Trump CRUCIFIES media for investigating Scott Walker's college record after giving Obama a pass

By the way, here is G.W. Bush's Yale transcript that he never attempted to hide:
George W. Bush s YALE Transcript Official Site to Re-Select Bush Cheney in 2004

A pretty solid C average. He never claimed to be a scholar.

DISCLAIMER: I have no confidence this is a the actual transcript since it came from a bogus GW Bush site. But hey, it IS a transcript. :)

Wouldn't you think somebody who claims to have graduated Summa cum Laude would be proud of their transcript and willing to show it?
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If the left finds Scott Walker irrelevant as a candidate, then why wont they stop bashing him? why not start attacking Rubio, Cruz and West? oh wait, they are minorities.
Wouldn't you think somebody who claims to have graduated Summa cum Laude would be proud of their transcript and willing to show it?

Remember, we're talking about someone who claims: "if you like your doctor....."
By the way, here is G.W. Bush's Yale transcript that he never attempted to hide:
George W. Bush s YALE Transcript Official Site to Re-Select Bush Cheney in 2004

A pretty solid C average. He never claimed to be a scholar.

DISCLAIMER: I have no confidence this is a the actual transcript since it came from a bogus GW Bush site. But hey, it IS a transcript. :)

Wouldn't you think somebody who claims to have graduated Summa cum Laude would be proud of their transcript and willing to show it?

So you ignored everything else- and just kept posting this crap.

'he never attempted to hide'- once it was illegally leaked.

Where are his Harvard transcripts- that he 'never attempted to hide'?

I mean you are the full disclosure guide- where are Bush's Harvard MBA records- wouldn't you think that someone 'never attempted' to hide anything and got an MBA at presitgious Havard would be proud of his transcripts?

Oh wait- I am sorry- I forgot- you only care about such things for Obama.....
By the way, here is G.W. Bush's Yale transcript that he never attempted to hide:
George W. Bush s YALE Transcript Official Site to Re-Select Bush Cheney in 2004

A pretty solid C average. He never claimed to be a scholar.

DISCLAIMER: I have no confidence this is a the actual transcript since it came from a bogus GW Bush site. But hey, it IS a transcript. :)

Wouldn't you think somebody who claims to have graduated Summa cum Laude would be proud of their transcript and willing to show it?
What BS.

Look- I have been saying from the beginning- I don't care about Walker's college records- i don't care whether he graduated from College- I can be critical of Walker for his record as a politician- not as a snot nosed 19 year old.

Other than Bush's Yale transcripts- what do you know about Bush or Romney- that you don't know about Obama?

Here let me get you started-

I know the names of Obama's kindergarten teachers:

Noelani Elementary School, Honolulu, Hawaii

Aimee Yatsushiro, Teacher: Kindergarten

Aimee Yatsushiro, a retired teacher from Kahului, served as a student teacher from September to December 1966 at Noelani Elementary School on Oahu. Her supervising teacher was Kazuko Sakai, the primary educator for about 25 students in a kindergarten class that included a boy named Barack "Barry" Obama. "He was a cute, likable, heavy build-child," Yatsushiro recalled. "I could visualize Barry smiling, dressed in his long-sleeved, white shirt tucked into his brown Bermuda shorts, and wearing laced shoes."

"He was a good listener from the time he was little," Yatsushiro said. "I remember him always smiling and observing, just watching all the time, smiling and observing. He didn't have to be the center of attention."

Katherine Nakamoto, Teacher: Kindergarten

Katherine Nakamoto, also a retired teacher now living in Wailuku, coincidentally was assigned to the same kindergarten class, only this time from January to June of 1967. Nakamoto said she never used a nickname for the student. "Wecalled him Barack. . . . He was very well mannered, respectful, confident and independent."

"He (Obama) was always nicely dressed," Nakamoto said as she looked at the old photograph recently. "He wasn't outstanding in any way like being naughty or anything. I just remember him being confident, like the way a president should be."

Show me Bush's and Clinton's kindergarten teachers.

Spiritual Journey?

You do know that Obama wrote two biographical books- the first one detailing his struggle to figure out his identity? You know the book where he told everyone about his drug use in high school?

Where has Bush ever confirmed- or denied his own drug use?

