened. wow.

actually i don't know if afridi is still incarcerated, he must love this country huh ??

The guy was arrested for a long string of violating his probation. Are you trying to say that is evidence that the white house murdered people? What a conspiracy theory idiot.
Producer of anti-Islam film arrested ordered held without bail -
no, of cousre not, i'm saying the whitehouse put a guy in jail to win/skew an election, big difference.

Are you saying the white house manufactured all the parole violations that his parole was revoked for? There was a long list, and he could have been revoked for any one of them. Didn't you read the link? What exactly changed to skew the election because of his parole revocation? How did that change the vote?

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