And here we go- Obama's HS basketball coach:

Chris McLachlin, Punahou High School Basketball Coach

Obama's coach, however, remembers one thing that has changed. Back then, Obama never went anywhere without his basketball, a ball given to him by his absent father. And he remembers Obama's drive, always pushing for more minutes on the court. He says that while Obama wasn't the best on the team, he might have worked the hardest. "I can remember him being here early and playing before school," said his coach, Chris McLachlin. "I remember him bouncing his ball, books in one hand, ball in the other hand. Shooting baskets during recess or at lunchtime. I remember him shooting baskets after school. I remember him being, probably, in the gym when he wasn't supposed to be. When there wasn't a teacher but he went there anyway, he just had to shoot."

His old coach remembers the last time he saw Obama in person a few years ago. He says he didn't want to bother the newly famous politician so he stayed off to the side. "Part way through his speech," McLachlin said, "he kind of caught my eye in the back of the chapel and said, 'Coach Mac, how you doing? You know I used to play basketball here you guys and I really wasn't as good as I thought I was. Was I coach?' and we sort of laughed about it." McLachlin continued. "He sort of admitted, you know, maybe I pushed the envelope a little bit too much on the minutes thing and I really wasn't as good as I thought I was and it was kind of, I thought, a very cogent remark."

"He was what I would call a ‘Basketball Jones,'" says Chris McLachlin '64 who coached the lanky teen during his senior year on the Varsity team. "That's a person who lives, eats, and sleeps with their basketball: they dribble it to school, they dribble it between classes, they shoot baskets on Middle Field during lunch. And Barry had that real love and passion for the game."

"Played forward, he was a smasher, driver, post-up, rebounder kind of guy. Also very good at one-on-one moves, very creative. He just loved the game, would play it 24/7 if he could. One of only a handful of kids I’ve ever coached in 38 years of coaching who would dribble his basketball around with him during school. First to arrive at practice, last one to leave."

So rather than keep repeating Birther talking points- show me point by point how you know more about Bush and Romney- than you know about Obama-

You can start with three points:
Kindergarten teachers
Spiritual journey
High School sports coach

Show me examples of each for Bush and Romney.
just wait in 2/3 weeks Scott Walker will be the talk of the nation. meanwhile Hillary will still be hiding in her bunny hole waiting for a face transplant. and 6 months later her face will start slipping off.

I vote in every election- not voting guarantees bad government.

If you vote for somebody because they are the lesser of two evils then you are voting for bad government.

When both the idiots running for President are terrible then you are voting for bad government when you pick either one of them. It is better not to be involved in it then at least you can have a clear conscience.

There have not been any candidates that can deliver on good government in a long time and I doubt there will be in the future. They are big government progressive that will continue with the welfare state, horrendous debt, enormous taxes and bloated government. We can't even find someone that will protect Americans sovereignty and seal the border, can we?

Democrats promises bad government and delivers on bad government.

Republicans promises good government but delivers bad government.
If the left finds Scott Walker irrelevant as a candidate, then why wont they stop bashing him? why not start attacking Rubio, Cruz and West? oh wait, they are minorities.
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they gin up about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

By the Lib-o-meter of this thread, it looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
What makes pin heads think that a person has to have a college degree to be qualified to be our President? There are multitudes of self-educated, successful people far more qualified and capable of running this country than is Obama.
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

trump is a side show, and scott is the uneducated puppet of the kock brothers, the trailer dwelling crowd love them

and your head is so far up obama's ass that you cannot see the real world. you live in a libtardian fantasy ruled by your kenyan messiah and failed prophet.

Wheee! ...another nut melts down!

just speaking the truth. BTW, where are obama's columbia and harvard college records, how did a poor half breed from hawaii and indonesia pay the very expensive tuition at those colleges? Why does no one that was at those schools at the same time remember him? Why did he travel to pakistan when the state dept had a ban on americans traveling to pakistan?
What did he learn in the indonesian madrassas that he attended as a kid?

why did he say that the muslim call to prayer was "the most beautiful sound on earth" ?

You have no idea who this guy really is and yet you worship him as a god. You libs are very sick human beings.

McCain and Romney are dangerous men. We kept them out of office.

No, what you did was give 8 years to someone much more dangerous than either of them. The results of your stupidity will plague us for years.
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

trump is a side show, and scott is the uneducated puppet of the kock brothers, the trailer dwelling crowd love them

and your head is so far up obama's ass that you cannot see the real world. you live in a libtardian fantasy ruled by your kenyan messiah and failed prophet.

Wheee! ...another nut melts down!

just speaking the truth. .

Not this time- not any previous time.

Just the usual Birther lies, speculation and innuendo.

then post obama's college records like you did Bush's. Tell us how he paid his tuition. "transparent administration" Bullshit. and whats really sad is you libs don't care who obama really is, you just blindly continue worshiping him like a bunch of sheep eating shit out of a lightsocket and wondering why your lips hurt.
So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Breitbart gave us that 3 years ago when he showed that obama's own literary agency had published a brochure saying O was born in kenya. Next thing you know breitbart was dead.

So Obama had Breitbart killed? Quick, call Trump and Sheriff Joe. You need to form a posse right now. The right wing's crazy conspiracy theories get funnier and more bazar by the day

maybe Vince Foster and Ron Brown know what happened to Breitbart-----------------------

Like I said- Birthers- all they have are lies, speculation and innuendo.....

Birther- lies, speculation and innuendo = redfishbrain.

I was being sarcastic, but where there's smoke, there's fire.
trump is a side show, and scott is the uneducated puppet of the kock brothers, the trailer dwelling crowd love them

and your head is so far up obama's ass that you cannot see the real world. you live in a libtardian fantasy ruled by your kenyan messiah and failed prophet.

Wheee! ...another nut melts down!

just speaking the truth. BTW, where are obama's columbia and harvard college records, how did a poor half breed from hawaii and indonesia pay the very expensive tuition at those colleges? Why does no one that was at those schools at the same time remember him? Why did he travel to pakistan when the state dept had a ban on americans traveling to pakistan?
What did he learn in the indonesian madrassas that he attended as a kid?

why did he say that the muslim call to prayer was "the most beautiful sound on earth" ?

You have no idea who this guy really is and yet you worship him as a god. You libs are very sick human beings.

McCain and Romney are dangerous men. We kept them out of office.

No, what you did was give 8 years to someone much more dangerous than either of them. The results of your stupidity will plague us for years.

What is more dangerous now than it was in January of 2009?

Whatever you come up with, prove that Obama is to blame.
What makes pin heads think that a person has to have a college degree to be qualified to be our President? There are multitudes of self-educated, successful people far more qualified and capable of running this country than is Obama.

So you're saying that all the people who threw fits about Obama's college records are assholes. Idiots. Fucking morons.

Ouch. Pretty harsh.
If the left finds Scott Walker irrelevant as a candidate, then why wont they stop bashing him? why not start attacking Rubio, Cruz and West? oh wait, they are minorities.
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they gin up about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

By the Lib-o-meter of this thread, it looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.

Is that the way it works with Hillary? lol.
and your head is so far up obama's ass that you cannot see the real world. you live in a libtardian fantasy ruled by your kenyan messiah and failed prophet.

Wheee! ...another nut melts down!

just speaking the truth. BTW, where are obama's columbia and harvard college records, how did a poor half breed from hawaii and indonesia pay the very expensive tuition at those colleges? Why does no one that was at those schools at the same time remember him? Why did he travel to pakistan when the state dept had a ban on americans traveling to pakistan?
What did he learn in the indonesian madrassas that he attended as a kid?

why did he say that the muslim call to prayer was "the most beautiful sound on earth" ?

You have no idea who this guy really is and yet you worship him as a god. You libs are very sick human beings.

McCain and Romney are dangerous men. We kept them out of office.

No, what you did was give 8 years to someone much more dangerous than either of them. The results of your stupidity will plague us for years.

What is more dangerous now than it was in January of 2009?

Whatever you come up with, prove that Obama is to blame.

the national debt
public lack of confidence in government
weak dollar internationally

The president is responsible for what happens during his term. Thats they way it has always been. Unless you are willing to admit that Clinton was responsible for 9/11-----------------------------
What makes pin heads think that a person has to have a college degree to be qualified to be our President? There are multitudes of self-educated, successful people far more qualified and capable of running this country than is Obama.

So you're saying that all the people who threw fits about Obama's college records are assholes. Idiots. Fucking morons.

Ouch. Pretty harsh.

Walkers records have been released
Bushs records were released
McCains records were released
Clintons records were released

Obamas records are sealed from view.

Think for a few minutes, you might understand.

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